The 'I told you so' thread (Massive DeLorean Spoiler!)



  • edited December 2010
    Isn't it just a process of seeing what wire connects what things and then replace them?
  • edited December 2010
    No... Unless the only IC fried were stock chips, and could be replaced exactly. If he programmed custom ICs... then there would be no way for a repairer to replace the chip without knowing hat it is supposed to do.
  • edited December 2010
    If it was that simple why didn't Doc send instructions to switch/repair the time circuits in his letter to Marty? Why enlist the help of the 1955 Doc?
  • edited December 2010
    Mino_Dan wrote: »
    If it was that simple why didn't Doc send instructions to switch/repair the time circuits in his letter to Marty? Why enlist the help of the 1955 Doc?

    The same Marty who, upon asked to demonstrate his scientific knowledge, could only reply, "Uhhh, the leg bone's connected to the thigh bone?"
  • edited December 2010
    Doesn't this new explanation requires matter to be created instead of it being transfered from one time to another?

    As I recall, matter can't be created, only transformed :o, so it's hard for me to extend my suspension of disbelief that much.
  • edited December 2010
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    Doesn't this new explanation requires matter to be created instead of it being transfered from one time to another?

    As I recall, matter can't be created, only transformed :o, so it's hard for me to extend my suspension of disbelief that much.

    Maybe a cross-rip from a parallel dimension? Who knows...we'll probably find out everything by the last episode. :p
  • edited December 2010
    Hope so :D
  • edited December 2010
    Well... it may as well be start of the chain reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space time continuum and destroy the entire universe (or be very localized, limited to merely our own galaxy).
  • edited December 2010
    Well, that's a relief :o

  • edited December 2010
    Either way, I still called it :p
  • edited December 2010
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    Doesn't this new explanation requires matter to be created instead of it being transfered from one time to another?

    As I recall, matter can't be created, only transformed :o, so it's hard for me to extend my suspension of disbelief that much.
    And yet, two Martys, two Docs, two Biffs, and several DeLoreans all exist in 1955 together in BTTFII.

    According to BTTF's time travel rules, you could essentially make an infinite number of round trips to the past and create an infinite number of DeLoreans (and yourself).
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    And yet, two Martys, two Docs, two Biffs, and several DeLoreans all exist in 1955 together in BTTFII.

    According to BTTF's time travel rules, you could essentially make an infinite number of round trips to the past and create an infinite number of DeLoreans (and yourself).

    I think you're confusing "duplicate" with "other self".

    "Duplicate" implies a second identical object/person, but unafected by the alterations being made to the original after the duplication process. Basically, a clone.

    "Other Self" (or "Instance") is the same object/person but from another point in time; where the future self is affected by the changes made to the younger self.
  • edited December 2010
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    I think you're confusing "duplicate" with "other self".

    "Duplicate" implies a second identical object/person, but unafected by the alterations being made to the original after the duplication process. Basically, a clone.

    "Other Self" (or "Instance") is the same object/person but from another point in time; where the future self is affected by the changes made to the younger self.
    Well, yes, I know those are two different things, but as far as "matter creation" goes, don't both duplication and "other self" creation create matter? :confused: If you go back to the past a second time and your other self is still there, isn't that more matter than should be there?
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    Well, yes, I know those are two different things, but as far as "matter creation" goes, don't both duplication and "other self" creation create matter? :confused: If you go back to the past a second time and your other self is still there, isn't that more matter than should be there?

    Nope, it's the same matter, coming from another point in time. You could imply that matter changes through the years due to biological processes, but is still the same person: Another instance of the same being.

    Duplicating implies cloning matter, but to clone you have to transform matter, since matter can't be created.

    Matter, matter, matter, ripple effect... not again :(

  • edited December 2010
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    Nope, it's the same matter, coming from another point in time. You could imply that matter changes through the years due to biological processes, but is still the same person: Another instance of the same matter.

