Bone Shaker?



  • edited August 2011
    Tetsu Aero wrote: »
    So the T-rex flinging Malcom away on its nose was not cartoony? ;P
    Not nearly as cartoony as Nedry's death scene.
  • edited August 2011
    Well, I've been lurking around this thread for a while, watching this evolve from a speculative thread on the existence of a roller coaster in Jurassic Park to a psuedo-pessimistic thread (on par with the "Any doubts for the new game?" thread) on how this "Bone Shaker" is going to kill the "magic" of Jurassic Park.

    Well, I believe it's time that I spent my two cents on this issue.

    To begin with, I am not saying the the whole concept ISN'T silly, look at the picture that we ARN'T supposed to see (it's for VIP's): the stotic faces of Dr. Harding and Co., the lack of a feeling of motion, the whole "dinosaur on a roller coaster" concept. IT IS ABSOLUTELY LOONEY!

    But, as said before, Jurassic Park, both the movie and the franchise, has had a plethora of scenes with varying intensities of silly and/or childish moments.

    Here are a few examples:

    (1.) Nedry's meeting with Dodgson. (

    (2.) Mr. DNA's scene.

    (3.) The walls of the T. rex Paddock's restroom falling in several different directions in a perfectly comedic fashion to reveal Dennaro on the toilet, despite the T. rex crashing into the restroom from one direction AND the roof collapsing. (

    (4.) The T. rex staring at Dennaro for a moment before eating him as he's sitting on the toilet.

    (5.) Tim and Alan being "chased" by the falling car as they climb down the tree.

    (6.) Nedry's slipping sound effect as he trips at 0:09.(

    (7.) Nedry "talking" and attempting to play fetch with the Dilophosaur.

    (8.) Tim being electrified and then falling nearly 24 feet onto the ground, only to survive without crippling injury.

    (9.) Mr. Arnold's arm falling from seemingly nowhere onto Ellies' shoulder.

    (11.) The scene with The Big One attempting to break into the computer room as Grant and Ellie hold her off, and yet, dispite the numerous opportunities, Ellie (after a half-assed attempt), Tim, or Lex attempt to get the shotgun that is mere feet away on the floor.

    (11.) Any scene with Jeff Goldblum. (

    Let's also not forget the sequels, such as the TLW's T. rex in San Diego, and JP3's absolutely clownish recoloring of the Velociraptors, but I digress.

    As you can see, the JP movies have scenes that, when taken out of context, are childish and silly.

    But have these scenes ever "killed" the magic of Jurassic Park?

    As mentioned by corruptbiggins, these scenes have a context to them that removed the intensity of silliness from the moment.

    But, all that we have at the moment is a screenshot, nothing else.

    If I were to show you a photo of the T. rex staring at Gennaro on the loo, or Nedry holding a stick to the Dilophosaur, it'd look stupid, because IT IS, in fact, VERY stupid.

    But once I place the photo back into context, it doesn't FEEL stupid, even though it is stupid.

    I confidently assume that Telltale, with a reputation for story-telling, will include a context that will keep our PRECIOUS, FRAGILE, TOTALLY SERIOUS, DARK, AND EDGY film from being raped by such a childish and silly concept.

    It's like the Dark Knight's Joker design ALL OVER AGAIN!

    Now, am I say that you should like it? NO! I HATED the little slip sound effect when Nedry trips onto the mud, I HATED the scenes with the T. rex in San Diego in TLW, and HATED the Raptor redesigns in JP3.

    Because I thought that those did not fit MY idea of Jurassic Park.

    But, you know what? I am not going to cry "IT'S KILLING THE MAGIC OF JURASSIC PARK! THE [insert genre of your choice] IS NOW RUINED!"

    Because they, despite their silliness or "magic killing"-ness, fit the context of the story being presented (well, except the Raptor redesigns, but that is another issue).

    Sure, a dinosaur on a roller coaster isn't very realistic, but neither is an 8-year-old being pumped with enough electricity to keep a T. rex at bay, then fall straight onto the dirt from nearly 24 feet, then rise from the dead with merely a pair of slightly burnt hands any realistic either, and it CERTAINLY isn't anymore silly.

    You don't have to like the concept, but you have to understand that these kinds of things have occured within the franchise, and have been pulled off with varying degrees of success.

    And calling foul now because of a simple picture is doing a great disservice to not only the very nature of the films, but also to the people who have spent months trying to make this game as within the realm of Jurassic Park as humanly possible.

