The "Thank you Telltale" thread.

Hi Guys.

I know its a bit early because i still haven't finished the game, but i thought we should need a official "Thank You" thread for Telltale. Was hoping this would be a sticky :)

So, here we go!

Thank You TellTale for this great game! i love it! :D


  • edited December 2010
    Well I have to say, thank you already for letting me live virtually in one of the best films ever.
  • edited December 2010
    The game itself is just great, but the icing on the cake is how well-optimized the game is. I can run it, it still looks good, and there's shadows, and I'm using a integrated graphics card. The same wasn't true for Sam and Max, as the game looks like rubbish on setting 2/3.
  • edited December 2010
    Thank you!
  • edited December 2010
    Thank you for not even putting a demo version in your installer this time.
  • edited December 2010
    Gracias Telltale Games! Desde Monterrey, Mexico =)

    Volver Al Futuro es mi pelicula favorita =)
    Back to the Future is my favorite Film ever =)
  • edited December 2010
    Haven't finished it either and definitely a big thank you! My favorite movies ever since I was a kid and being able to just be in this Universe is great! The small amount I've played.. words can't describe how excited it gets me :P

    And getting Christopher Lloyd in here to voice Doc Brown. Two thumbs up! You still got it!

    *Edit* I just noticed the menu screen shows the last time you played, Current time, and what time you're going to in your save on the time circuits. BEST MENU EVER!!!
  • edited December 2010
    pokegeorge wrote: »
    Gracias Telltale Games! Desde Monterrey, Mexico =)

    Volver Al Futuro es mi pelicula favorita =)
    Back to the Future is my favorite Film ever =)
    Saludos desde la ciudad de México!!! aunque yo tambien soy de Mty!

    Thanks Telltale. Downloading just now and eager to play!
  • edited December 2010
    Just finished it, superb work Telltale!! You guys seriously rock.
  • edited December 2010
    Won't get a thank you from me. It is rediculous that the game has been in developement this long and they didnt' work out with Vavle to release the game on Steam on release day.
  • edited December 2010
    I love this game but, I can't full screen it or it crashes and then I have to re-install it? Anyone else having this problem and know a solution? Other than that this is beautiful and just *perfect* of the BTTF universe so far! Still not sure why this DeLorean hasn't flown.. just got to the past but then *phfft* now I have to re-install it *sigh*.
  • edited December 2010

    but honor your dates.
  • edited December 2010
    Thank you soo much!!
  • edited December 2010
    hlhbk wrote: »
    Won't get a thank you from me. It is rediculous that the game has been in developement this long and they didnt' work out with Vavle to release the game on Steam on release day.
    Steam always releases their stuff (games, patches) late... well unless it's Valve software... oh wait, nevermind, even then.

    I am not sure what you're doing there if you want it ASAP.

    EDIT: Thnx Telltale.
  • edited December 2010
    You guys really outdid yourselves TT!

    Really stayed true to the BTTF franchise and story!

    Makes a BTTF fan feel good!
  • edited December 2010
    Thank You Telltale for making one of the biggest steals in video game history! What a fantastic $25 well spent! You can tell that you guys really care about both the importance of the franchise you're working on and your customers. The game is just chock-full of insanely high production values--like one other person said, even the menus look and function fantastically. Thank you for finally creating the game that this franchise deserves!
  • edited December 2010
    Ya thanks for nothing all day im praising you guys, sticking up for you when people are demandng their money back and I get screwed and not get my preorder code. Thanks a lot
  • edited December 2010
    TheMike wrote: »
    I get screwed and not get my preorder code. Thanks a lot

    Did you email support? I did, and had the problem taken care of within minutes...although at this point, everybody at the Telltale offices probably went home for the night.
  • edited December 2010
    Well done Telltale, well done.

    I anxiously await Episode 2! You nailed it; it really felt as though I was part of the BTTF universe.

    Also, AJ LoCascio has done an awesome job with Marty's voiceover; it sounded exactly like Michael J. Fox. That, along with superb work from Christopher Lloyd, really made this game shine!
  • edited December 2010
    Since there have been so many complaints from others, I thought I'd share that so far I've had absolutely no problems with the game. It's been extremely entertaining and I can't wait for more! :)
  • edited December 2010
    I was floored by how much I enjoyed this. I'll be finishing it numerous times before February rolls around I'm sure...

