They should have put a scene in Episode 3 where Marty attacks FCB with a toilet seat, hitting him over the head. Would have made for big lawls and massive fan service.
That would have been a really bad direction to take Marty's character in. He's not the most brilliant person, but he's smarter than most and that would just be straight out stupid. Hilarious, LOLworthy, and pure fanservice, but ultimately stupid.
In response to a few others, I've had enough sadness to deal with in my personal life - so, whenever I read or watch something, I want to get away from all that. If I want to feel depressed, I could just turn on the news. It's not to say to say that I don't like any sadness in what I watch or read - but I prefer for things to turn out fine, at the end.
Do you like Brazil the director´s cut? do you like blade runner when Ford has to run away with her loved one for being terminated?? do you like seven?? do you like Fight Club?? how about most horror films like the Exorcist with the dead of the priest? do you like Requiem for a dream? how about some time travel films... do you like 12 monkeys? in a way... memento? how about Terminator 1 when you know the apocalypse is coming at the end despite all the main characters efforts... well...
sometimes a happy ending is not enough... you gotta keep your mind open for all kinds of movies. Wanna change Chinatown´s ending and ruin it for all it is? Otherwise you will end watching just romantic comedies to protect yourself from all the pain in the world and let me tell you, that´s not too prolific.
Happy endings when the movie needs it like BTTF. Happy or sad, anyways, good movies for everyone that´s what I say.
Actually, I'm not really a big movie person. I'm more into rock music, really. I listen to the radio much more often than I ever watch anything on the screen. I mostly enjoy movies that are either about time travel or alternate realities, and I've also watched most movies that Michael J Fox was in. I also enjoy comedy movies like Freaky Friday, Mrs. Doubtfire, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and stuff like that - and some of those I've only watched, when I was in a group setting.
I have read A Series of Unfortunate Events, where the books don't quite end happily - but you're not left completely without hope. The series ends on an ambiguous note - so you can decide from there what, ultimately, happens to the protagonists.
I guess I'm just tired of the "anti-happy-ending crusade" that so many people, nowadays, seem to be jumping on.
That would have been a really bad direction to take Marty's character in. He's not the most brilliant person, but he's smarter than most and that would just be straight out stupid. Hilarious, LOLworthy, and pure fanservice, but ultimately stupid.
It's not a bad direction. He beats Biff in BTTF 2 by throwing an ash tray at him. And "HEY LOOK OVER THERE!!!" seems to work on all people. lol
I dont think Marty would hurt anyone unless it is in his or somebody elses defense.
Unless of course you were thinking FCB chased Marty into a bathroom stall and with the intention of fighting him, but that would make him look like a pervert. lol
I dont think Marty would hurt anyone unless it is in his or somebody elses defense.
Unless of course you were thinking FCB chased Marty into a bathroom stall and with the intention of fighting him, but that would make him look like a pervert. lol
Why would Doc go into a bathroom stall with Marty?
I just finished it. I am really surprised. It wasn´t too easy. The big puzzle with the Emmet´s helmet got me thinking but I figured it out with a smile.
I get a sense that the storyline won´t please everyone but in my case I really felt this episode, got me emotional about Marty´s and Doc relationship. It took a little commodities that with a longer episode could it have been more interesting but I really felt the emotional complexity of this episode! because that´s what it is, this one is not about the thrills but the human connections between the characters and that is pretty rare for a computer game. Great job telltale, eager for the next and final chapter where I think, with all the setting, will be a roller coaster. OUTATIME will get us where no BTTF story has lead us before. At least it will be different and daring, just like science right?
you must've been rollin' ur balls off when you wrote this.
emotional complexity?
human connections between characters? and rare?
DV was quite possibly the single-most dull, superfluous, and frankly rather annoying- the MAM puzzle in particular -episode of anything that's come out of any of BTTF, TOMI, or SMAX. I won't speak to the games I haven't played -I stick mostly to those series I already knew for years, with BTTF being the obvious exception, to which I'm obliged to state, for the record, that TTG knows their market is a niche, and they're taking the movies we all watched growing up and turning them into the type of old-fashioned Adventure games of that same time, a la Monkey Island, Sam&Max, and for many I'm sure the Quests' series from Sierra (my favorite being QFG).
