I have a friend who is obsessed with this stuff... his little brother committed suicide in their house and didn't leave a note... He swears that his brother is still there.
I have a friend who is obsessed with this stuff... his little brother committed suicide in their house and didn't leave a note... He swears that his brother is still there.
I personally am very skeptical..
I think you have to be extremely careful with this sort of thing, becoming obsessed is very easy. They say demons manipulate, decieve you.
Well if I were a ghost I would be able to validate their existence no further than I can, existence, as a living human being. I can tell you that much.
I run Premiere Paranormal Research, Inc (pprkcmo.com) in KCMO and we have been going strong for three years. Straight up through it is nothing live the TV shows..REAL paranormal activity is not that frequent and out of the 60+ places we have investigated nothing have levitated, no one was possessed and no one got hurt. People did get touched, voices were heard and EVPs were caught though.
It is pretty fun though bc when something happens it is really exciting but the job is probono so you gotta have a passion for it
I may have done this 100 times before.
It may be the case, that no matter how much evidence I could possibly provide you with, you're still going to ask for more.
I believe the reason may be because you simply can't validate paranormal evidence, unless it's by first hand account. Unless, possibly the case, that you are willing to believe and put faith into the evidence of others.
Now, it may be the case, that I believe that, to get your evidence you need a web site such as this one, and you may need to buy these instruments and try some of them yourself... http://www.ghost-hunting-equipment.com/
This may actually be what I believe, not what I perceive I believe on a conscious level. On certain levels this post may be validated.
It may be the case, that no matter how much evidence I could possibly provide you with, you're still going to ask for more.
No, if there is sufficient demonstrative proof that isn't so reliant on faith, I will believe.
When I was a kid, I believed for certain that my room was haunted. Doors would open and shut, and I heard footsteps overhead in the dead of night. As with most "paranormal experiences" it turned out to be an air current and unwanted squirrels in the attic.
Ghost stories are great and all, but are just fun stories. That's it.
No, if there is sufficient demonstrative proof that isn't so reliant on faith, I will believe.
When I was a kid, I believed for certain that my room was haunted. Doors would open and shut, and I heard footsteps overhead in the dead of night. As with most "paranormal experiences" it turned out to be an air current and unwanted squirrels in the attic.
Ghost stories are great and all, but are just fun stories. That's it.
These instruments aren't faith readers.
Also, I think it may be possible that you may have been mislead. Just because your experience was in fact a squirrle and wind current, that does not mean that all cases must be the same.
It may be accurate, that skeptics are turned into believers when they witness what we would precieve a true haunting. Your experience obviously wasn't validating...
Comrade Pants, I believe the only way to describe my reaction to your post is that I'm very offended by your content.
Misusing fancy sounding equipment, and misreading and constructing the data into what you want it to be is not scientific in the slightest.
Trust me, I've had a lot of interest in what goes on in paranormal investigating for just about as long as I've been alive. I'm not just writing this off out of spite.
Misusing fancy sounding equipment, and misreading and constructing the data into what you want it to be is not scientific in the slightest.
Trust me, I've had a lot of interest in what goes on in paranormal investigating for just about as long as I've been alive. I'm not just writing this off out of spite.
It almost sounds it to me. I could argue forever the other side to this. You're opinions may not be scientific in the slightest. This equipment is used by paranormal investigators, in their investigations and all you may have here is some sort of contrived hypothesis that the equipment is misused, misread...
And yet you may have never once used any of it in a real investigation...At the very least forming theories on the existence of ghosts may have just a scientific right as do many other scientific theories...you may not be able to disprove that, ever.
When visiting Ireland, the city of Armagh has a history that is dotted with many ghost tales that are filled with intrigue and the terrifying. Throughout the year, a variety of tours are held here, which explores centuries of history attached to the area. Many are surprised that the city holds such a sordid past, but you will be able to learn of a host of interesting dark and gory legends. When you are in the area, check out the Living History Department, which can be found at Palace Demesne. Need more details? Give them a call at +44 028-37-529629.
