Soo... about dem Nutri-specs?

edited November 2010 in Sam & Max
Whatever happened? It's probable that we were never to know about them but we do, and it's been a while.

I assumed that we might hear more with the release of the DVD. That's been a while too, although it's almost out (or should be at least).

Until then though, theories abound!


  • edited November 2010
    I think waiting till you've got th DVD, and played it through to see if you get it, might be the first part of the answer.
  • edited November 2010
    Some people said they were a end-of-Penal-Zone bonus item on the Playstation version, but never available in the PC version, not even at the end of the season.

    Obviously they aren't required to finish the game, so it doesn't really matter :)
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
  • edited November 2010
    Molokov wrote: »
    Some people said they were a end-of-Penal-Zone bonus item on the Playstation version, but never available in the PC version, not even at the end of the season.

    Obviously they aren't required to finish the game, so it doesn't really matter :)

    What happened was the nutri specs was a reward to us if we could finish their little riddle which involved that one toy store and that old phone number. If we could solve all that, we could get the nutrispecs.
    Since telltale couldn't just add that to the PS3 version(dont know why) they kept it in without the riddle.

    But then it got scrapped for us. I am hoping for a dvd extra as that
  • edited November 2010
    Eh, pretty much as I expected. I've learned to take Telltale's promises of "we'll get around to adding feature X eventually" as "we'll never implement that feature."
  • edited November 2010
    ATMachine wrote: »
    Eh, pretty much as I expected. I've learned to take Telltale's promises of "we'll get around to adding feature X eventually" as "we'll never implement that feature."

    Since when only twice has telltale not implemented a feature into a game.
  • edited November 2010
    Well i have sershed for some video in youtube, but nothing, play station players are selfish with the nutri specs game plaing, xD
  • edited November 2010
    Either that, or they don't have a cupture card.
  • edited November 2010
    Ok that could happend to
  • edited November 2010
    But they do, there was a topic here with all nutrispec videos already.
  • edited November 2010
    gilau wrote: »
    Well i have sershed for some video in youtube, but nothing, play station players are selfish with the nutri specs game plaing, xD
    Nothing but NutriSpecs videos:
  • edited November 2010
    I suspect at this point it's a DVD-extra, like 101 Earl Boen, which I am pretty sure still isn't downloadable.

    Hopefully they fix all those nasty bugs too (302 bust or 303 badges anyone?)
  • edited November 2010
    I hope for a DVD update, as that would be more likely than an update on the site. Wouldn't mind not getting them though. Yes, fixing some bugs too would be nice. Also, for it to be like TOMI, where the DVD versions loaded up when you clicked them withought that loader thingy you get.
  • edited November 2010
    Yeah, I dislike when TT left these little things die....
    Earl's Boen voice on Tomi, the PC extras of S&M3, only one (tiny) track on the "Audio Download" of the Puzzle Agent Website, S&M3 on iPad, etc....
    I like what they do, but sometimes they left things behind and never take them back...

    I think they have to keep list of all those things.
    Anyone want to start a thread about "TT reminders"? :D
  • edited November 2010
    Ugh... I both hope and yet don't hope it's a DVD only thing. While it would be nice to see the specs make an appearance, it would just be, at least in my mind, more fire to the whole TF2 items debacle when the season first came out.
  • edited November 2010
    Nintomster wrote: »
    Wouldn't mind not getting them though.
    I would.
    All the content is already in the game, so I suspect a skilled coder could already enable them (does the savegame editor allow it?) but I rather have it officially done of course.
  • edited November 2010
    I would.
    All the content is already in the game, so I suspect a skilled coder could already enable them (does the savegame editor allow it?) but I rather have it officially done of course.

    Err... forget what I said. :o An update on the DVD to unlock them shouldn't be too hard, would it? Or would that mean we would have needed to wait a bit longer for the DVDs than we already did?
  • edited November 2010
    I know this is only semi-related, but what is
    the item they found in Puddin'head Lincoln
    ? I have no clue what it's supposed to be.
  • edited November 2010
    I know this is only semi-related, but what is
    the item they found in Puddin'head Lincoln
    ? I have no clue what it's supposed to be.

    I heard it was
    a blue piece of cardboard that did absolutly noting but earn a PS3 trophy
  • edited November 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    Nothing but NutriSpecs videos:

    lol thank you ^^...i wasn,t able to faind them my self.
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