Season 2 will be a separate game - same as how if you see a movie at the theatre, you have to buy another ticket for the sequel.
If it's a seperate game, I understand what you said, then the main character wouldn't be affected by as he had no idea about Lee Everett or the group? Or the main character will be
The guy walking on the hill, after their group is fallen apart and you will face consequences of the choices that you had made in season 1 (How Clem reacts to you etc)?
Having completed the game eight times, making different decisions throughout. Can you, for the next game, make the decisions really matter. I understand that most was for Clementines benefit for survival, but they didn't really make any odds on who was going to live or die.
For example with Duck. He gets bitten no matter how quickly you shoot the walker. What would have been preferable is if you shot the walker quickly he lives, if not then he gets bitten etc.
Same goes for Carly/Doug, could there have been an option to save him/her if you moved quickly enough to stop Lily.
The characters then could interact with the player, in a much more realistic way. By all means kill them off later in the game, but do it in such a way that maybe one or two survives, directly because of the players actions or inaction's.
Other than the points raised, I found this game one of the best I have ever played and long may it continue.
I hope you consider what I have wrote, as for me personally, it was the only thing I was disappointed with.
Saying that though, I look forward to the next installment with great anticipation along with everyone else.
Will the choices i make in WD season2 actually make a diffence?In season 1 choices made little to no diffence to the story.Except Doug or Carly choice.Leaving very little replay value.
My ONLY problem with game.
Would you consider making an "alternate version" of season 1?
My meaning is that we can make more decisions and possibly save certain people but it won't be considered in the games official canon. For example you pour all your "affection" into Lilly and in doing so you can save Carley/Doug from being shot. This would allow you to save a character but would make the game a whole lot harder as Kenny would hate your guts. Some deaths e.g Duck and Katjaa would be unavoidable as that is almost essential to the Kenny issue but with Carley/Doug Lilly could still leave feeling that everyone is against her etc.
Due to fact that I am tapping on my smartphone, I am gonna be short. Could you add a "coin" feature just like in kongregate so that people can purchase this game and others as well via paysafe? It's much simpler, easier (you just buy a16 digit code card and that's it. ) and much safer (no precious data can be stolen and you are safe from a Cyprus case.)
It has recently come to my attention, that Molly was suppose to have a larger role, than she ended up having in the final game.
What made you change your mind about Mollys role, and why?
I don't remember Molly having a larger role than she does. I mean... maybe in one version of the episode four story she was in it for a few more scenes, but I'm not sure. Episode 4 went through more revisions than any other episode, and characters came and went, and their roles grew and shrank, as it was being developed. Molly is one who seems to have remained pretty consistent to my memory, though.
Would you consider making an "alternate version" of season 1?
My meaning is that we can make more decisions and possibly save certain people but it won't be considered in the games official canon. For example you pour all your "affection" into Lilly and in doing so you can save Carley/Doug from being shot. This would allow you to save a character but would make the game a whole lot harder as Kenny would hate your guts. Some deaths e.g Duck and Katjaa would be unavoidable as that is almost essential to the Kenny issue but with Carley/Doug Lilly could still leave feeling that everyone is against her etc.
This isn't likely, sorry! We're pretty comfortable with how the choices worked in Season One. That doesn't mean other Telltale games will be identical to The Walking Dead Season One, just that we're not going to go back and change it all around. We like where it ended up. Speaking of...
Will the choices i make in WD season2 actually make a diffence?In season 1 choices made little to no diffence to the story.Except Doug or Carly choice.Leaving very little replay value.
My ONLY problem with game.
It feels (to me at least) like Lee had power over the things he would realistically have power over, and is frustrated by the things he can't change. We don't want players to feel cheated, but we also don't want them to feel like they are the all-powerful gods of the universe who can change the story and other characters to do whatever they want. In real life would "pouring affection" into someone guarantee that they do what you want? I don't think so! Only in video games is that allowed, and it starts to fall apart if you want to have NPCs who act more like real people, with their own wills and whims separate from yours.
It's a balancing act for us, for sure -- how much does your will as the player actually change the course of other characters and the plot -- and I won't say that where Season One landed is perfect. We have a long way to go and a lot more to work with to get that balance and feeling right. There's always room to improve and to try new things. The Wolf Among Us pushes this in new directions which I think you'll find exciting, and of course with future Walking Dead games we will be playing with and tweaking how the player's balance of power works. We won't be going back and re-doing Season One, though!
My question is: Can you make Clem remember everything Lee told her in the next game?
Last time I heard official word from anyone it was an interview which said "hold on to your season one save games!" But we don't have anything to say about future Walking Dead games beyond that, including which characters (if any) will show up in them!
