Stuff to fix in Episode 2 (Possible Spoilers)

Might as well start now that some bugs are very noticeable:

Sorted by category and then by order of apearance.


Graphic bugs:
  • OSX: Some glitches in most scenes, plopping in/out graphics, z-fighting, etc...
  • When on the steps of the CourtHouse with Artie: Zane's head is too close to his body, like if he had no neck.
  • Marty's head sticks out of the crate when Cue-Ball's about to get the crate into the speakeasy (clipping).
  • Cue-ball's forehead sticks out of his hat sometimes (clipping).
  • When using the lighter on Edna, the camera is placed so that it cuts Edna's face and, in other shot, only her back.
  • When Marty's talking to himself about not believing Parker will arrest Tannen, Parker takes a drink, but there's no glass in his hand.
  • Someone experienced Zane's sleeve dissapearing when he should be pointing at something.
  • Using the lighter on Doc (when Einstein is on the roof) leaves a flame hanging in mid-air.
  • When Matches goes to tell Kid about the dynamite in the speakeasy (in the case Parker hasn't been set up to arrest Kid), his arm goes through Marty's shoulder.
  • When Marty uses the shortcut to CourtHouse Square, the barbershop's door has no backside.
  • When Trixie goes to Officer Parker to tell him about the books and he's not willing to arrest Kid, Parker's glass dissapears and reappears as they argue.
  • FPS rate drops down in several ocations and, sometimes, the music goes back a second -appliable to Episode 1- even with good hardware. Specially in these scenes:
    • When Marty sees his younger self travel back in time (music cuts back a second).
    • When the three Tannen brothers show up for the first time, in 1986.
    • After Edna asks you if you're headed for the speakeasy (She asks, Marty answers, she talks again, then the game lags).
    • The rescue Edna puzzle where Kid is shooting out of the window at Marty.
    • When Marty locks the Harness over Kid.
    • The ending when Emmett and Edna go to the movies.

Misspellings/Subtitle inaccuracies:
  • When trying to get into the speakeasy to rescue Artie, Marty's "Exterminator" line has a "the" too many in the subtitles ("Your the rats away").
  • When in 1986 at Marty's home, one of Biff's brother speaks: "No Tannen ain't never been afaid of no McFly!", instead of "afraid".
  • Inconsistency with Einstein's diminutive: Sometimes is "Einy" and others is "Einie" -appliable to Episode 1-.
  • Some contractions (like in "Wait til Wednesday" in the speakeasy puzzle) do not have apostrophes.
  • Zane says "Kid's dame" and is subtitled as "Kid's skirt".
  • At the gazebo, when you ask Emmett what's he doing, the subtitle says "Hill Vally Expo" instead of "Hill Valley Expo".
  • When in the flophouse with Doc about Emmett being at the gazebo: "like he's doing...No matter" is missing a space between the dots and "No" and "reanimating the dead,does it?" is missing a space between the comma and "does".
  • After convincing Parker to do the right thing by using Ednas lyrics, talk to Edna and tell her that Parkers reformed. When Marty speaks, the subtitles say "You'll be happy to know that your Back In Time lyrics have pushed Danny Parker back on the straight and narrow". However the audio that we hear seems to have the Back In Time removed.
  • Extra spaces between parenthesis in the "nose bleed" talk with Kid.
  • When Kid is laughing "and then..." has extra "..."
  • Extra spaces between "rocket car" and "accidentally".
  • Soundtrack is spelled "Sountrack" in a hint about the music to convince Parker.
  • Before Marty flies the DeLorean: "Let's find Doc" instead of "Let's go find Doc".
  • When Marty's flying the DeLorean before going back to 1986: "Is that what you and Edna are doing?" instead of "Is that what's going on with you and Edna?"

Audio bugs:
  • In the german version the spoken text sometimes suddenly ends before it should have ended.
  • Missing time travel sounds when Marty goes back to 4:45 p.m.
  • No "whack" sound when Cue-ball hits Marty.
  • Badly timed -and incorrect- time travel sound when Doc and Marty go back to 1986 for the first time.
  • Audio static from overcompression (heard clearly in Edna's song).
  • No audio line when talking to Edna about Sagan's innocence -for the second time- (random).
  • No dialogue from Parker when talking to him about arresting Tannen (random)
  • No gunshot sound the first time officer Parker fires at Kid.
  • Several times, when the time circuits are turned on, there's no "ON" sound -appliable to Episode 1-
  • At the end, when Marty arrives in 1986, the three sonic booms are not in-sync with the flashes.
  • Some dialogues won't play, randomly, in different runs of the game.

