Please make a "My Name is Earl" game

edited June 2013 in General Chat
See thread title.

I'm on my "My Name is Earl" rewatch streak and it just hit me: A more perfect premise for a humorous adventure game there is not. Seriously, almost every episode is basically a fetch quest or something else adventure-gamey.

For those who don't know: "My Name is Earl" is a television series that ran for four seasons on NBC. The premise is that after being hit by a car, petty crook Earl discovers the concept of Karma, and makes a list of all the bad things he's ever done. The series then follows him and his hilariously simple brother Randy, as they try to make up for all of Earl's misdeeds.

Some examples of his list items include
  • Made fun of people with accents,
  • Faked death to break up with a girl,
  • Stole a car from a one-legged girl,
  • Made a lady think I was God,
  • Got Catalina deported.

... you get the picture. The series was slightly less brilliant in the long run than it promised to be, but it was filled to the brim with weird characters and sweet story lines. They ended on a rather disgraceful cliffhanger, which I've never quite forgiven them. But I digress ...

Make a "My Name is Earl" game, Telltale! Please. Take it from someone who owns almost all of your games: Earl and you would make a great team.

I made a poll. You can only vote yes, because nay-sayers don't help the cause. Also: Reply to this thread if you like the idea, so lots of folks see this.

[Oh yeah, I happily waive all intellectual rights your lawyers may feel are coming to me for making this suggestion. Just in case.]


  • edited February 2011
    As someone who is currently going through the entire series, I completely agree that this could be awesome.
  • edited February 2011

    Telltale could pull this off really well.
  • edited February 2011
    Only if they get Jason Lee to do the voice of Earl again.

    Also, awesome, he's reprising his role as David Seville!!!
  • edited February 2011
    This should happen.
  • edited February 2011
    100% agreed!
  • edited February 2011
    Too adult, too vulgar for TTG. My opinion.
  • edited February 2011
    I really liked the show... but I would rather TTG make something else.
  • edited February 2011
    While it would make an excellent adventure game, especially from Telltale, I just can't really see it happening...
  • edited February 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    Too adult, too vulgar for TTG. My opinion.

    My Name Is Earl isn't really vulgar, but it is really different from what they've done until now. I'd say My Name Is Earl is more of a parody of real life whereas Telltale has specialized on delivering franchises that offer their own reality.

    I would like to see that happening actually, just to see Ryan's rendition of the characters lol.
  • edited February 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    Too adult, too vulgar for TTG. My opinion.


    Tycho begs to differ.
  • edited February 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    Too adult, too vulgar for TTG. My opinion.

    I see your point. But then again, Sam & Max has gotten a lot racier over time, to the point where it sometimes felt over-saturated with innuendo in Season 3. Still not quite immigrant strippers and daytime hookers, but it's a start. Next stop: My Name is Earl, obviously. ;)
    lombre wrote: »
    While it would make an excellent adventure game, especially from Telltale, I just can't really see it happening...

    Me neither, to be honest. But it can't hurt to ask. Repeatedly. :)

    Also, I didn't really see Back to the Future coming, what with it not being as off-beat and comic-ey as their previous works (CSI doesn't count). And Jurassic Park? Fairly certain nobody here would say "Saw that coming."

    I, for one, am keeping my hopes down but fingers crossed.
  • edited February 2011
    I like how no one has voted no for this. :D:p
  • edited February 2011
    I like how no one has voted no for this. :D:p

    And a whooping 15 people voted so far! Whoohoo! Hear that, Telltale? 15 × $8.99 = Ka-ching! More money than Randy Hickey could count.
  • edited February 2011
    I feel Greg Garcia still wants to do more with it. On the first episode of Raising Hope (Garcia's new show, haven't seen it), the news reporter says "A small time crook with a long list of bad things he was making amends for has finally finished, and you won't believe how it ended." And then the TV turns off. Sounds like he still doesn't want to give away the ending.
  • edited February 2011
    I really want to know how it ends.
  • edited February 2011
    It ends with rednecks doing redneck stuff while one guy does nice things. Nice guy gets rewarded, and maybe rednecks get rewarded by the gravity of of his positive life change. It's not a complex show. It is the antithesis of complexity. It is a stupid comedy that has almost nothing in terms of a narrative arc. The only thing they might have had left to do was to say that "Doing nice things is good because it's nice, not because an omnipresent force demands it with promises of reward or punishment", but since it's rednecks the chance of denying an omnipresent force that rewards "good" deeds and punishes "bad" ones is pretty close to nil.
  • edited February 2011
    ShaggE wrote: »

    Tycho F#$@! begs to differ.

    Fixed :)
  • edited June 2013
    WOW I just finished watching Earl with my Mother only to see it end abruptly, Seriously thou This game could totally work man, Have Him solve his list Items hell they could churn out episodes! and get the Cast back :-)
  • edited June 2013
    Hell Tele Talk Make the Earl game happen!, I`m gonna make a Facebook page!
  • edited June 2013
    Wow reviving a dead thread and it should be in the Generic Telltale should make thread. That's the first time i seen 2 things like that happen at once :P Sorry for sounding negitive but this should be in the Telltale should make thread :/
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