Can't turn off hint system completely/ icons way too big

In the game while playing i went to the help menu and changed there to text popup and goal popup and hint level to the lowest and still its telling me what to do in the game.


  • edited December 2010
    It seems you need to restart the game for this to work.

    Edit: No, those hints still pop up...
  • edited December 2010
    The ui in this game is WAY TOO BIG. Totally ruining it for me so far. i can't see the game over the STUPIDLY HUGE UI.
  • edited December 2010
    Is there anyway to turn the objective UI off? I have specified i don't want it but it still appears. The ui in this game is WAY TOO HUGE, i can't see the game over the ui!!!
  • edited December 2010
    Did you actually turn the hints and pop-ups off, and declined after New Game when the interface asks if you want goals or not?
  • edited December 2010
    In spite of disabling hints, goals and pop-up text, I am still observing obtrusive hint icons, goals and pop-up text. Is an actual means for disabling these items available in-game?
  • edited December 2010
    Dimensio wrote: »
    In spite of disabling hints, goals and pop-up text, I am still observing obtrusive hint icons, goals and pop-up text. Is an actual means for disabling these items available in-game?

    How far are you in the game? They go away after the scene in Doc's lab.
  • edited December 2010
    How far are you in the game? They go away after the scene in Doc's lab.

    I have just begun the game after circumventing the error that requires the game to be run under an Administrator account. I was unaware that the initial hints could not be disabled. Thank you for your assistance.
  • edited December 2010
    I don't mean the hints in the initial scene. If you're playing with a controller, pushing one of the buttons causes the hint screen to automatically pop up, even if you've turned hints all the way off. I'd really like the option to completely disable that button. When I was still getting used to the controls and pushing the button for what I thought would be inventory, I accidentally pulled up a hint for the puzzle I was working on (One I would have loved to work out for myself.) I know Telltale doesn't really do game updates, but maybe for part 2 on up, we can disable the hint button completely? Or at least map it to the select button so it's harder to push accidentally...

    Great game otherwise, BTW!
  • edited December 2010
    Anyway, even if you turn both hints and goals off, they keep appearing until some moment during the estate sale scene, being sort of tutorial thing.
  • edited December 2010
    Having an option to completely remove the hint button and goal button (Giving more screen) would be nice though :D
  • edited December 2010
    Having an option to completely remove the hint button and goal button (Giving more screen) would be nice though :D

    Seconded! They are huge icons, and take up a ton of space. And it is sort of weird that there is an icon for "The Story So Far" which I have yet to actually use, but yet in order to reach the Game Menu (to save, load, quit, etc) you have to hit Esc. There ought to be an icon for that, since it is likely to be used much more often, and get rid of the Goals, hints, and Story So Far icons. Just put them in the Menu.
  • edited December 2010
    At least have the option to turn the UI off. You can open the inventory by middle-clicking, so none of the icons need to be onscreen.
  • edited December 2010
    I found it quite annoying during Docs lab when the hints would cover a large area at the top of the screen. Thinking that clicking the hint would get rid of it, I ended up clicking the objects behind it, in this case the clocks on the wall. So in a way the hints are infact obstucting the view of gameplay objects that are still active.
  • rfcrfc
    edited December 2010
    It's there since I started playing, but it's so distracting. I didn't enabled the goals upon start and made sure they're disabled in the settings. I'm now at his lab and the beginning. Will they stop showing?

  • edited December 2010
    It will go away later in game. It's just for the first 5 actions or so.
  • rfcrfc
    edited December 2010
    Ah, ok, thx. All those "we take you by your hand" things are really weird when you grew up with Zork, Ultima and Maniac Mansion :p
  • edited December 2010
    I didn't knew about middle clicking for Inventory (using WASD)... but yeah, removing all icons would be nice. I could be used for us, or pretty much any other key, a keyboard has many buttons ;).
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Having an option to completely remove the hint button and goal button (Giving more screen) would be nice though :D