I live in Armagh, it's tourist crap from hand-me-down tails of yore about green ladies and headless horsemen. That was the only ghost tour listed on the website for the whole country. Fun and interesting, but it's pretty much in the same vein of believing in Fionn mac Cumhaill.
I didn't say it was the only one, just that it was the only one listed on the website
Once again Richhill's in my area, it's just outside of town, I actually go through it everyday on the way to work. It's another touristy thing, tour guides and performers, all done with a touch of class and that
As for actual ghost hunting with fancy gear and enthusiasts it's not really done at all as far as I know. We have enoguh heritage with the supernatural to want to go out and seek more I guess
I didn't say it was the only one, just that it was the only one listed on the website
Once again Richhill's in my area, it's just outside of town, I actually go through it everyday on the way to work. It's another touristy thing, tour guides and performers, all done with a touch of class and that
As for actual ghost hunting with fancy gear and enthusiasts it's not really done at all as far as I know. We have enoguh heritage with the supernatural to want to go out and seek more I guess
I already posted two groups of Ireland investigators...:p
My previous post was the second group...
The way I see this is that the real problem here is that ghost may be a overly sensationalized subject because every one has feelings and thoughts about the after life. It then may become a overly used vent for creativity, hoax, stories, etc etc....
Obviously...There may even be more fakes out there than real evidence just because the subject matter itself may be so wide spread and open to so many people.
Even when presented with real investigatior evidence, things that may look real, may look like actual appritions, their may be doubts, skepticism, even from the investigator him/ herself.
Still I rather see real evidence using theories and instrumentation , giving us something to document, rather than a clear as day aprition that was likely photoshopped...
What I would consider real investigators have real scientific theories and guess what, they don't always hit pay dirt. Not only do they rely on scientific instrumentation but often the products don't have any signficant readings. Though investigators such as myself still honor the theories that have literally been growing, evolving since the 1800s or so...When the instrumentation does actually work it's usually what I would consider a interesting, worth while, result.
Still I rather see real evidence using theories and instrumentation , giving us something to document, rather than a clear as day aprition that was likely photoshopped...
Ack but how can you make a reliable piece if technology to detect the supernatural? It's not like we have a test for ghosts. We have a pile of equipment that somebody is going to try interpert data from that hints towards ghosts.
Considering they're looking for ghosts in the first place, I can't help but think they'll be somewhat iclined to have an etheral leaning in interpreting anomalies and shit
Ack but how can you make a reliable piece if technology to detect the supernatural? It's not like we have a test for ghosts. We have a pile of equipment that somebody is going to try interpert data from that hints towards ghosts.
Considering they're looking for ghosts in the first place, I can't help but think they'll be somewhat iclined to have an etheral leaning in interpreting anomalies and shit
It's the paranormal.:p All we have may be theories. Most these instruments are related to one another in some way. I'm not the science type but there has been a leg in and out of science several times in this field.
What is imposed is that real hauntings can exist And that during the occurance of a spirit, the interaction, certain things have been detected. Certain instruments have been used to supposbly "communicate" and so, certain discovers may have been made...like our old boy Edison at play...
Over the past like 200 years as technology has become more "electric" we've invented more tools, concepts to try to "communicate", "hunt" ghosts...
Dude, you keep throwing the word science around, you have yet to point towards "evidence" that even resembles proof of an anomaly, let alone an anomaly caused by a spirit. What I commonly observe are "investigators" going into buildings and recording A LOT of stuff, then combing through it all to find something they were intending to find. Much the folk who think Aladdin tells good teens to take their clothes off, the more you want to hear something, the more the mind will trick you into thinking something that is really an uncommon, yet completely naturally occurring noise is sign of the ~*paranormal*~
Dude, you keep throwing the word science around, you have yet to point towards "evidence" that even resembles proof of an anomaly, let alone an anomaly caused by a spirit. What I commonly observe are "investigators" going into buildings and recording A LOT of stuff, then combing through it all to find something they were intending to find. Much the folk who think Aladdin tells good teens to take their clothes off, the more you want to hear something, the more the mind will trick you into thinking something that is really an uncommon, yet completely naturally occurring noise is sign of the ~*paranormal*~
How bout this: Present to me proof.
