Video Game Movie Concepts

edited January 2011 in General Chat
As I write this topic I can't help but be hit with the irony of it. I'm generally the first to stand up and say video game movies suck, but that's more because most of them are made my Uwe Boll and therefore could create a black hole with the sheer magnitude of their own terribleness.In the middle of watching JesuOtaku's LP of Ocarina of Time I got to thinking what other games would make (conceptually) good movies and I thought I'd toss it out for a little discussion.

These are the first ones that came to mind.

Shadow Hearts: Covenant

This game holds the rank along with Persona 4) as my favorite game of all time. Set against the backdrop of World War I, SH:C manages to create a wonderful mix of light and dark. The party is funny, memorable and very human. The enemies are clever and the end boss is probably one of the best examples of a sympathetic villain I can think of. While being a sequel may be a bit of a problem (much of the plot is kicked off because of the events of the first SH), it manages to stand very much on it's own two feet and explains the events of one necessary to it's own plot.

Besides, in my opinion one works as a better prequel than the first movie to start with. Its plot is good, but a bit weak compared to the emotional high and lows of Covenant.

Also, just because this game is glorious and silly, Enjoy some awesome cutscenes.

The Golden Sun (so far) trilogy

These games are the quintissential fantasy epic. Elemental powers, a dying yet incredibly varied world, a gorgeous soundtrack that proved even more epic when it made a Debut in Super Smash Bros. Brawl...this game to me just begs some sort of adaptation. The game is a bit dungeon heavy, but those could be edited down to the essentials, such as the lighthouses, the Sol sanctum and a few others. The characters, while not as strikingly unique as those in Shadow Hearts Covenant are solid and work well for the fantasy epic that this game is.

Monkey Island

I know this has been discussed in the ToMI section of the forum and there's even a topic or two on it, but yes, this is definitely one of the first series that pops to mind when I think potentially good movie. LCR, CMI, and ToMI strike me as more cinematic than SoMI and EMI, but I could see them working as well. As for why, well, I figure most of you can fill than in yourselves. XD

Valkyria Chronicles

I will admit, this is the only game on this list that I have not personally played (as I lack a PS3), and quite honestly had no interest in it until I stumbled across an LP of the game, which once I started I could not stop watching. I understand there's an anime of the game as well, but that it is vastly inferior to the game itself.

VC falls in an interesting place for me. It is, at it's core a war game, however it doesn't fall into the traditional JRPG trap of a bunch of pacifists who somehow are part of a military organization despite the lack of desire/inclination for the business of war, nor does it fall into the Gears of War Testosterone soaked "YEAAAAAH WE'RE IN A F***ING WAR" explosion fest. Instead it's a very human story about a group from all walks of life who join the Militia in an effort to save their country. The game does not shy away from character death, but it still retains a much more positive vibe than one would expect from a game on this subject matter. It's an interesting take on the war game/film genre as a whole as it skirts a number of cliches without actually falling into them. The main and minor cast is well fleshed out and entertaining and the plot is engaging enough to make it work.

So there are my first thoughts on the topic. Yours?


  • edited January 2011
    First one could make it to the screen if they find yet another superhot ex-model now-actress redhead; which means it wouldn't be good at all. Uwe Boll would probably have it.

    Monkey Island; not happening. Blame it on Pirates of Carribean by "doing it first".

    Valkyria would work but a movie variation, dunno, it looks "DONE BEFORE" to me.
  • edited January 2011
    Half Life

    It would be weird, because You would probably have to have more variety in Scientists and a Gordon that talks(besides Freeman's mind), but it has the potential to be really awesome. Headcrabs and Voritgaunts and G-man and all that. It would be totally awesome if they didn't screw up CGI on the aliens.
  • edited January 2011
    Remolay wrote: »
    Half Life

    It would be weird, because You would probably have to have more variety in Scientists and a Gordon that talks(besides Freeman's mind), but it has the potential to be really awesome. Headcrabs and Voritgaunts and G-man and all that. It would be totally awesome if they didn't screw up CGI on the aliens.

    A Half Life movie would be epic, have you sen the fan made film? It was ok, bit over rated really.
  • edited January 2011
    The Legend of Zelda live-action. And an animated Mario film. Come on, Nintendo, just because of your previous history in this area, don't sell yourselves short. Get some good people who know what they're doing, I mean it's not THAT HARD.

    BONES/Square Enix for a Super Mario Bros. series.

