The article (apparently) confirms that Kid Tannen is Biff's father (and not an uncle or something). Also, who's the guy sitting at the table, do you think? George McFly's father?
Can we keep spoilers out of this thread, I checked it for release dates, not for plot details so I was disappointed when one of the prior posters, posted some.
what the .... these pictures are awesome
but the PC/MAC gets it on DEC 22
while PS3 and IPAD gets after DEC 22 .... so that means its after DEC 25 like on DEC 27 =(
PS3 version .. im not sure about IPAD XD lool
Can we keep spoilers out of this thread, I checked it for release dates, not for plot details so I was disappointed when one of the prior posters, posted some.
Sorry. When I post with spoiler tags, I get yelled at. When I post without spoiler tags, I get yelled at. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I fixed it now, for future thread readers.
Wednesday's good, Wednesday's good, I can wait a week for the game, I can hang out, you can show me around...
That is out of the question. You must not leave this forum. You must not see or talk to anybody. Anything you do can have repercussions on future events. Do you understand?
Wednesday's good, Wednesday's good, I can spend a week waiting for the game, I can hang out, you can show me around...
Markeres, that's completely out of the question! You must not leave
this forum. You must not see anybody or talk to anybody or play any other game. Anything you do could have serious reprocautions on the game events. Do you understand? ... You interacted with something else today, besides us?
Now we have another major dilemma! WHen will it be available on the 22nd? 12am December 22nd? Can a moderator or team member provide an answer? Otherwise people will be staying up all night!!
I... yeah, well, I might've, sort of bumped into... Dennis Lenart...
Great Scott! Lemme see that trailer again of the video game! Just as I thought, this proves my theory, look at your avatar! His body is gone, it's like it's been erased.
what the .... these pictures are awesome
but the PC/MAC gets it on DEC 22
while PS3 and IPAD gets after DEC 22 .... so that means its after DEC 25 like on DEC 27 =(
PS3 version .. im not sure about IPAD XD lool
It's probably gonna be later than just a few days after. My guess is sometime in January.
(instead of Markeres and Farlander/Famzness I'll use Marty and Doc, if you don't mind)
Marty: They really cleaned this place up. Looks brand-new.
Doc: According to my theory, you interfered with the designer's first brainstorm meeting. If they don't meet, they won't create the good concept of the storyline, won't get Bob Gale on board or start developing the game. That's why the concept art's disappearing. Episode 1 will follow, and unless you repair the damage, the whole game's next.
Marty: That's heavy.
Doc: Weight has nothing to do with it.
Doc: Which one's Episode 1 director?
Marty: That's him.
*every TellTale office worker makes fun of Lennart*
Lennart: Very funny. You guys are being real mature.
Doc: ... Maybe it was an outsource job.
Lennart: Okay, real mature, guys. Okay, pick up my design documents!
Grossman: Lennart!
Marty: That's Grossman! Jesus, didn't that guy ever have eyesight?
Grossman: Shape up, man. You're a slacker. Do you want to be a slacker for the rest of your career?
Lennart: No.
Doc: What did Dan Connors see in him?
Marty: I don't know. I guess he felt sorry for him cause Mike Stemmle threw out his script... He threw out my script...
Doc: It happens in Game Developer Companies when high-standing officials receive big bribes to hire someone. Go to it, kid.
Now we have another major dilemma! WHen will it be available on the 22nd? 12am December 22nd? Can a moderator or team member provide an answer? Otherwise people will be staying up all night!!
Not really, any TTG Vet can tell you it would be around midday TTG time (which would be evening in Europe, and not a clue for the rest of the world...)
So unless you are living somewhere in Asia (and the next day than the release day), staying up at night would be a bad idea .
YEAH!!!! 22nd!!!! So excited!!! That's perfect, right after my last final exam! Perfect! I gotta pick me up a PSN card or 3 between now and then. And one day after my last final! I'll have a Back to the Future marathon!!! This is gonna be sweet!
YEAH!!!! 22nd!!!! So excited!!! That's perfect, right after my last final exam! Perfect! I gotta pick me up a PSN card or 3 between now and then. And one day after my last final! I'll have a Back to the Future marathon!!! This is gonna be sweet!
Ack! Hate to be 'that guy' but December 22 is the release date for the PC and Mac versions only. PSN version will launch later on, not crazy later on, just later on.
