Changing subtitle/voice language (merged threads)

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
I have encountered, that bttf has german soundpack. But i am afraid, that it fucks up the game. Are there any samples for german and french ?


  • edited December 2010
    French has no audio, it's subtitles only.

    German has a german dub, but not with the voice actors from the movies. So it's kinda pointless.
  • edited December 2010
    Hi guys

    How to change subtitles from German to english (menu as well). I have downloaded English version but got all in German. OK, my Windows is German, and I live in Germany but want it in English :)
  • edited December 2010
    Nothing in the options ?

    God I hope so cauz I'm gonna get the french subtitles otherwise >< .
  • edited December 2010
    Don´t see any option I´m afraid. Nothing in registry as well...
  • edited December 2010
    Same problem here. Having the voices in English and all the text in German is a bit distracting. Why there just isn't a language setting in the game options is beyond me.

    I tried finding a language setting in the registry. There's a setting called "Language ID", but it is already set to 1033, which is the Windows language code for American English. So no luck there.

    Any other ideas?
  • edited December 2010
    Deleting the "Localized"-folder didn't help either. Hope someone has a solution anytime soon.
  • edited December 2010
    solution for this would be really nice, oh yes
  • edited December 2010
    Yes, i got the Mac Version. Same problem.

    It´s great that you offer the game in three languages and even with german dubbing, but i want to play it 100% in English, not only text, but also Sound.
  • edited December 2010
    Hi guys,

    Need some help here.
    I have been downloading the game a couple of times and thought the installer is always in English, I just can't get the game to be in English !

    My Windows (7) is in English but my locale is French (Canada). It doesn't seem to do anything to change locale settings or keyboard settings. Each time I'm launching the game, the launcher is in French and the subtitles and text dialogues are in french.

    My other half is english speaking and - anyway - we want to choose the language we're playing in.

    Worst is : in "my games" in Telltale account, I can't even choose "french" in the drop down menu. There's only english and german. I redownloaded it (because of the redownloading problem), but no way.
    I searched a config file and in the registry but I can't find WHERE (the heck !) the game is set up in French.
    What's more, no "english" folder in the Pack/Localized folder of the game.

    Can anyone help ?

    OS : Win 7 Canadian-English Version
  • edited December 2010
    update : on the PC of my boyfriend (XP in French, locale in English !), the game works in English entirely (subtitles + dialogues).
    We used the same installer...

    Please could TellTales say which variable is used to change the language ?
    edited December 2010

    I'm so glad that Telltale finally included french subs !
    But you may have issues activating them or activating english subs if you have a french Windows.

    The key parameter is called :
    -Langue pour les paramètres non Unicode
    -Language for non-Unicode programs

    To change it, go to :
    -panneau de configuration -> modifier les claviers... -> Administration -> modifier les paramètre régionaux
    -control panel -> change keyboards or... -> Administrative -> Change system locale...

    Have fun ! Et n'oubliez pas de penser en quatre dimensions !
  • edited December 2010
    I would like to know that, too. I installed the English version but everything is in German (except the audio). My Windows 7 is in German of course (as I am German and living in Germany). I would like to be able to switch languages and make the subtitles in English as well.

  • edited December 2010
    Okay - i found a solution:

    In Windows 7 just type "regional" in the search field.
    Then you click on the result in "System Control" (Systemsteuerung).
    In German it's "Datum, Uhrzeit und Zahlenformat ändern", in English probably something like "Change Date, Time and Numberformat".

    Then choose Verwaltung (Administration) and Gebietsschema ändern (Change Area Scheme). Here you can choose between Deutsch, English, French...

    If you start the game afterwards, your changes will be in effect. So you'll have English subtitles instead of German...

    However - this is not a proper solution. I would prefer to be able to switch between subtitle languages in the game.

  • edited December 2010

    I finally succeeded in launching the game (was stuck at the login page like many users) and I'm having similar language problems : all texts are in French and it sucks. I'm running Windows 7 in English but with "Belgium French" locale settings.

    The locale workaround is not a solution for me : I have to keep the locale to a French settings for work-related stuff (accountancy softwares and stuff like Microsoft Excel).

    On previous Telltale games, all you had to do was to change the language during the installation process to get the game in English but it's not even available here.

    On another unrelated note, the launcher looks like crap (I was stuck for a few hours on this launcher so I could really enjoy it). Is it possible it was made using html-editing software from 1985 ? It really looks like something made with Microsoft Frontpage from like... 15 years ago!

    I don't have an opinion yet on the game itself (played like 2 minutes to check the language) but so far, I am very disappointed by Telltale...
  • edited December 2010
    +1 for How can we change the language of the game without changing the locale of the computer and if not possible, put it in please!

    (I'm on windows 7 Home Premium, French (Canada) regional settings)
  • edited December 2010
    Hello everyone, Menu, and Subtitles are German, but the Voices are English.

    How can I manage to get the German Voices?
  • edited December 2010
    Xpider wrote: »
    Hello everyone, Menu, and Subtitles are German, but the Voices are English.

    How can I manage to get the German Voices?

    *stands corrected. Nothing to see here*
  • edited December 2010
    There are german voices. You have to select the german version wen you download.
  • edited December 2010
    Open the Registry Editor: Simply type "regedit" in the Win7 Startbar Search Window.

    Then within the Reg Editor browse to:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Telltale Games\BackToTheFuture101.exe

    In the Window where you see the Registry Entries like LanguageID, Version and stuff like that you have to create a new String Value. Just right click -> new -> String Value.

    Name it "language". After it's created simply double click it and change the Value to "english" or whatever Language you want to have for the text. I think only english, german, and french are working but i'm not sure about that!