    MADHOUSE for a Legend of Zelda series if it was animated.
  • edited January 2011
    Metal Gear Solid 4: The Movie

    You know that boring movie that only played on your PlayStation for some reason? We've now added a whopping 7 seconds of new footage and removed the parts where you had to pick up a bizarre pad to do things and rereleased it to your local cinema!
  • edited January 2011
    I would love to see film versions of Broken Sword & Fallout.
  • edited January 2011
    Uncharted series is one of those few games from which you can just take the cutscenes, add some more cutscenes instead of the gameplay sections (shortly depicting them) and you have a trilogy (well, considering the forthcoming Uncharted 3) of fun adventure movies with great characters and acting.

    Half-Life movie would be something despised by fans, I think. I mean, there are short fan-movies based on HL2, yeah. But the story of Half-Life is really not THAT good, it's how you experience it that makes it cool, so Half-Life would have to get a bit of re-imagining to transform it into a good full movie, and most fans would hate that. Or the movie creators can make it the crappy Doom-movie way, which... well... the idea behind the Doom movie wasn't really that bad... it's just... well... Doom movie is crap, yeah.

    Assassin's Creed could be transformed well into movies - though I think the Animus and the future storyline should be dropped for that kind of thing. Animus is really something that works GREAT in a video-game (and, well, I consider it to be the greatest justification of all the video-game conventions, but it's something I don't really dig in a movie), and I always loved the past-storylines more than the future (uhm... I guess that's present from the in-game perspective) ones. On the other hand, if the future would be interesting (it's really not in AC and ACII, haven't really played Brotherhood yet) then Animus could be modified to just watch the genetic memory instead of controlling them (well, in the game Desmond actually controls Altair and Ezio, that's part of the bleeding effect's existance as I understand). AC movie should not necessarily depict Altair's or Ezio's journeys, but those two characters have got very good characterization and character development in the games. And... well, I like them. And the Third Crusade setting is a great setting way underused in both movies and games, in my opinion.
  • edited January 2011
    And I'm pretty sure I speak for a bunch of people in wanting a full-length TF2 movie using the same team from the Meet the Team shorts.
  • edited January 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    First one could make it to the screen if they find yet another superhot ex-model now-actress redhead; which means it wouldn't be good at all. Uwe Boll would probably have it.

    Karin...doesn't look that bad in-game thank god, that's just the cover being over stylized. As for the Uwe Boll thing, you can say that about most video games since very few directors really want to touch that kind of material
  • edited January 2011
    Duke Nukem starring Duke Nukem as Dolph Lundgren.
  • edited January 2011
    They should do movies of Back to the Future and Jurassic Park and Wallace and Gromit! Oh, wait...
  • edited January 2011
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Duke Nukem starring Duke Nukem as Dolph Lundgren.

    I think you got that backwards...
  • edited January 2011
    Still Life

    Simon The Sorcerer if they hadn't made Harry Potter films

    Broken Sword (Already happening if I remember right)

    That's all I got for now.
  • edited January 2011
    The Legend of Zelda live-action. And an animated Mario film. Come on, Nintendo, just because of your previous history in this area, don't sell yourselves short. Get some good people who know what they're doing, I mean it's not THAT HARD.

    BONES/Square Enix for a Super Mario Bros. series.

    MADHOUSE for a Legend of Zelda series if it was animated.

    I thought the Super Mario movie was great!
  • edited January 2011
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Duke Nukem starring Duke Nukem as Dolph Lundgren.

    LOL that would be sweeeeet.
  • edited January 2011
    How about movies of the BLOOD games? Surely that would rock your socks off?
  • edited January 2011
    Your joking right? That looks terrible lol.
  • edited January 2011
    Couldn't be any worse than the actual Pokemon movies.
  • edited January 2011
    I just mean Pokemon in itself.
  • edited January 2011
    Farlander wrote: »
    Uncharted series is one of those few games from which you can just take the cutscenes, add some more cutscenes instead of the gameplay sections (shortly depicting them) and you have a trilogy (well, considering the forthcoming Uncharted 3) of fun adventure movies with great characters and acting.

    But they are making an Uncharted Movie. Acording to Wikipedia the story will be written and directed by David O. Russell and it will be produced by Avi Arad, Charles Roven and Alex Gartner and I heard rumours that they will change the concept to Nathan Drake being some kind of art police, but I seriously hope they change that, because I like the concept of a "Thief" more. And I also heard that Mark Wahlberg will be cast as the role of Nate, but I hope for his sake he is really up for it this time. He destroyed Max Pain, him and the fact they changed the movie concept completely from the game.
    But if they choose to go with him or not, I am still going to see this one, I really love the games. Even though I haven't played them my self. :)

    As for me, I would like Prototype for a movie, I liked the concept in the game, now to see that with some good actors and CGI, I would defiantly go to the cinema to see it.
  • edited January 2011
    Lonnie wrote: »
    I just mean Pokemon in itself.

