If you wanna know, I'm not really wired or anything right now. I'm a bit disturbed by the fact that someone could manage to skirt around a point so much, but otherwise, I'm fine.
I didn't want to come to this, but I'm tired and I need a nap or something, so here, watch this. You're free to watch the entire thing as well, I just sectioned off to the meaty end of it. Also, please learn about the scientific method. Please?
If you wanna know, I'm not really wired or anything right now. I'm a bit disturbed by the fact that someone could manage to skirt around a point so much, but otherwise, I'm fine.
I didn't want to come to this, but I'm tired and I need a nap or something, so here, watch this. You're free to watch the entire thing as well, I just sectioned off to the meaty end of it. Also, please learn about the scientific method. Please?
I already mentioned science was not my strong point and yet you may have imposed I should have a scientific perspective or be challenged with a scientific view? Directly after I posted something that may have been misinformed. What colorful imagery you may be painting here to try to force your own views "perspective" on me, you may also be skirting around...
I didn't watch your video but I doubt video evidence which may have you sensationalized, as you have warned me, and appolgized that you had to use such a video...Such evidence you've supported may be considered un-appettitizing...it may be considered flat, one sided...I may watch it at a later time...
Sure as the sun rises people will be ghosting hunting tommorow and this day and may be 1000 years from now...
How am I skirting around the point? I ask for proof, you shuffle your feet around and mumble psudeo scientific nonsense.
And also just watch the video. I clicked on all your links, why won't you click mine? It addresses some very important stuff.
Give me a break this host makes me want to blow my brains out. I was right, it's entirely sensationalized...
Any good researcher knows there's electric wiring...You really think all the paranormal investigators out there are uneducated?:p
These instruments aren't used to say ghost ghost ghost! When some one experiences something like a disembodied voice though and they read a high EMF reading then yes they collect that as possible evidence.
This is a interest of mine, I'm fine if you don't understand it, but your video didn't convince me... Brilliant contrived scientific explanations for an entire sea of infinite variables, infinite different existing sincearios, places, people, throughout all of time, doesn't really convince me... That may be as gullible as saying one shoe fits all feet...
They have not went into all the human experiences of a huanting, let alone all the instrumentation... Just because a puzzle piece may fit that doesn't mean it's from the right, original, puzzle box, or that it's the right piece...
This may actually be a misunderstanding of the use of ghost instrumentation, in possible contradicton your previous posts. A good investigator might become supsicious with a high reading but he's not what I woud percieve as "stupid", he knows there is wiring... It's when they experience activity and the meter spikes while in the same area, if not the same spot, that they commonly collect "evidence"...
This video wasn't "proving that ghosts don't exist". It was explaining misled ideas behind ghost hunting, and why they don't hold up in a scientific arena, as well as talking about why humans have a desire to believe in ghosts. I don't think you watched it to the very end, otherwise you would have noticed this. The burden of proof is not up to the skeptic. The burden of proof is upon those who insinuate that ghosts exist.
Would it be exciting if ghosts exist? Yeah, but that's no different from wishing that Harry Potter was real.
I was once a very religious fellow who "felt the touch of the holy spirit" all the time. It was a very real feeling. Some places, I would feel less of it, and some places I would feel more. I realized later, upon review, this was all a psychological thing. Saying "You've just never had the right experiences" is a load of crock, and does not hold up either in the scientific arena.
I looked up paranormal investigation schools and found that the only institutions that taught classes in the subject are "schools" that are about the paranormal anyways. I hate using this term, but it's essentially a circle jerk of people who don't understand the way the world works through proven scientific study while basing their thoughts on speculation based off their fantasies.
There is no rational proof for ghosts. That's a fact with anything that's paranormal. If you're okay with this fact, then you're working outside of science. And if you acknowledge this, then I have nothing more to say to you. I personally can't live with myself viewing the world through an irrational lens, but if you aren't hurting anyone, that's your life to live.
luv u 2 irishmile <3<3
also, i think it's nap time 4 realz now. i dont think i would have started this whole thing if i were fully rested haha.
But again, this video may have "layers of subejctivity".
