Back to the future 3D modelling project


Had to recreate an iconic film as a video game for a university project and decided on back to the future, what do you guys think on the finished result?





  • edited January 2011
    Looks great, but there's still so many minor things you did wrong.
  • edited January 2011
    mpuone wrote: »
    Looks great, but there's still so many minor things you did wrong.

    Only some one in the buisness would be so cynical and picky...
  • edited January 2011
    mpuone wrote: »
    Looks great, but there's still so many minor things you did wrong.

    do tell...?
  • edited January 2011
    stardak wrote: »
    do tell...?

    Well some are really minor, like the cinema needs to move a little to the left and the street light near the court house needs to be closer to the court house... Oh and the Delorean is to small.
  • edited January 2011
    that's pretty cool! I wouldn't mind seeing this in motion. :D
  • edited January 2011
    mpuone wrote: »
    Well some are really minor, like the cinema needs to move a little to the left and the street light near the court house needs to be closer to the court house... Oh and the Delorean is to small.

    OK I agree about the cinema being slightly to far to the right, again I agree that street light is too far away from the court house but not sure if I agree bout the Delorean being too small. But you could be right.
  • edited January 2011
    that's pretty cool! I wouldn't mind seeing this in motion. :D

    Thanks for the nice comment I do intend on animating the Delorean building up to 88mph for my showreel, but that will not be for a while yet as I'm currently working on two other environments
  • edited January 2011
    Wow! Beautiful work!
  • edited January 2011
    Impressive work!!!

    What do you study?
    How long did it take you to model the scene?
    Which program(s) did you use?
  • edited January 2011
    stardak wrote: »
    ...but not sure if I agree bout the Delorean being too small. But you could be right.
    If you look at the first photo, doesn't it look small?
  • edited January 2011
    Its beautiful... but I do agree that the delorean looks to small in that first pic.
  • edited January 2011
    Maybe, those old school cars aren't sissified, their bulky and very heavy...
  • edited January 2011
    mpuone wrote: »
    If you look at the first photo, doesn't it look small?

    I just checked its the other way round the 50's cars a slightly too big.
    Its an easy fix
  • edited January 2011
    tope1983 wrote: »
    Impressive work!!!

    What do you study?
    How long did it take you to model the scene?
    Which program(s) did you use?

    I'm a final year student studying Modelling and animation for video games at derby uni (uk), it took 12 weeks to make and software used was Maya 2010 for modelling, Photoshop cs5 for textures and all special effects in UDK unreal 3 engine.
  • edited January 2011
    I have changed the size of older cars and shifted the cinema along a bit but it's still not 100% right, the thing is when it comes to placing models in to the game engine things need to be scaled quite a lot to feel right,

    Because buildings and stuff in real life tend to fit us but in most games characters, vehicles and other objects are made to appear bigger to give them more presence I think.

    If I were to scale the scene to the playable character in UDK he's like over nine feet tall so you see the issues I have.
  • edited January 2011
    Yeah its probably the older cars where too big... if you took the old cars out the Delorean would look just fine.
  • edited January 2011
    I gotta ask, did you keep the OUTATIME license plate because it's iconic? Because the DeLorean didn't have a license plate at that point in the movie.
  • edited January 2011
    I gotta ask, did you keep the OUTATIME license plate because it's iconic? Because the DeLorean didn't have a license plate at that point in the movie.

    Yes I added it at the last point as I wasn't going to but I feel it really needs to be there.
  • edited January 2011
    That's really amazing!
  • edited January 2011
    Looks great to me
  • edited January 2011
    Wow. Can we please get the opportunity to play the game? What are the other environments you're adding? I assume in this environment you have to accelerate to 88 and get back to the future? :P Or is it to scare Doc as Marty when the other one has been sent back to 1885? :P

    Come to think of it, being CPR Man could be kinda cool too. ;)
  • edited January 2011
    Toneiiblue wrote: »
    Come to think of it, being CPR Man could be kinda cool too. ;)

    "What's CPR?"
  • edited January 2011
    That's really amazing!

