Fanboy disappointment.
As I've discussed before, the BttF license is bringing Telltale the attention of a whole horde of people unfamiliar with not just Telltale, but the adventure genre as a whole.
Now, I know YouTube commenters and the like aren't known for having good ideas, but it does give one an idea of what the masses in general think, and there's a whole bunch of whining about how point-and-clicks are stupid, it should be a GTA clone, yadda yadda yadda.
Now, with any game/movie/book/whatever, disappointing somebody is inevitable. You can't please everybody, and you definitely shouldn't try to. However, point-and-click adventure games are admittedly a niche market (that doesn't mean they're bad, mind you. If I hated point-and-click adventure games I wouldn't post on Telltale's forums
), and I think maybe something should be done to help newcomers get familiar with the genre and realize Back to the Future is in capable hands.
Any ideas?
Now, I know YouTube commenters and the like aren't known for having good ideas, but it does give one an idea of what the masses in general think, and there's a whole bunch of whining about how point-and-clicks are stupid, it should be a GTA clone, yadda yadda yadda.
Now, with any game/movie/book/whatever, disappointing somebody is inevitable. You can't please everybody, and you definitely shouldn't try to. However, point-and-click adventure games are admittedly a niche market (that doesn't mean they're bad, mind you. If I hated point-and-click adventure games I wouldn't post on Telltale's forums

Any ideas?
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Is BTTF about roaming a city inside the Delorean or a flying train ... ?
Serisouly what a bunch of morons.
I mean, I can totally understand they think the game looks horrible (cauz honestly, compared to any "big" game, it is) but whining about "how it's not a GTA clone" is the stupidest thing ever, and they don't deserve any credit.
It's pretty natural for people to have a negative or pessimistic view of something of which they have only seen a teaser, like in the case of BTTF:TG. The proof is in the pudding, as the saying goes.
I think the game will speak for itself once it is released.
I don't know, but I think a demo would be a strong move... I won't need one but it was the original ToMI demo that convinced me to buy the game
To expand on this idea: It's not "a bunch of morons" who would have liked the BTTF game to be more like GTA. It's likely a bunch of intelligent people who just love the Back to the Future triology, who happen to like GTA and find it easy to see the franchise through that lense.
@golden tooth: The entire first episode is FREE. That is one hell of a demo!!
5/10 complaints is about it not being on Xbox.
2/10 about the cartoony style.
3/10 not being in GTA style.
And these complaints only limit themselves to being from pseudo-hardcoregamers, the bad kind that only play for graphics and MMO FPS action.
So the game definitely won't attract this group of newcomers. These people sadly won't smarten up now or later.
But 'newcomers' as in casual gamers and non-gamers that are fan of the franchise they're all pretty excited about this.
I admire the risk TTG took with a cartoony art direction style and how it turned out to work so well and people generally being happy with it.
If people can see it easy through that lense than I don't consider those people to be very intelligent.
At least in the gaming department.
Please Strayth, don't say this game looks horrible because it doesn't.
Look....visuals is about more than just being technically groundbreaking.
It's also about design.
From a technical standpoint a game like COD4*shudders too* looks better than BttF: The Game, yes hard to dispute that.
But if you ask me, what game looks better or which game do you prefer in visuals then I'd pick BttF over COD any day!
Well, I'm in the 360 camp, but I can only hope that after all the episodes come out (if they can even get eposide 2 out with the trouble with Tom Wilson), I can only hope that they bundle all the episodes up and release them on disk. *crosses fingers*
As for it being in a GTA clone style, yeah, all I have to say to that is not everything needs to be in the GTA style, I think I've said that with the Ghostbusters game as well, and IMO, that game turned out just fine.
The Xbox360 complaint is not one to feel bad about. It's understandible. You just want to play the game!
I only wanted to proof the point that there are generally view complaints and when there are most of them are about it not being on Xbox360 instead of the quality of the game itself.
First episode is free.
