Talltale, you've really screwed us over this time! (STRONG LANGUAGE!)
Merry frakkin ho ho holidays, Talltale. It's now after midnight on the 22nd of December and the game isn't out yet... Obviously it's not out because you're at home sleeping the night away. What the hell is the matter with you bastards? You are our slaves. You get your asses back to work and finish the damn game right now or you're all fired! And that's not even all that's wrong about this game! Not even close! Your company is over after tonight!
What the hell is up with the late releases in Debuary for the demo and for the PS3. In my opinion you should have released the demo NEVER because obviously nobody cares about your game. You should have also released the PS3 version on the XBOX360 because I personally think the PS3 sucks hairy gricklemonkey balls! And what the hell is up with the damn pricing variations everywhere for the season. One website has it for a penny and another for 50 cents and another for twenty dollars and another for one billion dollars but you only have it listed as twenty-five dollars? You don't deserve to live for your utter stupidity, Talltale. I hope you all DIE from the AIDS you have all contracted from the whore you all serve known as company expansion. You should have sold the game for TWO BILLION DOLLARS to make everyone appreciate how much better twenty-five dollars would have been. And why didn't you FORCE Michael J. Fox to play Marty? Why didn't you beat his brains in and drag his motionless, unconscious corpse into your recording studio? What were you afraid of? That you'd make him cry? You PUSSIES. What the hell were you thinking with this piece of non-GTA dog shit anyway? Why isn't it free roam, Talltale!? I want to be able to sneak around Strickland's house and be there when he forgets to draw his curtains, so I can see him get angry with his wife because she's a slacker in the sack. I want to be able to drive my Delorian over puppies. I want to be able to shoot people in the dick. That's the true spirit of Back to the Future. Sex, puppies, and being shot in the dick. I feel like I've been shot in the dick. Or at least that's what would happen if I was a character in a good Back to the Future game, like those old LJN titles on the old Nintendo consoles.
I hope Tom Wilson shows up at your offices, punches each and every one of you inside the assholes, and you explode into tiny pieces from how much awesome was shoved into your bodies. I hope his glare melts your faces off as if he has heat vision. Because he does have heat vision. HE DOES. I READ IT ON THE INTERNET. And he'll say, "Now. Now you can't get away. From hells heart I melt thee. For hates sake I shove my fist in thee." Because he's badass.
What did you do to yourselves? Snort rocks until they filled up your skulls and your brains plopped out because there was no room? I bet that only took like five seconds of rock snorting because your brain cavities are so tiny like babies. Who is running your company for you? Your mommies? As far as I'm concerned the only credits you should have at the end of your games, each and every one of you, is one long credit list under 'Official Mommy Teet Suckers And Blankie Huggers'. How could you be such buttheads? Don't try to explain yourselves. Telltale is now known as the Father of Lies. I got news for you. You ain't runnin' but two things right now. Jack and Shit. And Jack left town.
You're also running...hell because you are the devil.
You're also running...over puppies, schoolchildren, and grandmas. That you sold crack to.
You're also running...out of love for your true country. North Korea.
You're also running...into my fist if I ever see any of you on the street.
You're also running...from your nose and asses. So instead of doing any real work you just wipe your noses and asses all day.
And finally you're running...your incredibly-new barely-real-fans-at-all fans away.
What the hell is up with the late releases in Debuary for the demo and for the PS3. In my opinion you should have released the demo NEVER because obviously nobody cares about your game. You should have also released the PS3 version on the XBOX360 because I personally think the PS3 sucks hairy gricklemonkey balls! And what the hell is up with the damn pricing variations everywhere for the season. One website has it for a penny and another for 50 cents and another for twenty dollars and another for one billion dollars but you only have it listed as twenty-five dollars? You don't deserve to live for your utter stupidity, Talltale. I hope you all DIE from the AIDS you have all contracted from the whore you all serve known as company expansion. You should have sold the game for TWO BILLION DOLLARS to make everyone appreciate how much better twenty-five dollars would have been. And why didn't you FORCE Michael J. Fox to play Marty? Why didn't you beat his brains in and drag his motionless, unconscious corpse into your recording studio? What were you afraid of? That you'd make him cry? You PUSSIES. What the hell were you thinking with this piece of non-GTA dog shit anyway? Why isn't it free roam, Talltale!? I want to be able to sneak around Strickland's house and be there when he forgets to draw his curtains, so I can see him get angry with his wife because she's a slacker in the sack. I want to be able to drive my Delorian over puppies. I want to be able to shoot people in the dick. That's the true spirit of Back to the Future. Sex, puppies, and being shot in the dick. I feel like I've been shot in the dick. Or at least that's what would happen if I was a character in a good Back to the Future game, like those old LJN titles on the old Nintendo consoles.
