Stuff to fix in Episode 3 (Possible Spoilers)

edited April 2011 in Back to the Future
I haven't found the "Stuff to fix in Episode 3" thread so I created this.

That episode has a lot of small bugs like the others, but I want to tell about some big bug that forced me to restart the game. In the beginning when the DeLorean fell down already you still can choose the door. Marty is trying to open the door from inside like he was doing it on the billboard and then he gets stuck in the ground.


  • edited March 2011
    For some reason after i downloaded the game to my macbook, it closes unexpectedly
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2011
    docvega wrote: »
    For some reason after i downloaded the game to my macbook, it closes unexpectedly

    Hi docvega, try checking this thread over in the Game Support forum, could have the solution for you.
  • edited March 2011
    When you go to the alley, the spray-can still moves even though there is no Jennifer.

    Here is a screenshot.


    Is it a glitch or something else? a reference to something?
    Btw, the pointer doesnt register her beingthere even though the can is hanging in mid air.

    EDIT: Thanks mods for moving this post. I take it that this is clearly a glitch then.
  • edited March 2011
    I sometimes got the inverse effect: Jennifer spraying the wall without any can on her hand...
  • edited March 2011
    Kamagawa wrote: »
    When you go to the alley, the spray-can still moves even though there is no Jennifer.

    Is it a glitch or something else? a reference to something?
    Btw, the pointer doesnt register her beingthere even though the can is hanging in mid air.

    Yeah, same thing happened to me.
  • edited March 2011
    - Various model errors, specially around Biff's neck, where you can see through him.

    - When Jennifer's hugging Marty. He still moves but goes through her arms while she stays quite still.
  • edited March 2011
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    - Various model errors, specially around Biff's neck, where you can see through him.

    - When Jennifer's hugging Marty. He still moves but goes through her arms while she stays quite still.

    I agree on the last part, but the first part I honestly didn't see at all.
  • edited March 2011
    Well, the spray can. You can see it at first, you pick it up. Then you can't see it anymore (since you still have it). If you click the ammo box again, you can pick it up again even if it's not there.
  • edited March 2011
    When Biff was holding strangling Marty in the decycling bin room, for some reason at one point during the puzzle he stopped holding Marty down and just went into a default position. I assume it was just a one-time thing, though
  • edited March 2011
    Hey Bryko, that's sort of a spoiler. Maybe put a spoiler tag somewhere in your post?
  • edited March 2011
    Hey Bryko, that's sort of a spoiler. Maybe put a spoiler tag somewhere in your post?
    Ahh I thought spoilers were fair game in this thread...sorry, fixed now.
  • edited March 2011

    This happened when I
    examined the flask after I picked it up, luckily I saved and reloaded and it was fine. I actually saw the 88mph loading screen for the first time because ive never used it before lol
  • edited March 2011
    A few spelling/grammar errors. Mostly misuse of "you're" instead of "your", but also a rogue "Hill Vally" stuck in the middle of what look like two perfectly good sentences--except they're a single one--in one of the save/load recaps.
  • edited March 2011
    I noticed an issue with skipping dialogue via hitting the right mouse button, and it's the first time I've seen it in the series: throughout the game, I'd skip dialogue I'd already heard, and instead of skipping the dialogue the game would repeat it. It's a minor issue, since pressing the right mouse button again would skip the dialogue properly, but it was annoying the 2-3 times I ran into it.
  • edited March 2011
    When Marty starts throwing records at Biff towards the end of the game there are no sound effects.
  • edited March 2011
    Also, generally speaking, the monitors of Marty's dad. I found the camera pointed to the garage at once, but nothing happened. I had to circle through the monitors to make it work. Ironically, the monitor that appeared to be physically cracked worked, and some of the others didn't.
  • edited March 2011
    I had an error where
    doc pull out the photo from the 30's
    and it just hung on the close up of Doc with no mouse and no control. I don't know what button I pressed but something I pushed made it finally move forward.
  • edited March 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    Also, generally speaking, the monitors of Marty's dad. I found the camera pointed to the garage at once, but nothing happened. I had to circle through the monitors to make it work. Ironically, the monitor that appeared to be physically cracked worked, and some of the others didn't.
    On the monitor note. When you go to push the monitor button for the first time (any of them) it will jump back to the picture before the one that you see when you push the button and stay on that same picture until you hit the button again.
  • edited March 2011
    mateo360 wrote: »
    I had an error where
    doc pull out the photo from the 30's
    and it just hung on the close up of Doc with no mouse and no control. I don't know what button I pressed but something I pushed made it finally move forward.