Since when does science ultimately mean immediate proof? So much for the scientific approach and all of that? So much for experimentation and theories?
How could I possibly present "evidence", yes "evidence" not proof to you and convince you that evidence is proof?
As I mentioned earlier, over the past 200 years it is believed that there has been contact with voices, entities, on the other side. It's believed that there was instruments that some how influenced, or capture, provoked, whatever have you a spirit's influence. Over the past 200 years this has aroussed curosity and theories have been made what sort of device needs to be made to influence spirits.
As I mentioned one of the early starters of this cycle may have been Thomas Edison...
I never really cared for most EVPS myself, esp on those shows. I never hear what they hear. I'd agree on that point, but there are far more tools today that are used than EVP. The evidence may be far greater today as well...
Since when does science ultimately mean immediate proof? So much for the scientific approach and all of that? So much for experimentation and theories?
I don't even wanna start picking this apart. So I shan't. Keep on truckin' doodo!
Since when does science ultimately mean immediate proof? So much for the scientific approach and all of that? So much for experimentation and theories?
That's the thing. YOU CAN'T EVEN PROVIDE A VALID EXPERIMENT, LET ALONE PROOF IN ITSELF. Also, huge pet peeve of mine: Theory does not mean "random ideas/shit i came up with". A theory is a well tested method that explains existing observations. Future hypothesis may change how a theory is, however a theory is based off tested grounds.
Theories include the theory of gravitation, inheritance, as well as the well known theory of relativity.
It sounds like you don't know the scientific method at all. Investigators go into these situation already having a conclusion, then go into situations where they get data that they don't understand and write it off as OMG GHOSTS. This is not the scientific method.
How could I possibly present "evidence", yes "evidence" not proof to you and convince you that evidence is proof?
First off, provide demonstrable evidence that an unexplained occurring is even a true anomaly.
After you've done that, provide demonstrable evidence that can be repeated in an experimental fashion that these occurring anomalies are actually spirits.
As I mentioned earlier, over the past 200 years it is believed that there has been contact with voices, entities, on the other side.
You're missing the mark, there buddy. People have been writing off things they don't understand as the paranormal, including spirits or ghosts, for just about as long as we have existed.
I believe you are getting emotional, and energetic, it's extremely distracting. If this is the case then please try to "refrain"...
I believe you may be lacking an essential backing to all paranormal experiences, investigators, the human factor. Our bodys and minds may also be imposed indicators, recievers of paranormal activity. First hand experience. May also be considerd observations that can be tested, also measured with instrumentation. Our brains and bodys are extremely complex, and yet at the same time may serve as relevant and irrelevant factors to a investigation.
It's implyed that during a "good" investigation that observations are made, are tested. Often it's believed that if data can not be provided to mirror these observations then may not be be valid... Readings are often taken during experincing what may be paranormal experiences.
"First off, provide demonstrable evidence that an unexplained occurring is even a true anomaly. "
I never specifically used either of these words and my thought patterns and strucutre may not be structured in the way you may wish. We may not be on the same "page". I am not sure I can provide a argument to your perspective.
Your sentence is unclear to me, and I don't believe that it holds weight for me. If something falls off a shelf and I don't know why I don't call it a anomaly...
I personally believe that the evidence may be in the history of the inventions their self, the reasons, motives, inspiration for the design of such instrumentation.
I personally am very skeptical..
I think you have to be extremely careful with this sort of thing, becoming obsessed is very easy. They say demons manipulate, decieve you.
I think its grief more then demons.
You're entitled to think/ know whatever you want, do.
