Stuff to fix in Episode 2 (Possible Spoilers)



  • edited February 2011

    both episodes 1 and 2 for me had a hideous black box around Marty if my graphics were turned up too high, even though my computer can handle it.

    Have you upgraded your drivers? I had the same issue and updating removed the black lines around shadows.
  • edited February 2011
    Could Telltale do anything to fix these issues?
  • edited February 2011
    Could Telltale do anything to fix these issues?

    Telltale usually doesn't fix anything unless it's game-breaking.
  • edited February 2011
    I thought the buzzing sound was supposed to be a sound effect for the bug zapper....

    both episodes 1 and 2 for me had a hideous black box around Marty if my graphics were turned up too high, even though my computer can handle it.

    The buzzing sound I am talking about is in the very first part of the game when you are watching the intro, sort of the recap of the end of part 1, and lasts for a few minutes.
  • edited February 2011

    not sure if its a error in the game, but when they go back in the year 1985 Marty was driving but when they get their he is now on the copilot seat. Not sure how they got to manage it to switch their seats
  • edited February 2011
    Hi there,

    Was going through the game for a second time this afternoon and discovered a serious bug where if you show the picture of George to Zane when you first walk in to the speakeasy, you will not receive a copy of the caricature nor will you be able to obtain it later as Marty claims he "wouldn't need a second copy".

    Either there needs to be no reason for Zane to produce the caricature (makes no sense) or if the item were to appear in the inventory, this would incur a huge skip of most of the storyline. The latter is a more appropriate fix as there are few who would ever skip such a huge section of the game.
  • edited February 2011
    TC-14 wrote: »
    Hi there,

    Was going through the game for a second time this afternoon and discovered a serious bug where if you show the picture of George to Zane when you first walk in to the speakeasy, you will not receive a copy of the caricature nor will you be able to obtain it later as Marty claims he "wouldn't need a second copy".

    Either there needs to be no reason for Zane to produce the caricature (makes no sense) or if the item were to appear in the inventory, this would incur a huge skip of most of the storyline. The latter is a more appropriate fix as there are few who would ever skip such a huge section of the game.

    Zane will give you the caricature after Kid goes away to get the arsonist.
    mac-duff wrote:
    not sure if its a error in the game, but when they go back in the year 1985 Marty was driving but when they get their he is now on the copilot seat. Not sure how they got to manage it to switch their seats

    Not an error. You'll notice he also has his 80's clothes back, that's a time-skip cut: They went back in time with Marty driving, went to Doc's place so Marty could change back to the clothes he left before going to 1931 and then Doc drove him back home.
  • edited February 2011
    Just something I noticed:

    Not sure of the exact words in the hint, but when you are trying to get Cueball to play "You Should Care" and look at the hints, it says something about the soundtrack.

    Problem: Soundtrack is spelled Sountrack.

    That's all I can think of right now.
  • edited February 2011
    How many here are getting the slowdowns at around the Soup Kitchen and when Marty locks the Harness over Kid?
  • edited February 2011
    Does anyone know what is causing the major drop in FPS for some people in certain areas? Just seems weird since the whole game runs fine for me on the highest settings until the shoot out puzzle.
  • edited February 2011
    prizna wrote: »
    Does anyone know what is causing the major drop in FPS for some people in certain areas? Just seems weird since the whole game runs fine for me on the highest settings until the shoot out puzzle.
    oh yeah major slowdowns mostly in and around the Soup Kitchen and in some cut scenes like when Doc pushes the laver to send Kid flying. I have been begging for help for days now.
  • edited February 2011
    oh yeah major slowdowns mostly in and around the Soup Kitchen and in some cut scenes like when Doc pushes the laver to send Kid flying. I have been begging for help for days now.

    Surely it cant be due to a slow computer concidering a lot of people who have mentioned the slowdowns have said that they have fast computers.

    Also its such a major drop.
  • edited February 2011
    prizna wrote: »
    Surely it cant be due to a slow computer concidering a lot of people who have mentioned the slowdowns have said that they have fast computers.

    Also its such a major drop.
    I totally agree my Friend, it's a pain..I don't know who to contact about this, it has to be fixed somehow.
  • edited February 2011
    We don't KNOW anything about their computers prizna. Unless I've blinked and missed it, I've only seen one person mention their video card, but it's hard to do much/any diagnosis without at least knowing the CPU as well. You can have good of either and then crap of the other, but you really need good of both to say you have a "modern" or "fast" machine.
  • edited February 2011
    I don't know if this is a bug but first time I played. I had some audio problems at the speakeasy when I selected songs for Trixi to sing. When I selected I don't care. The song was gone and Cue ball and Trixi just played and singing without any sound.