    Duplicating implies cloning matter, but to clone you have to transform matter, since matter can't be created.

    Matter, matter, matter, ripple effect... not again :(

    What about taking things to the logical extreme, going back to the same time in the past an infinite number of times, creating an infinite number of DeLoreans and yourself and filling up the universe (so to speak). This still wouldn't be matter creation?
  • edited December 2010
    It is actually a valid point. Time travel is, almost essentially, the break down and rebuilding of matter at another point in time.
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    What about taking things to the logical extreme, going back to the same time in the past an infinite number of times, creating an infinite number of DeLoreans and yourself and filling up the universe (so to speak). This still wouldn't be matter creation?

    You mean like this? :) :p
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    What about taking things to the logical extreme, going back to the same time in the past an infinite number of times, creating an infinite number of DeLoreans and yourself and filling up the universe (so to speak). This still wouldn't be matter creation?

    Even if you do it infinite number of times: You wouldn't be creating matter because as soon as one of the temporal displacement fails or one of the younger selves is interrumpted, a paradox occurs, so, no duplicates, because each self isn't independent, except for the Last Self (the one that's about to make the first trip back in time -the youngest self, about to begin the cycle-).
  • edited December 2010
    Farlander wrote: »
    You mean like this? :) :p

    Great Scott! I wish I had those five minutes back...*waits to see if someone shows up with a time machine*......*crickets*....dammit. :p
  • edited December 2010
    I'm amazed no one has pointed it out:

    Did doc's explanation just connect "back to the future; the ride" to the story?
  • edited December 2010
    Derp wrote: »
    I'm amazed no one has pointed it out:

    Did doc's explanation just connect "back to the future; the ride" to the story?

    I don't think so, because 2025 was not mentioned in The Ride and because it's not canon.
  • edited December 2010
    So...who here has been wondering if the duplicate DeLorean will have to be destroyed by the end of the last episode? >.>
  • edited December 2010
    And that's why I like this explanation. Because I have the feeling it will create an epic resolution.
  • edited December 2010
    I'd hope not, but yeah, I could see that happening.
  • edited December 2010
    Rusty0918 wrote: »
    I'd hope not, but yeah, I could see that happening.

    i hope not too. I like having the DeLorean back and I'd hate for it to be destroyed yet again.
  • edited December 2010
    If the DeLorean will be destroyed, from where the creators will get another duplicate for BttF: Season 2? :p
  • edited December 2010
    Here is what I thought would have happened.
    Doc would have traveled back in time with his train to get the old delorean he left for Marty for the 3rd episode. This way, there is still only one delorean.
    Doc fix's it and uses it to travel around again, somehow he gets seperated and Marty gets it *maybe Einstein drives it? xP*

    After the adventure, it is damaged. They replace it in the cave, ready for BTTF3


    I felt really cheated when the time machine was a clone, or w/e, with no background, and probably no more mention in the rest of the game, it sounds like something they made up at the last minute.
  • edited December 2010
    I thought that Doc's explanation for the delorrean was a bit of a cop out. Somehow the 1955 lightning strike caused a duplicate Delorrean to travel 60 years into the future? ooookay.
  • edited December 2010
    Quaxon wrote: »
    Here is what I thought would have happened.
    Doc would have traveled back in time with his train to get the old delorean he left for Marty for the 3rd episode. This way, there is still only one delorean.
    Doc fix's it and uses it to travel around again, somehow he gets seperated and Marty gets it *maybe Einstein drives it? xP*

    After the adventure, it is damaged. They replace it in the cave, ready for BTTF3


    I felt really cheated when the time machine was a clone, or w/e, with no background, and probably no more mention in the rest of the game, it sounds like something they made up at the last minute.

    I quite like that idea actually - at least it would fit in with the current storyline as it stands. The explanation given by doc in the game MAY be vital to the plot, it might be revealed to be very clever and totally make sense and be ingenious... but the way it was delivered in Ep 1 just felt like a hasty throwaway line stuffed in there to patch up a gaping plot hole :(
  • edited December 2010
    I'm sure the reason why the Delorean explanation seemed botched is because it's going to be revealed later on.