  • In 1986, Old Kid's about to shoot Marty, we hear him cocking his gun, but when he shows it, the hammer's not pulled back (no animated gun).
  • On June 13th, Zane moved the window cover sideways to see Marty but, on August 25th, Matches moves it downwards.
  • Trying to use the control panel for Emmett's rocket car when he's on the roof will make Emmett appear back in front of the control console and, after the sequence finishes, he'll appear back at the roof of the soup kitchen.
  • Give a caricature to Emmett and suddenly he's back on the floor for the cutscene.
  • When Marty and Kid are fighting (and right before it when he's holding Emmett hostage), you can clearly see Edna standing at her table like normal, considering you just rescued her and the last time you saw her she was standing with Officer Parker.

  • OSX: If you're using the keys for the multiple choice selection, then this selection is ignored (probably in favour of the resting mouseposition).
  • OSX: In rare moments it crashes.
  • Characters address Marty by multiple names (Sonny, Harry or Michael) -appliable to Episode 1-
  • When Marty's hiding from his younger self, without taking the stick, clicking on Emmett will turn him to look in Marty's direction only for that shot, without reaction. After Marty's dialogue is over, Emmett is back facing the other way.
  • If you right-click the first time Trixie sings, the song continues, but Trixie doesn't move.
  • Subtitles switch on and off when Trixie sings any song.
  • Marty suddenly stands up when you use the lighter on Parker while hiding behind the car from Kid.

Launching Bugs:
  • OSX: The game selector still doesn't work properly. Sometimes it hangs whilst trying to connect to the internet, kill task, restart, then it works.
  • The launcher doesn’t seem to load (stays black) for some people with Windows 7 -appliable to Episode 1-.
  • If the application is renamed on Mac, the launcher just quits when "Play" is clicked. If the original name without spaces, (BackToTheFuture102) is used, it works fine, but if changed to a prefered name eg “2 - Get Tannen!..." it just quits when play is clicked -appliable to Episode 1-.

  • Steering controls seem difficult to use -appliable to Episode 1-.
  • Seems like the lipsync quality went down a notch, except in Trixie's songs, which are spot-on.
  • When Doc activates the time circuits to input the date to get Artie, the main switch magically goes back to its "off" position.
  • Concrete skid sounds when the DeLorean skids behind the "Car of the Future" billboard, where there's just soil.
  • When Zane's outside the Courthouse, he's always seeing everything -our- Marty and Emmett are doing, but doesn't react to the other Marty coming to them (although, this could be explained by being short-sighted, but he still sees Arthur on the second floor of the Courthouse).
  • Same skidding and time travel sounds for every scene.
  • Time travel ending sound used twice when Marty and Doc go back to 1986 for the first time.
  • Air fire trails during as much as the ones on the ground, when those dissapear after a second (as seen at the beginning and end of Part II).
  • After Einstein appears near "El Kid", if you try to use Artie's pipe on Einstein, Marty says "There's only a few people (and maybe an animal or two) who'd be interested in grandpas smelly old pipe, but this isn't one of them", which is a clue to use it on Einstein in the Find-Artie puzzle. The line now makes no sense since it's already been used -and now, even used on the same element-.
  • When Marty coughs after helping Edna, only his mouth moves. There are no natural movements or reactions.
  • The DeLorean's hover conversion struts are in the "ground" position during all the final sequence (the lower part goes through the tire instead of holding it from the center of the rim).
  • The DeLorean's steering wheel doesn't move -engine limitation?-

I'll be listing more stuff as I remember it and as people post it.


  • edited February 2011
    The big one:

    - No one can keep Marty's fake name straight!
  • edited February 2011
    When complementing Edna on her singing, the subtitles say the BTTF song "Back in Time" even though Marty doesn't say it. (Not sure if it is a bug)

    I remember 2 or 3 places where a part of the dialogue is skipped. Will replay the game tomorrow to see where it was.
  • edited February 2011
    At least for me the secret song has no sound. That one is a biggie.
  • edited February 2011
    Trying to use Control panel of Emmet's rocket car, when Emmet is on the roof.
    Emmet will stay near CPanel.
  • edited February 2011
    I don't know about you, but my game gets SUPER SUPER SLOW when the three Tannen brothers show up for the first time, in 1986. This also happens in other moments as well! Has anyone of you had the same problem and/or know how to fix it?
  • edited February 2011
    Giovanni wrote: »
    I don't know about you, but my game gets SUPER SUPER SLOW when the three Tannen brothers show up for the first time, in 1986. This also happens in other moments as well! Has anyone of you had the same problem and/or know how to fix it?

