Sam & Max sketchbook - alive and well!



  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Yeah where's Spudvision? I think we've stolen what little free time Steve had left with things like painting box art and the like.
  • edited June 2007
    I really want that sketchbook but the problem is my mom is realy afraid of paying in the internet and im not living in the us the only place in the internet that comic store in israel can buy this book is in but the problem is the only version there s on amazon is a limited edition that costs 100 dollars!!! and thats way to match for me to buy so if anyone have any solution to my problem post a reply thanks

    By the way it want help just to write that you promise the site is secured my mom still is a paranoid

    Thanks anyway
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    The one on Amazon is exactly the same as the one here. The only reason it costs $100 is because the seller thinks he can get away with charging that much. Don't buy it, it would be a huge waste of money.

    Not sure how we can convince your mom other than to say yes, it's safe to order from us. Just as safe as it is to order from Amazon. ;)
  • edited June 2007
    Here's another argument: almost anything in the telltale store (including the sketchbook, as I've just checked) can be paid through paypal, which is the safest way to pay online I can think of.
  • edited June 2007
    I loved the expression on the comic book store owner's face when I asked him if he could order a few copies in.

    At the time, it never really hit me that I should have explained the title.

    I'm sure he'll figure it out.
  • edited June 2007
    Thanks ill try to convince her also I so that many people have recived the setchbook I hope she will get convinced thanks guys
  • edited June 2007
    LMAO, lovin' the front cover allready XDDD
  • edited June 2007
    better get posters or flats out for the cover or ill make one myself at kinkos! ahem... I wont sell em... SHEESH! Just going on my wall! Awesome stuff
  • edited June 2007
    I put this sketchbook in the same order as my season 1 disc, curse you Telltale and Steve!
  • edited June 2007
    This is probably a mistake, but since I already placed an order yesterday for the Sam & Max Season 1 DVD and goodies, I wil need to wait until my next paycheck to buy this sketchbook, which may coinside with the release of 20th Anniversery print of Surfin' the Highway.

    Yeah, it's probably a mistake I'll be kicking myself over, but hell, it wouldn't be the first time.
  • edited March 2008
    Ok, let's say I'm new in here, it's too late for The Age of S&M, isn't it?
    I've ordered the second sketchbook plus Surfin', but I can't find the first sketchbook anywhere..any help?Thanx from a big fun of S&M.
  • edited March 2008
    I'm afraid so. It was a limited run :(
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