Poor Marketing

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
Telltale Games is a quality company, but they really need to shape up their marketing department. First they release the debut trailer of "Get Tannen" on 2-15 which states at the end that the episode is available now when in fact it was unavailable till the next day.

Second, they mention that the game is set for the PS3 release on the 15th, yet failed to mention that it was only available in North America till the last moment.

Thirdly, once you completed the first episode on the PS3, there is a short promo at the end which states that "Get Tannen" would be available in February 2011. Considering that the PSN network only updates every Tuesday and that tomorrow will be the last Tuesday for the rest of February, does that mean the second episode will be available on the 22nd? Not so considering that all signs point that the release dates are staggered, meaning that the PS3 will be a month behind given that the first episode was suspiciously released on that platform almost the same time that the second one was available for PC download.

All in all, I'm pretty frustrated in their marketing tactics whether intentional or not. I just don't know why they're so secretive regarding their release date schedules.


  • edited February 2011
    Also they've been calling it a "game", when in fact nobody has been able to find any gameplay within the entire product thus far.
  • edited February 2011
    Also they've been calling it a "game", when in fact nobody has been able to find any gameplay within the entire product thus far.
    TBF, Ep2 was a lot better than Ep1. Puzzles were not so "in-your-face" (in one scene), although still not quite taxing but getting there.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    Where to start, where to start?

    First, this isn't exactly a primary case of bad TTG marketing. The trailer seems to have been released early, at least there has NEVER been an "official" link from the blog.

    Second, as most people seem to forget, TTG is an American-based company. They're trying hard to get the Europeans in the boat whenever possible, but it can't always be done. They got the PSN release schedule under control - mostly - which is an achievement of its own. I don't see how this can be a huge letdown if Europeans get the game a few days after. Honestly, other games are delayed for MONTHS.

    Third, what I love to call "kamikaze marketing" has always been a telltale sign of, ummm, Telltale games. But it can go both ways, at your loss and in your favour. One day you might win a model DeLorean in the "insider forums", the next day you get a nice deal at the TTG Store. But as soon as your order is placed, an even better deal emerges. One day you pre-order a game and get access to an exclusive forum, but mid-season, the price of the game may drop significantly. One day, through certain circumstances, you actually get an 80% discount in the TTG store, but during the following months, it turns out that two thirds of the things you ordered were actually forever out of stock and you will get your money back instead of actually enjoying the reduced price while shipping costs to Europe reduce the remaining third to less than a real deal.

    If you try not to let that bother you, TTG's marketing can actually be very funny. :D :D

    "What are they going to do next??"
  • edited February 2011
    HonestAbel wrote: »
    Telltale Games is a quality company, but they really need to shape up their marketing department. First they release the debut trailer of "Get Tannen" on 2-15 which states at the end that the episode is available now when in fact it was unavailable till the next day.

    Second, they mention that the game is set for the PS3 release on the 15th, yet failed to mention that it was only available in North America till the last moment.

    Thirdly, once you completed the first episode on the PS3, there is a short promo at the end which states that "Get Tannen" would be available in February 2011. Considering that the PSN network only updates every Tuesday and that tomorrow will be the last Tuesday for the rest of February, does that mean the second episode will be available on the 22nd? Not so considering that all signs point that the release dates are staggered, meaning that the PS3 will be a month behind given that the first episode was suspiciously released on that platform almost the same time that the second one was available for PC download.

    All in all, I'm pretty frustrated in their marketing tactics whether intentional or not. I just don't know why they're so secretive regarding their release date schedules.

    Thanks for voicing your concerns. Seriously. We do take everything we hear, read, and see into consideration.

    Just a few quick notes about your statements.

    1. The release of Get Tannen! was supposed to be a surprise, but due to unforeseen circumstances (YouTube being in maintenance mode when the trailer was uploaded and not recognizing it had been set to "private"), the trailer was seen before it was intended. The first time the trailer was supposed to show was the day the game actually launced.

    2. We've made it clear, since the day we announced the North American PSN release date for Episode 1 of Back to the Future, that other regions would be coming soon after. (eg. http://www.telltalegames.com/community/blogs/id-754) We don't yet have a release date for other regions but I promise it will come as soon as it possibly can.

    3. The release date for Get Tannen! on the PSN is still unannounced. The thing you are mentioning though, carried over from the PC release of Episode 1. We are hard at work at getting Get Tannen! onto the PSN though, so it will come as soon as possible. We aren't trying to be secretive, at all.

    Seriously, we try our best to make everyone happy, and make quality products at the same time. I do apologize for any confusion you may have encountered, but rest assured, we're working on it. Thanks again for letting us know your thoughts.
  • edited February 2011

    Seriously, we try our best to make everyone happy, and make quality products at the same time. I do apologize for any confusion you may have encountered, but rest assured, we're working on it. Thanks again for letting us know your thoughts.

    It's appreciated, you guys made me happy at least! I'm not fussed how the game is released, as long as it's released on the month which is a promise you guys are sticking to thus far!

    The game isn't as much of a challenge as ToMI or Sam & Max, but that is understandable, and I'm enjoying the series none the less for things other than gameplay difficulty.
    Keep it up! :)
  • edited February 2011
    Thanks for voicing your concerns. Seriously. We do take everything we hear, read, and see into consideration.

    Just a few quick notes about your statements.

    1. The release of Get Tannen! was supposed to be a surprise, but due to unforeseen circumstances (YouTube being in maintenance mode when the trailer was uploaded and not recognizing it had been set to "private"), the trailer was seen before it was intended. The first time the trailer was supposed to show was the day the game actually launced.

    2. We've made it clear, since the day we announced the North American PSN release date for Episode 1 of Back to the Future, that other regions would be coming soon after. (eg. http://www.telltalegames.com/community/blogs/id-754) We don't yet have a release date for other regions but I promise it will come as soon as it possibly can.

    3. The release date for Get Tannen! on the PSN is still unannounced. The thing you are mentioning though, carried over from the PC release of Episode 1. We are hard at work at getting Get Tannen! onto the PSN though, so it will come as soon as possible. We aren't trying to be secretive, at all.

    Seriously, we try our best to make everyone happy, and make quality products at the same time. I do apologize for any confusion you may have encountered, but rest assured, we're working on it. Thanks again for letting us know your thoughts.

    2. That makes it sound like it's not getting released tomorrow either then xD Guess I'll have to just play some other games then if that's the case. Thanks :)

    @Vainamoinen: Looks like EU is looking to be 1 month behind PC and 2 weeks+ (if it doesn't get released tomorrow) behind NA PSN, so not just a matter of "a few days" exactly ^^
  • edited February 2011
    RE: Alan Johnson
    I agree TTG needs to expand their marketing although I don't pretend to have a bunch of can't-miss suggestions. I do want to let you know that I didn't hear about BTTF until I saw an interview with the guy doing MJF's voice on Cinnemassacre.com. I then bought a PS3 specifically to play BTTF. I am so satisfied that I've just downloaded Monkey Island to keep me occupied until BTTF episode 2 is ready.
    Thanks Telltale! But you really need to find a better way to announce Episode Available dates. Maybe have a tab on the home page for "Upcoming Release Dates." Anything is better than making us browse the forums for a post about a due date.
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