Marty being selfish?



  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    But Marty didn't grow up in the timeline he is going back to. He has no right to call that timeline the "right" timeline

    It's hard to say if he'll be allowed to. If he goes back, there will be a duplicate Marty, who will be there because that Marty never traveled back to the past. Doc's plan is to divert his younger self from going into science and creating a time machine.

    So I'm guessing either Marty will be forced to disappear, or the Delorean will be and he'll be stranded in 1931. Otherwise, he'd have to go back to the future and hide from his duplicate for his entire life.

    That's what First Citizen Brown is condemning Marty to.
  • edited May 2011
    man i hate the timeline now. way to hard to understand
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    man i hate the timeline now. way to hard to understand

    Then you're in the same boat as Marty.

    "Doc, can you run this through for me? I'm confused."

    "It's very simple." *Doc then goes into a long-winded explanation about how they've created several timelines just in 1931* "Got it?"



    "Just one question."


    "Can you run this through for me? I'm confused."
  • edited May 2011
  • edited May 2011
    "Doc, can you run this through for me? I'm confused."
    "It's very simple." *Doc then goes into a long-winded explanation about how they've created several timelines just in 1931* "Got it?"
    "Just one question."
    "Can you run this through for me? I'm confused."

    Bwaha... I loved that conversation.
  • edited May 2011
    Marty should think about how badly Edna and biff are gonna end up in his timeline. There should be a timeline were everyone wins. Edna is married and Doc's still normal Doc
  • edited May 2011
    Rtboh wrote: »
    Marty should think about how badly Edna and biff are gonna end up in his timeline. There should be a timeline were everyone wins. Edna is married and Doc's still normal Doc

    Biff really isn't that bad off. He apparently has a family(which is more than his father can say), he owns his own auto detailing shop. He's just not a full-time jerk anymore.
  • edited May 2011
    Well the "real" timeline would be Doc gets shot by Lybians, Clara dies a hundred years earlier in a horse accident. Jules and Verne never exist. Marty would have to have gone slower than 88 miles per hour and probably wouldn't have escaped the Lybians either, who totally would have got away... Marty's parents remain overweight and/or unhappy. Even Marty's car doesn't make it in the real timeline. Any changes to those events can all be chalked up to time travel.
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    marty should at least try and help fcb out with trying to make things better for edna

    I dont see why cant just fix the timeline and then sort out edna back in 1986
  • edited May 2011
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    Doc is actully the one being selfish. Doc expects that his new life / timeline is better than all the old. A police state instead of freedom? many more lives was changed that martys.

    Even original doc doesnt accept changing things on such a scale. Tbh original doc has a wife and 2 kids. thats more important that this new wacky old bitch, who was about to wipe out his mind.

    The problem in this case, is just like reallife, women who dont leave men who beats them, its same case here basicly, just in reverse. Even if he gives up science or whatever, either she wont have interest in him or she will exploit him in another way.

    Im 110% with marty here, the problem is marty should never have brough this new doc with him. Things need to go back, this new selfish doc that things his life is more important that the life of many.

    Also, it almost seems like the more marty is screwing with young ELM and making him hate him, the more older doc is starting to hate marty.

    Maybe its just me, but the whole part about him not wanting to lend you the Delorean for transportation felt hmm wierd. it felt like something was off, like he was lying.

    Something is definitely op with this new doc.

    The problem there is that Marty needed FCB, cause Marty sure as Hell don't know how to fix the time circuits
  • edited May 2011
    One way or the other, I think everything will get sorted out. At the end of the first Back to the Future, everyone ended up better off as a result of Marty's actions. Doci is alive, George and Lorraine are healthy, successful, and very much in love, and as previously stated Biff owns his own auto detailing service, and overall seems much happier than he did in either the original 1985 or 1955. So I think things will turn out fine for both Doc and Edna at the end of episode 5 too. Here's a possibility I've thought of, maybe Marty's fixing the timeline won't erase FCB Doc, but allow him to continue to exist as well as the original Doc, leaving FCB Doc the opportunity to marry the young Edna.
  • edited May 2011
    leaving FCB Doc the opportunity to marry the young Edna.

