Who Is The Biggest BTTF Fan On This Forum



  • edited April 2011
    jgbrunn wrote: »
    The only thing I do that hasn't been mentioned yet is every November 5th (or the weekend it is closet to. I have a BttF watching party, normally start around 2 or 3 in the afternoon and watch all 3 movies and several episodes from the old animated show recorded on a vhs. It is fun have about 3 or 4 friends that always come and normally about 5 or so others. The entry to the party requires you to dress like a character from the films or prepare a BTTF related snack. Best we have had was Delorean shaped frosted sugar cookies served with pink (supposed to be hoverboards) wafers.

    That sounds like a lot of fun and the DeLorean cookies sound like they'd be amazing.
  • edited April 2011
    I wouldn't say i'm the biggest. My passion is divided between Mortal Kombat and it's much higher in that respect to be honest, like... insanely high. But i'd say honestly, all of us who took the time to join this forum for the game and comment and give feedback are in the top 1% of 1%, that in itself is worth a pat on the back :3
  • edited April 2011
    I still have the VHS tape from the original 1986 release. I was so crazy about the movie after seeing in the theater twice the year before, that my parents bought the rental copy off of the video store. I watched it a ridiculous number of times.

    I also still have the record soundtrack from the first film, and a video store poster from the first movie's release:


    As far as other stuff...I have an incredibly battered copy of the official movie magazine for the first film, as well as the storybook and the novelizations to all 3 films. I also have the trading cards from the second movie, and I think I still have the poster for the 3rd movie.

    When I was at Universal Orlando last year, I got some great pictures of the inside of the DeLorean thanks to the guy playing Doc:

    Here's Doc with my camera:

    Pictures of the flux capacitor and time circuits:

    I love it...they're just my favorite movies. :cool:
  • edited April 2011
    I can say, with the utmost confidence, that I am, in fact, the biggest BTTF fan on this forum.

    Merch that I have:
    -BTTF 2 theatrical poster from the late 80s,
    -Delorean 1:24 diecast model (1985 model),
    -Delorean 1:24 diecast model (2015 model),
    -A "save the clock tower" shirt
    -A hoverboard shirt
    -A shirt with just the "Back to the Future" logo printed on it
    -the BTTF card game,
    -the BTTF 2 press kit from before the movie was released,
    -the official guide to BTTF,
    -the DVDs (of course),
    -the soundtrack,
    -A BTTF plastic lunchbox (with matching thermos)
    -this telltale game,
    -a metal keychain,
    -and a two-sided poster of MJF sitting on top of the Delorean / a blueprint of the Delorean that came from a magazine bought sometime around 1985.

    I can't count how many times I've seen the BTTF movies... I saw it for the first time when I was 6 years old, and I'm 19 now, and it's been my favorite movie since I first saw it.... I watch it at least once a month. Hell, I just watched it today on my ipod. XD
    Oh yeah, did I also mention that my mom has the BTTF theme set to play whenever I call her cell? :D

    Unfortunately, I never had the chance to experience the BTTF ride before they got rid of it. But luckily, I found that a replacement DVD of BTTF I got had the ENTIRE RIDE on its special features. Needless to say, I spent quite a while watching that. :D

    So there you go.
  • edited April 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    Guys/ Girls, can't we have fun with this silly thread?

    Who here is a artist? Maybe we can do art work and compete? Not to actually win, just to have fun and pretend some one here is a bigger fan. Seriously now, I think it's silly to say some one is a bigger fan than than some one else. So, let's just have fun with this?

    Everyone here do art work? There's got to be something fun we can do with this...

    I'm an artist! I would love to do some BTTF artwork. :) In fact, I started one a while back (still a WIP) that was inspired by something said in the first episode of the game. I also have a BTTF questionnaire thing that you draw your own answers to.
  • edited April 2011
    As far as merchandise goes, I don't have much, but I do share one special thing with Christopher Lloyd.. We both were born on Oct 22nd. :D:D:D

    Don't think anyone else can top that xDD heh
  • edited April 2011
    I know I do not stand a chance but here it is.
    I have drawn a few drawings of Back To the Future. I drew 2 flux capacitors (They are taped on each side of my bedroom door.) I have drawn like 3 delorians (Only 2 of them are good.) I have the dvds. I have 2 of the digital copies (My computer does not have enough space.) I think I still have a video of the first one. I have Back To The Future the game. And a dream of mine is to get a delorean and make it look like the delorean in the movies. I have seen the movie 2 - 5 times. (I only saw it for the first time last year.)
    And I want an OutaTime license plate. I have my title being Time Traveler. And another thing I have is the signature below.
  • edited April 2011
    Anya_Leone wrote: »
    I can say, with the utmost confidence, that I am, in fact, the biggest BTTF fan on this forum.