They may possibly show instances where the tools are fualty, can be misused, misinterrpretted, but that's not how an effective ghost hunter may opperate and collect his/ her "possible evidence. " Ghost hunters may know about old wiring, electric boxes, etc etc, they aren't "stupid"...
If the proof may be up to us then stop getting in our way. We have what appears to be a possibly misunderstood methodology amongst our finest investigators...As the video may suggest we don't "dance" around with our instruments...we use them as a possible indicator of a spirit when something that's possibly paranormal has occured...
I found parts of the video, frankly, to be insulting and misinformed.
No, I believe that you may be incorrect, having "the right experience" may be vital. Only then could you possibly use the instruments accurately to possibly collect valid evidence. I believe you may be suffering from a misconception about the way "good" paranormal investigators do things...
I don't "support" religious fantatics...
It may be the case, and I believe that it is for a good investigator, high EMF readings are not taken and people start yelling "ghost"...it's when during a spike, and activity is provoked, or expected that we may collect what we consider possible evidence...
It may be the case, and I believe that it is, that when a "good" investigator takes a high EMF reading he may be aroused with curosity but he doesn't jump to conclusions.
Me too. I am all nerdy for Star Wars... though more so when I was younger... Once I came home on a lunch break and my wife was watching the original trilogy when I walked in the door ... it was the hottest thing she has ever done... and this is the same girl who once came out to the bars dressed in a school girl outfit on my birthday... and she is Asian.... OK maybe that was a little hotter.
we didn't get to stay out too long because dudes would not stop trying to grind on her.
Well, I believe that may be a "quality" photo. It appears to look "good" on my screen. I am wearing my glasses. I believe that I am feeling satisifcation as I may truly percieve it as well as you may percieve it for me...
Are you implying a joke, or a question, or may be implying something else...or possibly you don't believe you're implying anything at all?
If I understand your implications of the word fascination, if the ideas behind your intent, use of the word are familiar to me within this social frame of reference , and we are on the same page, then my fascination of ghosts is not limited or subject to Star Wars ghosts.
It was a joke and a question. After all, my fascination with space, time travel, and inter-dimensional travel comes from television and films.
I do believe that there's something beyond death we can't explain. Out of body experiences when the body is clinically dead are sometimes hard to explain scientifically, especially Al Sullivan who described his doctor's and nurse's clothing in detail right down to the surgeon's strange habit of holding his hands at his armpits and pointing with his elbows when giving instructions to his medical staff.
I wouldn't want to be one of the ones to go seriously looking for proof of it though. It would be too hard to prove scientifically and it would probably creep me out. :eek:
Like I said though, I'd love to go on a tourist-oriented ghost tour though.
It was a joke and a question. After all, my fascination with space, time travel, and inter-dimensional travel comes from television and films.
I do believe that there's something beyond death we can't explain. Out of body experiences when the body is clinically dead are sometimes hard to explain scientifically, especially Al Sullivan who described his doctor's and nurse's clothing in detail right down to the surgeon's strange habit of holding his hands at his armpits and pointing with his elbows when giving instructions to his medical staff.
I wouldn't want to be one of the ones to go seriously looking for proof of it though. It would be too hard to prove scientifically and it would probably creep me out. :eek:
Like I said though, I'd love to go on a tourist-oriented ghost tour though.
That may be considered a very "fun" subject. I've seen supposed explanations and they" are beyond comical and stupid explanations."
Actually it's possible that if we "understood" out of body experiences we would understand spirits, I don't believe that I see a reason why not. Also, it's "fascinating" that survivers may be first hand accounts of being "actual spirits"...
However, I do not hunt ghosts myself. I'd look rather silly walking around with a gun like Elmer Fudd just to shoot some measly ghosts. My grandfather always used to say, "If you aren't going to eat it, don't shoot it, stab it, hang it, poison it, choke it, blow it up, chop it up, or set fire to it." And ghosts just aren't filling!
Actually, I may not be near done being insulted yet. Their possibly comical explanation for levitation, may also be considered very un-scientific in that it may disprove NOTHING because, it's debatable that it's clear that they did not do one tiny bit of research of true haunting, true paranormal cases!
Historically, things have not just levitated in cases, things have flown across rooms 10 to 15 feet! Things have been , what in a physical state may resemble, being thrown!