    Same here... maybe not SUPER SLOW but a clear FPS drop...

    Maybe the only fix is to reduce the graphics quality.
  • edited February 2011
    Theres a glass in the speakeasy that seems to be getting drunk by an invisible man when Parker is clearing out the speakeasy. I think it used to be his glass, but it continues to rise up in the air like being drunk even though he is standing elsewhere.
  • edited February 2011
    With subtitles off, whenever Trixie started singing one of her songs, the first couple lines of her song would still have subtitles. Was kind of distracting.
  • edited February 2011
    Epic Kiwi wrote: »
    With subtitles off, whenever Trixie started singing one of her songs, the first couple lines of her song would still have subtitles. Was kind of distracting.

    I noticed the subtitles turning on and off throughout the game.
  • edited February 2011
    Giovanni wrote: »
    I don't know about you, but my game gets SUPER SUPER SLOW when the three Tannen brothers show up for the first time, in 1986. This also happens in other moments as well! Has anyone of you had the same problem and/or know how to fix it?

    It happens to me, it happened in the first game also. What i did was turn the graphics down to 1 and the game should run a whole lot faster
  • edited February 2011
    Subtitle spelling mistakes, as usual. "Vally" is the first one, right at the start, but there's been spelling mistakes in every TTG release since the beginning, so it appears that asking for things to be right the first time is futile. Once again, if I can notice these on the first playthrough, and they are words that don't even slip under a spellchecker, how could the possibly get in? Copy-paste the text file into Word, for pete's sake, and look for the underlines! Heck, paste them into this very text box I'm writing the reply in now! :|

    More: "skirt" in subtitles should be "dame"...

    during the 'nose bleed' talk, there's tons of extra spaces after that first parenthesis - not that there should be parentheses in subtitles anyway...

    right after that, the subtitles of what he says if you try the pipe in the blood do not match the spoken word ("gave me that pipe" versus "give this pipe to me"...

    "Brown kid" vs. "Brown's kid"...

    extra spaces after "rocket car" in "rocket car (spacespacespacespace) accidentally"

    "Let's find Doc" instead of "Let's go find Doc"...

    "what's going on with edna" > "what's going on with you and edna"... Seriously, this whole scene I'm finding about one per conversation, how could all of this be missed
  • edited February 2011
    Overall I'd just like to say I loved this latest episode, the plot was great with good pacing overall and it was a nice revisit to the dilemma in BTTF2.


    -This was quite a big one I noticed - the car is focused on behind the expo billboard with no-one around and suddenly Martys shouting in pain in front of the car and Doc leaps out of it. Just seemed weird - I was like "An empty Delorean with the door wide open in 1931? what kind of strange plot twist await...oh there they are." ;)

    -I did notice a piece of dialogue missing when Marty was talking to Parker in the speakeasy.

    -When Zane was talking behind the bar in that scene he gestures at one point and his arm sleeve isn't there just showed a floating hand lol.

    -Cue Ball whacks Marty over the head but you can't really hear any contact.

    -Didn't want to add this as its probably not a bug but the music during the 'Saturday 1931' didn't have the, yknow... (*sigh* okay fine i'll do it) "diddleedoodleoo" bit as the date emerged.
  • edited February 2011
    bug: Using the gun on the doc (when Einstein is on the roof) leaves a flame hanging in mid air
  • edited February 2011
    I can't save the game. Wonder if I am the only one in this case.
  • edited February 2011
    Biff gets electrocuted by a bug zapper when he hits it with a bat???

    Beautiful. Somehow, Doc & Marty must have changed the time-line so that wood is a great conductor & bug lights use at least 500 volts of power.

    Really, the only saving graces of Telltale "games" these days were the writing staff & the voice actors.

    One down, I guess.
  • edited February 2011
    DaleCooper wrote: »
    Somehow, Doc & Marty must have changed the time-line so that wood is a great conductor

    I thought it was pretty clearly a metal bat.
  • edited February 2011
    Doc teleports to his radio-invention in the middle of town when you click on it, even when he's on the roof trying to get the flying car down, then teleports back to where he was.
    DaleCooper wrote: »
    Biff gets electrocuted by a bug zapper when he hits it with a bat???

