The "Thank you Telltale" thread.



  • edited December 2010
    I have to say it is quite brillant. The puzzles could have been harder but everything else was spot on.
  • edited December 2010
    Its great, but the puzzles are way too easy, and the episode was short.
    Hopefully the one month(january) telltale has can fix that for the next 4 episodes.
  • edited December 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Its great, but the puzzles are way too easy, and the episode was short.
    Hopefully the one month(january) telltale has can fix that for the next 4 episodes.

    I totally agree. The puzzles were too easy and the episode too short. Was a bit of a disappointment to me.
  • edited December 2010
    I've found introductory episodes always to be on the easy side, later they usually get tougher. This was, however, one of the easiest introductions too.
  • edited December 2010
    I've just finished it and I agree, it's very high quality and Telltale and everyone involved have done a superb job. The puzzles were a bit on the easy side, but then it made for a nice intro to the series. Hopefully they'll get a bit more difficult with later episodes.
  • edited December 2010
    Merry Christmas to All!

    May All the Creative People at TellTale be Blessed for Another Year! (or two)
  • edited December 2010
    Thank you Telltale! Back to the Future was just like stepping inside the movie - I'm eager to see where the story goes next (Episode 1 feels like about the first half of one of the movies, but a damn good one!)

    And also thankyou for having the patience to deal with everybody's issues, especially those ungrateful people who seem to get angry if things don't work for them first time or straight away. It seems that there's an awful lot of people who complain about the "bad" things (some of which aren't bad, they're just not what the complainer was expecting) and it's good to have a thread like this which should be reserved for positive wishes.
  • edited December 2010
    Thanl you telltale for what you do best.
  • edited December 2010
    Popping back into this thread to mention that I love the shots of Marty in the dream sequence when Doc is starting to vanish, with the wind blowing his hair and the frantic look on his face, he really looks like Michael J Fox.
  • edited December 2010
    Hi There,

    I remember going to the theatre for Back to the Future 2 ad 3, back when I was a kid. the excitement ( yes I loved ALL Three movies!) and the sadness when it was over, and no more Back to the Future.

    I have seen some people complain about the "ease" of the game etc, but I just wanted to say a big thank you to Telltale for developing this for us!

    See, first of all, as it has always been with adventure games for me, it was less about the "puzzles" and "gameplay", but more on how the story unfolds. Honestly, the gaming part was just an added extra for me, as some adventure games had great story lines, that made it worth it.

    Telltale first developed a new Monkey island, and now Back to The Future, and this has made me very happy! I feel like there is still a link to my past and might get the closure/satisfaction I have craved for since I was a kid ;)

    I loved the story so far, and am very excited for the next parts! Keep making more awesome things for us, and a big thank you for creating great story lines for us as well!

    Ciao and Happy New Year
  • edited December 2010
    Just wanted to send a shout out to everyone involved in the making of this game. With the blu-ray trilogy just released, my interest in this series has never been higher. Now you have added fuel to the fire, the game is great! I think I used the hints a little too often because I had trouble with some of the objectives. But, they did allow me to keep the pace moving so I didn't get bogged down too much. That allowed me to soak in the story. Great attention to detail. Can't wait to see what the future episodes hold!

  • edited December 2010
    Big THANK YOU from this BttF fan! It's great seeing Back to the Future in the pop-culture consciousness and I love the care the Telltale has taken to respect the source material.
  • edited December 2010
    Thank you Telltale for creating an amazing BTTF game.

    It has it's flaws but it also has a lot of heart. This is beyond what i was hoping for.

    It's the only game ever that made me shed a tear.
  • edited December 2010
    Thank you so much, Telltale. You are awesome sauce drizzled onto a pile of pure liquid neato wrapped in a cocoon of delicious fantastibread.
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, I finished the 1st episode and I have to say I was really impressed how authentic it is. I was suprised how smooth it ran, even on my old lappy.