    Not sure what to think about the Griff Incident that Doc mentions, though. Since he said that he stopped Griff before he could mess up the timeline, it looks like that's an episode all by itself.

    When an interloper uses the Delorean, it's always tricky to track him down and resolve the problem. I doubt Griff would conveniently bring back the Delorean where he found it after he used it. It's also a bit dubious that anyone could instinctively USE it without a crash-course (the keypad maybe, but activating the time circuits and going to 88mph is not really indicated anywhere).

    Other than that, the lightning explanation was maybe a bit far-fetched, but still makes BTTF-sense. If TellTale explains it in more detail in an upcoming episode, great !, otherwise I'll take for granted that :

    When the lightning hit the Delorean, it sent it into the Future and into the past simultaneously, thus effectively creating a cloned Delorean.

    Question is : Is the original in the past, or the future. Is the Doc from 1885 the original ? With a scrapped DeLorean, the one from the Future has no way of contacting Marty in 1955, but the one in 1885 DOES.

    So, maybe they'll elaborate a story about a duplicate Doc who was stranded in 2025, and died later on. Like many other Docs, in different time periods :)
  • edited December 2010
    Question is : Is the original in the past, or the future. Is the Doc from 1885 the original ? With a scrapped DeLorean, the one from the Future has no way of contacting Marty in 1955, but the one in 1885 DOES.

    Actually, it's kind of more the other way around, the one in the future would not only have easier time contacting Marty, he could've actually come back for him. The one in the past couldn't fix the time circuits (past) and, well, it's a luck that the letter was actually DELIVERED and not lost during all the time that has passed. That's why I say there's no second Doc. The one who would've been sent to the future, unlike the one who was sent to the past, could quickly fix the DeLorean. It's the friggin' future, you can't get really stranded there if you've built a Time Machine in 1985. So if there IS a duplicate Doc, then he's a total scumbag for not coming back to Marty in 1955. And leaving the DeLorean for some other people to take.
  • edited December 2010
    Farlander wrote: »
    Actually, it's kind of more the other way around, the one in the future would not only have easier time contacting Marty, he could've actually come back for him. The one in the past couldn't fix the time circuits (past) and, well, it's a luck that the letter was actually DELIVERED and not lost during all the time that has passed. That's why I say there's no second Doc. The one who would've been sent to the future, unlike the one who was sent to the past, could quickly fix the DeLorean. It's the friggin' future, you can't get really stranded there if you've built a Time Machine in 1985. So if there IS a duplicate Doc, then he's a total scumbag for not coming back to Marty in 1955. And leaving the DeLorean for some other people to take.

    It all depends on the circomstances I guess... True, the doc in the future could repair it more easily, but that's if he survived at all.

    Maybe there was already a dead Doc inside the 2025 DeLorean (granted, that's a bit macabre for a BTTF story).

    Anyhow, lots of fun speculation nonetheless :)
  • edited December 2010
    Frankov wrote: »
    Question is : Is the original in the past, or the future. Is the Doc from 1885 the original ?

    I can't help but think of Farscape with this question. If Doc was cloned (probably not, for reasons others have described) thing is, neither would be the original, neither a clone. The original Doc would have sort of split, or if you watch Farscape, 'twinned.'

    Ugh, now I'm imagining a second season of the game, where some episodes have Doc and his family travel in the Time Train, and others with Doc and Marty in the DeLorian.

    As for the explanation of the DeLorian, I'll let River Song from Doctor Who state my thoughts.

    River: Rule number 1: The Doctor lies.
  • edited December 2010
    Frankov wrote: »
    When an interloper uses the Delorean, it's always tricky to track him down and resolve the problem. I doubt Griff would conveniently bring back the Delorean where he found it after he used it. It's also a bit dubious that anyone could instinctively USE it without a crash-course (the keypad maybe, but activating the time circuits and going to 88mph is not really indicated anywhere).

