Who Is The Biggest BTTF Fan On This Forum
Of course, anyone can say that he or she is the biggest fan. So let's decide it on how much BTTF related merchandise you have in your possesion, along with how many times you've seen the BTTF trilogy (more or less).
For example:
BTTF Stuff you have : Blu-Ray box, MJF toothbrush, etc..
Watching BTTF trilogy: 30 times (doesn't have to be precise, but be honest!)
I'm pretty sure I'm not the biggest fan, because I only have the Blu-ray box and saw the trilogy a mere 20 times. I'm a HUGE fan though, but certainly not the biggest.
So who is it going to be, Martin McFly? Or will it be Michael J Fox is Canadian? Or maybe doodo! ?
Edit: And the winner is... smallo! Most merchandise with photo's to proof it AND he is not even twenty. Enough said!
For example:
BTTF Stuff you have : Blu-Ray box, MJF toothbrush, etc..
Watching BTTF trilogy: 30 times (doesn't have to be precise, but be honest!)
I'm pretty sure I'm not the biggest fan, because I only have the Blu-ray box and saw the trilogy a mere 20 times. I'm a HUGE fan though, but certainly not the biggest.
So who is it going to be, Martin McFly? Or will it be Michael J Fox is Canadian? Or maybe doodo! ?
Edit: And the winner is... smallo! Most merchandise with photo's to proof it AND he is not even twenty. Enough said!
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There is a MJF toothbrush?...
I dont know how many times i've seen the films. I'm sure combined, more than 100 times. I taped them on TV and then later got them on VHS. Got the DVD's and now have the blu rays. As far as merchandise goes;
i have a model delorean, a copy of the save the clock tower flyer, hoverboard magnets, and a hat like marty had in 2015. I wish someone would make a more affordable version of the time circuits or the flux capacitor.
By the way I did my part just this year; my friends 9 year son is now hooked on back to the future thanks to yours truly.
Here's my facebook profile pic: http://www.facebook.com/38cujo
I wouldn't be suprised if there is one.
Impressive! Tough contender then. :cool:
Do you really want me to go through my stuff? I mean, it's all over the place...
-2015 Baseball hat
-Grays Sports Almanac replica
-Save The Clocktower flyer with 'I love you' and Jennifer's phone number on the back (autograph from Claudia Wells)
-OUTATIME License Plate Replica
-1/64 scale DeLorean replica (the size of a Hot Wheels car)
-An 'Institute of Future Technology' T-Shirt
-A few fridge magnets
-Theatrical 'Back to the Future Part I' Poster
-A black mug that says 'Your Future Is Whatever You Make It So Make It a Good One.'
-I have/used to have an Einstein Plush that was bought at Universal Studios Japan a while ago but I haven't seen him around in a while. I feel like my parents might have tossed him. He looked like this:
Most of them have been gifts over the years. (I don't have enough money to blow on a flux capacitor replica. I'll leave the flux capacitor with Doc and I'll take my iPod flux capacitor app.)
If I find anymore, I'll be sure to notify you.
In terms of how many times I've seen the movies, take one look at my name and make an educated guess based solely off that information. I'm sure it'll come pretty close.
Great Scott! Something tells me you make a pretty good chance of winning this thread.
yeah really the only way i have that beat is that my delorean is bigger; Probably about nine inches long and 4 inches high.(it's the flying delorean from part II)
now it's only been this year (probably due to the game) when I enhanced my bttf collection as all these items i purchased this year. But I did have this voicemail last year: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZBcy5KOF4g
3 model DeLoreans, 1 of them is 1:18 scale with the Part 2 Flying DeLorean. The other 2 I bought, amazingly, at a hospital gift shop in Miami. It was the Part 1 DeLorean with a hook, and the Part 3 one with the whitewall wheels.
1 DeLorean RC Car bought off of BTTF.com. It goes like, 5 miles an hour, but it's alright, I spose. >_>
-The movie soundtracks (both official and.....unofficial. ;P) This includes the "Music From..." with Huey Lewis, Eric Clapton, ect. and the orchestrated (and...extended orchestral. ;P) score from Part 1, 2 and 3.
-The VHS, DVD, and Blu Rays.....
-I can quote every movie verbatim. Hell, I can quote the movie just based off what music is playing off the soundtrack.
I drove 2 hours to Charlotte, NC from my hometown in Raleigh to catch the 25th anniversary screening that happened last year. Theatrical poster included.
I have picked up one of the old BTTF NES games. My 11 year old self was duped into thinking it might be good. That was before he could use the Internet, and luckily it was only 2 dollars. XP
Sadly, I don't have a lot of movie props. A college student can only pay for so much.
So yeah, that's my fandom. I have these movies on my computer from the Blu Ray editions with the Digital Copy, so I'm always enjoying those.
How many times have I watched these movies? I lost count, but it's definitely in the mid hundreds. Most times I'll just have it in the corner of my screen and I'll be listening to them while I'm multitasking.
Heres a picture of me as Marty McFly at the Australia Supanova Convention in Australia 2011 with a delorean.
I was a star for the day EVERYONE wanted pics with me.
And heres my collection.
What I Have;
My entire collection;
Marty McFly 2015 Jacket
Marty McFly 2015 Shoes
Marty McFly 2015 Hat
Marty McFly Calculator Watch
Back To The Future Trilogy on Blu-Ray
Back To The Future Trilogy on DVD
BTTF Part 1,2 and 3 1:24 Scale Model Deloreans
BTTF Part 2 and 3 1:15 Scale Model Deloreans
2 x Gold '81 Delorean Hot Wheels Cars
2 x Black '81 Delorean Hot Wheels Cars
1 x Silver '81 Delorean Hot Wheels Car
17 x BTTF Trading Cards
and 1 x Rare BTTF Record containing the Back To The Future Overture and Johnny B Goode.
