Time traveling edition?

For a while I though that microsoft xbox 360 would have a chance to get this game, if its out on pc then its technically a windows game which means its Microsoft game so there should be no problem to bring it to the 360?

But to tell you the turth, how Telltale games have been treating the ps3 owners is just a little sad (even though I am one)

I guess I could have waited for the 360 version to come out insted,

I mean you can actually sell the game for 60 dollars for all five episodes and make a time traveler edition with maybe a statue of Marty, doc, einstein, and the time machine with the copy of that book 130 - 150 dollars?

Well the special edition would be the dvd (how each episode was made?) art book the game and the notebook

The Time traveler edition would be the statue(or the time machine) dvd art book game and the notebook.

Think about it....

Maybe and episode 6 that just for fun, tell the original movie story?

well Im not really asking you to make this, It just this game it truly surpass one expiation with so many special editions out there this would be a very nice touch to a gamer's collection


  • edited March 2011
    1. Selling all 5 episodes for $60 will never happen. It's $25 on PC/$20 on PS3.
    2. 360-exclusive special editions wouldn't happen either, especially at that price.
    3. You couldn't fit the movie plot in one episode.
  • edited March 2011
    Also, to point out, just because the game runs on Windows doesn't mean it's a Microsoft game. Microsoft Games will be branded as such, this is a TellTale Game, that runs on the Windows platform, as well as the Mac platform.
  • edited March 2011
    Why do people continually think the price listed is only for the first episode? Does it not clearly state it's for the entire season?
  • edited March 2011
    For a while I though that microsoft xbox 360 would have a chance to get this game, if its out on pc then its technically a windows game which means its Microsoft game so there should be no problem to bring it to the 360?
    That's not how it works. There's nothing about putting a game on Windows that either automatically makes it also a 360 game or that makes it "owned by Microsoft". There are plenty of PC-exclusive games that are not on any console, let alone the 360.
  • edited March 2011
    Renaming, this thread as the title is misleading.
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