The Comissioner



  • edited October 2010
    Speculation can REALLY get a hold on people.
    Is it speculation? People thought Lincoln's presidency being a front to launch an underground casino under the White House that doubles as a nuclear powerplant for the moleman cult of Hell, Michigan was just speculation. But look what happened to those people.
  • edited October 2010
    There's nothing to see here. Move along...
  • edited October 2010
    There's nothing to see here. Move along...

    Thanks for proving my theory with your avatar there, Commissioner Sam.
  • edited October 2010
    The question is - does Sam know that he and the Commissioner are the same person, or is the Commissioner a projection of his subconscious that he is completely unaware of?
  • edited October 2010
    The question is - does Sam know that he and the Commissioner are the same person, or is the Commissioner a projection of his subconscious that he is completely unaware of?

    Wait! I got it! The Commissioner is SAM'S superego!
  • edited October 2010
    Now that is truly brilliant.

    I wonder how much longer Telltale can think they can hide this from us. Maybe the whole "Sam is the Commissioner" thing was supposed to be season four's main plot twist, and we've totally ruined it.
  • edited October 2010
    Wait! I got it! The Commissioner is SAM'S superego!

    No, no, no. The Commissioner is Commissioner Sam's superego. In fact, most of the time, Commissioner Sam doesn't know he's the Commissioner. However, Sam has much less willpower than Max, and his superego takes over fast.
  • edited October 2010
    So...there's regular Sam, Commissioner Sam, and the ACTUAL Commissioner? Holy multiple personality disorder, Batman!
  • edited October 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    So...there's regular Sam, Commissioner Sam, and the ACTUAL Commissioner? Holy multiple personality disorder, Batman!

    Yup. The Commissioner is just Commissioner Sam's superego. Whenever he spots a wrongdoing through Sam's eyes, he takes over, sending real Sam to take care of it. He doesn't send Commissioner Sam out because if Commissioner Sam dies, he dies.
  • edited October 2010
    ...then what the hell's the point of Commissioner Sam?
  • edited October 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    ...then what the hell's the point of Commissioner Sam?

    To harbor The Commissioner Superego! Y'see, our Sam has more willpower the Commissioner Sam. He'd be able to fight The Commissioner Superego's power, like how Max fights the Narrator's. This is because Commissioner Sam went to college, where he had an extremely strict professor that told him what to do almost every second. This destroyed his ability to think for himself and fight influences.

    Also, this is a conspiracy theory. Since when do things need a reason?
  • edited October 2010
    ...Godammit I love you guys.
  • edited October 2010
    In case anyone needs a recap at this point:
    There were three Sams. Our Sam, the Sam mentioned at the end of City that Dares not Sleep, and another Sam that was created during the second Sam's time travel adventures.

    The second Sam is dead after transforming into a giant monster that the second Max blew up.

    The third Sam, however, is Commissioner Sam. Commissioner Sam is, of course, the Commissioner that we know and love. But he isn't THE Commissioner. The Commissioner is Commissioner Sam's superego. Whenever The Commissioner witnesses a crime through Commissioner Sam's eyes, he takes control of Commissioner Sam. Unlike Max, Commissioner Sam has little willpower, and his superego can take over easily. The Commissioner then makes Commissioner Sam call up our Sam, who then takes out the bad guys. Commissioner Sam doesn't know that he even has this superego, however. He occasionally just wakes up next to a payphone with no idea of how he got there or why.

    Our Sam knows all of this, and keeps it from Max to protect his fragile psyche. This is why Max can never answer the phone. When Max answered the phone in What's New, Beelzebub?, Commissioner Sam heard his voice and quickly grabbed the voice modulator, which he had gotten from Bosco, and used it to disguise his voice.

    During Our Sam's bathroom break in The Tomb of Sammun-Mak, the Commissioner Sam was driving down Straight & Narrow when he got into a car accident, killing him. Our Sam witnessed this, and has since taken up the role of the Commissioner for himself. This is why the Commissioner never called Sam & Max after The Penal Zone.

    Simple, right?
  • edited October 2010
    Fans have to buy that, it fits together so perfectly! :eek:

    (I gotta stop saying that...)
  • edited October 2010
    Shouldn't I win some kind of award for unraveling a decades-old mystery?
  • edited October 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    Shouldn't I win some kind of award for unraveling a decades-old mystery?

  • edited October 2010
    I've always wanted an internet! I'll name it George!
  • edited December 2010
    ...I love you guys.

    But this in the cartoon series's continuity? This still doesn't explain how they went to the commissioner's daughter's wedding and yet Max never saw the commissioner Sam. Did commissioner Sam get someone to pose as the commissioner at the wedding? And who is this daughter anyway? If she is really "the commisioner's" daughter, who did commissioner Sam get with? If not, why would Sam fake this wedding at the risk of his secret getting out? Was it because Max was beginning to get suspicious?

    EDIT: Is it okay with you guys if I post this theory on TV Tropes as long as I link to this forum and admit I didn't come up with it?
  • edited December 2010
    ... This is AMAZING.

    But wait - what is The Commissioner's motive, and how does he get all his info? Especially since it can be assumed Sam and Max spend nearly every waking moment together, sans the occasional kidnapping and monster shapeshiftings?
  • edited December 2010
    The daughter is his daughter. See, Commissioner Sam is also married to an Alternate Sybil that was created by Sam & Max X's time stream adventures. Commissioner Sam and Alternate Sybil did not publicly appear at the wedding, as their alternate time stream origins would cause for much unwanted confusion to the wedding guests.
    Also, I would be honored if you posted this on TV Tropes. :D

    1nky, Commissioner Sam, due to his weird time travel origins, saw the deaths of both Max and Alternate Sam, which has given him a grim, depressing outlook on life. Therefore, he is trying to right the wrongs of the world in order to make it a better, safer place.
    His info just comes from the things he sees every day. When Commissioner Sam witnesses a crime, his Commissioner superego takes over and makes Commissioner Sam call our Sam & Max. Remember that our Sam & Max do the crime stopping because if Commissioner Sam dies, the Commissioner superego does too.
  • edited December 2010
    Where does Noir Sam fit into all of this?
  • edited December 2010
    yoshifan wrote: »
    Where does Noir Sam fit into all of this?

    Noir Sam is just our Sam when he's angry. What does this look like to you, some convoluted nonsense theory? Jeez.
  • edited December 2010
    Vic Mackey..... any of you fellow old timers get that joke?
  • edited December 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Vic Mackey..... any of you fellow old timers get that joke?

    I feel so left out! :(
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