Did anyone took a peak at the statues on the clock tower at the end of episode 4?? Those are Einstein statues, just like the ones in the strange 1986 setting from episode 3. Is this a mistake? Or did Einstein travel to a place where he kicked the dragon's out that should be at the clock tower. Especially in 1931!!!???
Did anyone took a peak at the statues on the clock tower at the end of episode 4?? Those are Einstein statues, just like the ones in the strange 1986 setting from episode 3. Is this a mistake? Or did Einstein travel to a place where he kicked the dragon's out that should be at the clock tower. Especially in 1931!!!???
WOW!!! You are right!!! I completely pass through it without noticing it! I think that´s a mayor mistake!!
can some1 tell me how to do the puzzle in episode 4 -
to convince edna that the Doc is a hooligan!!!!!!!!
You just have to pass the photo slides on the machine, when the picture of someone who should be good appears you have to get the oppose reaction from Emett throw the stimulation of the various machines and gadgets you have. Example: When edna appears that should have a red lighting, bad reaction, so you pump the bacteria gas. Then you pass the next slide and change the reaction so you get what you want. When you do all of them right you have the perfect card, which is demential not hooligan.
I completed it about an hour ago, in my opinion it was the best episode so far.. most of the puzzles was way too easy but the one in Young Doc's lab was quite tricky. I actually felt bad for Emmett at the expo .
I can't believe that Doc and Marty went seperate ways, and i really wonder how it's going to end :eek:
Just finished the episode. I didn't think it was THAT bad, but it definetly wasn't up to par with the other episode. It seems that Citizen Brown is getting second thoughts about changing the timeline. Hated to see the episode end. We don't have a month for episode 5!:(
I completed it about an hour ago, in my opinion it was the best episode so far.. most of the puzzles was way too easy but the one in Young Doc's lab was quite tricky. I actually felt bad for Emmett at the expo .
I can't believe that Doc and Marty went seperate ways, and i really wonder how it's going to end :eek:
True! that´s the best part of this episode, which I think was great in the human relationships of the characters! who would have thought that Doc and Marty could go separate ways! that it´s a never before for the BTTF storyline... that little dark twist gets me worry and interested for the next chapter. Great choices Telltale is making in the storyline department.
Did anyone took a peak at the statues on the clock tower at the end of episode 4?? Those are Einstein statues, just like the ones in the strange 1986 setting from episode 3. Is this a mistake? Or did Einstein travel to a place where he kicked the dragon's out that should be at the clock tower. Especially in 1931!!!???
I'm pretty sure that was Young Emmit's idea... Either that or Marty's. Remember how Edna was trying to raise money to put something up there?
It's been a while since I played the other three games... (like a week. lol)
Did anyone took a peak at the statues on the clock tower at the end of episode 4?? Those are Einstein statues, just like the ones in the strange 1986 setting from episode 3. Is this a mistake? Or did Einstein travel to a place where he kicked the dragon's out that should be at the clock tower. Especially in 1931!!!???
Einstein's adventures back in episode 2 had some unintended consequences.
Einstein's adventures back in episode 2 had some unintended consequences.
Well... I don´t think so. Sounds a little far fetched. Especially since Edna hates Einstein so much, the Einstein statues won´t have to appear so early in the time line. For young Emmet or Edna to change the statues in the courthouse they should have so much more power in politics and in episode 4 they are just aiming for the science contest in the school.
The only person with power to change those statues could be Emmet´s father and... well, after what is happening to his son with science... why will he???
The episode 4 is great but those Einstein statues at the courthouse should´t exist. I even think they got lazy and didn´t create new graphic design for the scene.
Once again, I seem at odds with a majority of reviews in here. Because I thought this was the best episode of the bunch so far.
The Pros:
-Probably has the most and best puzzles of the series so far. While most of them weren't difficult, I at least didn't solve any by accident. Much like in any good TT game, I would often have to stop and plan out a solution which is a lot more fulfilling.
-The pacing between the story and puzzles is much better. It still follows the "3 puzzles" formula, but takes better care to drop parts of the story in between the puzzle solving so that the game doesn't feel like one big interactive cut-scene ala "Citizen Brown."
-The story. Holy heck, the story. This is what I was waiting for. The episode where Telltale takes BTTF in completely new and unexpected directions. And what new directions do we have here? We have:
Marty and Doc escaping from a government facility, Marty trying to split people up instead of get them together, and the Doc himself being set up as the villain.
This is the one true chapter that completely separates itself from the movies.
-On top of that, this story actually makes me feel really bad about changing the time-stream. All these people I'm hurting... I feel for Arty, I feel for Emmett, I feel for Trixie, I feel for Doc, I feel for even Edna. This is a very involving chapter! After all these years as an adventure gamer, I'm finally playing an adventure game where I'm feeling the consequences for my mischief.
The Cons:
-Biggest gripe is, once again - it does feel like half an episode. But that's the BTTF games for you.
