Stuff to fix in Episode 4 (Possible Spoilers)



  • edited May 2011
    Am I the only person who caught the "your"/"you're" slip-up in Marty's dialogue options? That is, there is a dialogue path where Marty talks to FCB about convincing Edna "his" a criminal. I'm pretty sure there was a similar sort of typo in TOMI that was fixed before the DVD release, so hopefully this one gets fixed as well.
  • edited May 2011
    I got a few glitches - the DeLorean one including the truck driving through it, occasionally when talking to people outside the expo, it'd cut to random bits of shrubbery and when Edna was talking to Artie at some point, she disappeared.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2011
    scummbeard wrote: »
    Am I the only person who caught the "your"/"you're" slip-up in Marty's dialogue options? That is, there is a dialogue path where Marty talks to FCB about convincing Edna "his" a criminal. I'm pretty sure there was a similar sort of typo in TOMI that was fixed before the DVD release, so hopefully this one gets fixed as well.


    The grammar Edna inside me broke down in despair. At least it wasn't "Loose the suit".
  • edited May 2011
    Occasionally the game glitched out. I believe it was what you could call a rendering problem. Parts of the screen would go black while parts of characters and objects would vanish. Meh, it didn't affect the overall gameplay experience too badly and glitches like that happen.

    Once the game crashed all together, but the moment it happened could not have been more perfect. It was the sequence where Marty is rescuing Doc and he backs Edna and her citizen grunt near the amplifier. The moment that the blast of sound hit Edna and her grunt, the screen flickered almost similar to how a camera reacts to sudden damage while recording. Then the game just crashed. I didn't save and if the game had crashed at any other moment, I would have been so mad. But the timing of the crash was so perfect and so ironic that I laughed so hard!!! XD
  • edited May 2011
    Same here but switching from full screen to windowed seemed to fix it.

    Also, it's not surprising when there are occasional graphical glitches when you think about all the possible combinations of PC hardware which makes it impossible to test every single setup and a company like Telltale with less money and not as much time compared to the big game companies can only really thoroughly test a fairly small number of system configurations.

    Yet I had no graphical problems with Tales of Monkey Island and BttF episodes 1&2. (On max settings)
    BttF ep 3: had a minor graphics problem when Doc drops of Biff and drives into the garage(?).
    BttF ep 4: Had the same problem I got with episode 3, only 10x worse.

    I am glad to know that episode 5 is delayed to June (from what I heard). IIRC, the first trailer said episode 5 in May, not sure.
    Hopefully they will iron out the graphical issue.
  • edited May 2011
    Have to echo what was said here - quite enjoyed the ep overall but SO many bugs it's untrue. It's frustrating that they were just graphical because felt they could have been ironed out. Did wonder if it was my computer but never had any other real issues with any other TTG product

    That said - did give an interesting opportunity to see what young Doc would look like as a half-wooden Terminator
  • edited May 2011
    Lambonius wrote: »
    Not sure what the problem is, but I'm never getting the option to save my game at the main menu. The option just never pops up, no matter how far into the game I get. Very irksome.

    If you're playing on Mac, make sure you always play each episode through the Applications folder shortcut for that episode. If you're on PC, try playing through either the Start menu or Games Explorer shortcuts, or by opening the executable directly.

    Either way, that should definitely fix the problem. If it doesn't, let me know.
  • edited May 2011
    A reply for the save function, but not one answer for the graphical issues that most people reported :o
    Almost seems like TTG has been taken over by Blizzard Entertainement......
  • edited May 2011
    A reply for the save function, but not one answer for the graphical issues that most people reported :o
    Almost seems like TTG has been taken over by Blizzard Entertainement......

    Regarding the graphical issues: we test all of our games, BttF104 included, across a diverse spectrum of hardware to try and catch any problems specific to certain configurations. Unfortunately, we did not encounter any graphical glitches like the ones being described in this thread during testing.

    If you encountered graphical glitching in BttF104, my advice would be to report it in the support forums. Include as much info as you can about your system specs and video card (ideally, copy your DXdiag info into your post).

    If we can establish any kind of commonality between the hardware experiencing the issue, then at the very least we'll know to check for similar problems on that hardware in the future. :)
  • edited May 2011
    - After you change Emmett's mind map and he takes the displays to his box, you can still talk to him about them. Emmett will point at the empty space as if the maps were still there.