It's a sound business plan, for the short term and provided the product meets a quality standard. This episode, I'm sorry to say, does not meet that standard. This was mindless droning back and forth 'twixt screens with a big fat WTF of a puzzle thrown in for good measure.
Man, I hate to say it, but for a time there I felt like Guybrush on Flotsam Island; how much I hated the recycled background and the (once-again) mindless droning back and forth listening for noises of pigs, birds, monkeys, wind, and, fittingly, bees.
It's not a bad direction. He beats Biff in BTTF 2 by throwing an ash tray at him. And "HEY LOOK OVER THERE!!!" seems to work on all people. lol
That 'ash tray' was supposed to be akin to the frisbee, and the pie pan.
On a side note, I actually never thought of it as an ash-tray before, simply a thin metal display 'rack' for the matchbooks, but the ash-tray does make sense.
That 'ash tray' was supposed to be akin to the frisbee, and the pie pan.
On a side note, I actually never thought of it as an ash-tray before, simply a thin metal display 'rack' for the matchbooks, but the ash-tray does make sense.
Still it would have been funny if you could whack FCB over the head with a toilet seat and when he came too he would be thinking of the flux capacitor.
Still it would have been funny if you could whack FCB over the head with a toilet seat and when he came too he would be thinking of the flux capacitor.
Love what Telltale did with messing with the player's head.
Honestly, I started this out dead-set on going through the puzzles, but about halfway through when
Young Doc pulls out the ring
it really messes with your head that
you're about to sabotage this guy's happiness.
It's even more difficult to face when FCB asks you
what Edna is like in Marty's timeline, and you have to choose to lie or tell the truth.
Telltale threw me on my head with this one, and from an emotional standpoint I'd say I was a lot more invested in this than the other episodes. Telltale did here what they did with Morgan in Tales of Monkey Island, and it's great.
That aside, the whole
FCB (the non-scientist) being able to fix the Delorean, time circuits, etc. and understand the concept of time travel felt a little weird,
you must've been rollin' ur balls off when you wrote this.
emotional complexity?
human connections between characters? and rare?
DV was quite possibly the single-most dull, superfluous, and frankly rather annoying- the MAM puzzle in particular -episode of anything that's come out of any of BTTF, TOMI, or SMAX. I won't speak to the games I haven't played -I stick mostly to those series I already knew for years, with BTTF being the obvious exception, to which I'm obliged to state, for the record, that TTG knows their market is a niche, and they're taking the movies we all watched growing up and turning them into the type of old-fashioned Adventure games of that same time, a la Monkey Island, Sam&Max, and for many I'm sure the Quests' series from Sierra (my favorite being QFG).
It's a sound business plan, for the short term and provided the product meets a quality standard. This episode, I'm sorry to say, does not meet that standard. This was mindless droning back and forth 'twixt screens with a big fat WTF of a puzzle thrown in for good measure.
Man, I hate to say it, but for a time there I felt like Guybrush on Flotsam Island; how much I hated the recycled background and the (once-again) mindless droning back and forth listening for noises of pigs, birds, monkeys, wind, and, fittingly, bees.
Sorry TTG, this one was a piece o' garbage.
Sorry... I differ.
I liked it. You are entitled to your opinion. Go play other games then.
Oh by the way... in case you are worry. My balls are just fine.
Seriously, this better not go in the bad ending my opinion going further back into the past and steering doc off the path of science or doing ANYTHING that makes the events of back to the future 1 and any time travel at all NOT happen because doc has always said interfering in the course of events is wrong and if he thinks none of it ever should have happened will totally tick off probably every single fan in the almost seems as if every single event and preview about doc saying it was *science* that was the problem has been pushing in that direction and no there are no other seasons planned i really REALLY wish there were but there aren't - so telltale, don't make it have happened only in a "memory" or something ridiculous or none of it to have ever happened..don't ERASE all the movies by doing would be paradoxical to every fan out there...