-I like the idea behind the slide-show puzzle, but it seems like a puzzle where there should be more strategy than just "keep electrocuting Doc and stinking up the place until the light changes." It would more interesting if Marty had to perform specific actions to counteract the effects of things around the lab.
-The Delorean puzzle is also an awesome idea, but it seems off to solve the same puzzle twice in the same way (and the second time involving me leaving the scene and coming back.)
Otherwise, out of all the BTTF games, this one is my favorite so far.
Well... I don´t think so. Sounds a little far fetched. Especially since Edna hates Einstein so much, the Einstein statues won´t have to appear so early in the time line. For young Emmet or Edna to change the statues in the courthouse they should have so much more power in politics and in episode 4 they are just aiming for the science contest in the school.
The only person with power to change those statues could be Emmet´s father and... well, after what is happening to his son with science... why will he???
The episode 4 is great but those Einstein statues at the courthouse should´t exist. I even think they got lazy and didn´t create new graphic design for the scene.
It was pretty subtle, but we intentionally set that up in episode 2. One of Edna's projects then was raising funds to add some statuary to the clock tower. I don't remember now if there's even a line for it, it might just be printed on a pamphlet or something. Anyways, seeing Einstein up on the roof inspired her to choose him as the model instead of the jaguars or whatever that we know from the original timeline. As for why she would choose something she hates, have you ever seen the gargoyles on a cathedral? They're all demons and monsters, which I doubt were the sculptors' favorite creatures.
By all means feel free to question our reasoning, but at least rest assured that it was completely intentional in episodes 3 and 4.
Once again, I seem at odds with a majority of reviews in here. Because I thought this was the best episode of the bunch so far.
The Pros:
-Probably has the most and best puzzles of the series so far. While most of them weren't difficult, I at least didn't solve any by accident. Much like in any good TT game, I would often have to stop and plan out a solution which is a lot more fulfilling.
-The pacing between the story and puzzles is much better. It still follows the "3 puzzles" formula, but takes better care to drop parts of the story in between the puzzle solving so that the game doesn't feel like one big interactive cut-scene ala "Citizen Brown."
-The story. Holy heck, the story. This is what I was waiting for. The episode where Telltale takes BTTF in completely new and unexpected directions. And what new directions do we have here? We have:
Marty and Doc escaping from a government facility, Marty trying to split people up instead of get them together, and the Doc himself being set up as the villain.
This is the one true chapter that completely separates itself from the movies.
-On top of that, this story actually makes me feel really bad about changing the time-stream. All these people I'm hurting... I feel for Arty, I feel for Emmett, I feel for Trixie, I feel for Doc, I feel for even Edna. This is a very involving chapter! After all these years as an adventure gamer, I'm finally playing an adventure game where I'm feeling the consequences for my mischief.
The Cons:
-Biggest gripe is, once again - it does feel like half an episode. But that's the BTTF games for you.
-I like the idea behind the slide-show puzzle, but it seems like a puzzle where there should be more strategy than just "keep electrocuting Doc and stinking up the place until the light changes." It would more interesting if Marty had to perform specific actions to counteract the effects of things around the lab.
-The Delorean puzzle is also an awesome idea, but it seems off to solve the same puzzle twice in the same way (and the second time involving me leaving the scene and coming back.)
Otherwise, out of all the BTTF games, this one is my favorite so far.
Not enough Jennifer. Felt like it could have gone on for longer. I don't understand why Citizen Brown still existed after Doc + Edna's relationship was destroyed.
What I liked a lot: THe Puzzles were fun, probably more well designed than past episodes. Obviously the relationship between Alternate Doc and Marty is only a few days and his relationship with Edna was going on for like 40-50 years. So its interesting to see how the time stream TRULY affected their relationship...the ending seemed really dark though. Hopefully Episode 5 will be a cliffhanger that says: "This was a very successful series, we will be starting another BTTF series later this year!!"
It was pretty subtle, but we intentionally set that up in episode 2. One of Edna's projects then was raising funds to add some statuary to the clock tower. I don't remember now if there's even a line for it, it might just be printed on a pamphlet or something. Anyways, seeing Einstein up on the roof inspired her to choose him as the model instead of the jaguars or whatever that we know from the original timeline. As for why she would choose something she hates, have you ever seen the gargoyles on a cathedral? They're all demons and monsters, which I doubt were the sculptors' favorite creatures.
By all means feel free to question our reasoning, but at least rest assured that it was completely intentional in episodes 3 and 4.
One thing of note that would have been very compelling...is if a few things in 1931 "just didn't seem right" as in, when Citizen Brown was "testing" the time machine, he was actually traveling to specific time periods prior to 1931 to alter history prior to the events that took place in the beginning of the series.
It was pretty subtle, but we intentionally set that up in episode 2. One of Edna's projects then was raising funds to add some statuary to the clock tower. I don't remember now if there's even a line for it, it might just be printed on a pamphlet or something. Anyways, seeing Einstein up on the roof inspired her to choose him as the model instead of the jaguars or whatever that we know from the original timeline. As for why she would choose something she hates, have you ever seen the gargoyles on a cathedral? They're all demons and monsters, which I doubt were the sculptors' favorite creatures.
