Never got a voucher

edited April 2011 in Site Support
I pre-ordered jurassic park got my refund but never got my voucher in my email for a game? Seems most people got it already though.


  • Macfly77Macfly77 Moderator
    edited April 2011
    As I posted elsewhere:
    Macfly77 wrote: »
    Amy is taking care of the refunds manually one by one, so you just have to be a little patient.

    Amy Lukima wrote: »
    Just wanted to give everyone an update on the processing of Jurassic Park refunds. I'm handling each one of these individually so it's going to take a little bit of time to get to refund everyone and email you with your gift code. If you've already gotten a refund but haven't received an email just yet don't worry. I have to take my time with each order to make sure your refund completes and you're properly assigned a gift code. It takes a little longer this way but we want to get it right for everyone the first time around.
  • edited April 2011
    Macfly77 wrote: »
    As I posted elsewhere:

    Thanks, I don't know how I missed it.
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