Oh... well... well... I don't know what to say... you... totally stole my fire there... boy, now aren't I embarassed... well... I guess, I can watch the Complete DVD set of Seinfeld I just got in the mean time... yeah, that's it... Or I can but Devil's Playhouse and play that, or both! This is still gonna be the best Christmas ever! Unless some green guy shows up with a dog dressed as a reindeer and steals all my presents... that'd suck...
Later on as in before January or later on as in mid-January? As long as it's before January, I'm good.
Ack! Hate to be 'that guy' but December 22 is the release date for the PC and Mac versions only. PSN version will launch later on, not crazy later on, just later on.
is it still in December ??? or in January?? i mean PS3 release date :cool:
I have a plainly ridiculous request. Can the PSN release date be on a Saturday night? Then you can say, "Next Saturday night, we're sending you Back... to the Future!"
I have a plainly ridiculous request. Can the PSN release date be on a Saturday night? Then you can say, "Next Saturday night, we're sending you Back... to the Future!"
Funny, but I'm pretty sure the PSN store only updates on Tuesdays.
Yeah, I know... but it was a cool dream for a few seconds there... I can't wait for the game to come out... *sigh* Will it probably be the 28th then for PS3?
Very true.
Another week though
but the PC/MAC gets it on DEC 22
while PS3 and IPAD gets after DEC 22 .... so that means its after DEC 25 like on DEC 27 =(
PS3 version .. im not sure about IPAD XD lool
More importantly, OFFICIAL RELEASE DATE:
I'm going to go listen to the BTTF theme while I stare at that post.
pun intended.
So it's an intended pun of a name which itself is an intended pun?
That is out of the question. You must not leave this forum. You must not see or talk to anybody. Anything you do can have repercussions on future events. Do you understand?
Markeres, that's completely out of the question! You must not leave
this forum. You must not see anybody or talk to anybody or play any other game. Anything you do could have serious reprocautions on the game events. Do you understand? ... You interacted with something else today, besides us?
Great minds, they say. :cool:
I guess that's something every self-respecting BttF fan would've done.
(heads might explode with anticipation)
well go to school and enjoy ur weekend and then u get it =P
im waiting for PS3 version to come out so ur lucky
Great Scott! Let me see that Ryan Jones' concept art again of the game. ... Just as I thought! This proves my theory, look at it!
Great Scott! Lemme see that trailer again of the video game! Just as I thought, this proves my theory, look at your avatar! His body is gone, it's like it's been erased.
Erased from existence.
edit to add: Farlander got me this time!
It's probably gonna be later than just a few days after. My guess is sometime in January.
Marty: They really cleaned this place up. Looks brand-new.
Doc: According to my theory, you interfered with the designer's first brainstorm meeting. If they don't meet, they won't create the good concept of the storyline, won't get Bob Gale on board or start developing the game. That's why the concept art's disappearing. Episode 1 will follow, and unless you repair the damage, the whole game's next.
Marty: That's heavy.
Doc: Weight has nothing to do with it.
Doc: Which one's Episode 1 director?
Marty: That's him.
*every TellTale office worker makes fun of Lennart*
Lennart: Very funny. You guys are being real mature.
Doc: ... Maybe it was an outsource job.
Lennart: Okay, real mature, guys. Okay, pick up my design documents!
Grossman: Lennart!
Marty: That's Grossman! Jesus, didn't that guy ever have eyesight?
Grossman: Shape up, man. You're a slacker. Do you want to be a slacker for the rest of your career?
Lennart: No.
Doc: What did Dan Connors see in him?
Marty: I don't know. I guess he felt sorry for him cause Mike Stemmle threw out his script... He threw out my script...
Doc: It happens in Game Developer Companies when high-standing officials receive big bribes to hire someone. Go to it, kid.
So unless you are living somewhere in Asia (and the next day than the release day), staying up at night would be a bad idea
Anyone else think this is going to be another iteration of the homework bullying scene from the first movie?
Ack! Hate to be 'that guy' but December 22 is the release date for the PC and Mac versions only. PSN version will launch later on, not crazy later on, just later on.
Later on as in before January or later on as in mid-January? As long as it's before January, I'm good.
Any idea what time Eastern Standard should expect the release, Alan?
is it still in December ??? or in January?? i mean PS3 release date :cool:
Funny, but I'm pretty sure the PSN store only updates on Tuesdays.
LOL, ever decreasing circles.
It's usually mid-late afternoon that they release, but you know, it's out when it's out.