By all means feel free to question our reasoning, but at least rest assured that it was completely intentional in episodes 3 and 4.
While I knew the statues were not something as simple as, "game designers being lazy and not creating new graphics", it still seems a little far-fetched. Gargoyles may not be a sculptor's favorite creature, but I doubt most of them had a personal vendetta against them, like Edna did with Einstein. The sculpture's depictions looked like they were honoring Einstein, and the first thought that went through my mind playing episode 3 was "Why do they have dog statues in a place where they outlaw dogs?". They really seemed out of place to me. If the statue's depictions demonized Einstein someway, maybe him snarling with a pose ready to attack, huge teeth/fangs, something that would put dogs in the worst kind of light, I dunno, it would have made a lot more sense. Or maybe in a future version, just replace them with Sam statues instead. (j/k)
I thought it was a lot better then Episode 3 (I thought it stunk). The graphics were a lot greater, the story left me wanting for more by the end and it contained a lot of "cool" artwork.
You know which one I mean >_> <_<...
I also like the tie-in from Episode 3, picked up right where it left off in a really cool sequence filled with coolness. I however like always found the puzzles to easy and the game short, which isn't fun at all. Hopefully by the end Telltale will stop recycling old areas, characters, and make the finale nice and long and hard. But not to hard...
I offically give the game a:
Better then last which I secretly gave a 5/10.
While I knew the statues were not something as simple as, "game designers being lazy and not creating new graphics", it still seems a little far-fetched. Gargoyles may not be a sculptor's favorite creature, but I doubt most of them had a personal vendetta against them, like Edna did with Einstein. The sculpture's depictions looked like they were honoring Einstein, and the first thought that went through my mind playing episode 3 was "Why do they have dog statues in a place where they outlaw dogs?". They really seemed out of place to me. If the statue's depictions demonized Einstein someway, maybe him snarling with a pose ready to attack, huge teeth/fangs, something that would put dogs in the worst kind of light, I dunno, it would have made a lot more sense. Or maybe in a future version, just replace them with Sam statues instead. (j/k)
There's something going on with Einstein. There's more to it that I'm sure we'll find out about in the last episode. We don't know where he went or what he's been doing all that time in 1931. Even young Doc mentions his mysterious disappearance. We don't even know how he got Edna's shoe and jumped back in the Delorean to go back to 1986 in the first place. I'm betting that in the 5th episode we'll go back even further in time, likely to the night of the speakeasy fire, and we'll get explanations for Einstein, the statues, the shoe, and the arson - and maybe cause an event that will keep all of this mess from ever happening.
As for the episode, I admit that after finishing it I sat back and thought "wait, that's it?" But after thinking about it for a few minutes, I really like it. Sure, it's short and mostly set-up for episode five, but that's true of most second-to-last act games, shows, films etc. I love the direction that they took it in.
Even in the films, there were often times when I'd wonder whether the changes that Marty inflicted on the timeline were always for the best. When you think about it, he's actually been really selfish. Sure, he's done things that improved his own life but he never stopped to think that he might be making someone else's future worse at the same time (like Biff's, or someone even less deserving). To have a character actually realize this and call him out on it - and to have that character be a version of Doc, of all people - is really, really cool. Citizen Brown actually has a point and you can't blame him for being unable or unwilling to see Marty's side of it. This series seems intent on really pushing the relationship between Marty and Doc, and that's really the essence of BttF right there.
Just finished this episode too. And well uhhm it was good by itself.
But the endpart was indeed a bit dark. Tho i liked the fact it was similar to the original BTTF1 movie.
I cant really decide or tell right now if i like this storyline so far, i guess it depends whether the storyline of the final outtatime episode will be good or not.
There's something going on with Einstein. There's more to it that I'm sure we'll find out about in the last episode. We don't know where he went or what he's been doing all that time in 1931. Even young Doc mentions his mysterious disappearance. We don't even know how he got Edna's shoe and jumped back in the Delorean to go back to 1986 in the first place. I'm betting that in the 5th episode we'll go back even further in time, likely to the night of the speakeasy fire, and we'll get explanations for Einstein, the statues, the shoe, and the arson - and maybe cause an event that will keep all of this mess from ever happening.
As for the episode, I admit that after finishing it I sat back and thought "wait, that's it?" But after thinking about it for a few minutes, I really like it. Sure, it's short and mostly set-up for episode five, but that's true of most second-to-last act games, shows, films etc. I love the direction that they took it in.
