Marty being selfish?

Who else agrees that marty is being pretty selfish in the last episode?


  • edited May 2011
    I don't think Marty is selfish. He was on a mission with (the real) Doc and know this mission has been seriously compromised. All Marty is trying to do is getting is old friend back and turn everything back to the way it was.
  • edited May 2011
    he doesn't even seem to slightly care about either docs in episode 4
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    he doesn't even seem to slightly care about either docs in episode 4

    What do you mean exactly?
  • edited May 2011
    he's just like okay i ruined docs life who cares.
  • edited May 2011
    He said that to spark a reaction of young Emmet. He didnt mean it, i'm sure.
  • edited May 2011
    Why should he bother? He's actually trying to fix the time stream himself without the help of the real Doc. FCB will be erased. But while it's sad for him, it won't be a major thing since he there because the real natural Doc will be back and would be happy for for Marty did.
    Edna is mean and crotchety in either 1986 timeline so I don't think anything will really make her happy unless she falls in love with someone else that can't control an entire town.

    Marty isn't being selfish, he's saving everyone in Hill Valley from Edna Brown's 1986.
  • edited May 2011
    Bunnyman wrote: »
    Why should he bother? He's actually trying to fix the time stream himself without the help of the real Doc. FCB will be erased. But while it's sad for him, it won't be a major thing since he there because the real natural Doc will be back and would be happy for for Marty did.
    Edna is mean and crotchety in either 1986 timeline so I don't think anything will really make her happy unless she falls in love with someone else that can't control an entire town.

    Marty isn't being selfish, he's saving everyone in Hill Valley from Edna Brown's 1986.

    My words exactly. :)
  • edited May 2011
    marty should at least try and help fcb out with trying to make things better for edna
  • edited May 2011
    It kind of seems like that's what Episode 5 is about in part...
  • edited May 2011
    no marty made fcb pissed for unnecessary reasons. now he has to make fcb his friend again
  • edited May 2011
    In some aspects, it looks like Marty being selfish cause we're not use to hearing people from other timelines (then again, Marty is usually never in the position to say he's from a different timeline) so it's understandable to assume that Marty is being selfish.

    But at the same time, he's just trying to fix things up to get his timeline back. He isn't being selfish as he's trying to fix things up. Also, Edna is, no matter what the time line it is, a selfish controlling hag. Love or no love, she just wants control.
  • edited May 2011
    he can't really say his timeline is the right timeline. Technically the real timeline is the timeline at the beginning of the first movie.
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    he can't really say his timeline is the right timeline. Technically the real timeline is the timeline at the beginning of the first movie.

    Based on Marty's point of view, yes it is. Just like FCB's timeline is his correct timeline from his point of view. They're both being selfish in different ways.
  • edited May 2011
    Still, from a moral standpoint.....jeez
  • edited May 2011
    If you pay attention to Marty, after certain things happen, you can tell that he hated doing it. Especially the stuff with young Emmett.
  • edited May 2011
    Marty would hate to not fix the time line. In Doc and Edna's world Marty is an all A's honor student. What an atrocity!
  • edited May 2011
    Marty would hate to not fix the time line. In Doc and Edna's world Marty is an all A's honor student. What an atrocity!

    You lost me... that seams like the one good thing that came out of it.
    He is still himself, gets all A's and never had to do anything to get them.
    Damn I wish that would have happened to me. lol
  • edited May 2011
    Based on Marty's point of view, yes it is. Just like FCB's timeline is his correct timeline from his point of view. They're both being selfish in different ways.

    Even then, the fact that FCB's timeline wouldn't have existed without Marty's intervention kinda makes it a little less legit
  • edited May 2011
    He's not himself. The Marty you play is not the Marty from FCB 1986. I got the impression that FCB 1986 Marty is more of a traditional geeky loser. Popular with the teachers perhaps, but not with the other "kids".
  • edited May 2011
    There is no correct Time line, the characters in FCB time line have the right to exist, Marty can't eraze FCB's timeline just like that, They can create a new one where Edna is happy, and when Marty can live his live like in his old timeline(a lot of Timeline, I know. :D).

