Dear fans...

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
Dear Telltale and BTTF fans,

I broke my own cardinal rule, by posting, but I had to ask - if anyone finds the Spike special airing tonight online, I'd love to see it. I don't have access to cable at the moment so I sadly cant even watch it live.

I've seen the trailer and it looks great - I can't wait to see more and hear your reactions!

And as a friendly invitation - if any of you cats are on facebook - drop me a friend request... but please, for the love of Doc - don't ask me any questions about the game. If I could, I would.

- Love
AJ LoCascio a.k.a the voice of Mayor Goldie Wilson...

(that's a joke)


  • edited December 2010
    Hey man,

    Pretty sure it will go up on Gamestrailers TV site for all. I'm hoping at least cos' I don't got Spike either (as an aussie).

  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, they put the whole episode up the next day online, I believe.
  • edited December 2010
    Hey man,

    Pretty sure it will go up on Gamestrailers TV site for all. I'm hoping at least cos' I don't got Spike either (as an aussie).


    Thanks guys... nice name btw. Me and Jack have quite a history.

    - AJ
  • edited December 2010
    My impression ain't as good as yours, ;)
  • edited December 2010
    should be up soon. just watched it on spike and it looks good! wish they added a release date haha. should be available in a hr or so!
  • edited December 2010
    AJLoCascio wrote: »
    And as a friendly invitation - if any of you cats are on facebook - drop me a friend request... but please, for the love of Doc - don't ask me any questions about the game. If I could, I would.

    You do realize you've now opened yourself up to all of the creepy fans out there too. Like me. Mwahahahaha. envyraepfaceplz.gif
  • edited December 2010
    You do realize you've now opened yourself up to all of the creepy fans out there too. Like me. Mwahahahaha. envyraepfaceplz.gif

    Honestly Facebook is creepy. Not to mention I really only respond to close friends on facebook so I have my ways of sorting things out.
  • edited December 2010
    Great stuff AJ! The game looks like it's shaping up fantastically. Kudos and keep up the amazing work!
  • edited December 2010
    AJLoCascio wrote: »
    Honestly Facebook is creepy. Not to mention I really only respond to close friends on facebook so I have my ways of sorting things out.

    Ah yeah. You've been lucky enough to stumble into a rather level-headed non-stalkerish fanbase. Besides, if Facebook was too uncomfortable of a way to connect with fans, you could always use Twitter for that instead.
  • edited December 2010
    Hey AJ,
    Just saw the trailer online (your McFly voice gave me shivers. Not that it didn't when I saw/heard the promo clips). Really good job dude. You've inspired me to try that voice myself!

    Definitely looking forward to hearing more on the game when it comes out in the next couple of weeks. Way to go McFly!!
  • edited December 2010

    Thanks Capn'! Now I can get some sleep!


  • edited December 2010
    No worries.

    By the way, it's looking and sounding great, congrats dude.
  • edited December 2010
    Hey AJ,
    Just saw the trailer online (your McFly voice gave me shivers. Not that it didn't when I saw/heard the promo clips).
    Shiver me timbers!

    See what I did there!
  • edited December 2010
    I'm psyched. Sent you a friends req :)
  • Do you all guys blind or stupid?! Trailer is shit! It dont looks like great BTF films, it even dont looks like film at all!!! Graphic is horrible, did you see this lowpoly models? Style makes me puke, arts was good but what they did ingame is damn bad!! Camera works looks like it made by threeheadmonkey! But one thing is good in thi trailer is voice, like Mrty and Doc back again. Telltale if you will read this do one thing for all fans - change visual style!
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah thanks for the friend accept on facebook AJ :)

    BTW my facebook name "Michael Douglas" is not my real name :D its just to prevent google from storing all my personal info :eek:
  • edited December 2010
    Do you all guys blind or stupid?! Trailer is shit! It dont looks like great BTF films, it even dont looks like film at all!!! Graphic is horrible, did you see this lowpoly models? Style makes me puke, arts was good but what they did ingame is damn bad!! Camera works looks like it made by threeheadmonkey! But one thing is good in thi trailer is voice, like Mrty and Doc back again. Telltale if you will read this do one thing for all fans - change visual style!

    No soup for you! NEXT!!
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Soup's for everyone. Even for those posting in the wrong thread. ;)
  • edited December 2010
    Do you all guys blind or stupid?! Trailer is shit! It dont looks like great BTF films, it even dont looks like film at all!!! Graphic is horrible, did you see this lowpoly models? Style makes me puke, arts was good but what they did ingame is damn bad!! Camera works looks like it made by threeheadmonkey! But one thing is good in thi trailer is voice, like Mrty and Doc back again. Telltale if you will read this do one thing for all fans - change visual style!

    :confused:....... I'm not sure if anyone can read this. Are we talking about the Back to the Future trailer? I thought it was awesome :D
  • edited December 2010
    Telltale if you will read this do one thing for all fans - change visual style!

    Oh, sure, they're going to reprogram the entire game in less than a month.... Yeesh.
  • edited December 2010
    The voice of marty sounds great, Michael J Fox would be proud.
  • edited December 2010
    oh, and thanks for acepting my friend request A.J.
  • edited February 2011
    AJLoCascio wrote: »
    Dear Telltale and BTTF fans,

    I broke my own cardinal rule, by posting, but I had to ask - if anyone finds the Spike special airing tonight online, I'd love to see it. I don't have access to cable at the moment so I sadly cant even watch it live.

    I've seen the trailer and it looks great - I can't wait to see more and hear your reactions!

    And as a friendly invitation - if any of you cats are on facebook - drop me a friend request... but please, for the love of Doc - don't ask me any questions about the game. If I could, I would.

    - Love
    AJ LoCascio a.k.a the voice of Mayor Goldie Wilson...

    (that's a joke)

    Hey AJ! I am one of those crazy fans! As for me, I dont have a big mouth! People can trust me with their problems and of who they are! :) I have been known as Marty Mcfly my whole life! I know his personality, lifestyle, character, and everything else! I even have a Doc Brown of my own! But u can trust me! Even though I am a crazy fan of BTTF, I dont really bother people about it! But anyway, I hope that u will accept me as a one of your friend request on facebook! Love to talk to you and to get to know you and how you got the part of Marty Mcfly!:)
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