Worst Endings



  • edited October 2010
    I liked Serenity, but Firefly was better.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited October 2010

    This "game" had no gameplay at all. No, really, that sucked massively, but the storyline and the graphics were brilliant. Well told, Ragnar! But then, the ending... or no ending at all. No cliffhanger warning, nothing at all, just the protagonists in peril or possibly dead. There should be a mandatory imprint on game boxes warning everyone that "This game does not have a complete story and ends on a cliffhanger. The story arc is to be completed somewhen, possibly five to ten years in the future or never ever, in a hypothesized game featuring wildly different system requirements/gaming systems, and online capabilities". Epic fail, and this happened at a time when almost every adventure game I bought resented any kind of closure (for example Runaway 2, which ended on a massively stupid and extended cliffhanger, which was not at all completely resolved in Runaway 3 except that this game merely touched upon elements of the second part).

    On the topic of Serenity, one of Joss Whedon's quotes stuck with me. When he approached Universal with his first script draft, they supposedly said: "This is beautiful, just beautiful... could you write a movie now?". Here's one director who had brilliant, even genius ideas for a TV series but could never bring his ideas into any form that was NOT mere TV episodes. Consequently, neither the movie nor the comics could bring the slightest feeling of the TV series across. It's a gorramn shame.
  • edited October 2010
    Wash's death in Serenity didn't really bother me that much, though this is probably because I was already expecting it. I've noticed a trend with media, especially Joss Whedon shows, that any character that I like is pretty much earmarked from the start to die. Sometimes they die multiple times (looking at you Dragonball).

    What did bother me about the ending of Serenity was that the "hands of blue" guys were never really explained. I suppose this makes them creepier, but I still would have liked a bit more.
  • edited October 2010
    @SHODAN: Exactly. It was random and terrible. Alcoremortis makes an interesting argument that it works because of the trend of the most lovable character dying. Yes, and sometimes it works, like when Maes Hughes bit the bullet in Fullmetal Alchemist or when the groundhog brought L his mail in Death Note or when Henry Blake crashed in M*A*S*H. Those were good deaths of likeable characters. Wash got impaled for no reason. No good reason. In fact he got thrown away. Remember Norrington in At World's End? That's another example of a good character getting thrown down the crapper in a terrible ending. Norrington was a badass and he went down like that and it brings my piss to a boil. Now I'm angry. You want to know a fantastic death that I didn't want retconned. Jack Sparrow. That death scene was fantastic and sometimes I think it would have been brilliant and badass if they left Jack dead. And then made Will king of the pirates instead of Elizabeth. but instead we got Norrington getting taken down by an Alzheimers patient.
    I agree with Secret Fawful. Wait, what?

    I'm scared.

    If that's wrong then trust me, you don't want to be right. Oh, and I meant both the series ending and End of Evangelion at a whole. The series was a manipulative piece of shit that led you into a false sense of security about its tone before slamming your head straight down the crapper with the most abusive plot and characters in existence.

    So I'm supposed to enjoy it when I delve into these psychotic manipulative characters psyches, listening to bullshit arguments about life and watching them confront their inner demons just to hear "I should accept myself" as a valid way to fix your life and personality? Or as a valid way to fix SHINJI'S life and personality?

    The arguments and ideals presented in that ending are all bullshit. To those who disagree, watch Jesuotaku's review to see what I mean. The girl is a genius. She sums it up better than I can.

    Now for End of Evangelion. Was I supposed to enjoy it? Was I supposed to be entertained? Was I supposed to be happy with what I witnessed? Was I supposed to accept this as great mythology; the mythology of a true masterpiece? No. You know what, Berserk has a better mythology worthy of being called a masterpiece than this and its tone is graphically and manipulatively worse. I don't even care for Berserk but I'll give it that. End of Evangelion has one thing going for it. It never lures you into a false sense of security like the series. It lets you know right off the bat what you're in for. This is some depressing, sad, manipulative, trashy, pretentious, wannabe philosophical bullshit with mediocre action that isn't worth sitting down for.

    I would recommend the series if it wasn't for this bullshit ending which shits up the mythology. Shinji's character arc as well as Gendo's villainry and plotting would be fantastic if it was backed up with anything worthwhile. Shinji and Gendo are the only reasons to view this trashy shit. Hell, Gendo has my vote for the greatest villain of all time because even if the way his scheme goes in the end is total bullshit its a fricking terrifying world changing world ending devastating scheme which SUCCEEDS. Take that Light Yagami. Take that Father/Dante. Take that Niraku. Take that Aizen. Out of all of you only Father and Light came even close to being worthy enough to even clean up Gendo's shit. Gendo is the big bad boss. I agree with people who say Shinji is a human character with realistic emotions. Everyone shits on him; for Shinji who is a spineless little shit his reactions are realistic...for a spineless little shit. If I knew Asuka and she ever spoke to me the way she speaks to Shinji I would slap her in the face with my dick. If Gendo used me the way he uses Shinji, I'd take a shotgun to the bastard and no court on the earth would ever convict me. If I had to go out and save the world I would make sure to plot Suzaku style, take over the damn NERV, and become the LEADER OF THE RESISTANCE AND I WOULD TAKE ALL THE BITCHES DOWN. Shinji is a pawn of the system and if he ever did something about it the show would be worth a shit.