    If you'll notice, and this is especially seen in the moments inside the time machine, either in-game or in the settings menu, the time circuits have labels for the off and on position, and the digital speedometer has a label that says "Set to 88 MPH". ;)

    Again, I don't see what's so hard to swallow about this explanation. Take into account that the letter Doc sent mentioned a gigawatt overload, and the flux capacitor could have easily been supercharged and doubled the temporal displacement effect. Remember, there's much that we don't understand about the way time travel works in the BttF universe. Hell, there's a lot that even Doc isn't sure of still.
  • edited December 2010
    Frankov wrote: »
    When an interloper uses the Delorean, it's always tricky to track him down and resolve the problem. I doubt Griff would conveniently bring back the Delorean where he found it after he used it. It's also a bit dubious that anyone could instinctively USE it without a crash-course (the keypad maybe, but activating the time circuits and going to 88mph is not really indicated anywhere).

    Old Biff managed fine in BTTFII.
  • edited December 2010
    linorn wrote: »
    Old Biff managed fine in BTTFII.

    Yes, Old Biff did, and possibly Griff too. I guess it runs in the family :)

    Steal a car, but put it back where you found it. It's the least anyone can do.
    the time circuits have labels for the off and on position, and the digital speedometer has a label that says "Set to 88 MPH". ;)

    I didn't really inspect the interior, but now that you mention it :)

    And I guess if someone takes a 5min to examine everything, it's all pretty straight forward. Turn lever, enter date, go to 88mph.
    Remember, there's much that we don't understand about the way time travel works in the BttF universe. Hell, there's a lot that even Doc isn't sure of still.

    Exactly what I said: This is probably going to be explained, if they find it essential enough (which it probably isn't). There's probably only one doc, and the lightning duplicated only the Delorean.

    I can accept this, it's as valid as any other explanation in the BTTF universe... I just don't like making amendments to the BTTF Time Travel rule book :)
  • edited December 2010
    Frankov wrote: »
    I can accept this, it's as valid as any other explanation in the BTTF universe... I just don't like making amendments to the BTTF Time Travel rule book :)

    They're more....guidelines, than actual rules. ;)
  • edited December 2010
    They're more....guidelines, than actual rules. ;)

    Hehe, indeed, and I think I prefer that. Leaves more room for discussion.
  • edited December 2010
    Quaxon wrote: »
    Here is what I thought would have happened.
    Doc would have traveled back in time with his train to get the old delorean he left for Marty for the 3rd episode. This way, there is still only one delorean.
    Doc fix's it and uses it to travel around again, somehow he gets seperated and Marty gets it *maybe Einstein drives it? xP*

    After the adventure, it is damaged. They replace it in the cave, ready for BTTF3


    I felt really cheated when the time machine was a clone, or w/e, with no background, and probably no more mention in the rest of the game, it sounds like something they made up at the last minute.
    They couldn't have just replaced it in the cave ready for BTTF 3. There would be a massive paradox because taking the delorrean in the first place would mean that Marty wouldn't be able to go back to 1885. The fact that they would plan to replace it is irrelevant, as the damage would already have been done.
    Anyway I hope they do elaborate about the duplicate delorrean, as I'm not satisfied with their explanation atm. How could it be possible to clone the delorrean with a bolt of lightning?
  • edited December 2010
    Take into account that the letter Doc sent mentioned a gigawatt overload, and the flux capacitor could have easily been supercharged and doubled the temporal displacement effect. Remember, there's much that we don't understand about the way time travel works in the BttF universe. Hell, there's a lot that even Doc isn't sure of still.

    Quoting myself for Masta23. :p It's a very reasonable explanation if you just think within the boundaries of 80's sci-fi comedies. Or sci-fi comedies in general. And at least it makes more sense than time traveling in a hot tub. :p
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