Dress Like Hector and Win
As Hector would say, "listen up you coachpokers"! Do you aspire to become a slovenly, crass, yet somehow incredibly skilled officer of the law? Do you have the fashion sense of...ah, better yet, do you lack any fashion sense? Does your interior decorating resemble that of a derelict tenement? Also, are you creative? Well then, this contest is for you.
From now until 2:00 pm (Pacific Time) on Wednesday, May 11, get your most unkempt yet "professional-ish" outfit together (use Hector's garb in the photo above as inspiration if you like) and take a photo of yourself (or have a friend take it, that would be more ideal) in a setting suitable for a dirty detective (ie. a messy office, a boarded up building) and post it in the contest thread (in the Telltale Games Forum) (which you are already in). Once the entry period has ended (2:00 pm Pacific Time on 5/11/2011) I'll create a poll in this thread that includes all entrants and the contest voting period will begin, ending at 2:00 pm Pacific Time on Monday, May 16 - so get your votes in on time. At that time, the three entrants with the most votes will win. I'll announce them here and post the winning entries on the Telltale Games Blog later that day. (If you don't want me to post yours, I won't.)
You're probably wondering what you can win, am I right? Here's what:
A copy of Hector: Episode 1 - We Negotiate With Terrorists for PC/Mac (giftable)
A copy of Poker Night at the Inventory for PC/Mac (giftable)
There's no prize for being first so please take your time on your contest entry (one entry per person); you have plenty of time to sully up some clothes and find a fine location for your shoot. Get creative, use some lighting that matches the look of the game, re-create a scene from the game, go wild! What are you waiting for, get to work on your entry! Good luck!

From now until 2:00 pm (Pacific Time) on Wednesday, May 11, get your most unkempt yet "professional-ish" outfit together (use Hector's garb in the photo above as inspiration if you like) and take a photo of yourself (or have a friend take it, that would be more ideal) in a setting suitable for a dirty detective (ie. a messy office, a boarded up building) and post it in the contest thread (in the Telltale Games Forum) (which you are already in). Once the entry period has ended (2:00 pm Pacific Time on 5/11/2011) I'll create a poll in this thread that includes all entrants and the contest voting period will begin, ending at 2:00 pm Pacific Time on Monday, May 16 - so get your votes in on time. At that time, the three entrants with the most votes will win. I'll announce them here and post the winning entries on the Telltale Games Blog later that day. (If you don't want me to post yours, I won't.)
You're probably wondering what you can win, am I right? Here's what:
A copy of Hector: Episode 1 - We Negotiate With Terrorists for PC/Mac (giftable)
A copy of Poker Night at the Inventory for PC/Mac (giftable)
There's no prize for being first so please take your time on your contest entry (one entry per person); you have plenty of time to sully up some clothes and find a fine location for your shoot. Get creative, use some lighting that matches the look of the game, re-create a scene from the game, go wild! What are you waiting for, get to work on your entry! Good luck!
This discussion has been closed.
Also, a free copy of the Poker Night at the Inventory? Sounds interesting. Mainly because until fairly recently Puzzle Agent has been Telltale's usual "free game," since they wanted to promote the sequel. Hmm...
Probably because it takes time to skulk about somewhere Hector would skulk about in.
Oh and that's a match between my teeth
Because Detective Brock doesn't believe in "filling your lungs with smoke and mirrors"
Det. Brock, "Words of Wisdom" - Vol II.
I'd love to see a girl try to beat that
you should exclude mr wolfpet from these competitions. he is just to good
Hahaha keep what you're doing legal. But also, a good looking photoshop of your own desk area but with a cool setting in the background, totally works. I'm asking for creativity here (I know the Telltale community is very creative). It doesn't have to be some groundbreaking new piece but have some fun with it.
Was meant to be a cigarette for full noir effect but... I don't smoke and forgot to steal one off my brother when I saw him, so is in fact a double size lolly... about to lit from a zippo, forgetful but dedicated to an idear
Serious detective is serious:
Attachment not found.
Attachment not found.
Standing & talking:
Attachment not found.
Later, palookas.
Attachment not found.
Nope! You can dress like him, or inspired by him.
The subject is "Dirty Detective" and you can play around that idea however you want.
You don't have to imitate a character, just imitate a style. Or create your own
Tasteless tie? Check
Pic taken in a small dingy toilet? Check
Hope it finds favour amongst you. Good luck to everyone else too!
Jo Jo Sef's facial expression is priceless. Haha! He could easily "sneak" into a CSI episode.
Well done guys! Keep them coming!
No attempt from a girl yet?
Vote for your favorite entry(ies) in the poll and the top three entrants win a free copy of Hector. You can vote for more than one entry! Good luck all!
1) I love the concept of Female Body Inspector
2) The Chosen actually risked catching multiple STIs for this comp
3) it's against my principles to vote for myself
I'll still be gutted if I lose by 2 votes. As Hector would say: get voting, you tossers! :P
...:p kidding.
I voted for tbm1986 (can I call you Bob? your username is so... number-y!) because he just went all the way with the picture. It takes guts. (sort of).
I also voted for TheChosen. Once, I filmed one of my characters sitting on the toilet and screaming. Sometimes I wonder if my Oscar Award may be affected by that someday... and so will you.
Aaand, of course, Jo Jo Sef. One does not need a costume to make a pic look good, and he seems to know that.
The other contestants were good too! I just saw more time/effort invested into these three pics.
My name's Tom, Andrei. Pleased to meet you (sort of).
Let me know when you meet one, won't you?
I don't have much (if any) talent, truth be told. I'm a Metaller, computer game nerd, mathematician, philosopher, Grammar Nazi and IT professional wannabe (with the highlight of my career hopefully being a Tester for Telltale).
You can sing, write, draw, animate, act and have a lot of charm. That's just what I've picked up. Oh and the ladies love you. I envy you in pretty much every way and tend to bask in your shadow.
I cannot sing, but I admit that is not stopping me for trying (and failing). My voice is just not good for what I want to sing.
Writing...eh...tons of people write better than I do.
Drawing? Hm... nope. I'm using programs. Free-hand drawing on real paper is worse than Picasso's little brother, Bobo. What? You've never heard of Bobo?! ...that's how bad my drawing is.
Act? ...I just have fun in front of the camera. Dunno if I could do it if it were the real thing.
Charm...hm... I do wash my hair from time to time...maybe that's when I have a bit of charm. Otherwise...
Ladies love me?! Hahahaha! My last girlfriend hated everything I did on the artistic side.
True, I never liked Metal, but I always wanted to have the patience of being a game nerd. This includes my struggle to play a D&D game at least once in this lifetime. I've got my eyes set on Mansion of Madness, but it's kind of expensive and I have no idea if I'll like it. Not to mention PC games of all sorts.
I always sucked at math, I was never capable of remembering every single little tiny formula.
My philosophy rarely helps me out in real life situations.
I suck at grammar and my IT knowledge is limited to "never ever stick a screwdriver in your PC while it is running". Yes, I did that. All I remember is a blue light. Haha, no, really... that was stupid.
So, in the most friendly way, the envy is mutual
I wish I could get more girls to do that in exchange for alcohol and/or my company.
Mods can't actually see who voted what on an anonymous poll.
And I'm sure Silverwolfpet would never hit you with a spoon... well not a big one anyway.
Of course not!