    By all means, you can do that when you've played the game.

    I think this concept is silly too, and we all care for this franchise (afterall, this is our childhood, our inspirations), and want this game to succeed.

    But can we, for once, JUST ONCE, have a thread that doesn't devolve into this pessimistic "Jurassic Park is ruined forever" ritual? It's breaking my heart to see JP fans devolve into such behavior more suited for Sonic the Hedgehog fans or Transformers fans.

    Once the game is released and everyone's played it, THEN we can rip this forum apart with our MIGHTY NERDRAGE!

    That is, if the game is going in the direction these threads seem to wish that it does.
  • edited August 2011
  • edited August 2011
    IWasATeenageDinosaur, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Yes, the image is silly, but there's a plethera of silly moments throughout the franchise, and the way people are bashing it is unnecessary. Now, I'm not saying they're not entitled to their opinions, but as you said, at least play the game first before ripping it to shreds.
  • edited August 2011
    None of those moments are even comparable to what one would define as looney. Unrealistic is probably the world you are looking for to describe most of these scenes. And whether a zany coaster ride with a dinosaur in the backseat is realistic isn't really anyone's concern.

    I agree there is a lot pessimism on this board, from people picking apart the frill coloration of the Dilo frill to the incorrect numbers on the Jeep. I don't care about any of those ridiculously small details at all. Please don't group the "bone shaker" into that category.

    Its concept is a travesty.

    And forgive me for being snarky about it, but I've never really gotten over the last possible second delay announcement amid utter chaos in these forums. I really do want this game to do well, but my expectations since then have been drastically lowered. I'm excited to play all new sections of Nublar, but this?

    Since this is a VIP image and I'm hoping its a joke. Please be a joke.
  • edited August 2011
    @IWasATeenageDinosaur Thats true, but I still think that the rollercoaster ride joined by dinosaurs is way more silly than anything that you mentioned. And Tim being electrocuted is unrealistic, not cartooney. Plus these things were small moments, the ride is a whole sequence.

    But yeah, its better to wait and play the game, in a context it likely feel different.
  • edited August 2011
    There some people that clearly state their doubt and their skepticism on the "bone shaker" there those that just take it to an extreme and start saying things like "this ruined it for me....I won't play the game for this" etc. Those are the ones that need to calm down.

    Specially since anyone who spends a second of their time here has to care enough to be here. ANYONE WHO FREQUENTS THIS FORUM IS GOING TO PLAY THE GAME NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY COMPLAIN.

    I seriously feel like I'm in a star wars forum or something, with one of those people that take the movies way to seriously and start bashing on the prequels because "they're childhood was raped, "george lucas sold out"....yada yada yada...calm down folks..we have a name for you guys.

    Its a darn game. I'd like to see people speak with so much passion about things that really matter.

    Theres a difference between sharing an opinion and taking it to an extreme like you're whole world has been turned upside down because you think a rollercoaster seems off in a Jurassic Park game...

    P.S. when I first saw the "bone shaker" stills I thought of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mine cart scene. Did anyone else?
  • edited August 2011
    I would like to see what Micheal Crichton would say for entire Bone Shaker concept, and I think that he would not approve it.
  • edited August 2011
    Now, now, veki, let's not create opinions for the dead, that's disrespectful. ;)

    Crichton was on board for TLW and JP3, which to some fans, are terrible, god-awful movies that raped the beauty of the original. You, nor anyone else, have not the authority to decide what Crichton would or wouldn't approve.

    As for the remark on the relation to Indiana Jones' mine-cart chase:

    I saw it!

    In fact, in my original rant, I made connections to these silly moments and those of Indiana Jones, but I removed them, feeling that those movies, despite both being action-adventure films and having many of the same people working on them, were too different to compare.

    Jurassic Park is a (mostly) realistic sci-fi style adventure franchise that takes creative liberties MOSTLY concerning dinosaur behavior and physiology.

    Indiana Jones, however, is more of a fantasy style adventure franchise that takes many liberties with it's creative process, and thus has a lot more of these zany and wacky action scenes and concepts (the mine-cart scene, and the using a life-boat as a parachute, for example).

    Although, I'd like to point out that the Indiana Jones franchise (the controversial fourth movie not-with-standing) often handled these "silly" scenes in a context not many of its fans find reason for complaint.

    But then again, different movie genre.