Well if im sure of only one thing in this universe its that ghosts demons goblins polar bears unicorns or anyother mythical creature do not exsit.
You take that back! I fully believe in Ghost Pirate LeChuck.
Its not so bad really. I mean he only eats one person a day, and normally its someone I don't know.
The constant shrieking at night is kind of annoying though...
Woooooo I'm the haunted Mattress
It is pretty fun though bc when something happens it is really exciting but the job is probono so you gotta have a passion for it
I may have done this 100 times before.
It may be the case, that no matter how much evidence I could possibly provide you with, you're still going to ask for more.
I believe the reason may be because you simply can't validate paranormal evidence, unless it's by first hand account. Unless, possibly the case, that you are willing to believe and put faith into the evidence of others.
Now, it may be the case, that I believe that, to get your evidence you need a web site such as this one, and you may need to buy these instruments and try some of them yourself...
This may actually be what I believe, not what I perceive I believe on a conscious level. On certain levels this post may be validated.
No, if there is sufficient demonstrative proof that isn't so reliant on faith, I will believe.
When I was a kid, I believed for certain that my room was haunted. Doors would open and shut, and I heard footsteps overhead in the dead of night. As with most "paranormal experiences" it turned out to be an air current and unwanted squirrels in the attic.
Ghost stories are great and all, but are just fun stories. That's it.
These instruments aren't faith readers.
Also, I think it may be possible that you may have been mislead. Just because your experience was in fact a squirrle and wind current, that does not mean that all cases must be the same.
It may be accurate, that skeptics are turned into believers when they witness what we would precieve a true haunting. Your experience obviously wasn't validating...
Comrade Pants, I believe the only way to describe my reaction to your post is that I'm very offended by your content.
I aint afraid of no ghosts!!
(why wasnt this refrenced earlyer?)
Ps. Ghosts aren't real, I sit up waiting to be visited every Christmas Eve, nothing so far
Trust me, I've had a lot of interest in what goes on in paranormal investigating for just about as long as I've been alive. I'm not just writing this off out of spite.
It almost sounds it to me. I could argue forever the other side to this. You're opinions may not be scientific in the slightest. This equipment is used by paranormal investigators, in their investigations and all you may have here is some sort of contrived hypothesis that the equipment is misused, misread...
And yet you may have never once used any of it in a real investigation...At the very least forming theories on the existence of ghosts may have just a scientific right as do many other scientific theories...you may not be able to disprove that, ever.
I already said what I said, repeating yourself does not add to intelligent conversation, sorry...
I aint afraid of no ghosts!!
(why wasnt this refrenced earlyer?)
Website from google search
I live in Armagh, it's tourist crap from hand-me-down tails of yore about green ladies and headless horsemen. That was the only ghost tour listed on the website for the whole country. Fun and interesting, but it's pretty much in the same vein of believing in Fionn mac Cumhaill.
Time magazine had this to say about my hometown
Richill Castle, to name one of many.
I must admit I don't care for their evidence. The photo evidence is far too small on their site...
In all seriousness though, I'd gladly go on a ghost tour for the entertainment value.
Once again Richhill's in my area, it's just outside of town, I actually go through it everyday on the way to work. It's another touristy thing, tour guides and performers, all done with a touch of class and that
As for actual ghost hunting with fancy gear and enthusiasts it's not really done at all as far as I know. We have enoguh heritage with the supernatural to want to go out and seek more I guess
I already posted two groups of Ireland investigators...:p
My previous post was the second group...
The way I see this is that the real problem here is that ghost may be a overly sensationalized subject because every one has feelings and thoughts about the after life. It then may become a overly used vent for creativity, hoax, stories, etc etc....
Obviously...There may even be more fakes out there than real evidence just because the subject matter itself may be so wide spread and open to so many people.
Even when presented with real investigatior evidence, things that may look real, may look like actual appritions, their may be doubts, skepticism, even from the investigator him/ herself.
