Marty swearing...



  • edited March 2011
    zounds! wrote: »
    This is one of the classic lines in the first movie. And to be honest, when it happened it the game, I almost thought they just pulled that line of audio directly from the movie. Anyone else get that? I know I'm probably wrong here, but is it possible they just wanted that line to sound perfect?

    It sounds a bit different to me. He emphasizes "serious shit" more in the game then in the movie.
    But i guess thats not to bad considering its just Marty's dream, and he would probably remember Doc saying that more then the rest, because he probably wondered what this "serious shit" is going to be, and also because Doc usually doesnt swear that much.

    As for Marty's swearing ... well i kind of liked it in the movies cause it seams natural. Who wouldn't swear in situations like that? It makes the character more real.
    Seams a bit silly for Telltale to try to tone it down in my opinion.
  • edited March 2011
    Well one thing about the start of the game that was meh.. Im assuming Chris Lloyd can no longer get his higher screams outs. "What did I tell you, 88 miles per hour!!!!" He sounded more calm and so.

    Also I always remembered Docs "serious shit" being cut off with the remote beep. Maybe its been awhile. Heh.
  • edited March 2011
    Mysticales wrote: »
    Well one thing about the start of the game that was meh.. Im assuming Chris Lloyd can no longer get his higher screams outs. "What did I tell you, 88 miles per hour!!!!" He sounded more calm and so.

    Also I always remembered Docs "serious shit" being cut off with the remote beep. Maybe its been awhile. Heh.

  • edited March 2011
    Hello, first post here, *waves politely*

    As a Briton and a life long BTTF fan I'm finding this particular thread interesting.

    In fairness I can't say a noticed the lack of swearing too much, but on reflection Movie/Marty did swear more, so there is that side to it.

    On the other hand most of the people in this game we see Marty speak to are his parents or people from the thirties. Maybe he's just being polite. On reflection I think I only heard Movie/Marty swear in front of Doc during the afore mentioned high-stress situations.
    It's considered unprofessional in many work places in the South (I got a job once because the last employee was fired over excessive profanities while talking to customers). This may be because of a bad attitude and not the words themselves or it may be because it will alienate a business's religious or easily offended customers, thus hurting business. Probably the latter.

    As a sales assistant in the U.K. I would like to offer a POV on this...

    We are a small team of adults that work well together and quite often swear at each other, usually casually/playfully rarely in anger (thankfully that's never been an issue).
    When it comes to customers, even regular ones, we are not allowed to swear in front of them and especially not at them. I will admit we are human and the odd word has come out, for which we immediately apologise. In most of these case's the customer has accepted our apologies and we carry on as normal.

    In the instance you quote it is absolutely right that the employee should have been dealt with and if this was an ongoing problem they may have been spoken to before.
    There is a time and place for profanity and talking to customers is neither, no matter where are or where you come from.


    They should not have been swearing at the customer and deserved to get canned.
    There are far more important matters one can put his energy into, such as discouraging hate crimes by educating and promoting loving one's fellow man and etc.

    Now this is something I can get behind. :)


  • edited March 2011
    crap doesn't seem to be a common word in the 80s
  • edited March 2011
    Actually, if it makes you feel any better, I do remember in Episode 2, when he loses at the Roulette, Marty does say "Damn it." (I only got it once though)

    For me, I just grew up on the TV version of BTTF until I was a teen, so I was just use to: "Your going to see some serious stuff." "Holy Geez." "Your dead you little Snotnosed Brat." "He's an idiot." and "Ahhh!" (just the tail end of Biff screaming Shit! or just an added scream)

    Personally, it really doesn't matter to me if they curse or not. I'm usually more focused on the story dialog or when they are going next, then listening for profaniaty.

    (Also, my favorite changed curse-line is from Die Hard 2. From "Yippie-Kiy-Yay Muther Fucker." into "Yippie-Kiy-Yay Mr. Falcon."
  • edited March 2011
    A discussion only Americans can have... :rolleyes:

    At least we do not ban games outright like Germany and Australia. Please take a second to think before you write.
  • edited March 2011
    Well I remember Marty saying "Damn it doc! why did you have to tear up that letter?" When I was a kid I always got yelled at if I said damn. I don't remember was there the F Bomb in any of the three movies?
  • edited March 2011
    techie775 wrote: »
    Well I remember Marty saying "Damn it doc! why did you have to tear up that letter?" When I was a kid I always got yelled at if I said damn. I don't remember was there the F Bomb in any of the three movies?

