My Jurassic Park 3d models ;-) [Warning - lots of large images]



  • edited October 2011
    That was a great thing to meet him. He is a very gentle guy.
    I'm working on some tv spots for my fanfiction.
    When it will be ready, I'll send it to a friend who will give it to Steven hand by hand ( he will work on the Lincoln movie).

    Here is a render test I made on the Rex by night:

    By giu3232 at 2011-10-29
  • edited October 2011
    Take a look ^,^
    This is just a test, I know the animation is very bad but it's not finished. I just wanted to share it ;-)
  • edited October 2011
    Even though the animation was a test it looks amazing!
    Great Job!
  • edited December 2011
    By giu3232 at 2011-12-28

    Don't forget to follow us on facebook :
  • edited December 2011
  • edited December 2011
    Très beu travail Giu ! Par contre, je trouve les écailles du trex un petit peu trop pointues, et il " brille " trop ce qui donne un effet bizarre, comme si il sortait de l' eau. Bref, travail de qualités.
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