Due to fact that I am tapping on my smartphone, I am gonna be short. Could you add a "coin" feature just like in kongregate so that people can purchase this game and others as well via paysafe? It's much simpler, easier (you just buy a16 digit code card and that's it. ) and much safer (no precious data can be stolen and you are safe from a Cyprus case.)
This is well out of my pay grade, sorry! Our web guys read this board, so maybe they will see this and find it interesting, but it is beyond my brain.
I have a question for Jake;-
Are there any season 2 tidbits you can give us? Confirmed things or even just 'likely' things?
For example, are we allowed to know if we will see Clem again? Or will it be a whole new story?
Pretty much any info at all you're happy to share so us in the forums feel special
I have a question for Jake;-
Are there any season 2 tidbits you can give us? Confirmed things or even just 'likely' things?
For example, are we allowed to know if we will see Clem again? Or will it be a whole new story?
Pretty much any info at all you're happy to share so us in the forums feel special
Last time I heard official word from anyone it was an interview which said "hold on to your season one save games!" But we don't have anything to say about future Walking Dead games beyond that, including which characters (if any) will show up in them!
We don't have any info to share on Season 2 just yet, but you can be sure we'll start talking when the time comes!
Here's a question I'd like to ask; Do the stats get changed if we go back and make different choices or does it remain the same based on what we did the first time no matter how many times we replay?
Sorry that I have to ask this but at 10th May we get in germany the retail version. How to the stats work there in the retail version ? Do any stats will be shown? Yeah, I could answer that question on my own but since this is the questions thread I'm gonna ask right away. haha
Aunt Edit(h) must say something: Why was the dream cutscene from Carley cut with involving "Sam" ?
Can we get a rough date by which we might hear more news about TWD?
No dates as yet! Definitely stay tuned to the Facebook page, the Telltale Games Twitter, and our blog though. When we have news, it'll be announced via those channels for sure.
No dates as yet! Definitely stay tuned to the Facebook page, the Telltale Games Twitter, and our blog though. When we have news, it'll be announced via those channels for sure.
And probably on half of the gaming "journalism" websites. News travel real quick when it comes to TWD.
this is my first Question to Telltale ,first of all thank you i knew it was the best game ever made watching previews of it on YT even before i bought it,anyway..Q) how much influence did Robert Kirkman have on the overall story? and do you think the story/ending in particular would of changed if you knew how well received it would become.
and....Q) IS LEE DEAD???? because you know cutting an arm off can help and blood loss makes people pass out!
"You are blowing this out of proportion. I just don't want to look after Clementine yet again, if they wanted us to continue looking after her, they should have kept Lee alive for Season 2"
"my point is that it would be stupid if after everything Clem and Lee go through in the first game, they just throw another protagonist in place of lee and expect to get the same emotional investment. You cant expect Clementine to just forget about Lee because some new person arrived, it would make the first game lose all feeling"
"You are blowing this out of proportion. I just don't want to look after Clementine yet again, if they wanted us to continue looking after her, they should have kept Lee alive for Season 2"
"my point is that it would be stupid if after everything Clem and Lee go through in the first game, they just throw another protagonist in place of lee and expect to get the same emotional investment. You cant expect Clementine to just forget about Lee because some new person arrived, it would make the first game lose all feeling"
What I think might work well is this. Assume that season 2 is another 5 episodes. In episode 1, we have a whole new cast, no mention of Omid, Christa or even beloved little Clem. Everybody thinks to themselves "oh my god we're never going to know what happened to her. That's so tragic". Instead we spend episode 1 getting to know and empathise with the new protaganist we are playing.
Then in episode 2, bang, we meet Clementine for the first time with our new character. Maybe she's alone, maybe she's with others, who knows? Think of the relief we'd feel, having just had an episode where we'd come to terms with the fact we'd probably never see her again. I agree though that she absolutely cannot have just forgotten about Lee. She needs to be virtually inconsolable for her first episode, and perhaps she would keep more detached from you so she cant get so hurt again.
this is my first Question to Telltale ,first of all thank you i knew it was the best game ever made watching previews of it on YT even before i bought it,anyway..Q) how much influence did Robert Kirkman have on the overall story? and do you think the story/ending in particular would of changed if you knew how well received it would become.
because you know cutting an arm off can help and blood loss makes people pass out!
Q1) Kirkman didn't have much influence on the story because he didn't feel the need to. We kept him in the loop at all times, with all the ideas we had and the things we were doing in the story. We got lucky I guess in that he just liked a lot of the ideas which were going on. His only gripe was that we rename Kenny (Kenny was originally named Frank, and Robert didn't like that name, so we changed it)! Pretty easy going dude.