    I have to give big props and a thank you to Telltale games for the good work on BTTF. "You guys have really outdone yourselves." (again, I seem to be saying this every new game you release.)
  • edited December 2010
    Thank you Telltale for :

    - having convinced Bob Gale to give life to a sequel to the movies.
    - showing great respect to your faithful customers
    - producing great games
    - "ressuscitating" a category of games which was in agony

    and so much more!
  • edited December 2010
    Sorry but no thank you from me. I just paid 20 bucks and got the easiest adventure game I have ever played in return. Oh well, I will not be making this mistake ever again as this was the last time I will ever blind buy a game from Telltale again. I will wait for at least a couple reviews before making my decision on whether to buy and if the words "to easy" come up anywhere in the review....well lets just say my money will be going elsewhere regardless of what franchise the game represents.

    I read some of the thank you posts and they absolutely blow my mind especially the ones thanking Telltale for "showing respect to their faithful customers". Of all the words one could use to describe episode 1, respectful is probably the least accurate. Its a slap in the face to adventure gamers. Either they didn't design the game with adventure gamers in mind or they think were all a bunch of blabbering idiots with the combined intelligence of a fruit loop.

    I apologize for being a bit harsh but I was EXTREMELY excited for this game and have been counting the days since it was first announced. What a MASSIVE disappointment.
  • edited December 2010
    Sorry but no thank you from me. I just paid 20 bucks and got the easiest adventure game I have ever played in return. Oh well, I will not be making this mistake ever again as this was the last time I will ever blind buy a game from Telltale again. I will wait for at least a couple reviews before making my decision on whether to buy and if the words "to easy" come up anywhere in the review....well lets just say my money will be going elsewhere regardless of what franchise the game represents.

    I read some of the thank you posts and they absolutely blow my mind especially the ones thanking Telltale for "showing respect to their faithful customers". Of all the words one could use to describe episode 1, respectful is probably the least accurate. Its a slap in the face to adventure gamers. Either they didn't design the game with adventure gamers in mind or they think were all a bunch of blabbering idiots with the combined intelligence of a fruit loop.

    I apologize for being a bit harsh but I was EXTREMELY excited for this game and have been counting the days since it was first announced. What a MASSIVE disappointment.
    I don't come into your complaining thread and tell you to thank Telltale, so why come into the thanking thread and complain? I'd rather have an easy BTTF game, than no BTTF game at all. So, THANK YOU TELLTALE!
  • edited December 2010
    Sorry but no thank you from me. I just paid 20 bucks and got the easiest adventure game I have ever played in return.

    You paid your $20 (or $25) and have just played PART ONE OF FIVE. There's still four more episodes to come, and you've already paid for them. And considering you've already outlaid your money, you might as well play the other episodes when they come out. Maybe they'll change your opinion, maybe they won't. No way of telling until you give them a shot...

    I will agree that this episode was moderately easy and fairly short, but it's got the perfect feel that matches BTTF and the fun and humour that I've seen in all TTG games so far.
  • edited December 2010
    I most wholeheartedly agree with all of ya well wishers, thankers, and other variants of the grateful out there. BUT!!!!!!!! Telltale. You. Is. Bastards. Not in a bad way mindyou. I get to the end of Ep 1, and all I want is my own delorean to travel to feb 2011 so I can have ep 2. INCREDIBLY well done. Keep the Sam and Max coming too, and my xbox may go unused for quite some time.....
  • edited December 2010
    I have been waiting for this game for 21 years ever since that joke on NES. Thank you for putting this out. I will go on record though, I'm a bit leery of these types of episodic-games. I am delighted it's available for computer, my only current system at the mo.

    I am looking forward to when the entire game is complete and I can get it all at once please.

    Also a huge Jurassic Park fan, so I might be looking into what you have here.
  • edited January 2011
    At first I was horrified at the localization fiasco with the German version (I'm German but I want to experience this in it's original English form).

    But after being helped with a workaround here in these forums I have to say the Episode itself is simply fantastic. It's an extremely difficult job to work on a game sequel to such a cult franchise and Telltale have pulled it off beautifully.

    Yeah, it's a little bit short but that's not important. The game is very much story driven and just piling more puzzles into the game would not necessarily improve it. Being story-driven, sometimes less is more...
    Looking forward very much to the future installments!
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