Stuff to fix in Episode 4 (Possible Spoilers)

I don't see one of these up yet, so here you guys go.


  • edited April 2011
    Obviously this video bug where the graphics keep messing up and the screen goes black. Happened when I clicked on the squawk box and then again when I went near the soda and food tray.
  • edited April 2011
    The game crashes when I talk to Artie. This only happens after he has fired Trixie. I can finish the game fine though, I just need to make sure I don't talk to Artie again.

    System : OS X 10.6.6
  • edited April 2011
    When Edna shows Trixie's postcard to Artie, the first shot of her walking up to the desk had her being invisible, although you can hear the sound of her footsteps and putting down the postcard. In the next shot, the reverse, she's visible though.
  • edited April 2011
    When 1931 Doc Brown is showing us the read out cards for his machine, the read out card disappears then reappears for a moment when he shows his ideal person readout card to Marty.
  • edited April 2011
    Cueball was missing a line, I think about what he was unloading from the truck.
    When Young Emmett arrived at the high school, the DeLorean randomly appeared parked where it was before Doc left. If you click on it, it shows the green light but the rest of the car is just black.
  • edited April 2011
    When Young Emmett arrived at the high school, the DeLorean randomly appeared parked where it was before Doc left. If you click on it, it shows the green light but the rest of the car is just black.

    I'm uploading a video of that on youtube as we speak. It's going to take a while tho.
  • edited April 2011
    I've only had audio issues with dialogue sometimes going silent during a conversation. I've had this problem with past episodes, too, but usually it corrects itself.
  • edited April 2011
    During the big escape from the Citizen Plus room, in the long cinematic where Marty jumps down and dodges and such, the framerate dropped to about 3 frames a second. Did anyone else get that?
  • edited April 2011
    When we got to 1931. The game started lagging like crazy. Then it went normal again.
  • edited April 2011
    Here is the Delorean glitch i encountered near the end of the game.
  • edited April 2011
    Trixie was missing a line for me. It's just after you meet her, one of the dialogue options went silent.
  • edited April 2011
    Delorean glitch later on in the eppy toward the end.

    Its even in the cutscene when Emmet drives up in the truck.

    How I got to it:
    I did NOT have the photo album yet, When the future Doc gets upset, talks about maybe changing things to be with Edna etc, he drove away. Afterwords, I went back to the lab to get the photo album, I come back and the car is there. Even interacts saying the green light is on. Then when you give things to trixie, triggers the cutscene and bug glitch is there.
  • edited April 2011
    Not sure what the problem is, but I'm never getting the option to save my game at the main menu. The option just never pops up, no matter how far into the game I get. Very irksome.
  • edited April 2011
    When Marty talked to Trixie with the line "What's the story with this Expo?", there was no sound coming out from Marty.
  • edited April 2011
    Mysticales wrote: »
    Delorean glitch later on in the eppy toward the end.

    Its even in the cutscene when Emmet drives up in the truck.

    How I got to it:
    I did NOT have the photo album yet, When the future Doc gets upset, talks about maybe changing things to be with Edna etc, he drove away. Afterwords, I went back to the lab to get the photo album, I come back and the car is there. Even interacts saying the green light is on. Then when you give things to trixie, triggers the cutscene and bug glitch is there.

    Had the same in that part & the Cutscene where you rescue Doc at the lab at the start of the game.
    I have to distract Emmet now, but when I enter his screen, it's a glitch-fest (because of the above mentioned parked delorean part)
  • edited April 2011
    Pointless thread. Telltale never fix anything.
    You should rename the thread "Stuff that will never be fixed in Episode 4"

    BTW this is the most glitchy game TT has released. The first part in the cellar seemed ok, but then.... overlapping audio on the stand "city of the future", stuttering framerate, one missing phrase by Trixie, animation glitches, Edna disappeared during a dialogue, Doc commenting his photo on the wall even if I got it in the inventory... this is just to point out some.
    This episode need full beta-testing again. FULL. BETA. TESTING.

    But you know....TT should wear that Hector's pin "Who Cares...?"....
  • edited April 2011
    When using the photo album with old Emmet, it is commented that we shouldn't show it to strangers. Emmet hardly counts as a stranger, does he?

    The typewriter-thing is typing without sound when you turn the mind analyzer off.

    At the expo, Marty has two shadows, unlike anything else.

    The notebook in the inventory has no text, until moved to the center view.