    Merch that I have:
    -BTTF 2 theatrical poster from the late 80s,
    -Delorean 1:24 diecast model (1985 model),
    -Delorean 1:24 diecast model (2015 model),
    -A "save the clock tower" shirt
    -A shirt with just the "Back to the Future" logo printed on it
    -the BTTF card game,
    -the BTTF 2 press kit from before the movie was released,
    -the official guide to BTTF,
    -the DVDs (of course),
    -the soundtrack,
    -A BTTF plastic lunchbox (with matching thermos)
    -this telltale game,
    -a metal keychain,
    -and a two-sided poster of MJF sitting on top of the Delorean / a blueprint of the Delorean that came from a magazine bought sometime around 1985.

    I can't count how many times I've seen the BTTF movies... I saw it for the first time when I was 6 years old, and I'm 19 now, and it's been my favorite movie since I first saw it.... I watch it at least once a month. Hell, I just watched it today on my ipod. XD
    Oh yeah, did I also mention that my mom has the BTTF theme set to play whenever I call her cell? :D

    Unfortunately, I never had the chance to experience the BTTF ride before they got rid of it. But luckily, I found that a replacement DVD of BTTF I got had the ENTIRE RIDE on its special features. Needless to say, I spent quite a while watching that. :D

    So there you go.

    Impressive. Do you have photo proof? :D
  • edited April 2011
    i have spent nearly 30 hours trying to find a great condition delorean then i found out there is a place in texas that builds them with new parts from the frame up. you could have a 2011 delorean!!!
  • edited April 2011
    jared25 wrote: »
    i have spent nearly 30 hours trying to find a great condition delorean then i found out there is a place in texas that builds them with new parts from the frame up. you could have a 2011 delorean!!!

    yeah for about $60,000, and it's DMC they actually make modern day deloreans. But by getting ones of those your getting a modern day delorean not an 81-82 delorean that was what the time machine was based of. so they arent cool :P
  • edited April 2011
    Do I get bonus points for blowing up small speakers with a guitar like Marty did?
    Put a couple of amps in series, its hilarious. :D
  • edited April 2011
    Do I get bonus points for blowing up small speakers with a guitar like Marty did?
    Put a couple of amps in series, its hilarious. :D

    You did that on purpose? :cool:
  • edited April 2011
    uregobland wrote: »
    Impressive. Do you have photo proof? :D

    Oy, it would take me quite a while to gather all that stuff up in one place...

    I offer this as a cop out: A picture of me (albeit an awful one) at Universal Studios Orlando standing next to the Delorean from part 2. <3
  • edited April 2011
    One day, I hope to get a delorean and make it look like the actual time traveling delorean. :)
  • edited April 2011
    Wow I can't really top the things people have done in order to be the #1 Fan of Back to the future but this is what I got.

    The Original VHS of Back to the future part 1
    A small scale Delorean from part 2 sitting on my desk.
    the DVD box set.
    an app on my phone that generates quotes from the movies.
    and I've been to the final day for Back to the Future the ride in universals studios Hollywood. it will be sorely missed =(
  • edited April 2011
    This thread might as well be called "Who has the most money to spend on BTTF related merchandise"

    If i had a Delorean would that make me the biggest fan? No.

    I'm not going to list what i own, or how many times i've watched it... that does not answer the question.

    What the main thing is, is what BTTF means to you.. for me personally it takes me to a safe place whenever i watch it, it reminds me of a simpler time, it inspires me.. it's my favorite film. When i was working the 12 hour night shift packing sandwhiches in the chill. I ripped the audio from my dvds and played them back while working.