    I don't know... I really don't think so, but somehow Marty saying it rings a bell. I'm not sure if they would have had to raise the rating to anything higher like R in the 80's or not for that. I know Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom spurred America to create PG-13 and maybe some higher ratings. Was that before or after BTTF? Think it was before...
  • edited March 2011
    techie775 wrote: »
    Was there the F Bomb in any of the three movies?

    No. Sh*t, A$$hole, SOB, Christ, God, B@stard, Damn, Hell, God and Christ are all used though.

    Sorry about the censorship. Just want to make sure I don't get kicked off the board. :)
  • edited March 2011
    I think temple of Doom was made in 1984 so I'm going with before...
  • edited March 2011
    I noticed the same thing Shadowknight1 and I'm with you 100%. It just isn't Marty without the occasional swear word at the right moment but I guess they toned it down for rating or something like that. Oh well...
  • edited March 2011
    On the other hand, the only time that a "Holy S**T!!" has seemed appropriate was when Kid was about to shoot him.
  • edited March 2011
    Am I the only one who found Biff's FUUUUUU...ugh *faints* hilarious? :D
    I guess him dropping the full F-bomb would have been too much for this game, though personally i really wouldnt have minded it, coming from Biff.

    Thanks for showing some balls when it comes to swear words and putting this in. Im sick of all the censoring everywhere. icon14.gif

    (and you gotta love the irony of comparing this with the CB Timeline eh?)
  • edited March 2011
    (Also, my favorite changed curse-line is from Die Hard 2. From "Yippie-Kiy-Yay Muther Fucker." into "Yippie-Kiy-Yay Mr. Falcon."

    My favorite will always be the TV version of The Big Lebowski. YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS, LARRY? YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FIND A STRANGER IN THE ALPS?!

    Anyway, it's clear Telltale has no qualms about swearing in BttF. It does seem kind of strange, though. Not because it's Back to the Future (since that's always had profanity), but because all of Telltale's stuff so far has been relatively family-friendly. Not counting Tycho in Poker Night at the Inventory, I don't think a Telltale game has ever sworn this much.

    I wonder if they'll go as far as to put in the most obscene word of them all:
  • edited March 2011
    I take back my worries about this.

    "Hey! You cut my cord a**hole!"

    "This timeline is really pissing me off..."
  • edited March 2011
    When I first saw the cartoony style of the game, I had fears that a lot would be toned down to make it appropriate for all audiences. That fear was initially put to rest when the revisit of the first time travel experiment came up and Doc proclaimed, "When this baby hits 88 miles per're gonna see some serious shit." However, that fear has returned. The worst we've heard from Marty is "What the hell is that?!" In the movies, Marty has used, on different occasions, "Bastards!", "He's an asshole!", "You son of a bitch!", etc. In the game, most of Marty's "rude" comments have been reduced to "Crap!" And frankly, when Doc arrived and smashed into the back of Kid's limo in 1986A, that would have been the absolute perfect time for a McFly patented "Holy shit!!" scream. Please've proven you don't want to censor the game, so don't censor the game. Marty needs to belt out at LEAST a "Holy shit" when something really bad happens.
    I agree. If the films had it then the game should have the same amount. I know your trying to tone it back a bit due to the attraction of the game to younger kids, but it's in the source material itself!
  • edited March 2011
    My favorite will always be the TV version of The Big Lebowski. YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS, LARRY? YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FIND A STRANGER IN THE ALPS?!

    Wow. I can't even begin to figure out what the original line was. What is it?
  • edited March 2011
    Wow. I can't even begin to figure out what the original line was. What is it?

    You see what happens, Larry? You see what happens when you f*** a stranger in the @$$?
  • edited March 2011
    I agree. If the films had it then the game should have the same amount. I know your trying to tone it back a bit due to the attraction of the game to younger kids, but it's in the source material itself!

    As I said, Episode 3 had enough lines in it to convince me that they were waiting for the perfect moments, and by golly, they found them.
  • edited April 2011
    Keeps the character sounding very natural and keeps this game grounded in reality. Props to you guys at Telltale for keeping the swears, damn its, Jesus Christs, etc. in the game. They punctuate high moments of the game, and reflect exactly what Marty is feeling or thinking without any unnecessary exposition. ;)
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