    At Emmet's laboratory, there are plans with electric circuitry. I'm not sure, but did those symbols for semiconductor diodes and transistors already exist in the 30's?
  • edited April 2011
    When young Emmet showed Marty the ring, it was floating in the air and moving according to his hand, but it wasn't in his fingers.
    Jedi tricks? :P
  • edited April 2011
    i encountered a huge gfx glitch where everything slows down and alot of the gfx turn black.

    it's when young emmet arrives at the expo and i went to chat with edna, the glitch continued until the clock tower scene
  • edited April 2011
    fzeroman wrote: »
    i encountered a huge gfx glitch where everything slows down and alot of the gfx turn black.

    it's when young emmet arrives at the expo and i went to chat with edna, the glitch continued until the clock tower scene

    Me too.
    And the game is directed from the Design Director, Mr.Dave Grossman himself.
    Now, if the Design Director of Telltale Games (and creator of some of the most important adventure games) can release a rushed game like Ep.4 in his company, losing control of the product quality, and with miserable puzzle design (the "3 tasks" again? Newspaper under the door? Turn up the volume - again?), then I start to lose faith in Telltale Games itself.

    How can Mr.Dave Grossman let do this?
    He had the chance to bring a company to become the new Lucasarts.
    But now I'm starting to think that they failed.
    Where's the gaming art? I think it's buried under bugs and tight release schedule.
  • edited April 2011
    Telltale is good.. but Lucasarts its not. Reason being is this... While the stories are GREAT. Funny etc. They are "on rails" adventure games. Lucasarts really was more open, had to explore, think, struggle etc.
  • edited April 2011
    And the game is directed from the Chief Executive Officer, Mr.Dave Grossman himself.

    Wait, Dan Connors and Dave Grossman are the SAME PERSON? :P
  • edited April 2011
    doggans wrote: »
    Wait, Dan Connors and Dave Grossman are the SAME PERSON? :P

    Whoops, my error, I would say Design Director :P
    That's worse....
  • edited April 2011
    Pointless thread. Telltale never fix anything.
    You should rename the thread "Stuff that will never be fixed in Episode 4"

    BTW this is the most glitchy game TT has released. The first part in the cellar seemed ok, but then.... overlapping audio on the stand "city of the future",

    If you were paying attention to the game's puzzles, you'd know THIS ONE was not a glitch in the game, but an in-universe glitch in the diorama.
  • edited April 2011
    HeroicJay wrote: »
    If you were paying attention to the game's puzzles, you'd know THIS ONE was not a glitch in the game, but an in-universe glitch in the diorama.
    I've poppy audio during that sequence, that I was saying! :P
  • edited April 2011
    I had a wonderfully glitch free experience. I was, however, annoyed by this:

    Marty tells Edna about how Doc tricked some Libyans out of plutonium. Her response is "what would Emmett want with Plutonium?"

    The real question is what does Edna know about an element that won't be discovered for almost 10 years. And also why she doesn't ask about this "Libya" that isn't a country yet.
  • edited April 2011
    Besides the glitches everyone was describing, I've found a problem with the storyline. You see, the Delorean has a time circuits problem that prevents on getting in a exact time.
    you see doc explaining that he got minutes later, then hours....etc...
    If it's so.... why when he returns to 1931 he does it at a perfect time! just after the other Delorean dissapears? If the time circuits has that kind of problem he would be arriving at a different (desired) time..... for example, before leaving? that would have been awsome
  • edited April 2011
    The subtitles frequently have a lower-case l (or is it a capital I?) instead of a lower-case i.
  • edited April 2011
    cirurginn wrote: »
    Besides the glitches everyone was describing, I've found a problem with the storyline. You see, the Delorean has a time circuits problem that prevents on getting in a exact time.
    you see doc explaining that he got minutes later, then hours....etc...
    If it's so.... why when he returns to 1931 he does it at a perfect time! just after the other Delorean dissapears? If the time circuits has that kind of problem he would be arriving at a different (desired) time..... for example, before leaving? that would have been awsome

    This is explained by the Doc in the game. He aims to go back one minute in the past to test the Delorean, but goes back too far by several hours. So he waits around so as not to interfere with the timeline, and gets back to the school at the exact moment after he left.
  • edited April 2011
    This is explained by the Doc in the game. He aims to go back one minute in the past to test the Delorean, but goes back too far by several hours. So he waits around so as not to interfere with the timeline, and gets back to the school at the exact moment after he left.