Would we have changed the ending? Nope! Because the game is episodic, we knew it was being received well long before we had to make episode five. Fortunately, everyone on the team, and management, and Skybound, were all very excited about the original intended ending for the season, so we just went for it. Everyone's priority across the board, from the team, to the guys who own telltale, to Robert Kirkman and the guys at Skybound, is to tell a good story first. We know that if the story is interesting, deep, and surprising, people will respond to it. People don't want us to make what they expect, they want to be surprised by something they didn't.
I had a question. Ben said he and Travis were in his school's band. So I'm curious, what instrument did Ben play?
I don't know where this ended up in the script, because I wasn't on episode 2 very actively.
The pitch I remember for that backstory was that it was a high school basketball away game, which meant that the basketball team, the band, and cheerleaders were all on the bus together. Ben was on the basketball team, travis was in the band, and the teacher was the band teacher. Everyone else died either when that girl turned, via other walkers oer the intervening two months, or at the hands of the bandits raiding their group.
Maybe the script got rewritten at some point so Ben was in the band and I forgot, but I always think of him as a basketball player who ended up as one of the only three survivors, him and a kid from band and the band teacher.
If he was in the band in the script, and we don't know what instrument he played, I'm going to just declare that he played the trombone, because my brother was super pretty tall, often awkward and quiet kid in high school who everyone kept telling he should play basketball, but he instead played trombone in the band, jazz band, and drum corps.
The pitch I remember for that backstory was that it was a high school basketball away game, which meant that the basketball team, the band, and cheerleaders were all on the bus together. Ben was on the basketball team, travis was in the band, and the teacher was the band teacher.
Is that why he's so freakishly tall? I thought you guys were deliberating subverting the popular visual cue a lot of animated shows use where teenagers are always shorter than adult characters to make it clear they're much younger than the adults.
I thought by making him tall you were messing with the audience's preconceived notions to see if you could get them to forget Ben wasn't even old enough to drink. If he had been shorter than most of the cast it'd be harder for people to forget he was likely younger than everyone but Duck and Clem by probably at least a decade.
If he was in the band in the script, and we don't know what instrument he played, I'm going to just declare that he played the trombone, because my brother was super pretty tall, often awkward and quiet kid in high school who everyone kept telling he should play basketball, but he instead played trombone in the band, jazz band, and drum corps.
Fair enough. I don't know why but always figured Ben played something in the brass family. Maybe because he didn't act quite careless enough to be playing percussion but too careless for stringed instruments or piano.
Just having a quick question about the ending from episode 2 and Jolene. There was lines that not used where Jolene said something about a guy named "Paul". Was "Paul" the father from Danielle or was he one from the bandits that could had been in the group for episode 3 ??
I know I'm a pain in the ass with this specific questions. lol
Q1) Kirkman didn't have much influence on the story because he didn't feel the need to. We kept him in the loop at all times, with all the ideas we had and the things we were doing in the story. We got lucky I guess in that he just liked a lot of the ideas which were going on. His only gripe was that we rename Kenny (Kenny was originally named Frank, and Robert didn't like that name, so we changed it)! Pretty easy going dude.
Would we have changed the ending? Nope! Because the game is episodic, we knew it was being received well long before we had to make episode five. Fortunately, everyone on the team, and management, and Skybound, were all very excited about the original intended ending for the season, so we just went for it. Everyone's priority across the board, from the team, to the guys who own telltale, to Robert Kirkman and the guys at Skybound, is to tell a good story first. We know that if the story is interesting, deep, and surprising, people will respond to it. People don't want us to make what they expect, they want to be surprised by something they didn't.
Q2) Yes.
Thanks for your answer Jake and Telltale,i think the ending would leave more people talking about the game rather than a traditional happy ending,would still of liked a possibility of not getting bit though. answer 2 sucks Jake
What I think might work well is this. Assume that season 2 is another 5 episodes. In episode 1, we have a whole new cast, no mention of Omid, Christa or even beloved little Clem. Everybody thinks to themselves "oh my god we're never going to know what happened to her. That's so tragic". Instead we spend episode 1 getting to know and empathise with the new protaganist we are playing.
Then in episode 2, bang, we meet Clementine for the first time with our new character. Maybe she's alone, maybe she's with others, who knows? Think of the relief we'd feel, having just had an episode where we'd come to terms with the fact we'd probably never see her again. I agree though that she absolutely cannot have just forgotten about Lee. She needs to be virtually inconsolable for her first episode, and perhaps she would keep more detached from you so she cant get so hurt again.