Still I rather see real evidence using theories and instrumentation , giving us something to document, rather than a clear as day aprition that was likely photoshopped...
What I would consider real investigators have real scientific theories and guess what, they don't always hit pay dirt. Not only do they rely on scientific instrumentation but often the products don't have any signficant readings. Though investigators such as myself still honor the theories that have literally been growing, evolving since the 1800s or so...When the instrumentation does actually work it's usually what I would consider a interesting, worth while, result.
Ack but how can you make a reliable piece if technology to detect the supernatural? It's not like we have a test for ghosts. We have a pile of equipment that somebody is going to try interpert data from that hints towards ghosts.
Considering they're looking for ghosts in the first place, I can't help but think they'll be somewhat iclined to have an etheral leaning in interpreting anomalies and shit
Even men like Edison entertained the idea.
What is imposed is that real hauntings can exist
Over the past like 200 years as technology has become more "electric" we've invented more tools, concepts to try to "communicate", "hunt" ghosts...
How bout this: Present to me proof.
Since when does science ultimately mean immediate proof? So much for the scientific approach and all of that? So much for experimentation and theories?
How could I possibly present "evidence", yes "evidence" not proof to you and convince you that evidence is proof?
As I mentioned earlier, over the past 200 years it is believed that there has been contact with voices, entities, on the other side. It's believed that there was instruments that some how influenced, or capture, provoked, whatever have you a spirit's influence. Over the past 200 years this has aroussed curosity and theories have been made what sort of device needs to be made to influence spirits.
As I mentioned one of the early starters of this cycle may have been Thomas Edison...
I never really cared for most EVPS myself, esp on those shows. I never hear what they hear. I'd agree on that point, but there are far more tools today that are used than EVP. The evidence may be far greater today as well...
I don't even wanna start picking this apart. So I shan't. Keep on truckin' doodo!
That's the thing. YOU CAN'T EVEN PROVIDE A VALID EXPERIMENT, LET ALONE PROOF IN ITSELF. Also, huge pet peeve of mine: Theory does not mean "random ideas/shit i came up with". A theory is a well tested method that explains existing observations. Future hypothesis may change how a theory is, however a theory is based off tested grounds.
Theories include the theory of gravitation, inheritance, as well as the well known theory of relativity.
It sounds like you don't know the scientific method at all. Investigators go into these situation already having a conclusion, then go into situations where they get data that they don't understand and write it off as OMG GHOSTS. This is not the scientific method.
First off, provide demonstrable evidence that an unexplained occurring is even a true anomaly.
After you've done that, provide demonstrable evidence that can be repeated in an experimental fashion that these occurring anomalies are actually spirits.
You're missing the mark, there buddy. People have been writing off things they don't understand as the paranormal, including spirits or ghosts, for just about as long as we have existed.
..And why does this have any evidential backing?
I believe you may be lacking an essential backing to all paranormal experiences, investigators, the human factor. Our bodys and minds may also be imposed indicators, recievers of paranormal activity. First hand experience. May also be considerd observations that can be tested, also measured with instrumentation. Our brains and bodys are extremely complex, and yet at the same time may serve as relevant and irrelevant factors to a investigation.
It's implyed that during a "good" investigation that observations are made, are tested. Often it's believed that if data can not be provided to mirror these observations then may not be be valid... Readings are often taken during experincing what may be paranormal experiences.
"First off, provide demonstrable evidence that an unexplained occurring is even a true anomaly. "
I never specifically used either of these words and my thought patterns and strucutre may not be structured in the way you may wish. We may not be on the same "page". I am not sure I can provide a argument to your perspective.
Your sentence is unclear to me, and I don't believe that it holds weight for me. If something falls off a shelf and I don't know why I don't call it a anomaly...
I personally believe that the evidence may be in the history of the inventions their self, the reasons, motives, inspiration for the design of such instrumentation.
Naturally I think the paranormal was involved and either ghosts or aliens wiped my friends memory clean of all events.