People have observed first hand what may physically resemble being pushed so hard that they are thrown off their feet a few feet and smack to the floor...
This little cute levitation they did may be entirely irrelevant.
One time, I went running to the kitchen, and one of the chairs moved. It slid a good 2 inches. Plus my toe hurt like hell after. I think a ghost pushed the chair and then stomped on my toe. oooooEEEEEooooo.
Here's as true as a story as any other story. This actually happened to me.
I've told it before in some similarity, but for those who haven't read it, here it may be.
We took a trip as a family. I don't recall who's idea it was, but it wasn't mine, if I recall to visit Moonville, Ohio. Now, prior to visiting Moon Ville I never had searched for it once on the web, I recall this.
Let me start with what may be some facts that I found on Wikipedia, history. "It is estimated that by 1920 alone, 5 or 6 people lost their lives on the bridges or within the tunnel. The last fatality was in 1986, when a 10 year old girl was struck by a CSX locomotive on that trestle directly in front of the tunnel."
As you may suspect I am posting this in order to validate that their may be "haunting(s)" at this location. To cut to the chase, we went to the tunnel, and we shot a few photos. Then later that night we camped near a old bridge. To make a long story short, we hiked the area in the day and found a old cemetery, several bodies buried there.
We took photos, later when night came, I was in front of the fire with my family. I was "zoned out". I "saw" in front of the fire a apparition of a woman in a long dress, and I heard her shushing a crying baby to be quiet.
No one else saw it. I had no idea what I had saw, I only knew I had heard a baby crying and saw a woman and heard her voice.
Later when I got home, I looked on the net, and found a web site where some one had a video clip with a baby crying on it from Moonville, I never found him/her, them...
I never heard and saw the clip. The link was a dead link.
This was recently added to the wiki
"A third ghost is said to have appeared to hikers, a middle-aged woman dressed in white. She is thought to be the spirit of a woman killed on the trestle in 1905."
The thing is, that it wasn't we whom is referenced.
I honestly can't find a reference to the baby haunting there. Though I remember that both apparitions came from the direction of the cemetery. When I got home, told my family, as I had brushed it off with ease, they told me that there was a baby buried up there. No, it was on the way home.
Now, I knew nothing about the history, I would not have likely imagined anything, let alone a early 1900s apparition carrying a baby. Well, to be fair, it's possible, but might you imagine such a thing?
As I perceive it , I can honestly tell you I'm dead convinced as a first hand observer...
That may have honestly been one of my most convincing experiences to date. Perhaps if only I could find that video tape.
Hey guys sry if I'm cutting into a conversation but I saw the name of this forum and had to post this. I'm a film student in Chicago, and I'm a pretty strong believer in the supernatural. I was assigned to make a documentary (something that I have never done before or since) for one of my classes. It isn't my best work but we got some interesting things from a fairly well know location, Bachelors Grove Cemetery, if your interested please check it out and let me know what you think.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW3fRvZEJG0
Hey guys sry if I'm cutting into a conversation but I saw the name of this forum and had to post this. I'm a film student in Chicago, and I'm a pretty strong believer in the supernatural. I was assigned to make a documentary (something that I have never done before or since) for one of my classes. It isn't my best work but we got some interesting things from a fairly well know location, Bachelors Grove Cemetery, if your interested please check it out and let me know what you think.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW3fRvZEJG0
Actually, I really like your approach. You took a skeptic, who was all rational and gave her a vital piece to investigations (first hand experience) and now she thinks ghosts are "possible".
I think you could have fun forming a web series where you take skeptics, or have skeptics come to you to go on investigations with your team. People don't understand, that it's not all about proof, "virtual reality evidence".
You can't capture all the evidence to share with others, a lot of it is what you experience, what others experience with you.
Some interesting evidence you got there though. Though malfunctioning camera equipment is usually debunked by a scientific theory.(Blacked out/ dark photos) (Liked to see those posted here.) Your video camera evidence of the apparitions is not as easily explained. If you could some how get a better quality version to me, with maybe a zoomed in section of the footage, or enhanced photo stills then that might be very worth while evidence to look at twice.
