The 'I told you so' thread (Massive DeLorean Spoiler!)

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
I think this deserves a new thread. It seems we don't have to wait for the release to know for sure if the game has a new DeLorean or an old one, this interview pretty much confirms the new one.

So. To all the pro-new-DeLorean people who argued with pro-old-DeLorean (however few there may be :p There are some though), let's all together say some nice ol' 'I told you so's, what do you think? I'll start.

I told you so :p


  • edited December 2010
    Awwwwww, I'm in the group that preferred a new DeLorean, but I know that nobody likes an "I told you so" :(
  • edited December 2010
    Maybe it's just me, but I've been told 'I told you so' quite a few times to say the least and it never hurt my feelings.
  • edited December 2010
    Would be epic if you're WRONG.
  • edited December 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    Would be epic if you're WRONG.

    I know, right? :D
  • edited December 2010
    Let's wait a bit longer shall we? Farlander?
  • edited December 2010
    This still gives me hope:

    Quoted from G4 preview:
    That said, even the folks at Telltale couldn’t readily explain how the Delorean – destroyed at the end of the third film – is present in this title which takes place a year after the conclusion of the trilogy.

    Now...if it was a newly build DeLorean, what is so difficult to explain! Just say 'Yeah, Doc was able to invent a new one.'
  • edited December 2010
    Doesn't sound too reliable considering they said it takes place a year after the films, when it's only half that time.
  • edited December 2010
    It takes place a year after the films.
    Yes there hasn't passed a period of 12 months, but it's the next year in which this game takes place.
  • edited December 2010
    I won't say any "I told you so" -because it's just wrong :p and because I'd like a concrete answer-, but it'd be good to know we were right :D.
  • edited December 2010
    You'll rue the day you crush me Carlos! *shakes fist*
  • edited December 2010
    Tbh it isn't much of a spoiler. There was no chance it would be the old delorrean, as that could cause a paradox.
  • edited December 2010
    No it wouldn't.
    I found a way to get the DeLorean without causing it a paradox.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Pfffft, paradox. Whenever Doc was whining about paradoxes and how they could destroy the galaxy, nothing ever happened. So bring 'em on, Telltale!! :D
  • edited December 2010
    So you're saying that if Marty completely vanished from 1955 in BTTF1, that the only effects on the continuum would be exclusively limited to the future of the McFly family?
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    No it wouldn't.
    I found a way to get the DeLorean without causing it a paradox.

    Maybe Doc invented a way to create a temporal duplicate, thereby creating an "alternate" version of the DeLorean. In this way, it would be both old and new at the same time AND would avoid any possible paradoxes that would unravel the space-time continuum!
  • edited December 2010
    Maybe Doc invented a way to create a temporal duplicate, thereby creating an "alternate" version of the DeLorean. In this way, it would be both old and new at the same time AND would avoid any possible paradoxes that would unravel the space-time continuum!

    That would work, but would create the need for too much exposition.
  • edited December 2010
    Here is a way to make it work.

    Like Doc programmed the DeLorean to get send to Marty in time of need, he could also program it to return automatically after a set period of real-time.
    This program can't be circumvented.

    So as long as Marty doesn't destroy the DeLorean, no paradox will ensue.
  • edited December 2010
    That interview confirms nor denies anything.
    It won't be long now and we have the answer.
  • edited December 2010
    the best way is that we go to beginning of the movie, and doc goes to the future, from twin pines mall, he doesnt get kill, but why? then 6 months later the delorean comes back, and doc;s is screwed and after the 5 episodes you do something that brings the libyans and then the classic movie beggins at the end...

    Its like were doing a differente reality of the movie, with another history and then at the end we come to the movie, so you know how's gonna end...
  • edited December 2010
    Doc still had the train at the end of 3. He could of technically sent a new delorean a second after the first was destroyed since he can travel through time even if he spent a few years in another time on it.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm sorely tempted to start a poll thread to see how many people think that Telltale does have an explanation and is keeping it secret for spoiler purposes, and how many people think that Telltale just didn't bother coming up with an explanation.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2010
    It's been said it takes place "a year later" because when you say "six months" and people don't know in which what month BTTF 1 took place, it's confusing. Most everyone knows "1985" though, so when you say "a year later" or "in the year after," they all know "ahh, 1986!"

    Also, of course theres a story behind the delorean, but why would we talk about it before the game comes out?
  • edited December 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    of course theres a story behind the delorean
    Thank goodness!

    Not that I was worried, mind you. :p
  • edited December 2010
    The problem here is one I've mentioned before - some hardcore fans won't play the game until they're sure that Telltale's come up with a good explanation, and Telltale, like any game company worth its salt, doesn't want to spoil the game for everyone just to make a minority of users happy. So the hardcore fans are caught in a chicken-and-egg situation - they won't play until they know, and they can't know until they play.

    The only solution I can see is this: as soon as the explanation is revealed, Telltale fans should post that explanation on all the major BTTF fanforums to stop the whining forever. Otherwise, some of the people who'd appreciate the game the most will never, ever play it because of a silly, petty dispute.

    Edit: Or maybe Telltale could reveal the explanation after the episode containing it is released, in a blog post directed at the whiny hard-core geekazoids.
  • edited December 2010
  • edited December 2010
    I hope its not a new Delorean. It would just be too simple. I want a paradox that might or might not kick my ass in the final episode in May.
  • edited December 2010
    Okay, Origami, I wait for your 'I told you so' :p It is KINDA an old DeLorean.

