
edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
I know it's only been 2 episodes so far, but the skateboard/hoverboard has been a prominent tools in all 3 movies, yet the closest we've seen is when Marty pulls up outside Edna's apartment on his Skateboard in 1986.

Now, I wouldn't think Telltale would forget to include something as significant as the hoverboard in the game, I just hope it's appearance will be a momentous one, and not just a fleeting reference. Basically I hope they don't just turn it into into a scene like in episode 1 where
you break doc out the back of the police car driven by Kid Tannen

I look forward to seeing it's inclusion!


  • edited February 2011
    probably Doc's kids have it in the past. remember? Doc saved Clara with the hoverboard in bttf 3.
  • big-augen wrote: »
    probably Doc's kids have it in the past. remember? Doc saved Clara with the hoverboard in bttf 3.

    Yeah we have no clue where or when it is. We dont even know where doc left them.
  • edited February 2011
    the skateboard/hoverboard has been a prominent tools in all 3 movies

    the skate board is shown in BTTF the game before he goes back to 1931

    I don't think they meant to not show it, but I am sure that it will have its own big scene later in the games, because like we all know, the skateboard scenes , the epic ones, don't happen intill later in the flim
  • edited February 2011
    Doc probably gutted it to make the time train.
  • redakdal wrote: »
    the skateboard/hoverboard has been a prominent tools in all 3 movies

    the skate board is shown in BTTF the game before he goes back to 1931

    I don't think they meant to not show it, but I am sure that it will have its own big scene later in the games, because like we all know, the skateboard scenes , the epic ones, don't happen intill later in the flim

    Yes and no. There's 3-5 similar scenes depending how you view it
    1) the skateboard scene in part I which lands biff into a manure truck (so at least that something we've seen with each film and episode)
    2) the hoverboard chase at the beginning of part II
    3 the hoverboard chase in 1955 in part II
    4) marty getting chased and roped by buford in part III when doc would save him (some say it counts since it's a chase scene, others say no because theres no board)
    5) doc using the hoverboard at the end of part III. Again some say it counts since a board is used, others say it doesnt since it's not a chase.

    The last episode seems set up for a chase. Maybe we get one earlier.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    I'm willing to bet a considerable amount of money that the Hoverboard WILL eventually make an appearance.
  • I'm willing to bet a considerable amount of money that the Hoverboard WILL eventually make an appearance.

    Just curious, what would make you say that?

    There is the theory that zounds metioned that doc took apart the hoverboard to make the hover conversion himself for the time train.
  • edited February 2011
    The Episode 5 description makes it sound like they'll return to the future. Marty can grab another Hoverboard there.
  • Triloge wrote: »
    The Episode 5 description makes it sound like they'll return to the future. Marty can grab another Hoverboard there.

    I think there's enough evidence to believe that we'll see the future at some point:
    -the synopsis of the last episode
    -doc referencing him visiting Marty and Jennifer in 2011
    -doc indicating the delorean appears in 2025 or 2026 (we do at least need an answer to our question of whether or not a second version of Doc gets sent to the future with the delorean due to the lightning strike)
    -Griff tannen getting referenced.

    Now it's still unknown what year in the future we'll see, some believe we'll get Marty ending up in our present which would be his future.
  • edited February 2011
    Now it's still unknown what year in the future we'll see, some believe we'll get Marty ending up in our present which would be his future.

    If they did this right, it would be hilarious. Can't really see how this would work though, since in the BttF world we should pretty much be flying cars around right now.
  • edited February 2011
    Theres still another 4 years to invent cars that can hover yet ;)
  • zounds! wrote: »
    If they did this right, it would be hilarious. Can't really see how this would work though, since in the BttF world we should pretty much be flying cars around right now.

    I'm sure this was the biggest fear about putting anything further into the future than 1986 in the game; quite a few things that we see in 2015 are not happening. The obvious solution is that the timeline had changed several times since the 2015 we saw (which we know wont happen since marty avoids the accident and does not get fired).
  • edited February 2011
    If they did do it, it would have to be an alternate timeline thing. It would be interesting. :D
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    Just curious, what would make you say that?

    The knowledge that the TTG team LOVES the hoverboard. ;)
    I think there's enough evidence to believe that we'll see the future at some point:
    -the synopsis of the last episode
    -doc referencing him visiting Marty and Jennifer in 2011
    -doc indicating the delorean appears in 2025 or 2026 (we do at least need an answer to our question of whether or not a second version of Doc gets sent to the future with the delorean due to the lightning strike)
    -Griff tannen getting referenced.

    I might disagree. This first conversation "behind bars" was supposed to re-establish Doc and Marty's relationship and reiterate some of the movies' "friends & family" facts. The future was of course referenced, but I think this was essentially all about their past.

    Concerning Griff, he was of course referenced, but this was during the "DeLorean explanation" bit, and those lines obviously weren't set in stone until the very last stages of finishing episode 1 (There were alternate lines for this, as seen in the "Cut content found" thread). So a "reference" might be all Griff was meant to be.
  • The knowledge that the TTG team LOVES the hoverboard. ;)

    I might disagree. This first conversation "behind bars" was supposed to re-establish Doc and Marty's relationship and reiterate some of the movies' "friends & family" facts. The future was of course referenced, but I think this was essentially all about their past.

    Concerning Griff, he was of course referenced, but this was during the "DeLorean explanation" bit, and those lines obviously weren't set in stone until the very last stages of finishing episode 1 (There were alternate lines for this, as seen in the "Cut content found" thread). So a "reference" might be all Griff was meant to be.

    But what about the synopsis for the last episode claiming it to be a cinematic chase through hill valley's past, present, and future? Can they get around showing the future given that tagline?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    But what about the synopsis for the last episode claiming it to be a cinematic chase through hill valley's past, present, and future? Can they get around showing the future given that tagline?

    "The future" could well mean 1986 if Doc and Marty are still hanging around in 1931! Come to think of it, the episode description of "Get Tannen" was massively misleading. That trend could continue.... ;)
  • "The future" could well mean 1986 if Doc and Marty are still hanging around in 1931! Come to think of it, the episode description of "Get Tannen" was massively misleading. That trend could continue.... ;)

    I know that they had referred to 1985/1986 as the future several times in the series (I wonder why when they were in then future though, they never referred to it as the past or said they needed to get 'back to the past') but the synopsis indicates a chase through past, present, and future so I'd think that implies they must go further than 1986.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    I certainly hope so... I think. ;)
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