People keep calling Marty the wrong name



  • edited May 2011
    Any idea how to fix it on a Mac? I don't see those files.

    For all you awesome Mac users out there like me, I did a little internet digging and found out that on the Mac version, the name you choose is stored under:
    User/Library/Preferences/com.TelltaleGames.Platform.plist with key "BTTF:Player Alias"

    I've also heard that if you change it in that file and save it, you can change your name in the game (though this seems to be a big buggy at best).

    I'm pretty sure I chose Sonny Crocket in the first episode and it seems like I've been referred to that consistently since but I'm not completely sure.
  • edited May 2011
    Yeah Sonny Crocket is the one name that is bug free.
  • edited May 2011
    It's worked fine for me the whole time.
  • edited May 2011
    I chose Michael Corleone and I have not had any problems.
  • edited May 2011
    I chose Harry Callahan and only once (in Episode 1 or 2)did Edna call me Mr. Crockett.
  • edited May 2011
    ive been sonny crockett the whole game :D
  • edited May 2011
    bosbeetle wrote: »
    ive been sonny crockett the whole game :D

    Yeah, me to. (Even though I could have swarn I originally chose Harry Calahan...But Episode 2 & up, I'm just Sonny Corckett now.)
  • edited May 2011
    When I let a friend try out episode one, they chose a different name, Sonny or Harry, and although they didn't finish the episode, it carried over to episode two until I replayed episode one and switched it back. I haven't had any problems since.

    Maybe the name defaults to Sonny Crockett if a new game is started in episode one and a name isn't chosen.
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