    I heard he does in the new movies, but then I also heard it just leads to the world ending AGAIN until that gay angel guy whos name I don't care about remembering anymore comes and pwns him with the Spear. Sounds like more bullshit coming. Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice kiss my ass.

    So yeah, I just thought I'd rant a bit. Because it's 11:34 AM and I have nothing else to do right now.
  • edited October 2010
    Watchmen. Not the comic, but the movie. The film itself was bad enough, but they messed up the ending beyond belief. It was nothing like the comic! It sucked! They left out the monster, they left out the doomsday clock, and the whole conflict was never resolved. Alan Moore, you deserve better than this. Screw you, Zack Snyder.
    Batman and Robin. How do you end one of the worst movies ever? With a horrible ending. At the end Barbara, who is now Batgirl, wants to go back to school. But Batman says "Screw it. Come fight crime with us!" So she does. This is why I will always have a personal grudge against George Clooney.
    The Godfather. Why did this film win an Oscar? Why did it win THREE? This is the most overrated movie ever made, and it shows. In the end, Michael closes the door on his ex-girlfriend and it never explains why. It doesn't really explain anything. All I hear is talk.
    Rocky Horror Picture Show. Nothing happens at the end. It just... ends. How anti-climactic.

    That's all I've got for now.
  • edited October 2010
    Watchmen. Not the comic, but the movie. The film itself was bad enough, but they messed up the ending beyond belief. It was nothing like the comic! It sucked! They left out the monster, they left out the doomsday clock, and the whole conflict was never resolved. Alan Moore, you deserve better than this. Screw you, Zack Snyder.
    The giant squid might have worked in the comic, but it most definitely would not work in a live-action film. Yes, the alternative ending given wasn't perfect (in fact, it had a few flaws all of its own), but if nothing else, if was more believable from the point of view of the people in the film.

    To put it another way... which would you buy as the greatest threat ever to hit mankind - the giant blue man-turned-god who's apparently lost everything that once made him human and has no reason to be nice to a nation that now fears and hates him, or a giant alien race that has attack drones which look like giant squids and are clearly fake? Hmm.

    Of course, that's just my opinion on the ending. Yours may be different. The other points you make are still valid. But I don't feel the whole 'zomg they changed the ending now it sux because its different' train of thought is a bit... well, hollow. And you don't really say anything other then that it's different, so there's not much to go on. If there's a genuine bit of logic behind why the monster should of stayed, I'd love to hear it.
    Batman and Robin. How do you end one of the worst movies ever? With a horrible ending. At the end Barbara, who is now Batgirl, wants to go back to school. But Batman says "Screw it. Come fight crime with us!" So she does. This is why I will always have a personal grudge against George Clooney.
    Uh, no. Batman wants to send Barbara back to school. It's Barbara and Robin who don't want this. In fact, Robin himself claims that "You're never gonna win this argument".

    It's still a crappy ending ("We're going to need a bigger cave"? Really?), but you should at least get the facts right. :)
  • bubbledncrbubbledncr Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2010
    The Vision of Escaflowne. I will never understand why a girl who got transported to a magical world, had crazy adventures, and FELL IN LOVE WITH A KING WHO HAS WINGS would decide to go back to Tokyo, finish high school, and get a 9-5 job.
  • edited October 2010
    bubbledncr wrote: »
    The Vision of Escaflowne. I will never understand why a girl who got transported to a magical world, had crazy adventures, and FELL IN LOVE WITH A KING WHO HAS WINGS would decide to go back to Tokyo, finish high school, and get a 9-5 job.

    If that confuses you then stay the poop away from Inuyasha.
  • edited October 2010
    I disliked Event Horizon, less for the end but because the film had so much potential but they preferd making a cheap horror movie instead of a good one. On the other side i liked the end of Moon. Star Wars movies beside of II (including Han Solo) all have bad endings.
  • edited October 2010
    I dislike the last segment of the movie Sleuth.

    X-files series had a weak ending.

    I hated the end of GTA: San Andreas

    But the winner of them all is:
    Dracula: Origins

    My god...I am very lenient when it comes to reviewing games, but that game really gave up somewhere in the middle and then the ending was rushed and uninspired.
  • edited October 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    X-files series had a weak ending.