Sorry for a tripple post but this is far out.. I may have found a what may be a baby crying EVP from Moonville, I haven't found any legends but here is a EVP. This is all recent evidence, posted as of last year apparently. There may be no legend of a ghost baby but there may be stories and evidence that may support my first hand experience. Which happened around 2006.
When I was a kid, I hunt ghosts at this arcade near my house. Usually the ghosts come out and chase me, but if I eat a power pellet, they start running away, and I chase them. Then I eat them.
Proof of something is really just a psychological thing. There's also no such thing as rational thinking. What one guy considers rational thinking does not have to apply for another. It's also usually those who thinks differently that progresses science and knowledge.
If you say you're 100% sure that there's no such thing as ghosts, or gods or whatever supernatural element or mythical creature you're talking about, you're close-minded. There's no such thing as 100% certainty in things, until we've learnt everything about everything in the universe we live in. Heck, even what we believe we know so far are just theories. Yes, it's pretty certain that a lot of them ARE 100% correct, but you can never be entirely sure. A lot of what we think we know today will probably be laughed at and ridiculred in a 100 years time or so.
Until then, let's be open for possibilities. Ghosts or no ghosts, nobody has yet experienced afterlife, if there is one. Nobody can prove that nothing happens when you die. We know that there may be several dimesions in the universe. Who knows that when we die, some unknown part of us (soul, if you like) travels to a different dimension?
I don't personally believe in ghosts - but I'm open minded. I don't believe for a second that we can be 100% sure. What we call ghosts today, may be discovere and called something else in 100/200/300/10000 years from now, through science. I only know that it's pretty arrogant to rule out anything because of not being presented with proof. There's still no proof of other life on other planets in the universe, but I don't think we're alone either, so at some point I'm fairly certain that we'll find it, advanced or not. Who knows, maybe these "ghosts" that people believe in ARE aliens from another planet, but we don't have the technology to communicate with them (or even see them), and their way to communicate it by extracting images or angels or demons from our or someone else's mind and projecting them.
The universe is amazing, and if you try and watch some shows or programs on the most unique parts of it, you'll be amazed and it will sound like something out of a fantasy novel. It will continue to amaze us and baffle us, probably for as long as mankind exists.
The truth is out there, but we may never discover it. So be open-minded and accept that people have different views on things. Completely discarding ghosts is no better than fanatically believing them.
"Your" post may be percieved as a very intellectual post. I may percieve that I may "argue" the point you made that no one has experienced the after life.
There are stories that may be true that people have flat lined, their bodies dead for a minute or two and they as they percieved were up out of their bodies until revived.
Now, like you said speaking in asbolutes is foolish, but as people may have percieved they may have experienced what at least many of us may believe they percieve near death experience to what may be considered death.
We know that there are stories of people who have had near-death experiences, and they often include some kind of light, hence the line "walk into the light". We don't yet have any stories of anyone who's actually walked into the light and returned. They have only seen it from a distance and then "returned to life".
And what we consider clinically dead today is perhaps not the same as what is considered clinically dead in 100 years time. There are more to discover about our bodies, so maybe in 100 years we have machines that can read data that tells us what happens when this so-called "near-death experience" happens. It could, as everything else, have a rational explanation that we not yet have the knowledge or technology to find right now.
I beleive in the paranormal, however its credibility (take that how you will lol) has been smeared and ruined too often by attention seeking idiots on TV, youtube etc who claim to have caught ghosts etc on film where most of the time you can blatantly see its been photo-shopped etc.
I beleive there are those individuals out there however that have had genuine experiences, its just a shame you can't usually separate them from the millions of fakes.
I had some horrible experiences happen to me when I was a kid, and years later my brother told me he had experienced similar stuff in the same house. AS before, I thought I had a screw loose or was going nuts (or was nuts already lol).
Bu then who's going to beleive me? It;s simply impossible to prove it.
I beleive in the paranormal, however its credibility (take that how you will lol) has been smeared and ruined too often by attention seeking idiots on TV, youtube etc who claim to have caught ghosts etc on film where most of the time you can blatantly see its been photo-shopped etc.
I beleive there are those individuals out there however that have had genuine experiences, its just a shame you can't usually separate them from the millions of fakes.
