For a beloved american movie, some of the mods are sincerely anti-american.
I've voiced my gripes about this not being released in the early hours for American audiences. You know, the audiences that created this franchise. I was shut down by a mod in new zealend that more or less said our region wasn't the focus of the release date, who then locked my thread.
Telltale.. I assumed you were an American franchise, but honestly I haven't done the research. If you are, I would look into this thrashing around your mods are doing.
Telltale.. I assumed you were an American franchise, but honestly I haven't done the research. If you are, I would look into this thrashing around your mods are doing.
This discussion has been closed.
A lot of our base isn't american, but certainly NONE of them are anti american.
In short: you sir, have no clue what you are talking about, and would probably be better off not saying anything before you look really dumb.
Telltale is based in San Rafael, California. They do not release the game until they at least can make it into work, they want people in the offices in case something goes wrong. I'm sorry you feel offended somehow at not getting your game 7 hours earlier. You'll fucking live, I'm sure.
Ruin it? The atmosphere wouldn't be that awesomely funky without him being a dumbass!
please please please play this in the background as you enjoy this thread
(that's my crappy ASCII Vulcan hand sign, didn't bother to try and make it better
It even was explained upon locking each and every of these threads, but hey... that would be too hard to read no?
Want entertainment, read the TT forums!
Cause the delorean was the epitome of American muscle.
You know, I always found it funny the same guy who invented the GTO was happy with such an under performing overweight car, but man did it look cool. It was like the opposite of the GTO, flashy looking with no performance.
Also, don't let the mods upset you too much. I can't speak for the mods here, or every mod but let me tell you some moderator trends I have noticed.
Again, please don't take this personally Telltale moderator, as I have yet to apply any of these judgments to you because I have not seen you post.
Moderators tend to be a bit imposing. In order to have the desire to become a moderator and control forums you tend to be a more hands on person and not someone who's credo is "live and let live". Those who seek power tend to enjoy the feeling of using that power, it's actually something called "social dominance orientation" which you can look up if you are interested.
Point is, moderators are assigned a job, and sometimes their jobs are conflicting. They have to actually be of service to the customer, meaning they are actually (for lack of a better term) "lower on the totem pole" than the customers, since they represent the company of who's product the customer buys.
That said, they aren't hired employees, and most companies exercise little control over their forum moderators actions. This leads to many moderators acting as if they are "above" the customer, that the customer should always give them respect, when in fact the opposite is true, the Mods should always be respectful to the customers and forum users.
It all basically boils down to the saying "Absolute Power, Corrupts Absolutely".
Since we know there is no such thing as absolute power or absolute corruption, this phrase can be practically reduced to "Power Corrupts". The more you have, the harder it is to resist (Lord of the Rings, 'ring' any bells? There is a reason it's famous, and it isn't Orcs).
This is human nature, and it means, more often than not, the power given to the mods will corrupt them slightly, causing them to do things, and treat people on a level (ethically) lower than they really should.
It's kind of like politicians. They are really here to SERVE us, but most of them act like they are our bosses. The thing to remember is to always treat them with the respect they and you deserve. Just because they are being rude, doesn't mean you have to stoop to that level. You can point out the corruption in a logical, and calm manner, and hope that other people will empathize with you situation. If they don't, it will only hurt them in the long run because in reality, all of us customers are on the same side here.
Well, sorry for the long post, didn't mean to get carried away. Again, I hope no moderator here is taking insult, these are just TRENDS and not absolute characteristics. If you understand how people work, and how power influences them, it makes dealing with this kind of frustrating stuff a lot easier, and MUCH more effective, at least in my opinion.
Want to be locked down by a German mod, too?
Haha yes, assume all weird trollish posts are secretly bots programmed by Bruce.