I hope Tom Wilson shows up at your offices, punches each and every one of you inside the assholes, and you explode into tiny pieces from how much awesome was shoved into your bodies. I hope his glare melts your faces off as if he has heat vision. Because he does have heat vision. HE DOES. I READ IT ON THE INTERNET. And he'll say, "Now. Now you can't get away. From hells heart I melt thee. For hates sake I shove my fist in thee." Because he's badass.
What did you do to yourselves? Snort rocks until they filled up your skulls and your brains plopped out because there was no room? I bet that only took like five seconds of rock snorting because your brain cavities are so tiny like babies. Who is running your company for you? Your mommies? As far as I'm concerned the only credits you should have at the end of your games, each and every one of you, is one long credit list under 'Official Mommy Teet Suckers And Blankie Huggers'. How could you be such buttheads? Don't try to explain yourselves. Telltale is now known as the Father of Lies. I got news for you. You ain't runnin' but two things right now. Jack and Shit. And Jack left town.
You're also running...hell because you are the devil.
You're also running...over puppies, schoolchildren, and grandmas. That you sold crack to.
You're also running...out of love for your true country. North Korea.
You're also running...into my fist if I ever see any of you on the street.
You're also running...from your nose and asses. So instead of doing any real work you just wipe your noses and asses all day.
And finally you're running...your incredibly-new barely-real-fans-at-all fans away.

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Deburary : The resulting typo of the word February from extreme nerd rage.
A month in a alternate calender where the year is divided into 9 months, from Aebruary to Lebruary, only whilst the earth hasn't fully moved around the sun (yes, it's this way and not the other way around). The rest of the time, known as the Komala, mankind acts in a unusual way and each person lifes an alternative life in order to compensate/recondition the daily madness from the rest of the year. Afterwards people don't speak about what has happened in this period and return to their nomal lifes again.
*facepalm. He's saying he's smart (I think).
fawful's been here for a while
this is a joke
and you're missing it
I was joking too you know :rolleyes:
You have to keep in mind:
Telltale Release Dates (according to Global Time) are Fake and Gay!
Kind Regards and Kudos
Mind you, I don't want to be caught slowposting*, this is a forum, you know.
* Whatever the hell THAT is.
Was like this for ToMI! Every Episode at that!.....
You'd think they'd get the hint its Pacific Time by now, or for new TT customers, RTFM, or RTFFAQs in this case.
STOP MAKING "ITS 12AM, WHERE IS THE EPISODE!" POSTS/COMMENTS DAMNIT! Or Father Christmas won't deliver your Barbie Dolls! :mad:
I wont expect it until after midnight 23rd as I'm in UK.
It's 'slowchatting'!!!
And you should know what that is being a moderator.
Don't they have you make tests or something? Sheesh..
I dunt wantto wate till debuary 4 a game i didnt pay 4!
But you forgot "The graphics are too cartoony."
Chill people chill!
EDIT: Oh, its a fake post?! Damn, I'm thick sometimes. :-)
Because real and straight are so much better for Telltale Release Dates.
I'll never buy any games from you, just like I'm glad I've never bought anything from Telltale before except for Sam & Max Season 1, 2, 3, ToMI, SBCG4AP, W&G and Poker Night... wait, that's a lot.
Anyways... Telltale, you suck! I only ever hope that you wildly succeed!... I mean fail!... I mean... umm... yeah.
And I probably have to mention that this is not a joke.
*slow clap*
Enjoy your hatred and fury for about 4 or so odd hours XP.
Ha he got reported. Looks like some new users didnt know he has been around for a while. Of course they are new, and this is within forums of actual rage.
Also, is Debuary anything like Smarch? Lousy Smarch weather.
Sorry, I couldn't help myself, particurly after finishing the game based on that movie.
Ohhhh... if only.