    Thanks for saying that it was really good to work on this, because its was something I grew up watching and to me it is still really cool today.
  • edited January 2011
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    Looks great to me

    Thanks I like hearing all this comment's it's going to go to my head you know.
  • edited January 2011
    wow thats really impressive nice work i might do that in uni :D
  • edited January 2011
    Toneiiblue wrote: »
    Wow. Can we please get the opportunity to play the game? What are the other environments you're adding? I assume in this environment you have to accelerate to 88 and get back to the future? :P Or is it to scare Doc as Marty when the other one has been sent back to 1885? :P

    Come to think of it, being CPR Man could be kinda cool too. ;)

    Hi I would love to let you play if it was an actual game but its just a static scene all you can do at the moment is shoot the cars or the buildings, but when I have done the animation I'll post the link.

    Also the new environments I plan to build unfortunately are not from the Back to the future films, I re-making some arenas from a video game called Soul calibur.
  • edited January 2011
    yoman45135 wrote: »
    wow thats really impressive nice work i might do that in uni :D[/QUOTE

    Give it a go.
  • edited January 2011
    Emmet's car is missing along with the trailer(for the DeLorean).

    Either way... it's great work!
  • edited January 2011
    Emmet's car is missing along with the trailer(for the DeLorean).

    Either way... it's great work!

    I could be wrong but at this moment in the film I believe that both items are no longer in this shot.
  • edited May 2011
    Hi Guys,

    Want to show you an update still all work in progress.



  • edited May 2011
    That's pretty damn neat!
  • edited May 2011
    When I originally downloaded the demo/part 1, I was expecting a level of model/rendering detail closer to this. At first I was taken back a bit by the "visual style" that might be described as cartoonish (compared to what I've become accustomed). After playing through episode 4 I have to say it has grown on me...and must admit seems a perfect match for the content. I'm not usually big on movie/TV to game releases unless I hear that they're really good. Last moviegame I actually liked was Ghostbusters.

    BTTF may be the "shortest" game I've puchased in awhile, but @ $20 for a new release, it may also be the least expensive, and provided genuine entertainment that was needed to fill in some time until TW2 arrives on my doorstep 5/17.

    My usual taste in games are single player mature title FPS/RPGs and I love gigantic open worlds (Stalker, Fallout, Witcher, Fable, DA) and will download any/every graphics enhancing mod my search engine will find (have Warhead enhanced to the point it will begin to choke off a GTX460). BTTF shows that with certain types of content, good entertainment doesn't necessarily have to be huge or graphically complex, and photorealisic quality might actually ruin it. My compliments to Telltale.

    Your school project looks fantastic, by the way, don't get me wrong. My conscience wants to point out being a school project, you are free/clear. Be careful about distributing in any form --even as freeware-- b4 clearing copyright concerns with holders of the original movies (they are likely to say "no")
  • edited May 2011
    It looks incredible now !
  • edited May 2011
    Pics looks amazing, but eww, get that vid some anti-aliasing. :P
  • edited May 2011
    Awesome pictures and cool animation. I just thought the electricity travels WAY too slow along the cable. True, it's kinda slow in the movie as well, but not this slow. :) Other than that.. awesome!
  • edited May 2011
    Cubbie wrote: »
    Awesome pictures and cool animation. I just thought the electricity travels WAY too slow along the cable. True, it's kinda slow in the movie as well, but not this slow. :) Other than that.. awesome!

    The video looks to be in slow motion. Unless you really think the DeLorean was at 88 mph. :p
  • edited May 2011
    Dang, you're right of course.. I kinda missed that, maybe because the sound isn't slowed down. :)
  • edited May 2011
    It really puts telltale to shame, though.
  • edited May 2011
    Not at all. It's just a different approach. Plus, it is one scene and not a game :)
  • edited May 2011
    That was breathtaking. If that was a fully developed game, I would buy it in an instant, simply by looking at the video. You really did an amazing job on the DeLorean.
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