    YES, YES, YES and YES. The entire Doc's lab scene is clustered with those. It's just ugly and, by the way, no one ever gets to experience the game like it was shown on the gameplay scenes.
  • edited December 2010
    Definitely one thing I agree with. Especially with the constant hint saying "Have you looked at Doc's model?"
  • edited December 2010
    i completed the game twice, but i cant remember this hint.

    maybe because i turned off the hint system in the game options right from the start? or am i just deaf when it comes to hints???

    and yeah, i would also like an option to hide the gui
  • edited December 2010
    So did we, but it still appeared :(.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    There were many, many threads flying around in this forum with the same issue, so I merged them. This is a thing very dear to my heart: To get the f*ng icons and hint thingies off the screen. They take up a third of the screen and totally ruin at least the first two scenes, Doc's lab included.

    This doesn't only include the hint thing on the left and one's inability to get rid of it. At least two of the three icons in the upper right are almost never used. "The story so far" is even more of a hint system. Why would you need PERMANENT, huge icons for that? I don't get these design choices. Drawing in adventure newbies, no problem, but establishing three hint systems which can't be turned off, blech. That the puzzle experience is woefully inexistent belongs into another thread, though. :(
  • edited December 2010
    The stuff in the early scene (in Doc's lab) aren't *hints*, they're the *tutorial*.

    Yeah, I agree they can be annoying, but I very much doubt you'll see such obtrusive stuff in future episodes.
  • edited December 2010
    A tutorial shouldn't claim 50% of the screen.

    With the walking and such they pass eventually, but the doc hint is permanent until you select the model :(.
  • edited February 2011
    phonicpod wrote: »
    The ui in this game is WAY TOO BIG. Totally ruining it for me so far. i can't see the game over the STUPIDLY HUGE UI.


    Developers, please don't make so big UI things on the game screen.

    Also, there're strange controls via mouse and keyboard. WSAD works like ADWS or sort of it, i.e. when you click 'W', Marty doesn't go to the deep of screen (to forward), he goes to right... And player walks after strange mouse click (slide hold mouse button to the side), for why?
  • edited February 2011
    Sledgy wrote: »
    Also, there're strange controls via mouse and keyboard. WSAD works like ADWS or sort of it, i.e. when you click 'W', Marty doesn't go to the deep of screen (to forward), he goes to right... And player walks after strange mouse click (slide hold mouse button to the side), for why?

    I had NO problems with that, actually. Mainly because Marty walks in the direction where he faces, so it's not that hard to figure out.
  • edited March 2011
    I think the click and drag is the best option for movement control.
    I haven't even used the keyboard but they remind me of the controls for Resident Evil.

    I can't say I care for the UI either: the icons are too large, the 'goals' notice is unnecessary, and the inventory is on a separate screen. I hate to sound like a hater and PC snob, but it really feels only one UI was designed and it was made for the iPad.
  • edited March 2011
    Bunnyman wrote: »
    I think the click and drag is the best option for movement control.
    I haven't even used the keyboard but they remind me of the controls for Resident Evil.

    I can't say I care for the UI either: the icons are too large, the 'goals' notice is unnecessary, and the inventory is on a separate screen. I hate to sound like a hater and PC snob, but it really feels only one UI was designed and it was made for the iPad.
    Wouldn't be the first time Telltale has designed a season with a non-PC platform as the main priority.

    The PS3 was the main promotional focus for Sam and Max Season 3. All the pre-release preview videos were taken from that version, and PS3 players got the NutriSpecs when nobody else did (yes, I'm still bitter about that. And I will be until the end of time. Thanks for going back on your word, Telltale!)
  • edited March 2011
    So... I know Telltale doesn't usually make any big changes to the UI and options menus mid-season, but is there any chance episode three will let us turn off the hint icons entirely?

    I'd say there are at least as many people complaining about them as there were about the repeated environment descriptions in Sam and Max Season One, and Telltale changed that mid-season.
  • edited March 2011
    It would've been better if they did a similar thing like the ToMI inventory slider for the top icons.
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