Fan REQ: Jules and Verne, and elements from the cartoon series?
Hey I just got done learning this game was coming out due to that new trailer. OMG is all I had to say. So here I am. I saw the behind the scene stuff too and how that the game is being made with all the fans in mind and elements to make it right. 1st off, i do feel the game is on the right path. I do think Docs artwork while looks ok, should get more of a happier tone on his expression. 
Anyways speaking as a Fan, I loved the comic/cartoon series elements. I would think Jules and Verne and Clara should be involved in here somehow, The kids would get into some trouble and so, etc. Would for me, make the series connect and as a fan, would love the connections. Afterall, they were a great continuation to the movies. I always wished for example the new Ghost Busters movies would make Slimer as they did in the cartoon, a mascot, which in the game, they "kinda" did with him on display. But still wasnt the same, since Slimer was a Hero in the cartoon as well.
I feel the same way about elements from the BTTF cartoon series. Some aspects should be used.
Another angle to look at is Mayor Goldie Wilson, Did Marty or Doc help them more during time? As we saw in the movies, seems that family has its grips on Hill Valley, more info would be cool.
Finally.. Huey Louie and the News.. Must add a new song to the game. "Power of Love" was widely associated with BTTF and I think that is something that could be continued out of respect.
Hi and YAY cant wait to preorder. Waiting on my paycheck. Dying to play this game!

Anyways speaking as a Fan, I loved the comic/cartoon series elements. I would think Jules and Verne and Clara should be involved in here somehow, The kids would get into some trouble and so, etc. Would for me, make the series connect and as a fan, would love the connections. Afterall, they were a great continuation to the movies. I always wished for example the new Ghost Busters movies would make Slimer as they did in the cartoon, a mascot, which in the game, they "kinda" did with him on display. But still wasnt the same, since Slimer was a Hero in the cartoon as well.
I feel the same way about elements from the BTTF cartoon series. Some aspects should be used.

Another angle to look at is Mayor Goldie Wilson, Did Marty or Doc help them more during time? As we saw in the movies, seems that family has its grips on Hill Valley, more info would be cool.
Finally.. Huey Louie and the News.. Must add a new song to the game. "Power of Love" was widely associated with BTTF and I think that is something that could be continued out of respect.

Hi and YAY cant wait to preorder. Waiting on my paycheck. Dying to play this game!
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In short, it doesn't really stick to the spirit of Back to the Future, which is what Telltale is trying to do.
Also, I'm starting to think more and more that extensive development of the kids is probably left for something beyond this, where focus could be shifted away from Marty and Doc and they could have room to be more important characters.
This is a Marty and Doc adventure. The Brown family was a wonderful addition to complete Doc's character arc in the trilogy, but they were superfluous and unnecessary to a continuing story. So just like Gale and Zemeckis did to Jennifer in Part Two, the Brown family's involvement should be minimized.
That's my two cents anyways...
Let me be more specific: When the DeLorean time travels, where it shows up is relative to where it was before. If you want to travel to the time of the ancient Romans, you can, but good luck getting to Rome.
I wonder tho if the Time Train is going to be in the adventure.
It gets the 1.21 Gigawatts to the time travel! GTT for short! =p
It really did no justice for the trilogy.
How do you think Docs family COULD be involved in the game that might be cool or better suited?
You not seen "Ghostbusters 2"? It's not explicated, but it's clear that Slimer's role in this film is a nod to the cartoon.
Yes which is how I view it too.. but I think it was said that the role slimer has in the cartoon had nothing to do with the movies. Even the VG hes just on display, not as a "friend"
I mean I just think that if the BTTF wasnt impressive to fans as it was to me, then by all means, write and suggest a new way to present them into the story. Bridge some gaps and define the roles.
As for the BTTF cartoon, I've just been going back through my old tapes of it, and I have to say, it is very cringe-worthy at places. While I enjoyed it as a kid because it was BTTF and funny, as an adult, I really only watch it because of the nostalgia factor.
While I agree that Clara and the kids need to be mentioned (there is a screen shot of Doc wearing a wedding ring), I don't think they need to be too deeply involved in the story. At least not at the beginning. It might be interesting to bring in Clara is there is an issue with another possible woman and younger Doc. haha
With Marty and Doc's story having been well told in the trilogy, and future installments like this that focus on them again falling into a trap of reused elements like more identical ancestors, another Biff getting in the way, and Marty running around in the past Hill Valley with another pop-culture-reference fake name. And of course the problem of likenesses and voices for the original characters has already come up.
My excitement for this game still outweighs those concerns, but expanding the universe of the franchise later could solve most of those problems.
I'd hesitate to say "expanding the universe could never hurt", because then I just have look at something like Star Wars.
Edit: And you'd have a hard time finding a better protagonist to expand a story than Jules or Verne.
None whatsoever.
I love the trilogy and have numerous fan-memorabilia but would not touch nor care for an expansion of their stories.
Back to the future should be Marty, Doc & a time-travelling Delorean. It's really quite simple.
I agree best to leave them out.
Id have to agree there. Now while some of you point out that "reused" would be "Gimmicky" thats what the cartoon did, EVERY time period.. a new gimmick, same plot and same vs Biff elements. Now while it was cute. As a adventure game. There COULD be so much more.
How did Doc get in trouble? One of the kids didnt fully understand the time period which landed Doc in Jail?
I mean vs saying "This game should ONLY be about Doc and Marty" maybe we can come up with ideas that Docs family COULD be a part of the story. In ways that EVERYONE would think. "Hey thats a cool idea!" This is how developers look at things too. Throw a good plot twist, that makes sense, engaging and then develop on it, without taking away from the main story or role of the game with Doc and Marty.
I mean even some of the flashbacking could be "Well after Clara, the Kids and I left with the Time Train, we went back to the past to the 1930s (Which as you know the Third Reich, Rosevelt, and various other wars and conflicts) where something happened, and someone got in trouble that started "x". Now why would I say that era? Well its FULL of History, also since they used a Train, it could be easier to get around then a futuristic looking car. Etc.
Rem Telltale seems to want to cater to us fans. So if we the fan base give some good ideas on what COULD be a thought to promote, you never know, they may pickup on that and expand, even if its small. Since the 3rd movie did introduce a new aspect, Id hate for it to be ignored or only a minor mention.
I really wouldn't mind if Jules & Verne were supporting characters that pop up every once and a while. Their personalities were never really given in the movies (in fact, I don't think they ever spoke). They could give them odd comic relief personalities or something. Like maybe, Jules is a nerdy scientist wannabe and Verne is obsessed with video games (possible Sam & Max cameo), for example.
Clara should appear in the game/series, too.
I wouldn't see this as confirmed information. In fact, that seems judged from just the episode descriptions on the BTTF game main page, which naturally doesn't tell you everything about the game.
I always thought the show was good for what it was, seeing as how it was aimed at a younger demographic. In no way did I consider it canon, though...
Now again please to those who claim Clara and Kids would be "dead weight" then instead of saying "The cartoon sucks! Nono to Docs Family" Why not offer ideas that would give them a better role or addition to the story at least that wouldnt feel dead weight?
I mean I agree, Im not here to play BTTF just to rescue Docs Family and only be around them. I love the adventure itself and how Marty can fix it. That is the meat of the Story. Id hardly call Clara in BTTF 3 dead weight tho. She played a great role for the story. Similar tie ins can still be had. Just need to toss ideas out on how it could work.
If you click for info about the last episode it mentions traveling into the future...