Who else is actually indifferent about BTTF but doesn't want to whine/ complain?
I don't want to sesnationalize, humaize this one too much, damn, too late...double damn!
I consider myself indifferent about the game, as of late I'll even eat at restaraunts and try to be indifferent about what I'm eating because what I'm eating was intended to taste that way and time went into making it that way and it's meant to be served that way and it's been prepared to be that way...
So its efforts have been placed where neccessary and regardless of personal taste you're eating something that is meant to taste that way...
Given that I was able to enjoy eating something that I don't think I really liked.But I enjoyed it:p
Um...back to the game, I'm sort of indifferent, but I don't want to whine about it, complain, hear people complain about it. Any one else feel the same way? They're entitled to their own opinions but I'm really getting worn down with that old old disarming technique of it's my opinion so I can be closed minded, obnoxious...offensive...whine, etc etc....pretend to see both sides as I make sentences that don't begin or end with in my opinion...judge things by my own standards. *sighs*...
I consider myself indifferent about the game, as of late I'll even eat at restaraunts and try to be indifferent about what I'm eating because what I'm eating was intended to taste that way and time went into making it that way and it's meant to be served that way and it's been prepared to be that way...
So its efforts have been placed where neccessary and regardless of personal taste you're eating something that is meant to taste that way...

Um...back to the game, I'm sort of indifferent, but I don't want to whine about it, complain, hear people complain about it. Any one else feel the same way? They're entitled to their own opinions but I'm really getting worn down with that old old disarming technique of it's my opinion so I can be closed minded, obnoxious...offensive...whine, etc etc....pretend to see both sides as I make sentences that don't begin or end with in my opinion...judge things by my own standards. *sighs*...
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Well I meant about the game not about whining and complaining about whiners.:D
Haven't you ever heard people whine about games and only pretend to show both sides? It happens all the time...By whining I don't mean intelligent disagreement, a well thought out essay of critism I mean those people that parade around saying things suck ,and then pretend to acknowledge both sides of a conversation...People who just parade around whining, pretending to have a fair view of a game and yet they can't get past their personal hang ups which don't end up seeming really all that good of a judge of a game's all over sucess and quality. People who use the old old it's my opinion that this SUCKS routine...
We can only hope.
Here here! Personally, if I enjoy the game, that's all that matters. Though I did get a bit annoyed when people claimed the game was too easy because all they did was spam auto-battle when, gasp, auto-battle was optional.
But yeah, BttF ep. 1 was enjoyable and people not liking it isn't gonna ruin my enjoyment of a fun, if a bit easy game.
I spam auto-battle and still get my butt whooped.
You don't need hope, in fact it's irrelevant. I already expressed that this focuses on people who whine about the quality of the game itself. My whining about whiners has nothing to do with at the least the intention of this thread.
Sometimes I come up for melodies for the words. It's like na na na but it sounds weirder.
Sometimes, I take all the words and try to rearrange them into sentences that make sense. This is a difficult game but sometimes produces humorous results.
I think this thread could be about me. That'd be cool.
I wonder if I'd like kiwis more if I ate them on the moon.
Can you please stop spamming my threads. People have replied effectively, you're worthless posts aren't wanted here. In fact please ignore me, because I don't think it's desirable to speak to you and in time you won't want to speak to me...:rolleyes:
You're a very bland, flowery poster, in my personal opinion, you bore the doodo out of me, so please leave me alone...directly and indirectly I want nothing to do with you.
Just as long as I'm spared all those 50 cent words and all of that 50 cent flowery English...It's a forum for Christ's sake!
The majority of my threads Sherlock doesn't seem to get Holmes has been right on page every time and replied on topic...:rolleyes:
Almost troll-ish, when a group of people are on the same page as where I am, just on the same page, same ideas, and then some flowery ego maniac comes around with his 50 cent words and his high almighty sense of self standards that he pushes onto others, so that I could be more like him and think like him and so he could finally understand what I'm thinking...
I really don't care, but it's annoying and a bore never the less...
Anyways, not to get off topic...
Not to mention, I got a A my last semester of English...if he wants to be on topic then have him teach a freaking English class, start a English thread here! That way I can drop him!
that's all. It's not THAT hard to understand.
Sure, why not...:p
But only in that side of reality. On my side it's a different story.
I don't get what you're saying. I'm a 23 year old male. And Amy Lee is cool in my book, I don't care if you want to be a poser of what's real music...:D
Yes, but there are still fun and stupid threads here if my name is doodo!
I think he's too quick to catch out the door, too, to be honest.
He stormed out of here yelling BITCHES!!! BITCHES!!!. I had to cover my eyes at the same time, i had no chance of catching up to him...
If that is how I express myself that's fine. I asked who else was indifferent. My poll added more substance, and my lunatic ranting and raving in the op serves as extra sauce...
I am indifferent, I thought I'd express myself before asking others how they felt. Is there something wrong? Something selfish or dishonest about that?
I think it's funny that the ultimate whiny answer in my opinion as I believe, " I hate the game let them whine" has no votes...that answer may be utter spite.
(Struggling, need to use a human approach to express myself)
"I believe that I believe I was taking that "journey". As I believe that I believe that I percieve that I percieve it I "reached a point where their were no words, no ideas, no meaning, no beliefs, everything was open to the universe."
"Everything open", I resorted back to ideas beliefs, words." I "feel a attraction" back out into "that undefinable space which is no space and infinite yet nothing without anything to describe it and yet it's everything that is everything and also nothing "
"I'm attracted, but I'm a young (human)guy, I have to function". "Well, of course, I don't have to function in that way as percieved and I don't have to and"
"It's ripping at me every time I do and hear something human, it haunts me..."
"I'm too (human) young, I don't know if I can complete my human/"____" "task"
I dunno, if I committed a crime, I'd rather frame something... sentient.
pre·ten·tious Adjective /priˈtenCHəs/
* adjective: showy
Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed
Getting stabbed in the eye is loads better than LJN's games.