I had some horrible experiences happen to me when I was a kid, and years later my brother told me he had experienced similar stuff in the same house. AS before, I thought I had a screw loose or was going nuts (or was nuts already lol).
Bu then who's going to beleive me? It;s simply impossible to prove it.
Yes, I can feel hairs raising on my flesh. That's why you become obsessed. I know what I experienced was just as real as anything else.
I didn't want to come to this, but I'm tired and I need a nap or something, so here, watch this. You're free to watch the entire thing as well, I just sectioned off to the meaty end of it. Also, please learn about the scientific method. Please?
I already mentioned science was not my strong point and yet you may have imposed I should have a scientific perspective or be challenged with a scientific view? Directly after I posted something that may have been misinformed. What colorful imagery you may be painting here to try to force your own views "perspective" on me, you may also be skirting around...
I didn't watch your video but I doubt video evidence which may have you sensationalized, as you have warned me, and appolgized that you had to use such a video...Such evidence you've supported may be considered un-appettitizing...it may be considered flat, one sided...I may watch it at a later time...
Sure as the sun rises people will be ghosting hunting tommorow and this day and may be 1000 years from now...
And also just watch the video. I clicked on all your links, why won't you click mine? It addresses some very important stuff.
Give me a break this host makes me want to blow my brains out. I was right, it's entirely sensationalized...
Any good researcher knows there's electric wiring...You really think all the paranormal investigators out there are uneducated?:p
These instruments aren't used to say ghost ghost ghost! When some one experiences something like a disembodied voice though and they read a high EMF reading then yes they collect that as possible evidence.
This is a interest of mine, I'm fine if you don't understand it, but your video didn't convince me... Brilliant contrived scientific explanations for an entire sea of infinite variables, infinite different existing sincearios, places, people, throughout all of time, doesn't really convince me... That may be as gullible as saying one shoe fits all feet...
They have not went into all the human experiences of a huanting, let alone all the instrumentation... Just because a puzzle piece may fit that doesn't mean it's from the right, original, puzzle box, or that it's the right piece...
This may actually be a misunderstanding of the use of ghost instrumentation, in possible contradicton your previous posts. A good investigator might become supsicious with a high reading but he's not what I woud percieve as "stupid", he knows there is wiring... It's when they experience activity and the meter spikes while in the same area, if not the same spot, that they commonly collect "evidence"...
Would it be exciting if ghosts exist? Yeah, but that's no different from wishing that Harry Potter was real.
I was once a very religious fellow who "felt the touch of the holy spirit" all the time. It was a very real feeling. Some places, I would feel less of it, and some places I would feel more. I realized later, upon review, this was all a psychological thing. Saying "You've just never had the right experiences" is a load of crock, and does not hold up either in the scientific arena.
I looked up paranormal investigation schools and found that the only institutions that taught classes in the subject are "schools" that are about the paranormal anyways. I hate using this term, but it's essentially a circle jerk of people who don't understand the way the world works through proven scientific study while basing their thoughts on speculation based off their fantasies.
There is no rational proof for ghosts. That's a fact with anything that's paranormal. If you're okay with this fact, then you're working outside of science. And if you acknowledge this, then I have nothing more to say to you. I personally can't live with myself viewing the world through an irrational lens, but if you aren't hurting anyone, that's your life to live.
luv u 2 irishmile
also, i think it's nap time 4 realz now. i dont think i would have started this whole thing if i were fully rested haha.
...congratulations, you have won the thread.
But again, this video may have "layers of subejctivity".
They may possibly show instances where the tools are fualty, can be misused, misinterrpretted, but that's not how an effective ghost hunter may opperate and collect his/ her "possible evidence. " Ghost hunters may know about old wiring, electric boxes, etc etc, they aren't "stupid"...
If the proof may be up to us then stop getting in our way. We have what appears to be a possibly misunderstood methodology amongst our finest investigators...As the video may suggest we don't "dance" around with our instruments...we use them as a possible indicator of a spirit when something that's possibly paranormal has occured...
I found parts of the video, frankly, to be insulting and misinformed.
No, I believe that you may be incorrect, having "the right experience" may be vital. Only then could you possibly use the instruments accurately to possibly collect valid evidence. I believe you may be suffering from a misconception about the way "good" paranormal investigators do things...