Even in the films, there were often times when I'd wonder whether the changes that Marty inflicted on the timeline were always for the best. When you think about it, he's actually been really selfish. Sure, he's done things that improved his own life but he never stopped to think that he might be making someone else's future worse at the same time (like Biff's, or someone even less deserving). To have a character actually realize this and call him out on it - and to have that character be a version of Doc, of all people - is really, really cool. Citizen Brown actually has a point and you can't blame him for being unable or unwilling to see Marty's side of it. This series seems intent on really pushing the relationship between Marty and Doc, and that's really the essence of BttF right there.
I can't wait to see how it plays out.
I think in the end Einstein will finally speak and say(something I've suspected for a long time): Marty; Im your dad! Join me on the Dark Side. Together we'll rule the universe. This has always been my worries about Einstein and today as he is gone I believe this is the very truth. He has turned to the dark side.
Well I just finished Double Visions. It wasn't that bad. The puzzle where you had to change doc's attitude for that test was interesting. Took me like three hours to beat. I had to to use the hint system like 2 or 3 times. I just hope they aren't going to do something similar to TOMI and have Edna be the Major Antagonist to the series. I'll be curious how they end this series.
...how would that be similar to TOMI? I can't wrap my head around that.
In TOMI Guybrush thought there was a chance Human LeChuck could reform himself and be a good guy. (In like ep4)
In this last ep of BTTF at the end C.Brown thinks there's chance Edna can not be so controlling and dictating if he doesn't expose her to science.
I thought it was similar cause in both cases the potential Villain is given a chance to redeem themselves, but maybe Edna's story will be different than LeChuck's. We'll have to see.
It was not my favorite one. I was disappointed the fact there was no proper Doc from the original timeline. Would of wanted him back by now. Puzzles were a bit more difficult in this one than Citizen Brown but still very easy. I'm just annoyed that we have to go to 1931 AGAIN. It's starting to get repetitive now! When I got this game, I was hoping that Marty and Doc would be traveling to different timelines in every episode. Alright, I thought "Get Tannen!" would of been an exception and I loved the new alternate 1986. Wouldn't of minded staying there longer. I just hope that the artwork for OUTATIME really does mean we get to see 1955 again. That would be awesome. So in the end this is my third favorite episode, beating "Get Tannen!"
one thing I didn't got from this episode, is what happened to the Delorean at the beggining? because I was pretty sure it was in a very bad state when it falled outside HillValley in episode 3, and IIRC , Edna captured Doc and Marty before they could fix it, now, how in this episode Doc go 6 months in past and uses the time to fix it?
Well, let's get the big issue out of the way. So far BttF's biggest point of controversy around here have been the puzzles (or lack thereof). So I'm pleased to say that...I liked the puzzles. I really did. They were on the easy side, yes, but after three full episodes I've sort of come to expect that. All the puzzles were more complex than "Let's drop some dialogue telling you exactly what to do", and that's good enough for me. I wasn't a fan of the whole Mind Meter bit, though. It went on way longer than it needed to be, and since the slide switch was so small I had to go through several painful rounds of "Hunt the pixel." But hey, it's genuine difficulty, so I can't complain.
Anyway, plot. In this respect BttF has just been getting better and better. The Back to the Future franchise has never really tried being serious, if you know what I mean. At its core, they're fun little movies about a teenager getting into wacky time travel shenanigans. If you were to treat them seriously, though, they're not so happy. The idea that somebody can go through time and irrevocably change your life is pretty scary, and that's just what Marty does. Oh, sure, the only ones who Marty makes suffer are Tannens, but they're still getting royally screwed over by forces beyond their control. It was neat how this episode sort of subverted the whole premise behind BttF while still managing to stay respectful to the franchise. Marty's actions in the past are visibly making things worse for everyone, and he's being called out on it. We're also seeing real tension between Doc and Marty, which is particularly dramatic since they've always been seen as the absolute best of friends.
Anyway, it looks like Telltale's "the fourth episode is the best" rule has come into play again. I'm absolutely stoked for the finale.
Oh, one last thing. I noticed that both Biff and Kid appeared in this episode yet neither of them had any lines at all. Did Kid Beyond get a sore throat?
one thing I didn't got from this episode, is what happened to the Delorean at the beggining? because I was pretty sure it was in a very bad state when it falled outside HillValley in episode 3, and IIRC , Edna captured Doc and Marty before they could fix it, now, how in this episode Doc go 6 months in past and uses the time to fix it?
Doc took the DeLorean to his lab and spent six months fixing it. Then, once he was finished, he went back in time to when he left.
I kinda liked this one, personal opinion I think 3 is the best out of all of them so far. Off topic my little sister who's 9 years old was watching and took a liking to the game. I decided it was time to show her the movie and she loves it because it reminds her of Chrono Trigger.
one thing I didn't got from this episode, is what happened to the Delorean at the beggining? because I was pretty sure it was in a very bad state when it falled outside HillValley in episode 3, and IIRC , Edna captured Doc and Marty before they could fix it, now, how in this episode Doc go 6 months in past and uses the time to fix it?
No he took six months to fix it, then traveled back in time six months.
