Do you want Telltale to make an M rated game?

edited January 2011 in General Chat
I was looking through the "first M rated video game" you played topic and seeing people talking about their first M game. And it lead me to ask myself on an M rated video game from Telltale games. Would anyone would like to see Telltale do an M rated video game? It would be interesting what they can do with an M game.


  • edited January 2011
    I would think Poker Night would be M. What with Tycho repeatidly using the F word, and his giraffe line.

    But I would want to know why telltale would have an M rated game, if the humor would be that bad than Im fine(loved Conker) but gore and other bits no way, telltale shouldnt do that.
  • edited January 2011
    Yes. But a Duke Nukem Forever kind of M, not Walking Dead kind of M.

    EDIT: Not gameplay-wise ofc.
  • edited January 2011
    I think an M rated dark comedy thriller series would be just lovely, but I'm afraid your question might be too broad. As far as would I want to see Telltale make a game with tons of ass titties murder drugs cursing and other gta style stuff? No, I wouldn't.
  • edited January 2011
    I do not really care if its M rated and a great game... but you can tell the games that are exploitive and do not offer anything beyond T&A and gore.... I would want them to first make a game that had worthwhile content and if the story called for mature content... then I would be OK with it.

    What I am saying is I do not need TTG to provide me with gore and nudity... I want them to entertain me and gore and nudity is not entertaining for me if its just there for the sake of it.
  • edited January 2011
    I would love a M rated comedy game from them. Something like Conker's Bad Fur Day perhaps. I'd also love an M rated horror game from them, perhaps something Lovecraftian. I wouldn't mind at all really.
  • edited January 2011
    I have no special desire for one, but if they make it and it looks good, then I'll buy.
  • edited January 2011
    Leisure Suit Larry.... by TTG.
  • edited January 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Leisure Suit Larry.... by TTG.

    /end thread
  • edited January 2011
    Not all M rated games are T&A or gore. The Persona series, for example, always gets a solid M and its mostly for stuff that happens off camera and the occasional curse.
  • edited January 2011
    Yeah the really great M games focus on the story they are telling and not the T&A and gore.

    Even Leisure suit larry was a comedy first and foremost.
  • edited January 2011
    They already have. All of the CSI games have been rated M.
  • edited January 2011
    Aand we slowly back away from the thread...
  • edited January 2011
    I don't really care, but if Telltale would make an M rated game I'd hope they'd make a real mature game and not just a stupid piece of massive gore with buckets of blood and endless supplies of f-bombs. Anyone played Madworld for the Wii? Not a bad game but for an M rated game it's not really that mature.

    I mean really mature game that explores adult themes and focuses on story.
  • edited January 2011
    I've never seen a single episode of the CSI tv show. :\
  • edited January 2011
    redm wrote: »
    I've never seen a single episode of the CSI tv show. :\

    me neither...
  • edited January 2011
    I saw Two and a Half Men's CSI parody if that counts...
  • edited January 2011
    redm wrote: »
    I think an M rated dark comedy thriller series would be just lovely.

    Would this count?
  • edited January 2011
    I tried playing Amnesia... I was just bored.. But I do not scare easy... its probably why I'm not entertained by horror films either.
  • edited January 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I tried playing Amnesia... I was just bored.. But I do not scare easy... its probably why I'm not entertained by horror films either.

    An Amesia LIKE Telltale game would be kinda cool.
  • edited January 2011
    I don't really watch horror films or play horror games to be scared. I don't enjoy being scared. I watch the films for interesting stories, entertaining villains, entertaining monsters, great atmosphere, cheesiness, because I can sometimes get some comedy out of them, etc. It's why I actually prefer horror-comedies or horror films of the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and 80s to what we get now. Gore for the sake of gore doesn't interest me. Neither does being all "bad" or "gritty" or whatever the hell Rob Zombie thinks a good horror movie is.

    As far as games, it's the same basic thing.
  • edited January 2011
    What's in a rating. However a Telltale game with more mature tones and attitude would be what i'm looking for def.

    ....and good puzzles :mad:
  • edited January 2011
    I never want to see a game (or movie, book, TV show, etc.) throw in "mature" content just to bump up the rating. I know it happens to movies, and it's just plain stupid when movies shoe-horn in something to get a PG-13 rating.

    If violence or language is part of a story, then I say put in just enough for the right emotional impact. However, if there's nudity or explicit sexual content, then count me out.
  • edited January 2011
    Not a bad game but for an M rated game it's not really that mature.

    It's the most mature rated M game that I have ever played.
  • edited January 2011
    As long as it's not throwing in a bunch of you-know-what just to get that "M" or "AO" rating. Where it would be good is if there's a natural mature storyline that would have to be edited or throttled back until they are able to achieve a "T" rating.