Well maybe on PS3 it will be easier for them to accept the game, since it will seem less like a "point and click".
You mean people who are completely ignorant about the history of gaming and are spitting on a game they don't know anything about, rather than asking themselves if anything else could please them or be more true to the franchise ?
I call that morons.
ALso, to respond on the specifics, Shadow of Memories did exactly that. Different time areas to travel to and a little town to roam.
And yet I'm not sure that was a strong point ! What made it great was the story, the characters, and the various interactions through time... And the special locations...
I don't understand why a GTA game would be needed for BTTF. It's a NORMAL world. I mean, apart from the special areas (that will all be in the game !) it seems pointless to me.
So really, it's just a problem of game engine more than anything, right ? If there wasn't any loading they would be fine with it ... (And Hill Valley doesn't seem that huge BTW)
I never said it looked horrible, nor that I didn't like it. And COD are dull and not original at all...
But if you want to compare BTTF to Final Fantasy, or Metal Gear Solid, Mass Effect, etc... it's starting to hurt
Moreover, something is fishy with the graphics, but I'll make a thread about it. ^^
Oh, I'll be able to play it fine on my current PC, I just would've rather played it on my TV, using a bigger screen would always be nice.
It's more cozy to play on your laptop and BttF is a cozy franchise :P.
I can play portions in bed than too right before I go to sleep.
No, I was very specifically just speaking about people who came in here with the rudimentary idea that the BTTF game might be done in about the same vein as GTA. I refrained explicitly from any kind of narrower stereotype thinking that automatically links someone who likes GTA with "a moron".
Thank you very much. I love the GTA games, but not everything has to be in the style of Grand Theft Auto to be good.
I never said anything about GTA lovers ...
If there's one thing I learned, it's don't pay attention to YouTube comments, I think there was a post on TVTropes about that under a Sonic game.
I see that you were very specifically referring to RAnthonyMahan's first post, which included an initial attack on a supposed group ("the masses") and their perceived opinions ("whining about how point-and-clicks are stupid"). But for someone to be disappointed, and for someone to have the right to be disappointed, she or he has to buy the game first. So to judge future players of the BTTF game, we might be better served speaking about the people who flooded in here than about random youtube commenters. Their opinions are not relevant and definitly do not reflect the opinion of "the masses".
That was more the idea.
Back to the Future, as any other movie is pretty much about story telling. So yes - you can make Marty driving around and shooting but that would be just a spin off, like other BttF arcade games. If you want to make something that should be considered as genuine sequel to the franchise in form of the video game then adventure game is your best bet.
Wait wait wait, there was a BTTF arcade game? I must've missed that way back when.
There was a BttF pachinko game with nice animation sequences but only for Japan though.
But no...there was no shooting in it.
Make your pick
Oh that's right, cause there was a GB one as well if I recall correctly. Shame that those didn't come out here, I would've liked to played them, though supposedly they're a form of gambling, so that's probably why they didn't.
Well, those were all console games actually, just saying.
Can't ever say I've hard of that before.
Interesting, never did know about that till now, thanks.
So see, not all GTA fans are morons, though I do at times deal with a lot of them.
Just for the record, no one said GTA fans are morons.
There are morons everywhere huh ? There also are morons that are BTTF fans of adventure games fans.
The only "morons" we were talking about were those who spit on a game they don't know anything about just because it doesn't match the (pointless) idea they had.
Like those people who post on Kotaku about that top down GB game. Granted, I don't know why the new developers went that route, but I'm not going to go "lol no" before trying it.
The only one who used the word "spit" so far... well... the "we" is also a rather far stretch.
I said talking about. I didn't say "the people WE call morons".
... Says the person who is a huge fan of a series where hard-boiled space marines are shooting stuff up and isn't in 1st person.
At least it's not done like, say, Pokemon.
A wild Tannen appeared!
Tannen used 1985 Sports Almanac!
... It's super effective!
Hey man, this isn't a BioWare game!