    Same thing happened to me. I began to freak out since I was playing it from beginning to end without saving. I think that close up of Doc's face is forever burned into my mind.
  • edited March 2011
    Speaking of saving, my game is not auto saving and isn't giving me the option to Save. Save/Load isn't one of the menu options on the menu like it's been in the past episodes. Anyone else having this problem?
  • edited March 2011
    DeLorean horns are not activated by pressing the front of the steering wheel, they are activated by pressing the end of the turn signal lever. (see video:

    Oh, and even though it would have extremely over-complicated the puzzle, I'd just like to point out that the battery compartment is located behind the passenger seat inside the car.

    Sorry for nitpicking; but as a DeLorean owner, this kind of stuff sticks out like a sore thumb to me.
  • edited March 2011
    mateo360 wrote: »
    I had an error where
    doc pull out the photo from the 30's
    and it just hung on the close up of Doc with no mouse and no control. I don't know what button I pressed but something I pushed made it finally move forward.

    I had that too. I don't think I pressed anything; it just went away on its own after a while.
  • edited March 2011
    Hey just Fyi to Telltale. Lets say you DONT have the spray paint can in your INV, however you do start the Guitar jam and so. After you win, when you go back to get Einstein. You are supposed to paint.. HOWEVER the Paint can does NOT show up by the ammo box on the screen. (Tho it is there if you click on ammo box) just a graphics not in place after you get caught kissing. (So basically game doesnt show you that you can pickup the spray paint, since its missing, tho it is there for the animation)
  • edited March 2011
    Great episode but three glitches to report - in game-play rather than graphics for a change: :)
    1. When viewing the monitors, the exit icon sometimes didn't work - no highlight on it. This was the second time looking at them, after I'd already set one to the blank screen, but before the Mom/flask scene. I had to load from the autosave. (Still had the problem then, but at least I could progress.)
    2. When doing this:
    3. Enter the alley after Einstein is first spotted.
    4. Grab the spray can, visible by Jennifer's box.
    5. Try to catch Einstein and fail.
    6. Talk to Jennifer. She takes back the spray can. (I'm not sure why this is included at all!)
    7. When re-entering the alley, the spray can is NOT visible by the box in the wide shot, but clicking on the box shows it again in close-up, and its taken.
    [*]Similar to 1, its possible to get stuck in an infinite loop when playing with Biff's watch. Obviously getting the code right proceeds the game, but if not, there's no way out! The exit icon isn't functional - the mouse click actually goes to the item "Biff", which seems to be hiding under the arm close-up. So it seems to exit fine, only now Biff's hand mysteriously floats in front of him. (I have a screenshot if you'd like.) The two conversation options are presented again, but the exit link of the conversation screen goes back to Biff's watch! Is this intentional?
    Never had any such issues with a TellTale game before - hope the QA standards aren't slipping! Other than these, great game.
  • edited March 2011
    Speaking of saving, my game is not auto saving and isn't giving me the option to Save. Save/Load isn't one of the menu options on the menu like it's been in the past episodes. Anyone else having this problem?

    I have the same issue too... I don't get any option to save what so ever... I had to play the whole game in one sitting...
  • edited March 2011
    When looking at the monitors trying to find the house camera when one is broken, if you push the button on the broken one, its suddenly fixed

    also the speech audio randomly changed volume, most of the time it would be quiet when they start speaking and then jump up to normal volume.

    I'd rather wait an extra month and have these episodes thoroughly beta tested than rushed buggy episodes
  • edited March 2011
    Just a post to cite my stickler dislike for the use of 'A's' as opposed to 'As.' However much it may improve clarity, plurals with apostrophes remain a sore spot.

    Surprisingly, I didn't have any technical issues for this episode; particularly if this 'floating can' one is a common one.
  • edited March 2011
    mateo360 wrote: »
    I had an error where
    doc pull out the photo from the 30's
    and it just hung on the close up of Doc with no mouse and no control. I don't know what button I pressed but something I pushed made it finally move forward.

    Happened to me to. I didn't do anything and finally the game continued. I guess the scene just held out for longer than it was supposed to.
    EnigmaWave wrote: »
    DeLorean horns are not activated by pressing the front of the steering wheel, they are activated by pressing the end of the turn signal lever. (see video:

    That's true, but in the first movie Marty banged his head on the wheel (which started the car after it had not been working) and it beeped the horn. Maybe it doesn't fit with real Delorean logic, but it does fit with the movies. Maybe Doc rearranged some things?
  • edited March 2011
    i just plain downloaded the game and i had no trouble whatsoever everything was perfect heh lucky me :D
  • edited March 2011
    That's true, but in the first movie Marty banged his head on the wheel (which started the car after it had not been working) and it beeped the horn. Maybe it doesn't fit with real Delorean logic, but it does fit with the movies. Maybe Doc rearranged some things?