    Telltale doesn't want to limit its audience, of course, and certain ratings will cause certain people not to buy it. To resolve that, what I'd like to see is multiple versions of the game, "T" or "M", same price, buyer decides which version they want. The "Parental Advisory" CD industry has been doing this for years, and the unedited version always outsells the edited one, but the makers can point to the edited one whenever someone complains. Telltale has already shown that they can choose different storylines on demand if known in advance. (Sam & Max 201 versus their Christmas special, which has different solutions to puzzles.)

    In short, as long as a good tale is told, it would work.
  • edited January 2011
    Ok a better explanation from what I said is if the humor is M like TF2(a pornography starring your mother will be the second worse thing that happens to you) fine, if it is like Left 4 dead M then no.
    Unless the L4D is with the Poker Night cast.
    Poker night 2: Left 4 dead 3.
  • edited January 2011
  • edited January 2011
    I love horror movies but I don't like snuff films.
  • edited January 2011
    An Amesia LIKE Telltale game would be kinda cool.

    Amnesia is just awesome!
    But I don't think that the Telltale Engine is good enough for a first person shooter.
    (and personally I think that the Telltale Engine is becoming really old now - no tessellation, no HDR, no Ambient Occlusion, etc.)
  • edited January 2011
    No. Telltale are all about rekindling my childhood, which needs nurturing after constant abuse from money-grubbing Hollywood executives.
  • edited January 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I tried playing Amnesia... I was just bored.. But I do not scare easy... its probably why I'm not entertained by horror films either.

    Watch 'em with a mate. That's what I do, and even if it's not all that scary there's fun to be had taking the piss out of the thing.

    Not all M rated games are T&A or gore. The Persona series, for example, always gets a solid M and its mostly for stuff that happens off camera and the occasional curse.

    True, that's actually what I think makes things more unsettling. In continuing with your mention of the Persona series, take Persona 4 for example. You never get a really good look at the murders, all you can really tell is that they're...unnatural. It ups the tension and definitely explains why the towns folk are freaking out a bit that the cops don't have any leads. Murder is always scary, a murder you can't explain is absolutely terrifying.

    Plus Persona 2: Innocent Sin gave you the chance to punch zombie Hitler in the throat with the physical manifestation of your MIND. Atlus better localize this game at some point, I'm telling you.
  • edited January 2011
    I think the TTG engine could probably do a FPS... all they would have to do is realise the environments completely and give the player control of the camera.

    Lets hope they do not start making them though.
  • edited January 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I think the TTG engine could probably do a FPS... all they would have to do is realise the environments completely and give the player control of the camera.

    Lets hope they do not start making them though.

    If you want to get real technical, there's been an FPS with the Telltale Tool already.

    But what fun would a full FPS be? :p
  • edited January 2011
    If you want to get real technical, there's been an FPS with the Telltale Tool already.

    But what fun would a full FPS be? :p

    Must play Strong Bad's CG4AP NOW.
  • edited January 2011
    Theres the FPS bit in the Fright of the Bumblebees with the porage gun.
  • edited January 2011
    I don't see the point in having a mature rated game just for the sake of it. If there was a story that they wanted to tell in a realistic manner, that would lend itself to a mature setting then I'm all for it. I don't believe Telltale would ever go down the route of producing 'mature' content for no reason but would if the story required it.
  • edited January 2011
    I want as many big, floppy breasts as Telltale can fit into a 2 gig game. Conker: Gone Wild! please.


    Or Leisure Suit Larry: Lust in Space.


    They should hire me just to come up with cool game titles.
  • edited January 2011
    I am against this idea. First, I am sixteen years old, but other than that I just don't see the point of graphic animation and such. It is hard enough for people like me to imagine the disaster without seeing it.
    Also, one of the things that makes games like King's Quest and Bone so charming and special is their purity. This is one of the things that cause me to love them so much and regard them as classics. (Besides, of course, of countless other reasons.) The one game which I will certainly not touch in the Great Adventure Bundle is Penny Arcade Adventures. (Besides, it's not even a quest!)
    I also don't think that a game needs to contain blood and gore in order to be dark or dramatic. Compare Quest for Glory 3 and 4, for example. While the third game was the only one in the series with bloody death animations, (a fact that lowered its value for me, by the way,) no one who played the series will deny that the fourth game was the most frightening.
    So, if Telltale will create an M rated game, I might play it, and I might even enjoy it, but I would think that it could have been better.
  • edited January 2011
    If Telltale were to finish the bone series it might dance on the edge of getting a Mature rating. Honestly more than anything else I'm interested in seeing that project get picked up again.
  • edited January 2011
    Or Leisure Suit Larry: Lust in Space.

    You called "/end thread" when Leisure Suit Larry was first mentioned and you come back to mention it yourself. Make up your mind man!
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2011
    That would spoil all the fun. :D

    That said, the thread's question doesn't investigate the core of the issue. You don't go into a creative brainstorming session with the thought "Great guys, let's make an M rated game next!". The question is: Which themes can we only explore for a more mature audience, and do we want to do that?
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