Around 2 hours play time. Story is getting fantastic. Gameplay is still too short. Puzzles fairly easy as usual. I was glad that they gave Biff appearances a rest this time around. He was only in one scene and didn't even have any lines. I'm tired of Biff, personally. It's nice to get away from that. I was expecting a skateboard puzzle sequence, but didn't get any. Who knows. Maybe in the next episode.
I was hoping that towards the end the whole storm brewing thing was going to reflect back to the introduction of the first episode where time is....paradoxing as Doc gives up everything. I thought that might be the continuation right there. I'm still waiting to see how that introduction is going to play out in the last episode, though. If it does....it'd be a shame if it didn't have EVERYTHING to do with the whole story. Doc and Marty have screwed up time so much by travelling back and forth multiple times over and changing history that something was bound to cause a paradox and screw up time. That's what I'm hoping will be reflected in the last episode as was the intro sequence in the first. If it turns out to be just a nightmare that has no relation to the outcome of the story I'm going to be really really upset.
I was glad that they gave Biff appearances a rest this time around. He was only in one scene and didn't even have any lines. I'm tired of Biff, personally.
That was something else I really liked. This is the only episode so far where Biff doesn't become the center of conflict. He's there for one puzzle and that's it.
Also, who at Telltale thought that Manitoba had trees and moose? It's a completely flat prairie land with no trees for miles! lol I should know, I live there.
You silly Americans....
Still trying to figure out why the title 'Double Visions' is appropriate. I thought we were going to somehow see 2 1986 Doc Browns or something...
Like Edna strickland, she's related to Gerald Strickland, Marty's vice principle... i knew i had heard that strickland name somewhere b4 but i actually had to look at all 3 movies again to put 2 and 2 together lol but yeah it was great!!! can't wait till part 5...
And also, Marty has been told back in 1885 from BTTF3 that his actions are his own and alot of times he lets his actions get him in trouble, so yeah he's definitely been selfish from benefiting himself from the timeline, almost becoming rich by buying that almanac in 2015, etc... so now he's getting a dose of reality i believe...
I finished playing the game just a little while ago, and all in all, it's an okay episode. Not the best, not the worst.
I agree with some people on here that the storyline involving Doc and Edna's relationship was for the most part dull and tedious. I could have done without it, but since it played such an important part in the 3rd episode, I don't see how they could have gotten away with leaving it out.
It really kind of makes my heart ache to see Doc wish for a life with Edna when we as the audience know how things are supposed to end up... In this same vein, it was very hard to watch Doc and Marty argue like how they do in this. It's sad, but it's also realistic. The ending, with Doc betraying Marty, shocked me, because never in my life would I ever have expected Doc (in any timeline, good or bad) to turn into a villain. Here's hoping we get the Doc we all know and love back soon.
Once again, I seem at odds with a majority of reviews in here. Because I thought this was the best episode of the bunch so far.
The Pros:
-Probably has the most and best puzzles of the series so far. While most of them weren't difficult, I at least didn't solve any by accident. Much like in any good TT game, I would often have to stop and plan out a solution which is a lot more fulfilling.
-The pacing between the story and puzzles is much better. It still follows the "3 puzzles" formula, but takes better care to drop parts of the story in between the puzzle solving so that the game doesn't feel like one big interactive cut-scene ala "Citizen Brown."
-The story. Holy heck, the story. This is what I was waiting for. The episode where Telltale takes BTTF in completely new and unexpected directions. And what new directions do we have here? We have:
Marty and Doc escaping from a government facility, Marty trying to split people up instead of get them together, and the Doc himself being set up as the villain.
This is the one true chapter that completely separates itself from the movies.
-On top of that, this story actually makes me feel really bad about changing the time-stream. All these people I'm hurting... I feel for Arty, I feel for Emmett, I feel for Trixie, I feel for Doc, I feel for even Edna. This is a very involving chapter! After all these years as an adventure gamer, I'm finally playing an adventure game where I'm feeling the consequences for my mischief.
The Cons:
-Biggest gripe is, once again - it does feel like half an episode. But that's the BTTF games for you.
-I like the idea behind the slide-show puzzle, but it seems like a puzzle where there should be more strategy than just "keep electrocuting Doc and stinking up the place until the light changes." It would more interesting if Marty had to perform specific actions to counteract the effects of things around the lab.
-The Delorean puzzle is also an awesome idea, but it seems off to solve the same puzzle twice in the same way (and the second time involving me leaving the scene and coming back.)
Otherwise, out of all the BTTF games, this one is my favorite so far.
I have to agree with you. Particularly when it came to the story.
Although I mildly disagree about the puzzles themselves, but I've always thought the puzzles here are a little harder than everyone else has. Probably because I'm just not as good at solving puzzles as, well, seemingly everyone else. It took me a LONG time to figure out how to get the diamond and when I did figure it out it felt like something hard to think up.
But...maybe that's just me and puzzles in general. If it weren't for walkthroughs I'd have never made it through any of the Sam and Max games, for instance.