    Beautiful. Somehow, Doc & Marty must have changed the time-line so that wood is a great conductor & bug lights use at least 500 volts of power.

    I think it was a metal bat, though that's still silly.
  • edited February 2011
    DaleCooper wrote: »
    Beautiful. Somehow, Doc & Marty must have changed the time-line so that wood is a great conductor & bug lights use at least 500 volts of power.

    Wasnt it obvious;) clearly Artie created the special nonconductor wood, and 500 volt bugzapper, but Martie screwed that up because Artie clearly was working on that when Martie gave him the supeana.

    But yeah it was a metal bat.
  • edited February 2011
    Woodsyblue wrote: »
    I think it was a metal bat, though that's still silly.

    Also, for some reason, Biff's brother thinks it's a good idea to touch a man who's getting shocked to death. And then the next brother does the same exact thing. Tannens are not the brightest bulbs in the warehouse, are they?

    Also, I didn't experience the name bug at all. Everyone called Marty Sonny Crockett, just like I chose in the first episode.
  • edited February 2011
    Is the problem with the names caused by having saves of different runs from Ep1?

    I was (accurately) called Harry Callahan most of the time, but sometimes referred to as Mr. Crockett by Edna and Michael by Emmett.
  • edited February 2011
    Tromeritus wrote: »
    Is the problem with the names caused by having saves of different runs from Ep1?

    I was (accurately) called Harry Callahan most of the time, but sometimes referred to as Mr. Crockett by Edna and Michael by Emmett.

    This could easily be fixed by the game asking what name you went by in the previous game when you start a new game.
  • edited February 2011
    But didn't the first one have trouble remembering the names? I think it's just a bug in the game, though I've never encountered it. I chose Michael Corleone and have been called that by every relevant since. I thought it was kinda neat that the second episode remembered that I selected that in the first one.
  • edited February 2011
    I need to replay both episodes to test the name thing.

    The things I noticed to be fixed that haven't been mentioned are the high amounts of clipping. While looking at dialogue choices for talking to Doc at the inn, his hair stands out of his hat.

    The other thing is the static during Edna's song. There is a high amount of static when she started and stopped playing her accordion. I know a number of people complains about the static from compression but I don't hear it normally, but I could hear it clearly in the song.
  • edited February 2011
    From where Edna is at her Table near the Clocktower to the Speakeasy's Ally, terrible lag takes forever for Marty to get there between each place.
  • edited February 2011
    I had no problems with the name thing. Here's what I found:

    No save game

    When looking over the counter while Artie is stunned in the chair and being interrogated the "Exit" button doesn't work so I'm stuck looking over the counter. Luckily there was no need to look over the counter so I got past it after I restarted and played again (thanks to the no save "feature").

    Then there was maybe one silent line from Edna. Can't remember accurately I think it was random.

    The game ran pretty smooth on my crappy lappy with graphics at 5.
  • edited February 2011
    I tell ya, the ending when Emmett and edna go to the Moves, worst slowdown EVER! 15 minutes just to get past the lagging Cutscene that would pause and the Music would loop. the First Episode never had this, why Episode 2?
  • edited February 2011
    On top of some issues already reported, I have a few that happen right at the end:

    - When Marty and Kid Tannon are fighting (and right before it when he's holding Emmett hostage), you can clearly see Edna standing at her table like normal. Considering you just rescued her and the last time you saw her she was standing with Officer Parker, this is an amusing continuity error.

    - I experienced a crash when I slammed the flying car lid over Tannon. Tannon started flying away, and then the game crashed as the car started to fly at the camera, forcing me to reboot my computer. This is getting really irritating, as I've had crashes now in 3 consecutive Telltale releases (Monkey Island - During the Episode 4 "dramatic death scene"; S&M Season 3 - When grabbing Sal off the rooftop in Episode 5; BTTF - When shutting Kid Tannon in the flying car in Episode 2). I don't think the Telltale Tools like being used for dramatic cutscenes, as that's where I always see technical issues.
  • edited February 2011
    broodwars wrote: »
    - I experienced a crash when I slammed the flying car lid over Tannon. Tannon started flying away, and then the game crashed as the car started to fly at the camera, forcing me to reboot my computer. This is getting really irritating, as I've had crashes now in 3 consecutive Telltale releases (Monkey Island - During the Episode 4 "dramatic death scene"; S&M Season 3 - When grabbing Sal off the rooftop in Episode 5; BTTF - When shutting Kid Tannon in the flying car in Episode 2). I don't think the Telltale Tools like being used for dramatic cutscenes, as that's where I always see technical issues.