    And though I do have fun with the game, personally I find the 'duplicate sent into the future' explanation to be pretty lame.
  • edited December 2010
    I told you.....nahhh I'll act the bigger man :P

    To be honest...I like the explanation. It might take some people getting used to but "temporal duplication" is a recurring theme in time-travel stories. It's a very creative way to circumvent the use of a 'New DeLorean' which I would've despised and creating a time-paradox.
    This duplicate will probably also cause for an epic climax in ep 5. I suspect it has to disappear again or something.
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    I told you.....nahhh I'll act the bigger man :P

    To be honest...I like the explanation. It might take some people getting used to but "temporal duplication" is a recurring theme in time-travel stories. It's a very creative way to circumvent the use of a 'New DeLorean' which I would've despised and creating a time-paradox.
    This duplicate will probably also cause for an epic climax in ep 5. I suspect it has to disappear again or something.

    Unless it does play out someway interesting, I despise that explanation. (besides, "temporal duplication" is not a recurring theme in a way that a time machine is sent out to two places at once). If it does play out well, I will tolerate it. Anyway, I never was AGAINST the old DeLorean, but I never found an explanation of using it which I would like, and I certainly don't like this explanation.
  • edited December 2010
    Why? It's an explanation with a lot of compromises.
    It's unlikely that the DeLorean will ever again use lightning to travel.
  • edited December 2010
    Maybe Doc invented a way to create a temporal duplicate, thereby creating an "alternate" version of the DeLorean. In this way, it would be both old and new at the same time AND would avoid any possible paradoxes that would unravel the space-time continuum!

    Great Scott!!! I hit the nail almost 100% on the head! WOOT! :D
  • edited December 2010
    When I first heard Doc's explanation for the DeLorean, I was like "WHAT?!?". But then when I stopped to think about, I came to like it for three reasons:
    1. It appeases both people who wanted an old DeLorean and a new DeLorean, because it's a little bit of both, since it is the old DeLorean, just duplicated. It doesn't create any paradoxes with the movies' timeline, and it's not something lame like Doc just building a new one. It's really quite an ingenious explanation, actually. The only thing I wonder is, why was just the DeLorean duplicated and not Doc inside it... Or WAS it?...

    2. The duplicated DeLorean got sent to 2025, 70 years ahead, while the DeLorean we saw in the movie got sent 70 years back. Somehow, this "70 years either way" thing lends the explanation more legitimacy, at least to me.

    3. Most importantly, it's obvious that Telltale would have run this by Bob Gale (since it's such a major piece of information) and he signed off on it. I'm certainly willing to play by whatever rules he sets for the BTTF universe.

    Also, good call Shadowknight!
  • edited December 2010
    I know, right?! I just busted out laughing when it was explained in the game because I just couldn't believe that I called it!
  • edited December 2010
    Here's what I'd like to know.
    The DeLorean was duplicated in its entirety and sent seventy years into the future, right? And the whole car was duplicated - flux capacitor, time circuits, everything. Right?
    So shouldn't everything inside have been duplicated? Think what was inside the car at the time in question.
    If I haven't spelled it out entirely for you yet, let me make it absolutely clear: shouldn't there have been another Marty that got sent to 2025 with the DupLorean?

    Or Doc. I was thinking of the FIRST time the car was hit by lightning. Wouldn't the car have been duplicated both times?
  • edited December 2010
    No. In the case of the 1955-1985 temporal displacement, the lightning was channeled through the rod into the flux capacitor. There was probably a safety buffer through the cable and the hook. Whereas the other DeLorean in 1955...errr, the one that could fly, I should say...geez, there were technically 4 of those suckers at one point....anyways, that one was directly hit by lightning. Doc mentioned in his letter that the complete shorting of the time circuits and destruction of the flying circuits was caused by a gigawatt overload. Meaning it was probably hit with 2.42 gigawatts. :p
  • edited December 2010
    Which poses another question. If getting struck by lightning destroyed the time circuits on the DeLorean that was sent back to 1885,
    wouldn't that have also destroyed the time circuits on the DeLorean that was sent ahead to 2025? And if that's the case, why would Griff finding the DeLorean have any effect one way or the other? And if not, why not?

    As for the "contents" of the DeLorean, remember that in a later episode, we're going to have to deal with a "mysterious figure" know as Citizen Brown. From the sound of it, this isn't our Doc. Wouldn't it be convenient if there was
    a duplicate of Doc running around to fill this position?
  • edited December 2010
    Working time circuits or no working time circuits, a DeLorean like that in 2025 is still not something Doc would leave unattended. Obviously he would want to have oversight over all time-travel vehicles. It's only logical to at least retrieve it.
  • edited December 2010
    Why not? A Time Machine without working time circuits is pretty much useless. And no one can fix this except Doc.

    The big problem I have with this explaination is that its so annoyingly random!
    I still hope that Doc is lying to prevent a paradox.

    And yes, there should have been a Doc duplicate!
    And Citizen Brown is not the duplicate.
    Its an alternate version of our Doc that was created by messing with the timeline in 1931.
    Didn't one interview already confirm that Doc ends up with Edna in the alternate timeline?
  • edited December 2010
    And no one can fix this except Doc.

    No one but Doc can fix it in 1985
    2025 is 40 years into the future. Probably a lot more people around with a basic understanding of fixing circuits. It just takes a replacement of certain parts. There is no need to get to understand how the DeLorean actually gets to time travel.

    Now if it was the flux capacitor that got destroyed, then yes I had trouble believing too the DeLorean could ever pose a problem.
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    No one but Doc can fix it in 1985
    2025 is 40 years into the future. Probably a lot more people around with a basic understanding of fixing circuits. It just takes a replacement of certain parts. There is no need to get to understand how the DeLorean actually gets to time travel.

    Now if it was the flux capacitor that got destroyed, then yes I had trouble believing too the DeLorean could ever pose a problem.

    Wouldn't you still need a basic understanding of the time circuits themselves to repair them?
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