    Also, I'd like to thank EVERYONE who commented on my ramblings, and apologize to those who feel that I may be grouping this thread as another "Complain Here" thread, I just needed to let some steam out, as you can tell, and apologize for making this thread a target.

    TP3D, I agree with most of your statement, I too, have felt frustration and confusion regarding Telltale's handling of my most adored franchise.

    Actually, I'd like to thank you for your concern over this matter, despite how extreme I feel it is, you obviously care for the franchise very much, maybe moreso than me, and I applaud that commitment, for it is so easy to screw up something such as this (as we've seen with JP: Redemption, JP: Trespasser, and some moments from the sequels, but opinions may vary).

    However, as I've said, we only had ONE photo to base this entire concept on, we have NO IDEA how long this scene will last!

    Before the thread closed, I was lucky enough to see the rest of the pile, and it seemed that the entire scene is actually pretty quick (the dinos are near and on the roller coaster itself only when Team Harding is at the very last "hill" of the ride).

    If I could, I would attempt to describe the whole thing, but I have no authority or permission to do so, those photos weren't for public eyes, and it would be an insult to ignore that desire for privacy, despite the leak.

    But otherwise, you are absolutely, positively correct, none of the examples I listed might be as "loony" as this "dinosaurs-on-a-roller-coaster" concept Telltale is presenting, if only by the tiniest of margins and with one exception.

    But then again, what is the definition of loony? defines loony as "extremely or senselessly foolish."

    Tim being fried by an electric fence and falling from the height of a two-story building only to remain unharmed may not be as "loony" to you as does this "dinosaur-on-a-roller-coaster" (as I will now term "DOARC", pronounced "dork") as it is to me, but the scene is still "extremely or senselessly foolish."

    Truth be told, we can argue here about whether or not DOARC is a "travesty", but in the end, it's all subjective.

    We all have a different perception of what is too "loony," and we arn't going to change that perception, even if some person on the Internet made two really long posts about these perceptions.

    As Different Strokes puts it: "What might be right for you, may not be right for some."

    However, I'd like for you to reframe from calling this a "travesty" just yet, I know how strongly you feel about DOARC, and don't desire for you to change your opinion, but I hope that you understand that it is too premature to label it a "travesty". Just wait until the game's release before calling foul, and if it is that truely, unsubjectively tragic, I won't stop you.

    I promise.
  • edited August 2011
    veki wrote: »
    I would like to see what Micheal Crichton would say for entire Bone Shaker concept, and I think that he would not approve it.

    You know this is supposed to be movie canon right? Not novel canon? Unless you personnally knew Crichton is hard to say whether he would approve or not too...

    Plus he sure didn't mind having his name slapped onto TLW or JP3: One which deviated completely from the book and the other which was mostly based on characters he created and nothing more, respectively.
  • edited August 2011
    veki wrote: »
    I would like to see what Micheal Crichton would say for entire Bone Shaker concept, and I think that he would not approve it.

    I think he would include it under the "Many reasons Jurassic Park was doomed from the beginning" section. Reasoning? Putting a roller coaster ride in a dinosaur park? That's assuming that everything goes as planned completely. From the automated computer systems to the dinosaurs. Pure human arrogance is what doomed Jurassic Park before Nedry even got started. And what's more arrogant than putting a typical theme park ride in a park with unpredictable ancient "reptiles"?
  • edited August 2011
    i figure that the original idea for the game came from the scene in Jurassic park when they jump on the bones to escape the raptors and the BONES start SHAKING
  • edited August 2011
    Hey! That's pretty clever!

    Makes me wonder is Telltale also made a water ride called the "Hand Dripper" or a bouncy castle called the "Jello Jiggler". :D
  • edited August 2011
    let's hope that the whole bone-shaker sequence doesn't start like THIS.
  • edited August 2011
    ROFL, yeah really.

    I guess my final thought is, even if if the coaster is silly, this game will otherwise be RIFE WITH AWESOMENESS so I can get over one goofy coaster.

    Oh, and IWasATeenageDinosaur, I actually loved Trespasser. The spirit of JP, or Site B rather, was captured perfectly. It was very buggy and all that, but still a great addition to the JP universe.

    The new comics on the other hand, are terrible all around. Possibly the worst story ever, laughably drawn dinosaurs, really IDW should be ashamed of themselves.
  • edited August 2011
    TP3D wrote: »
    ROFL, yeah really.