    - After Trixie makes his scene, Emmett puts on his helmet, but his hair clips out of it.
  • edited May 2011
    Caleb, do you need DX info for the issues like the Delorean showing up when it shouldnt be there and the overlap? Or no?
  • edited May 2011
    I dunno what you guys are talking about--the only glitch I ever saw was the invisible Edna walking up to Artie before she appeared again. Nothing else. (Well, the audio overlapping between the various lines on the diorama when you push the buttons fast enough, but that's not a glitch in the game, it's a glitch in the diorama itself, intended since that's, ya know, how you solve the puzzle to get the diamond down.)
  • edited May 2011
    If you're playing on Mac, make sure you always play each episode through the Applications folder shortcut for that episode. If you're on PC, try playing through either the Start menu or Games Explorer shortcuts, or by opening the executable directly.

    Either way, that should definitely fix the problem. If it doesn't, let me know.

    Thanks for the response!

    The first time I played through it, I did it using the Applications folder shortcut for Episode 3. When the Episode Select screen came up, I chose Episode 4. The problem may be an issue when choosing episodes from the launcher of an older episode? Or is the launcher all the same program? If the latter, I'm not sure why it would make a difference, but then, I didn't program the game. ;)

    Either way, it seems to be working now that I've chosen to play via Episode 4's launcher.
  • edited May 2011
    so I'm all glad TTG made such a good and nice BTTF game, but some things are just killing the whole experience...

    1. The tires of the DeLorean (and other cars) don't even spin in some cutscenes
    2. They don't turn into the right direction while in a curve, too
    3. There is a lag when Emmett tests the DeLorean and the latter disappears on the left and reappears from the right
    4. Random sound cut-offs in the german dub
    5. "List of Emmetts strengths" item not translated into german
    6. Doc's Notebook not translated into german
    7. Got every single of Trixies items and she still wants to hit Edna. Then I found out on the forums that I had to GIVE Trixie the items and I just can't give her the book first, no, I need to give her every item in the right order: diamond => fur => book. I just hate these kinds of "restrictions"

    and then please tell me what the hell this is:

    Do you really think I want pay money for this?
    FIX THIS or give me my money back!!

    Don't understand me wrong, I love the story, the gameplay, the graphics (except some low-poly models and some low res textures) and I'm very glad you brought BTTF back. But I refuse to support anyone who releases games with obvious flaws like this game has.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2011
    aganim wrote: »
    Then I found out on the forums that I had to GIVE Trixie the items and I just can't give her the book first, no, I need to give her every item in the right order: diamond => fur => book. I just hate these kinds of "restrictions"

    That one's odd, I'm fairly sure I gave her the fur first.
  • edited May 2011
    did someone just move a thread here?
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    did someone just move a thread here?

    I redirected aganim's thread from the Game Support section.
  • edited May 2011
    does it really belong here though? TTG employees aren't going to be able to see the glitch here.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    does it really belong here though?

    Yes. I put game-breaking stuff into Game Support, annoying but mostly harmless glitches here. Reason being if the Game Support forum gets flooded with the more trivial bugs, the support people have less visibility on the major stuff.
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    TTG employees aren't going to be able to see the glitch here.

    Scroll up a few posts. Telltale people are looking in here.
  • edited May 2011
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    That one's odd, I'm fairly sure I gave her the fur first.

    How did you do that? The reason I ask is... that exhibit which had the furs wasnt even open. The 1st one was the Future one, which you got the board and the diamond, then after you gave it to her, and went on your way, after you triggered the events and came back, thats when the fur one opened up.
  • edited May 2011
    Mysticales wrote: »
    How did you do that? The reason I ask is... that exhibit which had the furs wasnt even open. The 1st one was the Future one, which you got the board and the diamond, then after you gave it to her, and went on your way, after you triggered the events and came back, thats when the fur one opened up.

    I didn't originally notice the diamond in the Future exhibit. I just took the board and went straight to Emmett. After completing all the objectives, the Past exhibit opened which is where I got the fur. In fact, the diamond was the last thing I gave to Trixie.

    Personally, I gave the items in order of: photo album, fur and diamond. I don't think the order matters in the slightest.
  • edited May 2011
    I've found that all you need to turn off is the shadows. I am running Windows 7 and a GeForce 250 GTS. I got the crazy black screen and flashes when I rescued Doc from the brainwashing room. I also got what you were describing at the High School. Turning the shadow quality all the way down fixed everything. On a side note, I really noticed no difference in quality to be honest.
  • edited May 2011
    Sorry if this has been posted before but. When speaking to Edna at the expo, Marty talks about plutonium and Edna seems familiar with the word "plutonium". The problem is that plutonium was found in 1940 and the expo is 1931...
  • edited May 2011
    doesn't matter
  • edited May 2011
    Sorry if this has been posted before but. When speaking to Edna at the expo, Marty talks about plutonium and Edna seems familiar with the word "plutonium". The problem is that plutonium was found in 1940 and the expo is 1931...