    So yeah, Marty is being selfish, he manipulates people to do what he thinks is right, but he should have listened FCB in chapter 4, to find an other solution, the only "timeline" which can't exist is the one where Biff rules Hill Valley.
  • edited May 2011
    Marty was selfish, but felt guilty about it. All he wants is to return to his own timeline.
    FCB is also being selfish because he wants his timeline.
  • edited May 2011
    Am I the only one who doesn't see Marty as exactly selfish? I mean, yeah he is intent on getting his time line back, but what are the other options? Lie back and accept FCB's? Heck, even FCB agrees that it's a really crummy time line, so I think we can pretty much rule out that one.

    What else then? Alter time even more so we get some kind of time line where everyone's happy? Well, that would be the optimal solution, but how exactly are we supposed to do that? Doing it FCB's way of preventing himself of inventing things is kind of a no-no, for obvious reason. So what, then? Tell Edna that she isn't allowed to turn the future Hill Valley into a police state? Tell her to stop influencing Emmett? Get her another husband? In all honesty, it's kind of hard to come up with a good alternative and even if you do, how exactly are you supposed to go on about it? After all, we all know that tampering with the time line generally has some pretty drastic effects, so I can see why Marty wouldn't jump at the chance of tampering even more with time instead of just attempting to set it as close to "right" as he knows it.

    Also, you have to remember this very important thing about Marty - he's a good kid. But that's just it - he's a kid. He's only seventeen years old, for crying out loud. He's doing the best he can to save Hill Valley from a police state. Could he do a better job? Probably, but can you really blame him?

    Well, that's just my two cents anyway.
  • edited May 2011
    Marty isn't a kid anymore, he is eighteen.:confused:
  • edited May 2011
    Doc is actully the one being selfish. Doc expects that his new life / timeline is better than all the old. A police state instead of freedom? many more lives was changed that martys.

    Even original doc doesnt accept changing things on such a scale. Tbh original doc has a wife and 2 kids. thats more important that this new wacky old bitch, who was about to wipe out his mind.

    The problem in this case, is just like reallife, women who dont leave men who beats them, its same case here basicly, just in reverse. Even if he gives up science or whatever, either she wont have interest in him or she will exploit him in another way.

    Im 110% with marty here, the problem is marty should never have brough this new doc with him. Things need to go back, this new selfish doc that things his life is more important that the life of many.

    Also, it almost seems like the more marty is screwing with young ELM and making him hate him, the more older doc is starting to hate marty.

    Maybe its just me, but the whole part about him not wanting to lend you the Delorean for transportation felt hmm wierd. it felt like something was off, like he was lying.

    Something is definitely op with this new doc.
  • edited May 2011
    FCB is the one selfish. When he asked about Edna's unaltered future, he should have accepted "it doesn't matted." But Marty caved and FCB took it out on him. When talking to Edna in 1931 he forgets the attempt she made to erase his mind (which was 6 months ago for FCB) and only remembers being happy that he was in a relationship and decides he wants to keep that. Marty's line about ruining Doc's life "for fun" was just to motivate him to do continue science, even if it meant Emmett would hate him, so the future would be restored (and Emmett wouldn't listen about Marty's time travel, and explaining it to Emmett could have catastrophic effects.)

    It's selfish of FCB to think his life is better than Doc's. Doc did science and found love that inspired his science. FCB finds love and turns Hill Valley into a police state and creates a brain washer, and in that future Edna was more in love with having control than she was with her husband.

