You said it, The Cheat. Once we get our hands on Bubs' fundraiser candy bars, our troubles will be over! We can retire, maybe get a little place in Strong Badia, I dunno.
Actually, David, it may surprise you to hear this but, uh... I don't know anything about fishing, man. You're welcome to try the jig thing if you want. Though it might work better with the ladies. You know, like, come on and come to my house, ladies! Come on and come to my house, girls girls! Actually, I don't really know anything about the ladies either. I mean I do! I mean-WHGT! JGTH! YES I'M AWESOME!
(De Singe, ToMI Ch. 4)
(Abe/Sam)\ save the world 4)
-Max from the Devil's Playhouse (Sam and Max Season 3)
The golden eyes of everlasting sleep.
I never really understood what accent it was suposed to be. And I am too lazy right now to look in youtube or the game. Any ideas?
Anyway: 'No! Leeave me alone!' (Kin's Quest VI, A mysterious old man with suspiciously glowing golden eyes.)