In The Mail;
BTTF Part 1 1:15 Scale Model Delorean
BTTF Part 3 Railroad 1:15 Scale Model Delorean
BTTF Trilogy on VHS
What I Need;
BTTF Part 3 Railroad 1:24 Scale Model Delorean
More Trading Cards
More accurate Marty McFly 2015 shoes
and whatever else I can get my hands on
And I have close up shots of all the Items I have aswell if anyone is interested at all.
They are holding a second Supanova convention this year and Christopher Lloyd will be attending so I plan to get him to sign one of my 1:15 scale model deloreans. Probably the Part II one.
Also I am currently looking into getting a Delorean of my own. I do live in Australia and i'm only 19 years old but I have the cash and i'm readyt to buy one! The way the US dollar is at the moment now is probably the best time for me to get one. Plan to get a cheapy and do it up, that'll be a nice fun project then once the deloreans upto scratch start putting time machine parts on it.
and yes I am aware I'm not very good at getting photos taken of me :P
oh and as to how many times I have seen the movie, well it's gotten to an uncountable level.
Apparently I was that cool that after the convention she was posting all over the Supanova forums asking who I was and a mate told her who I was, got an add onf acebook and things have been hitting of ever since. What do you know, going to the biggest nerd convention in Australia actually paid off
You are a inspiration to nerds all around the world. It almost brings a tear to my eye. We love you man...if you can do it, then I can do it too! I'm going to be a nerd just like you!
I should be! Some day I will be! I will be the most powerful nerd EVER!
i wish there were back to the future conventions in canada.
Then he will sit at home rocking back and forth in his rocker, saying it happened to me! My life's inspiration happened to me! Just like the movies some one went back in time and changed my future! He'll be like all daized, and tripped out, and will be combining his memories with back to the future movie scenes, segments...
He'll tell his friends, it was the Enchantment under the sea dance...and he took her away from me and and....
Then he'll fall out of his chair, and hit the ground and get all wide eyed and stare intensively at his hands and scream... IM DISAPPEARING!!! IM DISAPPEARING!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!!
He'll be rolling on the ground side to side screaming HELP ME!!! HELP ME!!!!(But it's all in his head...)
Then he'll stop and he'll stare up at the ceiling and he'll say, I must be back, back to 2011...
And he'll be breathing really heavy, jump up to his feet and he'll shake the nearest person violently yelling DOC!!! WHERE'S DOC!! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH DOC!?
And the only way to calm him will be to play the sound track in the back ground which will sooth him and make him go into lalala land like a couch potato!!
I nominate this kid for biggest fan.
Yeah, small chance anyone is going to top this. Impressive collection!
Back to the Future on VHS
Back to the Future Trilogy DVD
Back to the Future Trilogy Blu-ray
In total I've probably seen the movies about 90-100 times each over the years.
And I had the privilege of riding Back to the Future: The Ride at Universal Studios Florida before they replaced it with the Simpsons Ride. Needless to say, I've never been back
Edit: And I went as Marty for a Halloween party this year :cool:
that ride is actually responsible for me being the BTTF fan I am today. Saw the movies and got them on VHS when i was about 8 years old. They were my favourite movies for about a year but i guess i got bored of them or something and stopped watching them age 9. When I was 15 I went to universal studios and went on the ride. I thought I'd watch the movies again (at a more mature age to kind of get whats going on) and fell back in love with them and have ever since. So it's possible that if not for the ride, I still wouldnt be watching the films.
maybe we should do a bttf trivia game. Mind you people can cheat and see the films
Well I think it does. Because if you have that much merchandise, you probably saw BTTF a zillion times, what results in being very knowledgeable about it.
-the BTTF Blu-Ray Box Set
-a model DeLorean made to look like the one from the first movie
-a printout of Doc's drawing of the flux capacitor which I keep on my bulletin board of random things
-(though this wouldn't be considered merchandise) a picture of me standing next to a DeLorean (which is still in mint condition and has never been titled)
I've lost count as to how many times I've watched all three movies.
Me To I think the Only Way hes Gonna be Topped is if Some one Has a Screen Acurrate Delorean Time Machine That you can Drive
Those lucky bastards.
Here is me , taken from today, in my western hat!
As you can see, I'm in the running!
You making it very tough for me... ;-)
I'm sorry but partially molesting the DeLorean does not give you bonus points.
You have a tattoo, but no merchandise? Nice tattoo btw, is it real? More importantly, is it yours? :-D
Who here is a artist? Maybe we can do art work and compete? Not to actually win, just to have fun and pretend some one here is a bigger fan. Seriously now, I think it's silly to say some one is a bigger fan than than some one else. So, let's just have fun with this?
Everyone here do art work? There's got to be something fun we can do with this...
I dont have a lot of BttF stuff myself really.
Just the movies on BluRay, DVD and recorded on VHS, a poster and a OUTATIME license plate replica that came with the BluRay.
I just happen to like the movies a lot and they seam to cross my mind all the time.
actually thats not really mine. no offense to anyone but i would never get a tattoo of that sort of thing
The only thing I do that hasn't been mentioned yet is every November 5th (or the weekend it is closet to. I have a BttF watching party, normally start around 2 or 3 in the afternoon and watch all 3 movies and several episodes from the old animated show recorded on a vhs. It is fun have about 3 or 4 friends that always come and normally about 5 or so others. The entry to the party requires you to dress like a character from the films or prepare a BTTF related snack. Best we have had was Delorean shaped frosted sugar cookies served with pink (supposed to be hoverboards) wafers.