Seriously, this better not go in the bad ending my opinion going further back into the past and steering doc off the path of science or doing ANYTHING that makes the events of back to the future 1 and any time travel at all NOT happen because doc has always said interfering in the course of events is wrong and if he thinks none of it ever should have happened will totally tick off probably every single fan in the almost seems as if every single event and preview about doc saying it was *science* that was the problem has been pushing in that direction and no there are no other seasons planned i really REALLY wish there were but there aren't - so telltale, don't make it have happened only in a "memory" or something ridiculous or none of it to have ever happened..don't ERASE all the movies by doing would be paradoxical to every fan out there...
Just finished "Double Visions" last night (I know, its been drawn out a bit but I've been busy with life)
Anyway, just wanted to express how much I loved this episode. Favourite episode so far. Interesting puzzles (the mind reading device the obvious highlight - felt like such a great old-school puzzle), and storywise, I thought it was great to see the opposite situation to the first BTTF movie, break up a couple, not put them back together. And of course, the repercussions of that action were not as clean or, I guess morally easy as I was expecting.
Just finished "Double Visions" last night (I know, its been drawn out a bit but I've been busy with life)
This was the best episode so far! The puzzle were genius, (although sometimes it was too small to see, eg. the switch on the mind reading device), the screenplay was genius, the writing was genius. But I wish that what happened is that the present Marty came, and they captured THAT Marty and sent him to the Citizen Plus program, after the hero Marty escaped. That would have been good. Also, I didn't like the screenplay when you left the parallel dimension. Why didn't Edna call for the patrol officers (or Storm Troopers xD) when they were leaving? She just let them leave. That was stupid. Although, not as stupid as it could have been, I guess.
The last game we are going to modern day 2011, right? I CAN'T WAIT, it's gonna be awesome, but I wonder how it will fit in. If not, I really hope you do in another game, because that will be REALLY interesting!
ALSO, you guys HAVE to figure out a way as to why 2015 isn't the same today as it was portrayed in the movie. (Although a lot of the things were correct, like 3D displays, widescreen flat panel TVs, etc.) xD
I do hope to see a visit of 2011 - and see if it's more like "our" 2011 or that of the second films. Most fanfic writers sort of combine the two, so it's be cool to see how the game handles it.
Even though I am of the belief that there was a second Marty at math camp (contrary to Michael J Fox is Canadian and a few others), it's probably best that they just left it ambiguous - as they did with the Biffhorrific Timeline in Part Two. People can always write fanfic about the alternate Marty, if they wish.
As for Edna just letting them leave, she probably was in a state of shock - and, let's face it, it'd be pretty hard to stop a vehicle that's heading to 88 mph.
I forget the exact comment Marty made to Citizen Brown... but he referred to him as "Carl Sagan." Citizen Brown's reply: "The billions and billions guy?" Just made me laugh.
That would have been a really bad direction to take Marty's character in. He's not the most brilliant person, but he's smarter than most and that would just be straight out stupid. Hilarious, LOLworthy, and pure fanservice, but ultimately stupid.
sometimes a happy ending is not enough... you gotta keep your mind open for all kinds of movies. Wanna change Chinatown´s ending and ruin it for all it is? Otherwise you will end watching just romantic comedies to protect yourself from all the pain in the world and let me tell you, that´s not too prolific.
Happy endings when the movie needs it like BTTF. Happy or sad, anyways, good movies for everyone that´s what I say.
I have read A Series of Unfortunate Events, where the books don't quite end happily - but you're not left completely without hope. The series ends on an ambiguous note - so you can decide from there what, ultimately, happens to the protagonists.
I guess I'm just tired of the "anti-happy-ending crusade" that so many people, nowadays, seem to be jumping on.