    Who are you kidding? It had a weak last 3 seasons.
  • edited October 2010
    Who are you kidding? It had a weak last 3 seasons.

    The X-files is a fun subject to talk about because it's all opinion. The arc episodes in that show never interested me, it's the Monster of the week crap that was great. The fact that the new movie was a weird MOTW about a gay homicidal couple was totally awesome. I hope the impending 2012 X-Files 3 is as good as I want to believe.
  • edited October 2010
    The X-files is a fun subject to talk about because it's all opinion. The arc episodes in that show never interested me, it's the Monster of the week crap that was great. The fact that the new movie was a weird MOTW about a gay homicidal couple was totally awesome. I hope the impending 2012 X-Files 3 is as good as I want to believe.

    I've never known any X-philes that thought the arc episodes were better than MOTW episodes. :p
  • edited October 2010
    blah blah blah evangelion sucks

    I am too tired to give a full response, but for now, let me write this brief response: if you seriously would slap Asuka and shoot Gendou in the face, it's because you were raised with far different values than those of the Japanese. You have no idea how big of an issue self-esteem is in Japan.

  • edited October 2010


    I am now horribly intrigued. I never considered how perceptions of the more irritating characters - like Asuka - could be shaped by culture.

  • edited October 2010
    Blah blah blah took a few sentences out of context and ignored my main point

    Yes I do. You have no idea how big of an issue it is in my own personal life. That issue doesn't change the fact that there is no good resolution or development for Shinji's character and the ideals, philosophies, and solutions given at the end of the series are bullshit.

    I am willing to listen to your knowledge on the cultural aspect though.
  • edited November 2010
    Neon Genesis Evangelion

    That was an ending? I thought it was more of "the staff started to smoke some really bad weed and continued from there". also, with just watching the beggining of End of the Evangelion and the "comatose scene" (Anyone who watched the movie will know what I mean, ew) you just know it's all downhill from there. Thank god for Rebuild...

    -Avatar: the Last airbender-
    Okay, it's not that I hate it or anything, I loved the series and I still lvoed the ending (the final battle was pretty cool) but I still believe the finale was pretty rushed for how many episodes it lasted. The whole "spiritbending2 thing would have worked much better if mroe time would have been given to it to explain it and develop it, as in the end it just ends as a deux ex machina-like power, but as I said, i still like it and I still love the series.

    Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith
    Seriously George Lucas, seriously!? Badly written excuses to explain the lack of knowledge of certain elements in the future movies? taking anakin to a whole enw level of whinning which I never thought it was scientifically possible? Ruining Darth Vader's debut with the most narm-ing of the narm ("Noooooooo" anyone?). Ruining everything that made Griveous awesome in the CN shorts? Good Special effects can't save this enromous turd-of-a-script!

    -Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi-
    The Ewoks beats the Empire. 'nuff said

    Not because I hated the ending, but because they ruined it by continueing the series with JD anyways, making the whole sadness of the "ending" compeltly useless.
  • edited November 2010
    Not because I hated the ending, but because they ruined it by continueing the series with JD anyways, making the whole sadness of the "ending" compeltly useless.
    Shame on you. It wasn't useless, JD's fantasies came true, he was engaged to Elliot in the last season. He left again as he wanted to be closer to Sam, thus why he was only in 7 episodes or whatever last season.
  • edited November 2010
    I don't know what you're talking about, Scrubs only had 8 seasons. This supposed "season 9" is just a mass hallucination or an internet prank or something.
  • edited November 2010
    I don't know what you're talking about, Scrubs only had 8 seasons. This supposed "season 9" is just a mass hallucination or an internet prank or something.

    Dammit, what is wrong with people! [Scrubs] (Med School) was supposed to be a different entity, and ABC chose to market it as a new version of scrubs. Also, it wasn't bad.
  • edited November 2010
    The most anticlimatic ending for me was the one from Arkham Asylum. The final boss fight was really easy even on hard,and your reward is seeing joker get thrown in a cell. AGAIN. Come on-even the graphic novel had a better ending!
  • edited November 2010
    The American ending for Life 0n Mars. Stupid dream sequence; nuff said.

    I can see why ppl hate the UK ending, but it gave meaning to Sam's ''life'' as oppose to the dream one
  • edited November 2010
    Snow-White and Rose-Red

    I read the story on Wikipedia, and the ending's just DUMB. I mean, "Snow White marries the prince and Rose Red marries his brother"?! What brother?! There was no brother mentioned at all until the end! What, did they just made up the brother so that both girls have someone to marry and live happily ever after? Why would you even need two girls in the story?!