    Dont you think thats a bit creepy? :eek: FCB is like 60 and young edna is 18??
  • edited May 2011
    Hmm actually I thought she is in her 20s. But even then, that point still stands...
  • edited May 2011
    I could see FCB hooking up with old Edna from Timeline A. It would just require some way for FCB to exist in Timeline A, which I can't think of how that would work...
  • edited May 2011
    Dont you think thats a bit creepy? :eek: FCB is like 60 and young edna is 18??

    Why is it creepy? It happens all the time in real life, and if two people truly love each other, who are we to judge?
  • edited May 2011
    Dont you think thats a bit creepy? :eek: FCB is like 60 and young edna is 18??

    edna is 23 or 24
  • edited May 2011
    Pak-Man wrote: »
    I could see FCB hooking up with old Edna from Timeline A. It would just require some way for FCB to exist in Timeline A, which I can't think of how that would work...

    Maybe if Doc is struck by lightning, it will create a second Doc that isn't affected by the time ripple, just like the DeLorean! Then one Doc can go back to "normal", and the other can marry Edna!

    Hang on, it's raining outside, I'm going to go get hit by lightning and see if it works. Temporal experiment number one...
  • edited May 2011
    bobscratch wrote: »
    Maybe if Doc is struck by lightning, it will create a second Doc that isn't affected by the time ripple, just like the DeLorean! Then one Doc can go back to "normal", and the other can marry Edna!

    First Citizen Brown, Teenage Emmett, Normal Doc, Duplicate Doc... This is getting heavy.
    bobscratch wrote: »
    Hang on, it's raining outside, I'm going to go get hit by lightning and see if it works. Temporal experiment number one...

    What a coincidence; it's raining over here too. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to make a run to the courthouse.
  • edited May 2011
    It didn't work. :(
  • edited May 2011
    bobscratch wrote: »
    It didn't work. :(
    Maybe if you stood closer to a lightning rod...
  • edited May 2011
    I think he needs a flux capacitor shirt.
  • edited May 2011
    Or the combined efforts of Doc Brown AND Doctor Who! ;)
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    Who else agrees that marty is being pretty selfish in the last episode?

    Well I'd like to think that Marty is balancing Eddna being happy against the lives of Clara Jules and Vern and is choosing the three lives over the happyness of one person.
  • edited May 2011
    lombre wrote: »
    Maybe if you stood closer to a lightning rod...
    I think he needs a flux capacitor shirt.

    No, no, I got struck by lighting, it just didn't make a copy of me. Maybe cuz I wasn't running at 88 mph...this will probably take a few more tests.
  • edited May 2011
    Nah Marty wasn't being selfish. He was just trying to fix the timeline. If it was the other way round, Doc would do everything he can to fix things.
    Edna will grow up to be unhappy? It's sad but it is what's supposed to happen. Changing that would just screw somebody elses life up. If Doc goes off with Edna, Jules and Verne will never be born and Clara will die in the ravine.
  • edited May 2011
    I wasn't certain of what to think, at first. I mean, I understand where Marty did come off as being selfish - but, in the end, I think he was just trying to do what he felt was right. He and CB-Doc just have a conflict of interests.
  • edited May 2011
    Yeah, I think Marty came to realize after docs reaction how changing the timeline, from his point of view, simply isn't as black and white as it once was. However as far as him being selfish and being concerned about Edna's fate, remember what the original Doc said "your future is whatever you make it." and Edna, through her bitter and judgemental perception of people, her lonely future was mostly her own making (however the death of the grandfather may have had a knock on effect) and she would make people forgo their life pleasures and even their freedom to please her own sense of self-righteousness. While in here *points to head* it seems changing things back is the right course of action, FCB cares for Edna deeply no matter how twisted she became in the future. Also seeing her in her younger form again probably didn't help matters (cue Billy Ocean's "Get Out of My Dreams and Into My Car")
  • edited May 2011
    I think Marty should punch Doc and steal the Delorean
  • edited May 2011
    Why would Marty punch FCB?
  • edited May 2011
    no I really don't seeing how citizen brown happened on accident in the end of ep 2 and edna was turning into a totalitarian overlord running everyone's lives in 1986.
    I didn't see Marty do anything like Biff did in BTTF 2 with the sports almanac to make him set financially or murder people (Biff's "Brothers" don't count cause they weren't supposed to be here in the first place.)
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