    Yes, no music... just listening back to BTTF over and over for 12 hours.. because i love it so much, that's all i can say.

    I also it inspires me, this should be proof of that.. thanks to BTTF it's made learning 3D programs so easy, and now instead of working in the chill... I'm doing 3D freelance work for clients all over the world because of this...


    Neither are finished quite yet, but i'm still working on them of course!
  • edited April 2011
    Beautiful 3D models. I can really tell that you put a lot of time and effort into making each one. Both models have such a high degree of detail that really makes them stand out. Absolutely spectacular.
  • edited May 2011
    Ladies and Gentleman, we got him. No, not Osama. The winner of this thread!


    Congratulations smallo! I picked you the winner because of your impressive BTTF collection. Plus you took photo's of it. As promised, you won a PC or PS3 (if you have one) game. I let you know in the very near future which games are there to choose from. :-)
  • edited May 2011
    Hell yeah, thanks man. Just to update people I am currently working on making my 2015 Marty Mcfly jacket more screen accurate. Tough job finding the correct fabrics.

    Thanks again :)

    oh and I have a PS3 and a PC so im not worried either way
  • edited May 2011
    So a Playstation3 game it will be smallo! Stay tuned for your choice of one of them.

    Edit: Why a PS3 game? Because then he has more choice! :)
  • edited May 2011
    i got this.


    what do you think?


    these have never been worn and they are FOR SALE. PM me if you need more info.
  • edited May 2011
    Don't have much BTTF stuff (I collect Ghostbusters stuff), but I did get to sit inside a pimped-out DeLorean in the last Montreal ComicCon

    Had Christopher Lloyd's autograph on the visor :)


    It felt... Pretty good.
  • edited May 2011
    Congratulations smallo. Well deserved man.
    I mean come on... How can you beat the guy who got the girl while being dressed as Marty McFly? :p
  • edited May 2011
    Ok smallo here are your choices:

    Fallout 3
    Batman: Arkham Asylum
    Burnout: Paradise City
    Heavy Rain
    COD: Modern Warfare 2
    Street Fighter IV Super
    Devil May cry 4

    Choose your pick! :cool:

    Send me a private message to which adress I can send it, and you will receive the PS3 game of your choice in the week to come. :)

    Edit: Heavy Rain it is! I will post it on May 12th, 2011. Let me know when you got it!
  • edited May 2011
    smallo wrote: »
    yeah for about $60,000, and it's DMC they actually make modern day deloreans. But by getting ones of those your getting a modern day delorean not an 81-82 delorean that was what the time machine was based of. so they arent cool :P

    check this out

    Brand New 1982 Delorean!!!

  • edited May 2011
    I've probably posted this before but I guess it's relevant here too since it took me ages to do and if it was anything other than Back to the Future I would have probably just given up. Anyway, I made a trailer for a hypothetical Part IV and it took forever because I tried to rotoscope everything...

  • edited May 2011
    I have Lea Thompson on my contacts list. That's about it...
  • edited May 2011

    That shot with the DeLorean and the explosions in your post is wicked. If I could get a more high-res pic of that, I would. Desktop! xD
  • edited May 2011
    I have Lea Thompson on my contacts list. That's about it...

    Impressive. How'd you manage to swing that?
    I've probably posted this before but I guess it's relevant here too since it took me ages to do and if it was anything other than Back to the Future I would have probably just given up. Anyway, I made a trailer for a hypothetical Part IV and it took forever because I tried to rotoscope everything...

    You did a great job with the trailer. I can really tell that you put a lot of time and effort into creating it. Extremely well done. Bravo!
  • edited May 2011
    Impressive. How'd you manage to swing that?
    Funny story, actually! I met (read: bumped into) her at a state fair, and we added contacts immediately. Then I woke up.

    That's right, it was all in a dream I had. It never happened. But, hey, dreaming about Mrs. McFly is pretty fanish to me!
  • edited May 2011
    smallo wrote: »
    Well heres some photos of my collection and some other back to the future related stuff of mine.

    Heres a picture of me as Marty McFly at the Australia Supanova Convention in Australia 2011 with a delorean.

    I was a star for the day EVERYONE wanted pics with me.

    And heres my collection.