    Sorry if the story's actually better than what Wikipedia said. But from what I read there, it's kinda dumb.
  • edited November 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    Why would you even need two girls in the story?!

    I know why, but I don't want to or even have to mention that.

    Also, in the version I read they just became good friends.

    And in the version I had in my mind, the two girls had hot steaming... baths. To get themselves clean. Because baths were pretty rare back in ye olde days.
  • edited November 2010
    Metal Gear Solid 2.

    Now, I love the game and its story (IN THE FICTION, at least)...but the ending was hogwash unless you prefer to focus on Kojima's (kinda cultural) "point" about technology trapping us into becoming detached slaves of Big Brother.

    Really, the story climaxes at the awesome siege of Arsenal, and goes into a LONG mind**** about the Patriots and gradually introduces retcons into MGS1. If you can follow, you win a cookie. Did I mention Ghost Liquid possesses Ocelot? Yeah.

    So, Arsenal Gear crashes into NY...off-screen, apparently--no big deal, m i rite (yes, I'm aware of the unfortunate 9/11 undertones)? You SWORD BATTLE Solidus. Um...okay. So you kill this seemingly random villain and.....?!?!

    CONGRATULATIONS, you win a no-prize. No big cutscene for you, just shots of the city as Snake tells Raiden he can go live his life and that our destiny is to take care of the next generation. And then another post-credits plot twist of doom. kthxbye.

    Then MGS4 finally resolves the story with even more incoherent retcons to every canon MG game and gives a super-happy Deus Ex Machina ending. 'Cause we shouldn't take video games seriously & stuff.
  • edited November 2010
    I thought MGS2 had one of the best game endings.
    I loved how the line between reality and gaming got blurred.
    I loved the philosophy and propaganda. Whether I believe them is another question.
    But you got to appreciate Hideo Kojima for weaving his anti messages in the game.
    And the game is easy to understand. It just takes one playthrough more than usual.

    Owh and it didn't retcon any of what happened in MGS1.
  • edited November 2010
    Well, agree to disagree about the gaming thing. That's been one of pet peeves since I played a demo of the original MGS: I was already immersed by the practically visceral qualities (the echo of Shadow Moses, the smoke and breath, having a team speaking directly to you, strategizing so that I could actually standing a chance against enemies)... and then Kojima insisted on smashing me over the head that I'm playing a game. To each his own.

    Now, the story was confusing, just complex (mostly when just playing through for the first time in a while--obviously things seem much less arbitrary on your other runs). And Snake's monologue was definitely an anti-climax after all that.

    Also, by retcon, I really meant that the *meaning* and context of some things in MGS1 was changed rather than actual occurrences being changed. Oops. MGS4 was much, much worse with this, practically guilty of character assassination in Kojima's hail mary to make sure every game perfectly interweaved rather than being mere sequels.
  • edited November 2010

    Rayman 3.
    After a hard final boss, you press the stat button and that's it. That's the end of the game.
    All that happens is Rayman and Globox get back where they started and you get a short flashback showing how Andrea was created. If one ending made a otherwise great game bad, its Rayman 3. I mean, Rayman 2s ending was AWESOME. Rayman gets caught in a massive explosion and is presumed dead? WOW. Rayman 3? Ending ruins an otherwise fantastic game.

    *RANT END*
  • edited November 2010
    Zetta wrote: »

    [apparent rant]

    *RANT END*

    That's not really any more of a rant than any other post in this thread.
  • edited November 2010
    Zetta wrote: »

    Rayman 3.
    After a hard final boss, you press the stat button and that's it. That's the end of the game.
    All that happens is Rayman and Globox get back where they started and you get a short flashback showing how Andrea was created. If one ending made a otherwise great game bad, its Rayman 3. I mean, Rayman 2s ending was AWESOME. Rayman gets caught in a massive explosion and is presumed dead? WOW. Rayman 3? Ending ruins an otherwise fantastic game.

    *RANT END*

    What made things worse is after that, we had the Raving Rabbids to deal with as they stole his spotlight(although ubisoft is now seperating the 2 since there is both rayman origins and rabbids travel in time)
  • edited November 2010
    Mafia II. As much as I enjoyed the game, the ending really did it no justice.
  • edited November 2010
    Zetta wrote: »

    Rayman 3.
    After a hard final boss, you press the stat button and that's it. That's the end of the game.
    All that happens is Rayman and Globox get back where they started and you get a short flashback showing how Andrea was created. If one ending made a otherwise great game bad, its Rayman 3. I mean, Rayman 2s ending was AWESOME. Rayman gets caught in a massive explosion and is presumed dead? WOW. Rayman 3? Ending ruins an otherwise fantastic game.

    *RANT END*

    That wasn't a flashback, that was a reoccurrence.
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