I don't "support" religious fantatics...
It may be the case, and I believe that it is for a good investigator, high EMF readings are not taken and people start yelling "ghost"...it's when during a spike, and activity is provoked, or expected that we may collect what we consider possible evidence...
It may be the case, and I believe that it is, that when a "good" investigator takes a high EMF reading he may be aroused with curosity but he doesn't jump to conclusions.
In a literal sense I don't experience the Wrath of Khan, I am not a part of the Wrath of Khan...;)
Personally, I'm more of a Star Wars "fan boy".
we didn't get to stay out too long because dudes would not stop trying to grind on her.
Well, I believe that may be a "quality" photo. It appears to look "good" on my screen. I am wearing my glasses. I believe that I am feeling satisifcation as I may truly percieve it as well as you may percieve it for me...
Are you implying a joke, or a question, or may be implying something else...or possibly you don't believe you're implying anything at all?
If I understand your implications of the word fascination, if the ideas behind your intent, use of the word are familiar to me within this social frame of reference , and we are on the same page, then my fascination of ghosts is not limited or subject to Star Wars ghosts.
I do believe that there's something beyond death we can't explain. Out of body experiences when the body is clinically dead are sometimes hard to explain scientifically, especially Al Sullivan who described his doctor's and nurse's clothing in detail right down to the surgeon's strange habit of holding his hands at his armpits and pointing with his elbows when giving instructions to his medical staff.
I wouldn't want to be one of the ones to go seriously looking for proof of it though. It would be too hard to prove scientifically and it would probably creep me out. :eek:
Like I said though, I'd love to go on a tourist-oriented ghost tour though.
Newton studied alchemy. Doesn't mean it's a genuine science.
That may be considered a very "fun" subject. I've seen supposed explanations and they" are beyond comical and stupid explanations."
Actually it's possible that if we "understood" out of body experiences we would understand spirits, I don't believe that I see a reason why not. Also, it's "fascinating" that survivers may be first hand accounts of being "actual spirits"...
But, did he(may have he) invent(ed) anything?
Ahhhhhh mannnnnnnn
As far as alchemy be concerned. It was a question. I'm ok if I'm igornant for a time.
However, I do not hunt ghosts myself. I'd look rather silly walking around with a gun like Elmer Fudd just to shoot some measly ghosts. My grandfather always used to say, "If you aren't going to eat it, don't shoot it, stab it, hang it, poison it, choke it, blow it up, chop it up, or set fire to it." And ghosts just aren't filling!
Historically, things have not just levitated in cases, things have flown across rooms 10 to 15 feet! Things have been , what in a physical state may resemble, being thrown!
People have observed first hand what may physically resemble being pushed so hard that they are thrown off their feet a few feet and smack to the floor...
This little cute levitation they did may be entirely irrelevant.
I've told it before in some similarity, but for those who haven't read it, here it may be.
We took a trip as a family. I don't recall who's idea it was, but it wasn't mine, if I recall to visit Moonville, Ohio. Now, prior to visiting Moon Ville I never had searched for it once on the web, I recall this.
Let me start with what may be some facts that I found on Wikipedia, history. "It is estimated that by 1920 alone, 5 or 6 people lost their lives on the bridges or within the tunnel. The last fatality was in 1986, when a 10 year old girl was struck by a CSX locomotive on that trestle directly in front of the tunnel."
As you may suspect I am posting this in order to validate that their may be "haunting(s)" at this location. To cut to the chase, we went to the tunnel, and we shot a few photos. Then later that night we camped near a old bridge. To make a long story short, we hiked the area in the day and found a old cemetery, several bodies buried there.
We took photos, later when night came, I was in front of the fire with my family. I was "zoned out". I "saw" in front of the fire a apparition of a woman in a long dress, and I heard her shushing a crying baby to be quiet.
No one else saw it. I had no idea what I had saw, I only knew I had heard a baby crying and saw a woman and heard her voice.
Later when I got home, I looked on the net, and found a web site where some one had a video clip with a baby crying on it from Moonville, I never found him/her, them...
I never heard and saw the clip. The link was a dead link.
This was recently added to the wiki
"A third ghost is said to have appeared to hikers, a middle-aged woman dressed in white. She is thought to be the spirit of a woman killed on the trestle in 1905."
