boring threads?
anyone else seem to notice that threads on this forum have gotten a lot more dull then a few months ago? Most threads now just seem to be about the same thing and are usually about non telltale related news. Anyone else agree?
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If things really are getting boring around here, it's because of attitudes like this. The derailment is half the fun!*
*Unless it's one of those shouting match derailments. Then not so much.
Guru-Dashing derailments = not fun
Guru-Tom (or just about Anyone-Tom) derailments = fun.
(People like to bicker/pick on/abuse/team up against me.)
Tom, I can be easily offended. This is my social life, for the most part. Try to remember that.
I mean not to offend. Merely, on a thread about the threads, you need to be brought up. I don't mean that your threads are boring, they usually end up pretty fun. You just have a lot of them. (And personal lives should, in my opinion, remain a bit more... personal.)
Hey, just because I got into one argument with him...
Also, I'd like the record to show that I had nothing to do with the squabble in the gender thread.
I don't want any trouble tonight. I don't feel like I got TOO personal. I had a web stalker once, that was when I went too far.
Well, I see no need for a fuss here. I'm going to bed soon.
Aww, how sweet - we love you too taumel
You love to be challenged, maybe even tickled, don't you? :O)
Well, the less striking way to say it would be that the interesting part of this forum to a noticeable degree lifes from what has been built up in the past.
Sure, if that's what you want to call it.
Like IcedHope said, things will pick up.
PUZZLE AGENT SERIES: but on DS!?! (Spoilers)
U guyz r forkin rip offs :angrylol:
My name is tompravetz and why I need a series
Why aren't you adding pterodactyls to jurrasic park u fockers
don't anyone think to check the TTG blog or wiki or just google it before asking when chapter X is out?
"Why hasn't my DVD shipped yet?"
"International shipping is ridiculous, Tall tale games are liars!"
"DVD not shipping, I want a refund"
Totally pimpin' threads:
You're not too far wrong.
You've really outdone yourself this time.
Woah! What the... You're not... I'm... No, but... You can't... Because... I'm TomPravetz, not you, FauxTom!
... I use proper grammar.)
What are youuuuuuu doing here? IMPOSTER
... Maybe. (Though picture it now! I will, eventually, maybe, if I feel like it then, make this game.)
Gah! My arch nemesis (well, other arch nemesis, since Maxliyah and Dr. Jello are also nemesi) has returned! You're no match for ProTom man! Feel my ProTom Ray, FauxTom! (bzzt) Now where has that ElectTom gone?
... Yes... Yes... Let's blame that on Guru. I like it!
derailments aside i think the main reason these threads are getting worse is because of all the new users. The people that used to post often when i first joined (who made much better posts) barely ever post anymore. now people make all these stupid threads that have nothing to do with telltale (seriously what the hell does doctor who have to do with telltale?) also people derail threads at any chance they can get and post a picture that has nothing to do with anything (just watch someone going to do it after i post this)
That is in General Chat for a reason.
Eh, don't remind me; that was the single worst month (or was it longer?) of the forums. You'd put in all the effort to explain to one of those ignoramuses what the situation was, only for another moronic twit to make the exact same baseless complaints and accusations on the next page... it was draining.
If all people ever talked about in the General Chat forum was Telltale, I'd disappear pretty quickly. I like Telltale's games and all but there's only so much you can say about one company.
If you're talking about me, the pictures I post are generally bad visual puns that are relevant to the discussion in a tangental way. I only do it because they amuse me a little and sometimes it's nice to lighten the mood. Sorry to do it in your thread.
yess but your not listning WHY HASNT IT SHIPPED YET :mad::mad::mad::mad:
But already in school you had those people who, instead of beeing creative on their own, prefered to point at other kids and couldn't deal with stuff not written on their mum-said-agenda.
I remember said thread, unfortunately I was a mere lurker then