Yeah, it is kind of sad how Edna eventually will turn out in Marty's timeline, but I agree with him: Everything else is wrong. It's not how it's supposed to be.
But to FCB, it IS how it's supposed to be. If you were devoted to the same woman for fifty years, even if you weren't always happy, it would be hard to accept that she turns out miserable in the timeline you're about to create. As far as FCB is concerned, who is Marty to just assume that his timeline is the "correct" one?
Yes, that's a perfect point. This is something that bothers me about all sorts of time travel stories and alternate universe stories far beyond just this one: the notion that only one version of our character is the "real" one and any other is fake and wrong and shouldn't even be considered a person.
There are just so many things wrong with that...there is nothing about Citizen Brown that is any less real than the Doc we came to know and love over the course of the three movies. He's just as legitimately real a person. For that matter, so is Edna, no matter how crazy she was getting to be. I kinda hope the story does end in a third way scenario, not in the sense that Citizen Brown was hoping for directly, but more in that, everything ends up back the way they should be for Marty and Doc and the gang, but Edna doesn't end up all hopelessly alone and lonely in her old age, that something changes her future so she ends up happier too.
But we'll see if that happens in the last episode...
ya the ending did the impossible for me and I am sure several others: Make me feel sorry for Edna. She has a nice side as an old mean cat lady in the original timeline and in the 30s comes off as generally a good person who is just a bit stuck up in the first two episodes. Then we see how twisted she becomes in the alternate 1986 and then we see how manipulative she really is in this episode. But that ending brought it all back. She clearly needs Doc way more than Doc needs her and think that is what FCB is struggling with ultimately.
Best episode definitely but found parts of the beginning uneven storywise. FCB takes to the Delorean WAY too easily. He really shouldn't know much more than Marty when it comes to the time machine bar the flux capacitor. Although I found the part where FCB and Marty get ready to go back to the 30s to be a really funny scene just of the absurdity of FCB and Edna going at it. She tries to act tough but really she knows she is screwed when there is a time machine involved.
But the most powerful moment besides the betrayal for me was how getting Edna to dump Emmett came all together...........God that was brutal. Got to feel sorry for young Emmett, from his point of view Marty just comes in once in a while to mess with his life.
Actually, here's a question...what was the point to the algae cakes? I was actually confused by their turning teeth green into thinking for awhile that that was how you were supposed to turn the chronometric indicator green.
I finished playing the game just a little while ago, and all in all, it's an okay episode. Not the best, not the worst.
I agree with some people on here that the storyline involving Doc and Edna's relationship was for the most part dull and tedious. I could have done without it, but since it played such an important part in the 3rd episode, I don't see how they could have gotten away with leaving it out.
It really kind of makes my heart ache to see Doc wish for a life with Edna when we as the audience know how things are supposed to end up... In this same vein, it was very hard to watch Doc and Marty argue like how they do in this. It's sad, but it's also realistic. The ending, with Doc betraying Marty, shocked me, because never in my life would I ever have expected Doc (in any timeline, good or bad) to turn into a villain. Here's hoping we get the Doc we all know and love back soon.
Think of it this way. The CTB Doc knew Marty for a little over a day or so. He was married to Edna for 40-50 years...the triology never happened and Doc had no loyalty to Marty because he was/is PRACTICALLY a stranger...
to convince edna that the Doc is a hooligan!!!!!!!!
I can't believe that Doc and Marty went seperate ways, and i really wonder how it's going to end :eek:
I'm pretty sure that was Young Emmit's idea... Either that or Marty's. Remember how Edna was trying to raise money to put something up there?
It's been a while since I played the other three games... (like a week. lol)
Einstein's adventures back in episode 2 had some unintended consequences.
The only person with power to change those statues could be Emmet´s father and... well, after what is happening to his son with science... why will he???
The episode 4 is great but those Einstein statues at the courthouse should´t exist. I even think they got lazy and didn´t create new graphic design for the scene.
The Pros:
-Probably has the most and best puzzles of the series so far. While most of them weren't difficult, I at least didn't solve any by accident. Much like in any good TT game, I would often have to stop and plan out a solution which is a lot more fulfilling.
-The pacing between the story and puzzles is much better. It still follows the "3 puzzles" formula, but takes better care to drop parts of the story in between the puzzle solving so that the game doesn't feel like one big interactive cut-scene ala "Citizen Brown."
-The story. Holy heck, the story. This is what I was waiting for. The episode where Telltale takes BTTF in completely new and unexpected directions. And what new directions do we have here? We have:
-On top of that, this story actually makes me feel really bad about changing the time-stream. All these people I'm hurting... I feel for Arty, I feel for Emmett, I feel for Trixie, I feel for Doc, I feel for even Edna. This is a very involving chapter! After all these years as an adventure gamer, I'm finally playing an adventure game where I'm feeling the consequences for my mischief.
The Cons:
-Biggest gripe is, once again - it does feel like half an episode. But that's the BTTF games for you.