The thing is, that it wasn't we whom is referenced.
I honestly can't find a reference to the baby haunting there. Though I remember that both apparitions came from the direction of the cemetery. When I got home, told my family, as I had brushed it off with ease, they told me that there was a baby buried up there. No, it was on the way home.
Now, I knew nothing about the history, I would not have likely imagined anything, let alone a early 1900s apparition carrying a baby. Well, to be fair, it's possible, but might you imagine such a thing?
As I perceive it , I can honestly tell you I'm dead convinced as a first hand observer...
That may have honestly been one of my most convincing experiences to date. Perhaps if only I could find that video tape.
"Thank you" for "sharing".
I think you could have fun forming a web series where you take skeptics, or have skeptics come to you to go on investigations with your team. People don't understand, that it's not all about proof, "virtual reality evidence".
You can't capture all the evidence to share with others, a lot of it is what you experience, what others experience with you.
Some interesting evidence you got there though. Though malfunctioning camera equipment is usually debunked by a scientific theory.(Blacked out/ dark photos) (Liked to see those posted here.) Your video camera evidence of the apparitions is not as easily explained. If you could some how get a better quality version to me, with maybe a zoomed in section of the footage, or enhanced photo stills then that might be very worth while evidence to look at twice.
If you say you're 100% sure that there's no such thing as ghosts, or gods or whatever supernatural element or mythical creature you're talking about, you're close-minded. There's no such thing as 100% certainty in things, until we've learnt everything about everything in the universe we live in. Heck, even what we believe we know so far are just theories. Yes, it's pretty certain that a lot of them ARE 100% correct, but you can never be entirely sure. A lot of what we think we know today will probably be laughed at and ridiculred in a 100 years time or so.
Until then, let's be open for possibilities. Ghosts or no ghosts, nobody has yet experienced afterlife, if there is one. Nobody can prove that nothing happens when you die. We know that there may be several dimesions in the universe. Who knows that when we die, some unknown part of us (soul, if you like) travels to a different dimension?
I don't personally believe in ghosts - but I'm open minded. I don't believe for a second that we can be 100% sure. What we call ghosts today, may be discovere and called something else in 100/200/300/10000 years from now, through science. I only know that it's pretty arrogant to rule out anything because of not being presented with proof. There's still no proof of other life on other planets in the universe, but I don't think we're alone either, so at some point I'm fairly certain that we'll find it, advanced or not. Who knows, maybe these "ghosts" that people believe in ARE aliens from another planet, but we don't have the technology to communicate with them (or even see them), and their way to communicate it by extracting images or angels or demons from our or someone else's mind and projecting them.
The universe is amazing, and if you try and watch some shows or programs on the most unique parts of it, you'll be amazed and it will sound like something out of a fantasy novel. It will continue to amaze us and baffle us, probably for as long as mankind exists.
The truth is out there, but we may never discover it. So be open-minded and accept that people have different views on things. Completely discarding ghosts is no better than fanatically believing them.
There are stories that may be true that people have flat lined, their bodies dead for a minute or two and they as they percieved were up out of their bodies until revived.
Now, like you said speaking in asbolutes is foolish, but as people may have percieved they may have experienced what at least many of us may believe they percieve near death experience to what may be considered death.
And what we consider clinically dead today is perhaps not the same as what is considered clinically dead in 100 years time. There are more to discover about our bodies, so maybe in 100 years we have machines that can read data that tells us what happens when this so-called "near-death experience" happens. It could, as everything else, have a rational explanation that we not yet have the knowledge or technology to find right now.
I beleive there are those individuals out there however that have had genuine experiences, its just a shame you can't usually separate them from the millions of fakes.
I had some horrible experiences happen to me when I was a kid, and years later my brother told me he had experienced similar stuff in the same house. AS before, I thought I had a screw loose or was going nuts (or was nuts already lol).
Bu then who's going to beleive me? It;s simply impossible to prove it.
Yes, I can feel hairs raising on my flesh. That's why you become obsessed. I know what I experienced was just as real as anything else.
I shared one of my experiences already in this thread, I'll pm you others some time. I'm tired from work but they are worth sharing some time.