She should never be that same girl again, after what happen to Lee and her mom and dad.
Since season 2 will probably be coming out in the fall, when do you think we'l see ads or trailers?
No clue when we'll start talking about Season Two! There's a lot of other stuff for us to talk about and show between now and whenever that rollout happens.
Is the strangers voice on the talkie in end of chapter 3 different than in the next episodes? It sounded much more friendlier I guess you guys had something different planned for him at first
Yooo TTG, wanna give us a tease? I know Triple E is soon but man... you know... we get GTA5 teasers this week, going to be sick yo but I'm hype as **** for your second season and really want to see something yo.
Is the strangers voice on the talkie in end of chapter 3 different than in the next episodes? It sounded much more friendlier I guess you guys had something different planned for him at first
I'm curious about this as well. Was there a specific reason for the voice change? Did you feel that the initial voice didn't fit with the appearance of the stranger in the end? Give us the details!
I know that when you created this story you guys made character types for each person in the game. So pertaining to this question i got 3 questions to ask.
1.) What was Chucks personality type.
2.) What was the Strangers personality type and his name.
3.) Was Larry a racist or just a doosh.
If it's a seperate game, I understand what you said, then the main character wouldn't be affected by as he had no idea about Lee Everett or the group? Or the main character will be
For example with Duck. He gets bitten no matter how quickly you shoot the walker. What would have been preferable is if you shot the walker quickly he lives, if not then he gets bitten etc.
Same goes for Carly/Doug, could there have been an option to save him/her if you moved quickly enough to stop Lily.
The characters then could interact with the player, in a much more realistic way. By all means kill them off later in the game, but do it in such a way that maybe one or two survives, directly because of the players actions or inaction's.
Other than the points raised, I found this game one of the best I have ever played and long may it continue.
I hope you consider what I have wrote, as for me personally, it was the only thing I was disappointed with.
Saying that though, I look forward to the next installment with great anticipation along with everyone else.
My ONLY problem with game.
It has recently come to my attention, that Molly was suppose to have a larger role, than she ended up having in the final game.
What made you change your mind about Mollys role, and why?
Would you consider making an "alternate version" of season 1?
My meaning is that we can make more decisions and possibly save certain people but it won't be considered in the games official canon. For example you pour all your "affection" into Lilly and in doing so you can save Carley/Doug from being shot. This would allow you to save a character but would make the game a whole lot harder as Kenny would hate your guts. Some deaths e.g Duck and Katjaa would be unavoidable as that is almost essential to the Kenny issue but with Carley/Doug Lilly could still leave feeling that everyone is against her etc.
I don't remember Molly having a larger role than she does. I mean... maybe in one version of the episode four story she was in it for a few more scenes, but I'm not sure. Episode 4 went through more revisions than any other episode, and characters came and went, and their roles grew and shrank, as it was being developed. Molly is one who seems to have remained pretty consistent to my memory, though.
This isn't likely, sorry! We're pretty comfortable with how the choices worked in Season One. That doesn't mean other Telltale games will be identical to The Walking Dead Season One, just that we're not going to go back and change it all around. We like where it ended up. Speaking of...
It feels (to me at least) like Lee had power over the things he would realistically have power over, and is frustrated by the things he can't change. We don't want players to feel cheated, but we also don't want them to feel like they are the all-powerful gods of the universe who can change the story and other characters to do whatever they want. In real life would "pouring affection" into someone guarantee that they do what you want? I don't think so! Only in video games is that allowed, and it starts to fall apart if you want to have NPCs who act more like real people, with their own wills and whims separate from yours.
It's a balancing act for us, for sure -- how much does your will as the player actually change the course of other characters and the plot -- and I won't say that where Season One landed is perfect. We have a long way to go and a lot more to work with to get that balance and feeling right. There's always room to improve and to try new things. The Wolf Among Us pushes this in new directions which I think you'll find exciting, and of course with future Walking Dead games we will be playing with and tweaking how the player's balance of power works. We won't be going back and re-doing Season One, though!
Last time I heard official word from anyone it was an interview which said "hold on to your season one save games!" But we don't have anything to say about future Walking Dead games beyond that, including which characters (if any) will show up in them!
This is well out of my pay grade, sorry! Our web guys read this board, so maybe they will see this and find it interesting, but it is beyond my brain.
Are there any season 2 tidbits you can give us? Confirmed things or even just 'likely' things?
For example, are we allowed to know if we will see Clem again? Or will it be a whole new story?
Pretty much any info at all you're happy to share so us in the forums feel special
I'm just going to quote Jake from above:
We don't have any info to share on Season 2 just yet, but you can be sure we'll start talking when the time comes!