    What I Have;
    My entire collection;
    Marty McFly 2015 Jacket
    Marty McFly 2015 Shoes
    Marty McFly 2015 Hat
    Marty McFly Calculator Watch
    Back To The Future Trilogy on Blu-Ray
    Back To The Future Trilogy on DVD
    BTTF Part 1,2 and 3 1:24 Scale Model Deloreans
    BTTF Part 2 and 3 1:15 Scale Model Deloreans
    2 x Gold '81 Delorean Hot Wheels Cars
    2 x Black '81 Delorean Hot Wheels Cars
    1 x Silver '81 Delorean Hot Wheels Car
    17 x BTTF Trading Cards
    and 1 x Rare BTTF Record containing the Back To The Future Overture and Johnny B Goode.

    In The Mail;
    BTTF Part 1 1:15 Scale Model Delorean
    BTTF Part 3 Railroad 1:15 Scale Model Delorean
    BTTF Trilogy on VHS

    What I Need;
    BTTF Part 3 Railroad 1:24 Scale Model Delorean
    More Trading Cards
    More accurate Marty McFly 2015 shoes
    and whatever else I can get my hands on :)

    And I have close up shots of all the Items I have aswell if anyone is interested at all.

    They are holding a second Supanova convention this year and Christopher Lloyd will be attending so I plan to get him to sign one of my 1:15 scale model deloreans. Probably the Part II one.

    Also I am currently looking into getting a Delorean of my own. I do live in Australia and i'm only 19 years old but I have the cash and i'm readyt to buy one! The way the US dollar is at the moment now is probably the best time for me to get one. Plan to get a cheapy and do it up, that'll be a nice fun project then once the deloreans upto scratch start putting time machine parts on it.

    and yes I am aware I'm not very good at getting photos taken of me :P

    oh and as to how many times I have seen the movie, well it's gotten to an uncountable level.

    damn son!
  • edited May 2011
    It just shows how timeless and classic these films are that a 19 year old who wasn't around when the movies were first released and hyped up can be such a huge fan.
  • edited May 2011
    It just shows how timeless and classic these films are that a 19 year old who wasn't around when the movies were first released and hyped up can be such a huge fan.

    Amazing, isn't it? :cool:
  • edited May 2011
    It just shows how timeless and classic these films are that a 19 year old who wasn't around when the movies were first released and hyped up can be such a huge fan.

    I'm evidence of that! :D
  • edited May 2011
    It just shows how timeless and classic these films are that a 19 year old who wasn't around when the movies were first released and hyped up can be such a huge fan.

    I know! My friends kids love it, it's really cool.

    I was 11 when the first movie came out, and I remember seeing it in the movie theater and how all of the adults got a big laugh out of the 50s scenes, because that's when they grew up.

    I saw it in the movie theater during re-release last year, and most of the audience was about my age, and we were all laughing at the 80s stuff - since that's when we grew up. It hadn't occurred to me until then how long it's been since it was first released. :eek:
  • edited May 2011
    I am. I have Doc's face tattoo'd on my right buttock, and a flux capacitor on the left buttock, and in the front....oh wait you don't want to know.
  • edited May 2011
    JenM512 wrote: »
    I know! My friends kids love it, it's really cool.

    I was 11 when the first movie came out, and I remember seeing it in the movie theater and how all of the adults got a big laugh out of the 50s scenes, because that's when they grew up.

    I saw it in the movie theater during re-release last year, and most of the audience was about my age, and we were all laughing at the 80s stuff - since that's when we grew up. It hadn't occurred to me until then how long it's been since it was first released. :eek:

    Thats interesting. Thats why they should make a modern day sequel that takes place in the present.

    I wouldn't put it past Universal to start a new BTTF trilogy in 2015.
  • edited May 2011
    I am. I have Doc's face tattoo'd on my right buttock, and a flux capacitor on the left buttock.

    I hope your tattoo has this degree of detail otherwise I'll be disappointed.

  • edited May 2011
    I hope your tattoo has this degree of detail otherwise I'll be disappointed.


    Nice details. But somehow he doesn't look very doc like. I mean, obviously it's him, but still..
  • edited May 2011
    a modernday bttf trilogy would be cool, as long as they don't jeapardize the original trilogy
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