    Thank you very much Telltale. Words just don't do the experience justice.
  • edited December 2010
    Thank you indeed! Can't wait for more!
  • edited December 2010
    Thank you Tell tale I simply love the game and I love where the first episode ended. I am a huge BACK TO THE FUTURE FAN !!! I can't wait for the second episode. I think something is going to ensue between Young lady Strickland and Young DOC BROWN.
  • edited December 2010
    thanks for bringing my childhood back and thanks for treating preorderers like kings (80% anyone??)

    havent finished the first ep yet, will do it this evening. cant wait.
  • edited December 2010
    Already gushed in the "I beat episode 1" thread but yes, thank you Telltale. You addressed all my questions about how this fits in the timeline, the voice acting was top-notch, great setting etc. etc. In short, awesome job, you done good. I shall now listen to Huey Lewis and watch all the films to celebrate your victory.
  • edited December 2010
    Great effort Guys! Thank You!
  • edited December 2010
    This game was great! it's amazing how close telltale is able to stick with the original formula of the movies. thanks!
  • edited December 2010
    I absolutely loved this game! I loved how good the voices sounded, I loved the plot twists, and above all, I loved seeing Marty and Doc together again!

    And thank you also for coming up with a nifty and UNIQUE way to bring back the DeLorean! I was pretty much the only one who suggested that theory among all the other theories about it, so I felt pretty cool about guessing that one!
  • edited December 2010
    I'm so happy about the game, I feel like carving a pirate tombst- I mean Memorial! :D

    "There once was a kid named Marty
    who attended a game lauching party
    TellTale played their part
    and made a grand start
    They all deserve praises quite hearty."

    Thanks guys for puting characters and story telling above money. :)
  • edited December 2010
    I also want to take telltale games for making the back to the future game. I am 30 and I felt like I was a 12 year old kid again waiting for this game. I am still playing and enjoying every minute. I am new to this type of format, and what I mean by that is downloading a game instead of having the standard cd or disk. I like not having to go to the store. I hope this game makes you all tons of money. You did your homework, and have done this franchise proud.

    Thanks again!!
  • edited December 2010
    Thank you Telltale
  • edited December 2010
    Indeed, thank you very much Telltale! I've enjoyed all of the Telltale series that I have played, and I was totally excited when I heard that they were going to make a game out of one of my all-time favorite movies!

    I probably had this goofy grin on my face while playing through the first episode, but it really was a lot of fun! I'll probably be playing through the episode again before the second episode releases.
  • edited December 2010
    Thank you so very much, Telltale!
    This BTTF fan is very happy with your work.
    I read a few complaints about a short episode with easy puzzles.
    I really didn't see that as a problem. It is great to have another sequel that is true to the film and adds more to this continuing time travel tale.


    Thank you!!
  • edited December 2010
    Thank you from switzerland... i waited so long .....
  • edited December 2010
    Best game, ever.

    Thanks Telltale
  • edited December 2010
    Yesterday I made a thread thanking Telltale and showing my honest appreciation, got only one reply.. oh well anyways I know this won't mean much coming from me, but Thank you for the best BTTF game I have ever played in all my years of BTTF gaming, Thank you.
  • edited December 2010
    Thank you Telltale for a Back To The Future game, i have wanted one since i was 10.
  • edited December 2010
    Just wanted to say THANKS, TELLTALE! :D

    I decided to hold off playing BTTF until Christmas, I am so excited right now.
  • edited December 2010
    Thanks Telltale, you did not dissapoint with this game it's great!
    Wishing all Telltale employees, Forum Mods and last but not the least the Forum Users a Merry Christmas.
  • edited December 2010
    Hey TellTale People... Here's 3 words for you :
    1. Beautiful
    2. Captivating
    3. Entertaining

    I didn't play an adventure game in ages... Last one was probably Sam&Max Hit The Road and when the market shifted to FPS games, I gradually lost interest and rarely played any games.

    Soon as I heard about the BTTF game, and that you guys were keeping the genre alive, I knew it was RIGHT. I knew this genre still had it's place.

    Since then, I've played three of your games, and enjoyed every seconds.

    So thank you. Not just for BTTF.

    Thank you for making games with heart.

    EDIT : Oh, and happy holidays to everyone at TellTale and to everyone on this forum :)
  • edited December 2010
    I've played all the previous Telltale games and they've all been great, but what you've done with Back To The Future is incredible! The graphics, voice acting, animation, story, everything is just so well done and a credit to the adventure genre. Well done to all at Telltale and a Merry Christmas :)
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