It's not a bad direction. He beats Biff in BTTF 2 by throwing an ash tray at him. And "HEY LOOK OVER THERE!!!" seems to work on all people. lol
Unless of course you were thinking FCB chased Marty into a bathroom stall and with the intention of fighting him, but that would make him look like a pervert. lol
Why would Doc go into a bathroom stall with Marty?
Oh wait, BrokeBack To The Future!
I like the story very much. I'm a big fan of TTG now, it seems that the movies were never this complex and had so many deep characters.
you must've been rollin' ur balls off when you wrote this.
emotional complexity?
human connections between characters? and rare?
DV was quite possibly the single-most dull, superfluous, and frankly rather annoying- the MAM puzzle in particular -episode of anything that's come out of any of BTTF, TOMI, or SMAX. I won't speak to the games I haven't played -I stick mostly to those series I already knew for years, with BTTF being the obvious exception, to which I'm obliged to state, for the record, that TTG knows their market is a niche, and they're taking the movies we all watched growing up and turning them into the type of old-fashioned Adventure games of that same time, a la Monkey Island, Sam&Max, and for many I'm sure the Quests' series from Sierra (my favorite being QFG).
It's a sound business plan, for the short term and provided the product meets a quality standard. This episode, I'm sorry to say, does not meet that standard. This was mindless droning back and forth 'twixt screens with a big fat WTF of a puzzle thrown in for good measure.
Man, I hate to say it, but for a time there I felt like Guybrush on Flotsam Island; how much I hated the recycled background and the (once-again) mindless droning back and forth listening for noises of pigs, birds, monkeys, wind, and, fittingly, bees.
Sorry TTG, this one was a piece o' garbage.
That 'ash tray' was supposed to be akin to the frisbee, and the pie pan.
On a side note, I actually never thought of it as an ash-tray before, simply a thin metal display 'rack' for the matchbooks, but the ash-tray does make sense.
Still it would have been funny if you could whack FCB over the head with a toilet seat and when he came too he would be thinking of the flux capacitor.
Agreed Future Boy!
Honestly, I started this out dead-set on going through the puzzles, but about halfway through when
It's even more difficult to face when FCB asks you
Telltale threw me on my head with this one, and from an emotional standpoint I'd say I was a lot more invested in this than the other episodes. Telltale did here what they did with Morgan in Tales of Monkey Island, and it's great.
That aside, the whole
I liked it. You are entitled to your opinion. Go play other games then.
Oh by the way... in case you are worry. My balls are just fine.
But this is a man who
Anyway, just wanted to express how much I loved this episode. Favourite episode so far. Interesting puzzles (the mind reading device the obvious highlight - felt like such a great old-school puzzle), and storywise, I thought it was great to see the opposite situation to the first BTTF movie, break up a couple, not put them back together. And of course, the repercussions of that action were not as clean or, I guess morally easy as I was expecting.
Thanks, yet again Telltale.
This was the best episode so far! The puzzle were genius, (although sometimes it was too small to see, eg. the switch on the mind reading device), the screenplay was genius, the writing was genius. But I wish that what happened is that the present Marty came, and they captured THAT Marty and sent him to the Citizen Plus program, after the hero Marty escaped. That would have been good.
The last game we are going to modern day 2011, right? I CAN'T WAIT, it's gonna be awesome, but I wonder how it will fit in. If not, I really hope you do in another game, because that will be REALLY interesting!
ALSO, you guys HAVE to figure out a way as to why 2015 isn't the same today as it was portrayed in the movie. (Although a lot of the things were correct, like 3D displays, widescreen flat panel TVs, etc.) xD
Even though I am of the belief that there was a second Marty at math camp (contrary to Michael J Fox is Canadian and a few others), it's probably best that they just left it ambiguous - as they did with the Biffhorrific Timeline in Part Two. People can always write fanfic about the alternate Marty, if they wish.
As for Edna just letting them leave, she probably was in a state of shock - and, let's face it, it'd be pretty hard to stop a vehicle that's heading to 88 mph.