Stuff to fix in Episode 3 (Possible Spoilers)



  • edited April 2011
    What about how you can see black squares around the pieces of the trees? They were flashing all the time. Good thing my epilepsy is subclinical... ;)
  • edited April 2011

    - George tells Marty about the secret tapes because "anyway, he'll be 18 soon", but Citizen Brown says he's already 18.

    Also, did the plot fast-forwarded from 3:49 p.m. to next afternoon's 1:56 p.m. when Marty entered FCB's office? I know it was made for the 10:04 gag, but the times and the lighting don't match.
  • edited April 2011
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    - George tells Marty about the secret tapes because "anyway, he'll be 18 soon", but Citizen Brown says he's already 18.

    I thought that was a joke about how little George actually pays attention to his family in a non-spying way, but I did think it was odd that Marty didn't really react.
  • edited April 2011

    - There's a magnifying glass right next to FCB's photograph of 1931, but to check it, he gets another magnifying glass from a drawer behind his desk.
  • edited April 2011
    Just a weird one that hasn't been mentioned yet. When you're watching the tape of Biff attacking Marty and George pauses the tape, the button on the monitor in the video is still going.
  • edited April 2011
    Cheeseness wrote: »
    * It wasn't until I'd bumped the statue three times that I actually realised that it wasn't going back to the position it had been in previously (the third time, I clicked on it by accident whilst trying to click on Lorraine's bucket).

    * There were no cues (that I found) suggesting that the spray paint was related to the Einstein puzzle.

    Yeah, I stumbled upon the statue puzzle be accident aswell.

    As for the spray can, I actually sprayed the plank after Einstein jumped behind it to hide, expecting him to leave footprints when he runs around you and takes off again. So strange the he leaves footprints after he goes up the plank, but not when he goes down?!
  • edited April 2011
    Don't know if it changes between computers, but...

    Audio bug.

    - During the guitar duel, neither of the guitars are heard unless I set the volume up to max.
  • edited April 2011
    I sometimes got the inverse effect: Jennifer spraying the wall without any can on her hand...

    Me too
  • edited April 2011
    This isn't really a game-grinds to a halt sort of problem, but I did get a good laugh.

    When you first make your way into the gated Hill Valley, you can attempt to put the 1931 newspaper into the recycling bins in the park. Marty says something along the lines of "If I'm going to do anything with that, I'm going to recycle it."

    Isn't that what I just asked you to do, Marty?

    I also had two problems that have been noted here. When I tried to leave Jennifer's alley, she took the spray can from me and, upon my return, I had to pick up an invisible replacement. I also encountered the save-bug . . . but when I opened the game from my Start menu (is it still called that in Windows 7?) instead of my desktop, the save option returned. Too bad I had to replay a chunk of the game, though . . .
  • edited April 2011
    FemaleDoc wrote: »
    What about how you can see black squares around the pieces of the trees? They were flashing all the time. Good thing my epilepsy is subclinical... ;)

    Glad I missed that...or else my meds work better than I thought/I'm growing out of it/etc. ;)

    I'm not too picky. My only complaint would be to make Marty's guitar playing a bit more impressive (unless we go along the lines that Marty isn't really that good in this alternate timeline, as George implied.)
  • edited April 2011
    For those who weren't able to save/load in 103, can any of you walk me through the exact steps you took when installing the game? We put in fixes to specifically address that issue, and I'm very curious how people are managing to avoid them. :)

    A few questions:

    1) When you installed 103, did you have the desktop shortcut from a previous BttF episode on your desktop? If so, which one?

    2) How are you starting the game? Are you using the desktop shortcut, the executable in the Program Files folder, the Games Explorer Link, etc?

    3) At the end of the installation process, did you uncheck either of the "Create a desktop shortcut" or "Play now!" boxes?

    Any other info you can provide would be useful as well. Thanks!

    I was unable to save/load in 102 after installing 103... does that count? Here is the exact sequence of events:

    1) Downloaded the free sample 101, played it completely through. I did have to use the "Run as administrator" workaround to get 101 to start, though.

    2) Paid for the series. Downloaded 102 and 103.

    3) Installed 102. Unchecked "play now" but left "create a shortcut" checked.

    4) Installed 103. Unchecked "play now" but left "create a shortcut" checked.

    5) Noticed I had only one shortcut, which I assumed was fine because the launcher can launch any of the games.

    6) Double clicked the shortcut. The launcher had 103 selected by default. I clicked on 102 and hit play.

    7) Got halfway through 102 and noticed I couldn't save.

    After that I searched the forum for a while and noticed some posts with workarounds. I went into the game's folder and double clicked the 102 .exe file to run it. Now I could save. I could save on subsequent runs using the desktop shortcut too. I never had a problem saving with 103 when I got to that one.
  • edited April 2011
    Here's another glitch. When I went back to the garage and found George knocked out, the lower right-hand screen had a hole in it. I tried pressing the buttons on all the other screens and got told they weren't working, but when I pressed the button on the obviously broken one, a picture came on it! Then later in the scene, that screen was off and obviously had a hole in it again.
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