    Maybe she thought he meant polonium, which had already been discovered by Madame Curie? Or maybe someone at Telltale confused the two elements...
  • edited May 2011
    Most glitches I noticed have already been covered, but here are a couple of additional things I'd like to mention:

    If you try to give the fur to Emmett, Marty says that he should give it to Trixie even if they haven't made up their plan yet. This was a little confusing as Marty refuses to give the fur to Trixie at that point :)

    If you try to give stuff to Artie or Edna, the camera points into the brick wall as Marty says his comment about not wanting to give that item to that person.

    When Marty and Emmett are hanging from the courthouse, and Emmett is clinging onto Marty, the clickable spot for Emmett is beside him rather than on him as if he'd be hanging vertically instead of at an angle.

    If you push the rainbow button at the diorama and try to grab the "diamond" when it has moved closer to you, Marty takes a stroll around the stand before reaching out and stating that it's too far away.

    By the way I wish Cueball would make some kind of an entrance when he appears. At first he is not at the truck, and later on in the game I thought I was stuck, but after running around for a while I saw that he suddenly was standing there. And so the game moved on.

    Also, Marty could have a better line when he refuses to give the photo album to Edna. Emmett asked Marty to give it to her. Thus having Marty say the generic phrase about not wanting to give the album to some stranger (which he says about anyone you try to give the album to) was a bit odd.
  • edited May 2011
    Just a minor inconsistency, but Episode 4 identifies Cueball as "Cueball", whereas he was titled "Cue Ball" in Episodes 1&2.
  • edited May 2011
    I didn't originally notice the diamond in the Future exhibit. I just took the board and went straight to Emmett. After completing all the objectives, the Past exhibit opened which is where I got the fur. In fact, the diamond was the last thing I gave to Trixie.

    Personally, I gave the items in order of: photo album, fur and diamond. I don't think the order matters in the slightest.

    The order that you give her the items massively effects the storyline. Namely, it changes the order that she says things to you, which is the magic of video games! OMG! :eek:
  • edited May 2011
    I've had a lot of issues with saving in games 2-4. Besides that 4 ran alright, with only a few very minor graphic glitches like a disappearing Edna in one scene... I also saw a spelling mistake in the very beginning of the game which isn't really a big deal or anything...

    Also I don't think the Plutonium thing is a mistake, Edna clearly acknowledges that she doesn't fully comprehend scientific references at the end of the episode. She probably just assumed it wasn't very important just because she wasn't aware of it. She is stubborn and stuck up, it was probably a save face move for her ego.
  • edited May 2011
    The only problems I had apart from the sound continuity on the arriving Delorean even though it's not coming directly from another time were the missing dialogue on Trixie / missing Edna Model in one interaction with Artie, and the grammar hell.

    Didn't have any of the graphics issues y'all are having such as the missing or glitching textures. And I'm running 1920x1200 with all effects etc on max. I'm not a fan of the stuttering sound as a scene or the menu loads etc. Surely it should all be loaded before attempting to play the scene out? Eh, anyway.
  • edited May 2011
    Sorry if this has been posted before but. When speaking to Edna at the expo, Marty talks about plutonium and Edna seems familiar with the word "plutonium". The problem is that plutonium was found in 1940 and the expo is 1931...

    The way she says it suggests that you could have used any word there and she'd have said the same "What would he want with XX?" - Just not wanting to admit not knowing something. Either way, I'm not bothered by that one so much.
  • edited May 2011
    i had no probelms with my back to the future ep. 4 game and i had no glinches and all of the episodes of back to the future 1-4 are fun and cool cant wait for the last episode and i had no issues and i ordered it from steam.
  • edited May 2011
    railfan990 wrote: »
    Just a minor inconsistency, but Episode 4 identifies Cueball as "Cueball", whereas he was titled "Cue Ball" in Episodes 1&2.

    Now you're just nit picking:confused: Wow game ruining
  • edited May 2011
    Rtboh wrote: »
    Now you're just nit picking:confused: Wow game ruining
    What are you talking about? This is one of the most serious issues in any of the episodes yet, worse than any graphics or sound bugs! If we start inserting or taking spaces out of place, w h er edoe si tend??!?!?! :eek:
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