-I like the idea behind the slide-show puzzle, but it seems like a puzzle where there should be more strategy than just "keep electrocuting Doc and stinking up the place until the light changes." It would more interesting if Marty had to perform specific actions to counteract the effects of things around the lab.
-The Delorean puzzle is also an awesome idea, but it seems off to solve the same puzzle twice in the same way (and the second time involving me leaving the scene and coming back.)
Otherwise, out of all the BTTF games, this one is my favorite so far.
It was pretty subtle, but we intentionally set that up in episode 2. One of Edna's projects then was raising funds to add some statuary to the clock tower. I don't remember now if there's even a line for it, it might just be printed on a pamphlet or something. Anyways, seeing Einstein up on the roof inspired her to choose him as the model instead of the jaguars or whatever that we know from the original timeline. As for why she would choose something she hates, have you ever seen the gargoyles on a cathedral? They're all demons and monsters, which I doubt were the sculptors' favorite creatures.
By all means feel free to question our reasoning, but at least rest assured that it was completely intentional in episodes 3 and 4.
This is my favourite aswell, so we are atleast 2
What I liked a lot: THe Puzzles were fun, probably more well designed than past episodes. Obviously the relationship between Alternate Doc and Marty is only a few days and his relationship with Edna was going on for like 40-50 years. So its interesting to see how the time stream TRULY affected their relationship...the ending seemed really dark though. Hopefully Episode 5 will be a cliffhanger that says: "This was a very successful series, we will be starting another BTTF series later this year!!"
One thing of note that would have been very compelling...is if a few things in 1931 "just didn't seem right" as in, when Citizen Brown was "testing" the time machine, he was actually traveling to specific time periods prior to 1931 to alter history prior to the events that took place in the beginning of the series.
While I knew the statues were not something as simple as, "game designers being lazy and not creating new graphics", it still seems a little far-fetched. Gargoyles may not be a sculptor's favorite creature, but I doubt most of them had a personal vendetta against them, like Edna did with Einstein. The sculpture's depictions looked like they were honoring Einstein, and the first thought that went through my mind playing episode 3 was "Why do they have dog statues in a place where they outlaw dogs?". They really seemed out of place to me. If the statue's depictions demonized Einstein someway, maybe him snarling with a pose ready to attack, huge teeth/fangs, something that would put dogs in the worst kind of light, I dunno, it would have made a lot more sense. Or maybe in a future version, just replace them with Sam statues instead.
You know which one I mean >_> <_<...
I also like the tie-in from Episode 3, picked up right where it left off in a really cool sequence filled with coolness. I however like always found the puzzles to easy and the game short, which isn't fun at all. Hopefully by the end Telltale will stop recycling old areas, characters, and make the finale nice and long and hard. But not to hard...
I offically give the game a:
Better then last which I secretly gave a 5/10.
There's something going on with Einstein. There's more to it that I'm sure we'll find out about in the last episode. We don't know where he went or what he's been doing all that time in 1931. Even young Doc mentions his mysterious disappearance. We don't even know how he got Edna's shoe and jumped back in the Delorean to go back to 1986 in the first place. I'm betting that in the 5th episode we'll go back even further in time, likely to the night of the speakeasy fire, and we'll get explanations for Einstein, the statues, the shoe, and the arson - and maybe cause an event that will keep all of this mess from ever happening.
As for the episode, I admit that after finishing it I sat back and thought "wait, that's it?" But after thinking about it for a few minutes, I really like it. Sure, it's short and mostly set-up for episode five, but that's true of most second-to-last act games, shows, films etc. I love the direction that they took it in.
But the endpart was indeed a bit dark. Tho i liked the fact it was similar to the original BTTF1 movie.
I cant really decide or tell right now if i like this storyline so far, i guess it depends whether the storyline of the final outtatime episode will be good or not.
I think in the end Einstein will finally speak and say(something I've suspected for a long time): Marty; Im your dad! Join me on the Dark Side. Together we'll rule the universe. This has always been my worries about Einstein and today as he is gone I believe this is the very truth. He has turned to the dark side.
In this last ep of BTTF at the end C.Brown thinks there's chance Edna can not be so controlling and dictating if he doesn't expose her to science.
I thought it was similar cause in both cases the potential Villain is given a chance to redeem themselves, but maybe Edna's story will be different than LeChuck's. We'll have to see.
Well, let's get the big issue out of the way. So far BttF's biggest point of controversy around here have been the puzzles (or lack thereof). So I'm pleased to say that...I liked the puzzles. I really did. They were on the easy side, yes, but after three full episodes I've sort of come to expect that. All the puzzles were more complex than "Let's drop some dialogue telling you exactly what to do", and that's good enough for me. I wasn't a fan of the whole Mind Meter bit, though. It went on way longer than it needed to be, and since the slide switch was so small I had to go through several painful rounds of "Hunt the pixel." But hey, it's genuine difficulty, so I can't complain.