    If the natural Doc still feels bad for how Edna turns out, he can meddle around in her past to make her future better without falling in a relationship. But I can't see Doc interfering as Doc specifically tries to avoid screwing with people's lives in the past. And as another scientist says, "There's no scientific consensus that says life is important!"
  • edited May 2011
    And remember, how did FCB's universe come to exist in the first place? Marty and Doc created an alternate timeline where Kid Tannen was never arrested and had to go back to fix it. They were only trying to get thing back on track and look at the even worse hell that they created for themselves! I think Marty just realizes how dangerous it is just to put things back to normal, let alone shoot for the creation of a brand new one.
  • edited May 2011
    Marty isn't a kid anymore, he is eighteen.:confused:

    no it could take place before his birthday
  • edited May 2011
    I can't use the line "he can drive the Delorean", he drive it in the movies too.:D

    Marty is selfish, but I think FCB is selfish too.
  • edited May 2011
    I always figured that Marty's birthday was on June 20th, since that's the date given in the Number Two Draft (the one where Doc and Marty go back to 1967). Quite a few also believe his birthday to be on June 9th, not just because of it being Michael J Fox's birthday - but also due to the driver's licence replica.
  • edited May 2011
    he is still 17
  • edited May 2011
    Well unless they made an continuity error, then Marty's birthday is during Episode 3 and he spents a night in jail before seeing Citizien Brown.
    George says he will be 18 soon. Later Citizien Brown states that he is 18. :confused:

    Doesnt really matter though I guess, that one year wont make him more qualified to fix that totally messed up timeline.

    Edit: Makes me wonder, are the clocks in the game actually working?
    I didnt really pay attention to them since in most games it would just be a simple texture that never changes.
    But this is a game about time travel so maybe they actually made them work?
  • edited May 2011
    George says he will be 18 soon. Later Citizien Brown states that he is 18. :confused:

    I assumed that was just an indicator of George's lack of interest in his family's life.
  • edited May 2011
    doggans wrote: »
    I assumed that was just an indicator of George's lack of interest in his family's life.
    I dont know. He may not care much about what they want and how they feel, but he seams be precise when it comes to that kind of stuff.
    Just think about Lorraine's timesheet...
  • edited May 2011
    doggans wrote: »
    I assumed that was just an indicator of George's lack of interest in his family's life.

    ^That's what I thought too. Citizen Brown seems to have files on every resident in Hill Valley and with Edna's need to maintain an organized structure, it seems unlikely that their records are incorrect.
  • edited May 2011
    I just assumed FCB was rounding off Marty's age since he was "almost eighteen" anyway. I mean, the game does take place in May and, while we never got an official birth date in the movies, the first draft of the BttF2 movie does state that his birthday is on the June 20th. So, erm...yeah. XD
  • edited May 2011
    There is no correct Time line, the characters in FCB time line have the right to exist, Marty can't eraze FCB's timeline just like that, They can create a new one where Edna is happy, and when Marty can live his live like in his old timeline(a lot of Timeline, I know. :D).

    So yeah, Marty is being selfish, he manipulates people to do what he thinks is right, but he should have listened FCB in chapter 4, to find an other solution, the only "timeline" which can't exist is the one where Biff rules Hill Valley.

    So the Tannen's are the only ones who we could screw around with their timeline? How is Edna any different from Kid or Biff Tannen aside from their intellect? You can't just say timeline X can exist because they have to right to yet say Biff's brothers can't exist because they just can't. So it's okay to just erase them. Double Standard.
  • edited May 2011
    Marty isn't a kid anymore, he is eighteen.:confused:

    Because there's a huge difference intellectually between a 17 year old and an 18 year old. :rolleyes:
  • edited May 2011
    Marty is being selfish, but it's understandable in his situation - if the world you grew up in and loved was replaced with one where everyone you know and love is different and unhappy and one of your best friends is now gone, you'd do the same.
    He could have handled the situation better with FCB though, since FCB had happiness with Edna and his entire goal is to erase FCB's existence to get back to his timeline. But there really isn't an easy way to tell someone that, is there?
  • edited May 2011
    But Marty didn't grow up in the timeline he is going back to. He has no right to call that timeline the "right" timeline
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    But Marty didn't grow up in the timeline he is going back to. He has no right to call that timeline the "right" timeline

    So should Marty make certain that the time machine gets invented but he never goes back to 1955? Doc would be dead for sure in that case.
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