    I guess my final thought is, even if if the coaster is silly, this game will otherwise be RIFE WITH AWESOMENESS so I can get over one goofy coaster.

    Oh, and IWasATeenageDinosaur, I actually loved Trespasser. The spirit of JP, or Site B rather, was captured perfectly. It was very buggy and all that, but still a great addition to the JP universe.

    The new comics on the other hand, are terrible all around. Possibly the worst story ever, laughably drawn dinosaurs, really IDW should be ashamed of themselves.

    yea, i never read a comic before in my life until then...i dont plan on reading one again lol
  • edited August 2011
    Well at least it's basically another "tour". It features the herrerasaurs, so you could say that the bone shaker is a tour as well as a ride.
  • edited August 2011
    Well at least it's basically another "tour". It features the herrerasaurs, so you could say that the bone shaker is a tour as well as a ride.

    More like a tour of Hell, since the Herrerasaurs would be waiting for you at the end. LOL, I think that Bone shaker may have been generally close to the Herrerasaur paddock, but not IN the least I hope not. If it was then something is definitely wrong.
  • edited August 2011
    FPug wrote: »
    More like a tour of Hell, since the Herrerasaurs would be waiting for you at the end. LOL, I think that Bone shaker may have been generally close to the Herrerasaur paddock, but not IN the least I hope not. If it was then something is definitely wrong.
    Well at least you'd get a picture of yourself being eaten at Jurassic Park!
  • edited August 2011
    TP3D wrote: »
    The new comics on the other hand, are terrible all around. Possibly the worst story ever, laughably drawn dinosaurs, really IDW should be ashamed of themselves.

    I enjoyed the first batch(haven't read the second series yet), but the dinosaurs weren't just laughable...they were a grade of crap below laughable. Heck, even the Land Before Time movies had better dinosaurs. At least in LBT you could tell what dinosaurs they were supposed to be. The only recognizable predator in the Redemption series was the Carnotaurus, and only because of the horns.
  • edited August 2011
    FPug wrote: »
    More like a tour of Hell, since the Herrerasaurs would be waiting for you at the end. LOL, I think that Bone shaker may have been generally close to the Herrerasaur paddock, but not IN the least I hope not. If it was then something is definitely wrong.
    I wonder if Telltale is following the movie map of the park. If you notice the Herrera's enclosure is nowhere near the tour road and it's more by the visitor center and the raptor paddock than anything. I have no idea why that is, but maybe (Considering my speculation that Telltale is going by the movie map) this attraction is trying to incorporate the Herreras into the scenery around the ride, or at least have a dinosaur attraction by it so the people in line don't get bored or something. But if that's the case maybe the ride could've been called TRIASSIC TERROR or TRIASSIC TUMBLER to emphasize the Herreras a little more.
  • edited August 2011
    veki wrote: »
    I would like to see what Micheal Crichton would say for entire Bone Shaker concept, and I think that he would not approve it.

    Actually I could see this very easily being in the Novel if Crichton had a reason for it, they most likely wouldn't ride it, but I could deff. see it being mentioned at the least, especially seeing as how he made Hammond a man who was seemingly more worried about his money and the parks success than his grandchildren in the Novel.

    I could see it being in an unfinished state along with a few other simple children rides in the novel, hell, maybe even a "Island view" Ferris Wheel that some ill-fated park employee climbed in a desperate attempt to escape the raptors after they escaped.

    Whats worse than being killed by the very thing that the ride is themed after?
  • edited August 2011
    veki wrote: »
    I would like to see what Micheal Crichton would say for entire Bone Shaker concept, and I think that he would not approve it.

    In the novel, he did mention that InGen had plans for other rides in the park, even mentioning that the idea made Grant uneasy. Hammond in the movie version also mentions other rides planned in addition to the Explorer tour. The Jungle River Cruise boat ride mentioned in both the novel and the movie was one such ride, and the "tour" of the hatchery (complete with safety bar restraints!) was a ride as well. So it's not outside the world of possibility that there would be something like a roller coaster. It was, after all, not just a zoo but also a resort and a vacation destination: Crichton even mentions swimming pools and tennis courts in the novel.
  • edited September 2011
    Dr.Dino wrote: »

    Hmmm... That "Pteratops Lodge" matches the description of the Visitors Center from the Novel almost perfectly, wonder if that was an early concept for the Visitors Center?
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