Anyway, plot. In this respect BttF has just been getting better and better. The Back to the Future franchise has never really tried being serious, if you know what I mean. At its core, they're fun little movies about a teenager getting into wacky time travel shenanigans. If you were to treat them seriously, though, they're not so happy. The idea that somebody can go through time and irrevocably change your life is pretty scary, and that's just what Marty does. Oh, sure, the only ones who Marty makes suffer are Tannens, but they're still getting royally screwed over by forces beyond their control. It was neat how this episode sort of subverted the whole premise behind BttF while still managing to stay respectful to the franchise. Marty's actions in the past are visibly making things worse for everyone, and he's being called out on it. We're also seeing real tension between Doc and Marty, which is particularly dramatic since they've always been seen as the absolute best of friends.
Anyway, it looks like Telltale's "the fourth episode is the best" rule has come into play again. I'm absolutely stoked for the finale.
Oh, one last thing. I noticed that both Biff and Kid appeared in this episode yet neither of them had any lines at all. Did Kid Beyond get a sore throat?
Doc took the DeLorean to his lab and spent six months fixing it. Then, once he was finished, he went back in time to when he left.
No he took six months to fix it, then traveled back in time six months.
I was hoping that towards the end the whole storm brewing thing was going to reflect back to the introduction of the first episode where time is....paradoxing as Doc gives up everything. I thought that might be the continuation right there. I'm still waiting to see how that introduction is going to play out in the last episode, though. If it does....it'd be a shame if it didn't have EVERYTHING to do with the whole story. Doc and Marty have screwed up time so much by travelling back and forth multiple times over and changing history that something was bound to cause a paradox and screw up time. That's what I'm hoping will be reflected in the last episode as was the intro sequence in the first. If it turns out to be just a nightmare that has no relation to the outcome of the story I'm going to be really really upset.
That was something else I really liked. This is the only episode so far where Biff doesn't become the center of conflict. He's there for one puzzle and that's it.
You silly Americans....
Still trying to figure out why the title 'Double Visions' is appropriate. I thought we were going to somehow see 2 1986 Doc Browns or something...
And also, Marty has been told back in 1885 from BTTF3 that his actions are his own and alot of times he lets his actions get him in trouble, so yeah he's definitely been selfish from benefiting himself from the timeline, almost becoming rich by buying that almanac in 2015, etc... so now he's getting a dose of reality i believe...
I agree with some people on here that the storyline involving Doc and Edna's relationship was for the most part dull and tedious. I could have done without it, but since it played such an important part in the 3rd episode, I don't see how they could have gotten away with leaving it out.
It really kind of makes my heart ache to see Doc wish for a life with Edna when we as the audience know how things are supposed to end up... In this same vein, it was very hard to watch Doc and Marty argue like how they do in this. It's sad, but it's also realistic. The ending, with Doc betraying Marty, shocked me, because never in my life would I ever have expected Doc (in any timeline, good or bad) to turn into a villain. Here's hoping we get the Doc we all know and love back soon.
Although I mildly disagree about the puzzles themselves, but I've always thought the puzzles here are a little harder than everyone else has. Probably because I'm just not as good at solving puzzles as, well, seemingly everyone else. It took me a LONG time to figure out how to get the diamond and when I did figure it out it felt like something hard to think up.
But...maybe that's just me and puzzles in general. If it weren't for walkthroughs I'd have never made it through any of the Sam and Max games, for instance.
But to FCB, it IS how it's supposed to be. If you were devoted to the same woman for fifty years, even if you weren't always happy, it would be hard to accept that she turns out miserable in the timeline you're about to create. As far as FCB is concerned, who is Marty to just assume that his timeline is the "correct" one?
There are just so many things wrong with that...there is nothing about Citizen Brown that is any less real than the Doc we came to know and love over the course of the three movies. He's just as legitimately real a person. For that matter, so is Edna, no matter how crazy she was getting to be. I kinda hope the story does end in a third way scenario, not in the sense that Citizen Brown was hoping for directly, but more in that, everything ends up back the way they should be for Marty and Doc and the gang, but Edna doesn't end up all hopelessly alone and lonely in her old age, that something changes her future so she ends up happier too.
But we'll see if that happens in the last episode...
Best episode definitely but found parts of the beginning uneven storywise. FCB takes to the Delorean WAY too easily. He really shouldn't know much more than Marty when it comes to the time machine bar the flux capacitor. Although I found the part where FCB and Marty get ready to go back to the 30s to be a really funny scene just of the absurdity of FCB and Edna going at it. She tries to act tough but really she knows she is screwed when there is a time machine involved.
But the most powerful moment besides the betrayal for me was how getting Edna to dump Emmett came all together...........God that was brutal. Got to feel sorry for young Emmett, from his point of view Marty just comes in once in a while to mess with his life.
Think of it this way. The CTB Doc knew Marty for a little over a day or so. He was married to Edna for 40-50 years...the triology never happened and Doc had no loyalty to Marty because he was/is PRACTICALLY a stranger...