    Now you can play the Game with English text :)
  • edited December 2010
    yeah...the translation in the launcher alone gives me the creeps...i dont want to play this in german and i dont want to fiddle with my system settings...until today i had nothing but praise for you people but right now im quite pissed about this...

    do something and please today, otherwise i wont be able to look into it until next year....
  • edited December 2010
    Ugh, I am a German too, using Windows Vista.
    I, too, would like this game to be completely in English, not in some horrid German version...what can I do??
  • edited December 2010
    DrRadon wrote: »
    There are german voices. You have to select the german version wen you download.

    there are? *shudders in fear*
  • edited December 2010

    I've bought this game on steam, and I can only play in English or German, but I'm french, and there's no way to have french subtitles.... I've tried to change the LanguageID value to french, but the game is still in English. English people who can't play in english and french who can't have the french version... very weird ! So if anyone knows any other solutions to change that, it could be very nice !
  • edited December 2010
    Also hate to see German interface options. It is awkward to switch between languages all the time. This is not acceptable Telltale! I certainly won't start messing around with my OS settings just to get the game to run entirely in English.
  • edited December 2010
    Well, I just sent an email to the support. I'll tell you if I get an answer about this issue.
  • edited December 2010
    I've done so. Selected German. Downloaded. Problem.
    No Idea.

    That's not a Problem for ME. I am ready with this Episode in English. But my 9 years old son, should play in German.

    So, no solutions?
  • edited December 2010
    Well it seems the german PC-Version works. Is there any possible way you can install that one and copy the files over?
  • edited December 2010
    em guys, did you read all the posts? SatoshiChiba posted a solution that's working fine.

    I also had the problem with the german interface though I downloaded the english client.
  • edited December 2010
    BenderDW wrote: »
    em guys, did you read all the posts? SatoshiChiba posted a solution that's working fine.

    Still, it would have been nice to choose what we want from inside the game and not have to go play in the computer settings or the registry.
  • edited December 2010
    assuming this problem concers mostly german speakers ,i give u my solution in german
    weil einfacher für mich.
    Falls ihr das spiel zum laufen gebracht hab,deutsche untertitel aber englische synchro, könnt einfach die deutsche sprachdatei mit der englischen ersetzen.
    Die datei kann ich euch schicken, wenn ihr wollt. Einfach pm mit e-mail an mich schicken.Habt ihr die Datei geht ihr in das Verzeichnis des Spiels.

    Recht klick auf BackTotheFuture101--->paketinhalt zeigen--->contents--->Resources--->Pack

    Dort fügt ihr die deutsche Sprachdatei ein(0_BackToTheFuture_pc_german_voice.ttarch) und löscht die englische(2_BackToTheFuture_pc_voice.ttarch)
  • edited December 2010
    Kord wrote:
    Ugh, I am a German too, using Windows Vista.
    I, too, would like this game to be completely in English, not in some horrid German version...what can I do??

    I've had the same problem on my Windows Vista DE system!

    For Vista the regkey is a bit different:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Telltale Games\BackToTheFuture101.exe

    You have to add the key "Language" (String/Zeichenfolge) and set its value to "english". Then everything works fine! :D

    @Telltale: Please fix this for the next episode! I'd also like to change the language setting of the game in the game..

  • edited December 2010

    I downloaded the "english" version of the game (there is a choice between english and german), but when I launch the game, it is in French, and there is no option to switch back to english (or I least I didn't find it).

    I guess it's because I have a French XP version. But it would be wrong to assume that because of this, I want to play the game with menus, hints etc. in French.

    I mean playing BTTFTG in French would be like watching a performance of Mozart's Zauberflöte in english: an heresy...

    Does someone know how I can set the interface language in the game?

  • edited December 2010
    It's just subtitles... Get over it...

    But yeah, as a matter of fact, I know how you can fix this.

    Tu n'as qu'à lire ce topic :
  • edited December 2010
    First of all ... thanks for releasing the game in english and german at the same time, many fans will celebrate this day.

    However ... I prefer to play my games in english (even if I am german), so I downloaded the version with english voice, so far so good.

    The problem: all on-screen texts, menus, some ingame graphics ... are german.
    How can I set it to english?
  • edited December 2010
    I'm not sure but I do wonder if it makes the choice based on your OS language settings.
  • edited December 2010
    Yes they do.
    You can set the region for non unicode programs to english to get english text in the game.
    (There was a thread with details for that somewhere on this board)

    But it is annoying as hell, and I hope telltale will fix th issue for later episodes, as I don't want to twist my system configuration for the two hours of play every time.
  • edited December 2010
    Thanks :-) And I see that my message was directly moved in the right topic.

    By the way: No I don't want to get over with it :D
  • edited December 2010
    Schlichi wrote: »
    Okay - i found a solution:

    In Windows 7 just type "regional" in the search field.
    Then you click on the result in "System Control" (Systemsteuerung).
    In German it's "Datum, Uhrzeit und Zahlenformat ändern", in English probably something like "Change Date, Time and Numberformat".

    Then choose Verwaltung (Administration) and Gebietsschema ändern (Change Area Scheme). Here you can choose between Deutsch, English, French...

    If you start the game afterwards, your changes will be in effect. So you'll have English subtitles instead of German...

    Well, I'm using XP and the "Gebietsschema" - trick didn't work out for me - not even after rebooting my system. And frankly, even if it had, that's not a proper solution. And I certainly won't mess with my registry..
  • edited December 2010
    a mod (djnb or something like that) has already created some reg-files you just have to doubleclick to add the needed value to the registry. cant find the thread right now, i've uploaded them (and added french)
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