    The problem there is with the sound played: We hear the DeLorean's re-entry sound right before we see First Citizen Doc return to the expo, but he says he's been waiting 7/8/9 hours for his younger self to go. So, it's a sound continuity error.
  • edited April 2011
    fzeroman wrote: »
    i encountered a huge gfx glitch where everything slows down and alot of the gfx turn black.

    it's when young emmet arrives at the expo and i went to chat with edna, the glitch continued until the clock tower scene

    Same here but switching from full screen to windowed seemed to fix it.

    Also, it's not surprising when there are occasional graphical glitches when you think about all the possible combinations of PC hardware which makes it impossible to test every single setup and a company like Telltale with less money and not as much time compared to the big game companies can only really thoroughly test a fairly small number of system configurations.
  • edited April 2011
    Probably more of crappy effort than anything else, but when Marty leaves Young Emmett's place, he is walking onto air.
  • edited April 2011
    Also, it's not surprising when there are occasional graphical glitches when you think about all the possible combinations of PC hardware which makes it impossible to test every single setup and a company like Telltale with less money and not as much time compared to the big game companies can only really thoroughly test a fairly small number of system configurations.

    Telltale is not little anymore.
    "In 2010, the company’s revenues totaled $10 million, increasing nearly 90 percent over the previous year. This year, revenues are expected to grow at the same pace, and the studio is expected to jump to 140 employees from 90. So far, it’s raised $6 million, and more is expected to close any day." (full HERE)
    Don't you think that with a big company like this you expect the titles being at least fully beta-tested?
  • edited April 2011
    When you use the guitar on the diamond while it's active, Marty walks to the right side and then the scene cuts to Marty being back at the front reaching into empty space with the guitar.
    When you talk to Doc in in the expo, you get the "Light's green Doc" dialogue option without ever looking at the DeLorean.
    Edna sometimes dissapeared during cutscenes with Artie.

    Also the episode was a bit shit. Nothing in it except for subpar puzzles.
  • edited April 2011
    Don't you think that with a big company like this you expect the titles being at least fully beta-tested?

    They are still a far smaller company than the likes of EA, Rockstar, Activison and plenty more. Also how many different system configurations do you want them to test? 10s? 100s? More? It's IMPOSSIBLE to please everyone and to make sure a game works for ALL systems. Stop being a whiny bitch just 'cos you had a few glitches. It happens.
  • edited May 2011
    The only glitch I noticed in the Mac version is that Trixie's response was silent when you ask...I think it was "What's this fair all about?"

    I'm assuming that Telltale is taking notes here, and most of these will be fixed by the time we get our DVD copies right?
  • edited May 2011
    They are still a far smaller company than the likes of EA, Rockstar, Activison and plenty more. Also how many different system configurations do you want them to test? 10s? 100s? More? It's IMPOSSIBLE to please everyone and to make sure a game works for ALL systems. Stop being a whiny bitch just 'cos you had a few glitches. It happens.

    Don't be sufficient. Far smaller company release much more stable games (like the Amnesia one, made of only 5 people and giving also multilanguage in a pratically bug-free game)
    But judge with your eyes:
    I'm assuming that Telltale is taking notes here, and most of these will be fixed by the time we get our DVD copies right?
    They should, but they rarely do it. Practically the DVD version is just a collection of all the downlodable episodes. They release updates only for sigle episodes that have severe bugs that make impossible to go on with the game. And sometimes their patch make it worse (the patched Poker Night auto delete savegames, or their Puzzle Agent new version that doesn't stop the demo and let you finish the game for free).
  • edited May 2011
    Don't be sufficient. Far smaller company release much more stable games (like the Amnesia one, made of only 5 people and giving also multilanguage in a pratically bug-free game)

    Far smaller companies also don't generally have a tight schedule.

    Seriously, you should have seen the shitstorm Tales of Monkey Island got when Telltale decided to postpone a certain episode to fix some game-breaking bugs. Either that, or it was another game.
  • edited May 2011
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    Far smaller companies also don't generally have a tight schedule.

    Seriously, you should have seen the shitstorm Tales of Monkey Island got when Telltale decided to postpone a certain episode to fix some game-breaking bugs. Either that, or it was another game.

    I've seen it, and it wasn't as bad as you describe it. Many said "Better work on it a little more and give us a great ending". The same way many of us took the delay of JP in a good manner, because we want good products.
    And, BTW, certainly we as customer don't impose any tight schedule to anyone. For me BTTF could have come out this december but properly done, I surely would have been happier.
  • edited May 2011
    Then I think it was SBCG4AP.

    EDIT: Yeah, it was definitely SBCG4AP. It was one of the few games that got all the dates shifted by one month from episode three onward.
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