    Might be your computer. If someone else's having that issue, I'll add it to the list. The first one's already in :D.
  • edited February 2011
    daeva0123 wrote: »
    -This was quite a big one I noticed - the car is focused on behind the expo billboard with no-one around and suddenly Martys shouting in pain in front of the car and Doc leaps out of it. Just seemed weird - I was like "An empty Delorean with the door wide open in 1931? what kind of strange plot twist await...oh there they are." ;)

    Are you serious about this? It was very obviously a chance for them to show off the Delorean model, and nothing at all like a bug.
  • edited February 2011
    The save game feature is completely missing in episode 2. Also, the game crashed my graphics driver multiple times, starting with major graphics artefacts. Since I have a GeForce GTX 275, I don't believe my computer is underpowered...

    Only on one occasion did Edna call me Mr Crockett instead of Mr Corleone. Since I play with subtitles enabled, I have not experienced the indecisive subtitle bug.
  • edited February 2011
    No one else getting the glass in the speakeasy bug? Glass is still animated and moving even though no one is there to interact with it. Happens when parker is clearing out the speakeasy.
  • edited February 2011
    When Matches comes in with the stick of dynamite for Kid, not only does he for a moment of "game time" appear directly at his spot but his arm goes through Marty's shoulder.

    Oh yeah, and Matches goes down to tell Kid about Carl Sagan's appearance and immediately comes back up to let you in.
  • edited February 2011
    Okay, look the lag on in spots are rediculous! it took 15 minutes of studdering music just when Edna and Y.Emmett go to the Movies, please Telltale..Help fix this please. also the spot by the Soup Kitchen is very slow almost glitchy, please help..ep 1 and most of ep 2 work great.
  • edited February 2011
    The game got very slow for me at the rescue Edna part where Kid is shooting out of the window at Marty. I was playing on full graphics for the whole game but when I got to this point I had to drop the graphics to about 3 to play smoothly.
  • edited February 2011
    prizna wrote: »
    The game got very slow for me at the rescue Edna part where Kid is shooting out of the window at Marty. I was playing on full graphics for the whole game but when I got to this point I had to drop the graphics to about 3 to play smoothly.
    yeah even when I change the Graphics level, it still glitches a terrible lag only in some parts, please Telltale help fix this, PLEASE!
  • edited February 2011
    I have a powerful computer, everything always run smoothly but...

    At the end, when Edna and Young Doc are in front the movie theaters, it just lost 230% speed O_o . I didn't understand what the heck happened. Then it got normal ...
  • edited February 2011
    Strayth wrote: »
    I have a powerful computer, everything always run smoothly but...

    At the end, when Edna and Young Doc are in front the movie theaters, it just lost 230% speed O_o . I didn't understand what the heck happened. Then it got normal ...
    Yes! me too! so it's not me! what do we do? I can't play again until I fix this..
  • edited February 2011
    prizna wrote: »
    This could easily be fixed by the game asking what name you went by in the previous game when you start a new game.

    This is a good idea. I chose "Michael Corleone" in Episode 1, but Episode 2 everybody kept calling me "Crockett". I had multiple save games, not sure if this affected the algorithm used to determine what you're called.

    To test, I started a whole new game in Episode 1 and chose "Michael Corleone" then saved and auto-saved. Then started a new game in Episode 2 but still "Crockett" was used to call Marty.
  • edited February 2011
    I have two:
    Slight buzzing sound in the first part of the game, if you turn down the fx volume only you can't hear it, or fx, the buzzing goes away after a couple of minutes.

    And a graphics glitch anytime you are outside in the park and a car goes by the graphics break up and turn black and the frame rate drops to almost nothing.
  • edited February 2011
    Echoes wrote: »
    I have two:
    Slight buzzing sound in the first part of the game, if you turn down the fx volume only you can't hear it, or fx, the buzzing goes away after a couple of minutes.

    And a graphics glitch anytime you are outside in the park and a car goes by the graphics break up and turn black and the frame rate drops to almost nothing.

    I thought the buzzing sound was supposed to be a sound effect for the bug zapper....

    both episodes 1 and 2 for me had a hideous black box around Marty if my graphics were turned up too high, even though my computer can handle it.
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