Puzzle Agent on Steam sale a slap in the face

Spent $10 on Puzzle Agent through Steam months ago only to find it unplayable due to the still-broken 2nd puzzle bug. Seeing it for $5 in a pack with 3 other games while this bug remains a problem is ridiculous.


  • edited November 2010
    Welcome to Steam Sales.
  • edited November 2010
    Wait is that indie sale still going on and if so for how long?
  • edited November 2010
    aacx97 wrote: »
    Spent $10 on Puzzle Agent through Steam months ago only to find it unplayable due to the still-broken 2nd puzzle bug. Seeing it for $5 in a pack with 3 other games while this bug remains a problem is ridiculous.

    You must get pissed off a lot when out shopping then. EVERYTHING goes down in price eventually.
    And to get upset on Black Friday of all days... everything is on sale.
  • edited November 2010
    I can understand the complaint, purely because the bug has made the game unplayable for aacx97 so he/she has gained none of the usual 'benefits' for buying it at a higher price point (mostly earlier access to game).

    However I'm inclined to say that sales happen, and the far more pressing complaint is that the bug hasn't yet been fixed rather than the sale itself. While that would be an issue whether or not the sale happened I can see the extra annoyance of knowing that it could have been bought for much cheaper with no effect on the earliest date it could be played.

    (I was fortunately not affected by the bug, but can understand why those that are would be upset!)
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