    Two wrongs don't make a left. :p
  • edited March 2011
    Two things:

    - During cutscenes a bit of the UI was slightly visible (like the bottom of a circle) in the top left (resolution is standard 1080p).

    - The monitor selection doesn't seem work at all using an Xbox 360 controller (I had to revert to my mouse for that part).

    Both are very minor things, though.
  • edited March 2011
    mhchan wrote: »
    I have the same issue too... I don't get any option to save what so ever... I had to play the whole game in one sitting...
  • edited March 2011
    - Sometimes, in the wide shot of the billboard and Jennifer, after asking her multiple times for the tire iron, half of the DeLorean dissapears.

    - If you click on Einstein while Biff is going for Marty in the SoupMo' basement, Biff will jump back to his starting position.

    - The back of George's neck doesn't move with his head (noticeable when he lowers it).
  • edited March 2011
    mateo360 wrote: »
    I had an error where
    doc pull out the photo from the 30's
    and it just hung on the close up of Doc with no mouse and no control. I don't know what button I pressed but something I pushed made it finally move forward.
    Speaking of saving, my game is not auto saving and isn't giving me the option to Save. Save/Load isn't one of the menu options on the menu like it's been in the past episodes. Anyone else having this problem?

    Had both of these. The saving thing was particularly aggravating because I was more than halfway through the game before I noticed it, had to go, went to save and couldn't. Re-installing it fixed the problem but I had to play through the first half of the game all over again.
  • edited March 2011
    While talking with Lorraine (after having taken the flask), she held both sponge and flask at once in the same hand. The flask could be seen protruding from the sponge in some places.

    I also had the disappearing spraycan thing, the broken-monitor-still-working thing and a held-too-long closeup (but in my case it was Biff, sometime pretty late in the episode), other than that is was a glitch-free and thoroughly enjoyable experience. ;)
  • edited April 2011
    Speaking of saving, my game is not auto saving and isn't giving me the option to Save. Save/Load isn't one of the menu options on the menu like it's been in the past episodes. Anyone else having this problem?

    I had this problem as well at first. Luckily I was only about 10 minutes into the game when I realized it. The reason for me was that I was using the game launcher from Episode 1. When I tried the Episode 3 launcher I was fine.
  • edited April 2011
    For those who weren't able to save/load in 103, can any of you walk me through the exact steps you took when installing the game? We put in fixes to specifically address that issue, and I'm very curious how people are managing to avoid them. :)

    A few questions:

    1) When you installed 103, did you have the desktop shortcut from a previous BttF episode on your desktop? If so, which one?

    2) How are you starting the game? Are you using the desktop shortcut, the executable in the Program Files folder, the Games Explorer Link, etc?

    3) At the end of the installation process, did you uncheck either of the "Create a desktop shortcut" or "Play now!" boxes?

    Any other info you can provide would be useful as well. Thanks!
  • edited April 2011
    I was able to take Jennifer's spray can with me to any other location. after I made out with her, I showed the guitar to her. Even though there is a small cutscene of Marty giving her the spray can (with the guitar mysteriously floating in front of him), nothing happens. Once you beat Leech in the face-off Marty appears at the soup stand still with the spray can in his pocket. not that you can do anything with it, it was just weird.
  • edited April 2011
    I've seen a lot of threads about what seem like engine problems (games not launching, not looking right or crashing), but nothing about gameplay problems.

    On our first play through of episode 3, we found the following:

    * It's possible to pick up the spray can if you already have it by clicking on the ammo box
    * I beat Leech at my first attempt, but was able to challenge him a second time where he gave dialogue that suggested he had previously defeated me.

    There were also a couple of puzzles that didn't seem as obvious/have the same kind of cues/environmental hints (I play with the hint system off) as the rest of the game. I didn't consider them difficult, but they did seem out of place amongst the other puzzles in the game.

    * It wasn't until I'd bumped the statue three times that I actually realised that it wasn't going back to the position it had been in previously (the third time, I clicked on it by accident whilst trying to click on Lorraine's bucket).

    * There were no cues (that I found) suggesting that the spray paint was related to the Einstein puzzle.

    Overall, the game was enjoyable. The series feels like it's maturing really well. I think I'll be sad when it's over.
  • edited April 2011
    For those who weren't able to save/load in 103, can any of you walk me through the exact steps you took when installing the game? We put in fixes to specifically address that issue, and I'm very curious how people are managing to avoid them. :)
    I had trouble with the Save/Load not appearing in 103. I'm running Win7 (32bit) with 101 and 102 still previously installed. One thing that I did to get it working was to goto the installed directory, goto the properties of "BackToTheFuture103.exe" and under Compatability>Privilege, tick "Run program as administrator". After doing, that both running directly from the exe and the desktop launcher shortcut now have the Save/Load option.
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