Telltale Gushing Thread
Things may have seemed a little sour lately, so let's make it clear to the big Double T G that we still love them.
Go Telltale! Woo!
Go Telltale! Woo!
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Sam and Max: Episode 3 was one of the funniest things I ever had the pleasure of playing. Between Skunkape, Sammunmak, Yug Soggoth, and of course the duo themselves, it was at least as good as Season 2 and maybe just a tad better. I definitely thought the ending for Season 3 was better, given the rather uninteresting final battle in Season 2.
I remember chuckling mildly in Season 1 for the most part, but really guffawing in 2 and 3. Good job Telltale.
Puzzle Agent was fantastic. I'm a big fan of the Layton series, so it was right up my alley, with a creepy twist. Looking forward to finishing that off.
Tales of Monkey Island, once again hilarious. Human Chuck was a delight to listen to. The supporting cast in Episode One wasn't great and I wasn't too big on the Vacaylians, but the Mannatee bound crew of Episode 3, combined with a hilarious judge and Stan in episode four and all the dramatic twists inherent, as well as a great concluding episode really made it a hit with me. Can't forget the main cast of Morgan, DeSinge and of course Elaine and Guybrush. Oh, didn't like island hopping in episode 2. Time waster.
I really liked the staring contest, the jungle in episode 4, determining my innocence at court, and the final battle with LeChuck.
Neither Strongbad or Wallace/Grommit really appealed to me so I didn't bother with them, but I'm interested in BttF, Jurassic Park, and all of the new five, really. I just like to play from beginning to end, so I wait to play until the end of a season.
Apprecation might have been a less scary word to use for the title but not as fun:P
I've been particularly hard on Telltale lately, mostly due to the BttF is too easy thing, but it's not because I don't like them any more. (If I didn't I wouldn't even be here.) I just think it is a serious issue and something that requires their attention. We'll find out if they've been listening to us in future episodes and even future games I guess.
Still a big fan of Telltale and really looking forward to some of their future projects, especially Jurassic Park.
...though I wish they had announced ToMI2...
and if all else fails, you guys would be great with animated movies, they are shorter than one episode, are great with your story and characters, and require no gameplay
This, really. I don't know what to expect from the franchises that I've never heard of, but I recon they may just prove to be something I'm interested in.
Puzzle Agent RULES!
Season one RULES!
Season two ROCKS!
Season 3 is OKAY!
I havent played the other games!
Poker Night RULES!
Kings Quest will likely RULE
Hector looks to dark for me...
After seeing what Telltale had announced a few days ago, I also like watching Telltale go in many different directions as of now.
Yh I agree any problem iv had they have gotten back to me and where very helpful.
Get out.
Anyway, Telltale is awesome! For making a game on one of my favourite things (Wallace & Gromit), which brought me here. TOMI was next, and then I thought I should try the rest. SB was next, and finally Sam & Max. That was when I became a fan, and started buying their games on PC. I was disappointed with the announcements, but I'm deffinetly getting Puzzle Agent 2, and I am interested in Fables (even if I haven't read it yet) and Hector, but I need to see more of it to decide. Walking Dead is a no for me, and I have no clue about King's Quest. So, congrats TT on getting all these to work on, but please say if there is more Monkey Island coming in the long or short future! Please! Oh, and also maybe Sam & Max. It's the reason I love you guys, please don't stop them unless you have!
Telltale is definitely one of my favorite game companies and while I didn't really care about any of the series they just announced, I'll still keep an eye out for when they do.
I didn't like Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse as much as season two because of the lack of difficulty in the puzzles and the lack of a musical number (I know it's a silly reason, but Max's joke about the quality of the musical numbers dropping early in the season became kind of a sore point to me when it turned out to be true), but I liked it better than season one and Hit the Road. I really liked that they fiddled with the formula and made the backgrounds more gritty like in the comics.
I really liked Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent. I never played Professor Layton before, so I can't comment on how derivative it is of that game (which seems to be people's main concern about it), but I really liked the atmosphere, the story, the voices, the music, and the puzzles. If it weren't for the short length, this game would be my favorite Telltale game of all time. I can't wait for Puzzle Agent 2.
I liked Poker Night at the Inventory a lot. I liked Telltale Texas Hold'Em, but this game was even better because it had some of my favorite characters in it (plus The Heavy, who I didn't know before this game, but he was my favorite of the four), and it was cheaper. It wasn't very deep, and the replay value really drops after you hear all the lines, but for $5 I can't really complain.
The big surprise of 2010 for me was CSI: Fatal Conspiracy. The puzzles were more challenging, the story was a lot more engrossing, it had an interesting new character in FBI agent Huntby, and Andrew Chaikin delivered a performance that was so believable it actually had me in tears along with him (which never even happened to me while watching the CSI show!). :eek:
In fact, I considered The Devil's playhouse a worthy successor to Season 2. I honestly did not get along with the ending, the game was too tutorial-intensive, and there could have been more puzzles, but that's enough with the critique. This was, after all, an adventure with fresh ideas and real gameplay, the structure of the Tomb of Sammun-Mak made it THE most creative adventure in 2010, 303's middle twist was also great, the dialogue was sharp as ever, and I kept hoping for Season 4 when five new projects were to be announced.
ToMI... there were ups and downs also; particularly, I hated the ending. But here again, I replay this game quite often, so the replay value is there. Particularly episode 3 was brilliant. I am rather sure that no other gaming company could have adapted the "insult swordfighting" paradigm and still come out with something new and enjoyable.
Bottom line is: TTG really strayed from the path with BTTF. That's a big letdown for me, because BTTF is my favourite movie and TTG my favourite gaming company, so this was a "match made in space"... or should have been. Nonetheless, the return to greatness with at least one of these franchises, as are: Fables, Walking Dead, King's Quest, is very possible. Mind you, the latter always was a hardcore adventure gamer franchise, and that might well be considered the main target group for TTG, so who knows.
They've got the power, I believe in this. Now they must learn to use it again.