Aunt Edit(h) must say something: Why was the dream cutscene from Carley cut with involving "Sam" ?
No dates as yet! Definitely stay tuned to the Facebook page, the Telltale Games Twitter, and our blog though. When we have news, it'll be announced via those channels for sure.
And probably on half of the gaming "journalism" websites. News travel real quick when it comes to TWD.
and....Q) IS LEE DEAD???? because you know cutting an arm off can help and blood loss makes people pass out!
"my point is that it would be stupid if after everything Clem and Lee go through in the first game, they just throw another protagonist in place of lee and expect to get the same emotional investment. You cant expect Clementine to just forget about Lee because some new person arrived, it would make the first game lose all feeling"
He also mentions that they came from Stone Mountain for the playoffs, so I'm guessing... drums.
He looked more like a trumpet player to me.
im guessing tambourine
What I think might work well is this. Assume that season 2 is another 5 episodes. In episode 1, we have a whole new cast, no mention of Omid, Christa or even beloved little Clem. Everybody thinks to themselves "oh my god we're never going to know what happened to her. That's so tragic". Instead we spend episode 1 getting to know and empathise with the new protaganist we are playing.
Then in episode 2, bang, we meet Clementine for the first time with our new character. Maybe she's alone, maybe she's with others, who knows? Think of the relief we'd feel, having just had an episode where we'd come to terms with the fact we'd probably never see her again. I agree though that she absolutely cannot have just forgotten about Lee. She needs to be virtually inconsolable for her first episode, and perhaps she would keep more detached from you so she cant get so hurt again.
Q1) Kirkman didn't have much influence on the story because he didn't feel the need to. We kept him in the loop at all times, with all the ideas we had and the things we were doing in the story. We got lucky I guess in that he just liked a lot of the ideas which were going on. His only gripe was that we rename Kenny (Kenny was originally named Frank, and Robert didn't like that name, so we changed it)! Pretty easy going dude.
Would we have changed the ending? Nope! Because the game is episodic, we knew it was being received well long before we had to make episode five. Fortunately, everyone on the team, and management, and Skybound, were all very excited about the original intended ending for the season, so we just went for it. Everyone's priority across the board, from the team, to the guys who own telltale, to Robert Kirkman and the guys at Skybound, is to tell a good story first. We know that if the story is interesting, deep, and surprising, people will respond to it. People don't want us to make what they expect, they want to be surprised by something they didn't.
Q2) Yes.
I don't know where this ended up in the script, because I wasn't on episode 2 very actively.
The pitch I remember for that backstory was that it was a high school basketball away game, which meant that the basketball team, the band, and cheerleaders were all on the bus together. Ben was on the basketball team, travis was in the band, and the teacher was the band teacher. Everyone else died either when that girl turned, via other walkers oer the intervening two months, or at the hands of the bandits raiding their group.
Maybe the script got rewritten at some point so Ben was in the band and I forgot, but I always think of him as a basketball player who ended up as one of the only three survivors, him and a kid from band and the band teacher.
If he was in the band in the script, and we don't know what instrument he played, I'm going to just declare that he played the trombone, because my brother was super pretty tall, often awkward and quiet kid in high school who everyone kept telling he should play basketball, but he instead played trombone in the band, jazz band, and drum corps.
Is that why he's so freakishly tall? I thought you guys were deliberating subverting the popular visual cue a lot of animated shows use where teenagers are always shorter than adult characters to make it clear they're much younger than the adults.
I thought by making him tall you were messing with the audience's preconceived notions to see if you could get them to forget Ben wasn't even old enough to drink. If he had been shorter than most of the cast it'd be harder for people to forget he was likely younger than everyone but Duck and Clem by probably at least a decade.
Fair enough. I don't know why but always figured Ben played something in the brass family. Maybe because he didn't act quite careless enough to be playing percussion but too careless for stringed instruments or piano.
I know I'm a pain in the ass with this specific questions.
Thanks for your answer Jake and Telltale,i think the ending would leave more people talking about the game rather than a traditional happy ending,would still of liked a possibility of not getting bit though. answer 2 sucks Jake
She should never be that same girl again, after what happen to Lee and her mom and dad.
No clue when we'll start talking about Season Two! There's a lot of other stuff for us to talk about and show between now and whenever that rollout happens.
I'm curious about this as well. Was there a specific reason for the voice change? Did you feel that the initial voice didn't fit with the appearance of the stranger in the end? Give us the details!
1.) What was Chucks personality type.
2.) What was the Strangers personality type and his name.
3.) Was Larry a racist or just a doosh.