    I played Episode 2 form begining agan later, then it was OK, May be it was the order I selected songs. Since i now Knew what to do.
  • edited February 2011
    In the speakeasy, while speaking to Officer Parker, there's a woman in an alcove behind him. At certain angles, that woman vanishes and on the seat next to hers, Kid appears to be seated. I'm guessing that he will be appropriately seated in that spot later in the game, but I'm certainly not at that point yet.

    I also have *not* experienced the name bug. Everybody correctly calls him Michael Corleone.

    I'm running the version distributed through Steam.
  • edited February 2011
    Regarding the names; The name chosen in ep. 1 is saved in your register. If you lock your computer off too severe (Vista and 7 love doing that) that can result in the name not being noted in BOTH episodes. This isn't an issue with the game, allow it to write into the registry and pretty much all your issues mysteriously dissapear.

    Unmentioned issues I noticed:
    * If you select Emmett (without stick) he looks at you. Shouldn't he see the 2 marty's then? Think he should keep his back turned as he does when selecting him (and after the scene).
    * Martys. Shouldn't it be Marty's? (Clicking Edna during that scene, stickless)
    * The "Exterminator" line got a 'the' too many in the subtitles. (Your the rats away?)
    * Mr. Crockett? It's been Michael Corleone all along for the rest of the episode. Slip? (Talking to Edna after Einy incident)
    * reanimating the dead,does it? (typo. There are a LOT of issues with spacing with the , sign in this episode. Usually it's a space too many than a space too little like here though)
    * Mechnamism? (Mechanism) (typo 2 for Doc)
    * Parker reformed speech to Edna; "Back to the Future" is cut from VO but not subtitles, and "hallelujiah".
    * Give caracature to Emmett and suddenly he's back on the floor for the cutscene.
  • edited February 2011

    Unmentioned issues I noticed:
    * If you select Emmett (without stick) he looks at you. Shouldn't he see the 2 marty's then? Think he should keep his back turned as he does when selecting him (and after the scene).
    * Martys. Shouldn't it be Marty's? (Clicking Edna during that scene, stickless)
    * The "Exterminator" line got a 'the' too many in the subtitles. (Your the rats away?)
    * Mechnamism? (Mechanism) (typo 2 for Doc)
    * Parker reformed speech to Edna; "Back to the Future" is cut from VO but not subtitles, and "hallelujiah".
    * Give caracature to Emmett and suddenly he's back on the floor for the cutscene.

    I'll add them, just let me verify the circumstances of some of those.
  • edited February 2011
    Here is an annoyance:

    This isn't necessary in the game but after Einstein appears near "El Kid" if you try to use Artie's pipe on Einstein, Marty says "There's only a few people (and maybe an animal or two) who'd be interested in grandpas smelly old pipe, but this isn't one of them" this obviously makes no sense.
  • edited February 2011
    prizna wrote: »
    Does anyone know what is causing the major drop in FPS for some people in certain areas? Just seems weird since the whole game runs fine for me on the highest settings until the shoot out puzzle.

    i had no slowdowns at all :confused: quadcore, radeon 4870
  • edited February 2011
    Unmentioned issues I noticed:
    * Martys. Shouldn't it be Marty's? (Clicking Edna during that scene, stickless)

    Nope. "Martys" is plural, "Marty's" is possessive.
    * Mechnamism? (Mechanism) (typo 2 for Doc)
    * Parker reformed speech to Edna; "Back to the Future" is cut from VO but not subtitles, and "hallelujiah".

    I already added every issue you posted, except for those two. Could you tell me where those happened?. With screenshots, if possible, please :)
  • edited February 2011
    Really have to agree with the lipsync quality being poor. Its some thing I've notest in all TTG games but stands out alot more in this game because its less cartoonie than other games. Same goes for animation in general.
    Hope the animation is better in Jurassic Park because poor animation will really kill that game!
  • edited February 2011
    Okay, i'm going crazy here, it's been a long time now and i'm having a hard time enjoying ep2, Telltale, PLEASE help me! I mean I timed one slow down at 6 Minutes when Emmett and Edna walk up to the Couple that Marty ran into at El Kid please it's like this also when Officer Parker arrests Kid, there's too many, is it my computer or is it a bug? here is my stats:

    OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
    Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
    OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
    System Manufacturer Dell Computer Corporation
    System Model Dimension 2400
    System Type X86-based PC
    Processor x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~2392 Mhz
    BIOS Version/Date Dell Computer Corporation A05, 12/2/2003
    SMBIOS Version 2.3
    Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
    System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
    Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume2
    Locale United States
    Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111)"
    Time Zone Eastern Standard Time
    Total Physical Memory 1,024.00 MB
    Available Physical Memory 508.74 MB
    Total Virtual Memory 2.00 GB
    Available Virtual Memory 1.96 GB
    Page File Space 2.40 GB
    Page File C:\pagefile.sys
  • edited February 2011
    Kinda of both a audio and subtitle glitch, after you've convinced Parker to do the right thing by using Ednas lyrics, talk to Edna and tell her that Parkers reformed. When Marty speaks, the subtitles say "You'll be happy to know that your Back In Time lyrics have pushed Danny Parker back on the straight and narrow". However the audio that we hear seems to have the Back In Time removed. It actually does sound like that the subtitle line was recorded, but then cut/edited afterwards.
  • edited February 2011
    A few observations from OSX:

    The game selector still doesn't work properly. Sometimes it hangs whilst trying to connect to the internet, kill task, restart, then it works. After so many episodes this really is a shame.

    In the german version the spoken text sometimes suddenly *cut* ends before it should have ended.

    If you're using the keys for the multiple choice selection, then this selection is ignored. I guess in favour of the resting mouseposition.

    In rare moments it crashes.

    Quite some glitches in most scenes, plopping in/out graphics, z-fighting, not this careful modeled animations with poly intersections, texture swimming and flickering (can you please optimise the filter settings (aniso level, point/bilinear/trilinear)?! Even on the highest settings these problems occcur. Sometimes the lightning looks awkyard.

    The whole steering in BTTF is a drag (bumping into objects, sliding along invisible borders, loosing orientation due to not always this wisely choosen camera angles and the steering direction swapping. Why is TT so lame when it comes to a working steering solution and some working camera angles? I can't believe the incompetence shown in this area for such a production.

    Contrary to Heavy Rain, where the camera angles are nicely choosen and don't cause conflicts with the steering, in BTTF you get the impression that the angles are choosen after aspects like look mum, i made an obvious angle change plus that the guys choosing the angles never talk to those guys beeing responsible for the steering and movement in a scene. The result is annoying.
  • Great story so far but the controls are terrible!!
  • edited March 2011
    Looking at your specs you should probably add another gig of ram to your computer. Just a thought.
  • edited March 2011
    When Doc and Edna go to the movie theater there are some graphical problems.
  • edited March 2011
    I only have one complaint and it's a minor one, but one I'd like to see fixed. In the scene where the DeLorean flies over Kid Tannen and disappears in the sky I DESPERATELY wanted that scene to end with Kid saying "What the hell is going on here??" like Biff did at the beginning of BTTF : Part II. That would've played in nicely with how everything seems to repeat in the BTTF Universe, and also it just seems to make more sense that he would be completely flabbergasted (like Biff was in BTTF2) instead of that growl thing he does as if the fact that Marty escaping him was more important to him than the fact that he just witnessed a flying car explode in the sky.

    I love this game. I've been a HUGE BTTF fan since the first film came out. I've seen the first movie easily a thousand times. I love the characters and the entire universe they're in. I can't tell you how envious I am of you guys to be able to work on a game based on it. And as far as my opinion goes, you've done the property great justice.


    Rush Montgomery III
  • edited March 2011
    @ lynn2cool : Would 1.21 Gigabytes be enough?
  • edited April 2011
    The PS3 version has the subtitle and nickname glitch.
  • edited April 2011

    Just finished Episode 2,yesterday,and i am impressed on details,plot and story,so far.

    I discovered 2 errors or missing parts in episode 2.
    The first on appears as a missing sound/voice of a comment Marty gives the female singer inside Tannen's "Club"/Speakeasy,and just shows up as text and no sound when Marty says"Break a leg out there",to the female singer/Tannens Mistress.

    The second detail i discovered happens when Marty tries to talk to Tannen inside the Speakeasy where Tannen stands in front of the elevator with his companion,and asks Marty if he is a member of the rival Mobster Family?.What happens then is that Marty moves away backwards from Tannen and his company,and does'nt have the opportunity to answer Tannen upon his question.

  • edited April 2011
    haze44 wrote: »
    I discovered 2 errors or missing parts in episode 2.
    The first on appears as a missing sound/voice of a comment Marty gives the female singer inside Tannen's "Club"/Speakeasy,and just shows up as text and no sound when Marty says"Break a leg out there",to the female singer/Tannens Mistress.

    Have you tried reinstalling?, that line's fine in my install (probably everyone else's too.)
    haze44 wrote: »
    The second detail i discovered happens when Marty tries to talk to Tannen inside the Speakeasy where Tannen stands in front of the elevator with his companion,and asks Marty if he is a member of the rival Mobster Family?.What happens then is that Marty moves away backwards from Tannen and his company,and does'nt have the opportunity to answer Tannen upon his question.


    Marty is supposed to answer with an object, not an actual dialogue.
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