    I'd say "And what exactly is wrong with Pokemon?", but I can see you're one of those people, so you're going to stick firmly to "Pokemon = absolute suck" no matter what I say.
  • edited January 2011
    True, true.
  • edited January 2011
    I'd say "And what exactly is wrong with Pokemon?", but I can see you're one of those people, so you're going to stick firmly to "Pokemon = absolute suck" no matter what I say.

    I dunno man it just seems too childish and I never liked Pokemon.
  • edited January 2011
    You're kind of on a forum of overgrown children, if you haven't noticed. There's a frigging Power Rangers thread floating around here somewhere. Recent, even.

    Not that this means I'm conceding that Pokemon is inherently childish, because I don't think it is. I'm just saying.
  • edited January 2011
    Fair enough i just didn't think many people wre into Pokemon, plus i dont know how old you are, you could be 12 right?

    Lol Power Rangers......
  • edited January 2011
    Hey, I'm 23 and carry my Pokewalker with me. I'm trying to raise my Golbat's happiness for evolution.
  • edited January 2011
    I carried my Pokewalker around for a while, but I stopped around the time I got bored with SoulSilver. I'll go back to it eventually. And I'm also 23.
  • edited January 2011
    I have no idea what a Pokewalker is lol.
  • edited January 2011
    This is a Pokewalker.


    Basically, it lets you take one of your monsters out of the game and "go for a walk" with it, which basically means you earn points by walking and either spend those points on minigames for items or new Pokemon or you send the points back to the game. It also affects the monster's happiness, which is a hidden stat.
  • edited January 2011
    Maybe you should give it to someone who works on an airplane for some time.
  • edited January 2011
    taumel wrote: »
    Maybe you should give it to someone who works on an airplane for some time.

    Or this also works;

  • edited January 2011
    I've tried rigging up a cheating device for it. Never really works. The best thing I had was a floppy plastic ruler that I'd flip back and forth, but that stopped working when the ruler started to crack. However, I recently found my Lego Technic motor...
  • edited January 2011
    I've tried rigging up a cheating device for it. Never really works. The best thing I had was a floppy plastic ruler that I'd flip back and forth, but that stopped working when the ruler started to crack. However, I recently found my Lego Technic motor...

    If we were in the trolling thread, I'd say "You could push all the babies of yours to level 100 if you put the Pokewalker on your damn fridge's door, if you know how magnets work".

    But I'm not saying it.
  • edited January 2011
    Honestly such devices sound like the next nightmares they might be trying to introduce to people and reminds me of some discussion nights or Jesse Schell presentations.

    If these devices are clever enough to differ between a more human like movement/speed and something else then, rent a Ben Johnson, build your R2D2, go fishing or construct a little circular water street, this thing a belt and your dog, dig out your Fischertechnik, hack the device, ... just be sure to not use it whilst you walk or run.
  • edited January 2011
    Funny that you mentioned Monkey island Mgrant, did you know that they were that there was a movie planned? It also includes a cool looking concept artwork piece from Steve Purcell. Anyways here's what I want video games to see as films. I made a video for youtube regarding on this, although its for them being adapted for animation.

    I personally would LOVE to see an Epic mickey movie. It would be a killer 2D animated film.
  • edited January 2011
    you're kind of on a forum of overgrown children, if you haven't noticed.

  • edited January 2011
    You guys all have some great ideas, I think it's very well possible that a good VG movie can be made, besides, most game based movies are based off of action and/or horror survival games, with the ultimate product being a generic, boring, lazy action or horror movie. I think if they made ANIMATED movies based off UNREALISTIC games, there's a much higher chance of it not being shiddy. I think a Rayman movie would be cool, like Gagbonkers said, a 2-D movie in the style of Rayman Origins would be Schweet. But I bet they could pull off a CG movie if they gave it to the right studio, or if Ubisoft did it themselves. And BTW, that Monkey Island movie concept art by Steve is just... WOW. what if that movie had been made? It could've been very successful since George Lucas would've had his name attached to the project, being from Lucas Arts and all...
  • edited January 2011
    I think if that Monkey Island movie was made, we would have gotten ourselves a good movie that did justice to the game. As well as leading other games to get animated features. Also, I might consider making a second video on video games I would like to see adapted for youtube. But I would like to see what everyone else has gotta say about it first(meaning opinions throughout youtube).

    Getting back onto the subject. I would want like to see a live-action Duke Nukem movie.
  • edited January 2011
    I actually want to see a movie, or a series of animated short films based on the game Beyond Good and Evil from Michel Ancel. Something to expand and explore the world in the game and the main character, Jade. Her story, her profession, her family...
    Leplaya wrote: »
    I personally would LOVE to see an Epic mickey movie. It would be a killer 2D animated film.

    I agree, that would be sweet!
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