What If You Can Change The Past

This is actually a very personal story that i'm going to tell you. Personal, because it has something to do with my exgirlfriend, who broke up with me at Dec 1st 2010. Don't get me wrong though, i'm not telling this to get symphaty, or no symphaty for that matter. I'm telling you this, because one simple action of mine in the past, has changed my present day and future drastically. It was an action of a mere 'yes or no' choice and that's the reason I put it online. And where better online than here! ;-)

Remember, this is a TRUE story. I make it short and simple:

Me and my girlfriend went on vacation to Finland. We were there because her niece lives there. At Fridaynight 26th November 2010, my girlfriend and her niece wanted to go out. I decided not to go out because we were all dead tired. But my girlfriend and her niece don't see eachother a lot so they want to make the most of it, naturally. I told them, just go out with your friends and I will be fine going to bed. They both of course agreed, no big deal. At least that's what I decided first. When it was later in the evening, almost night, I decided to go out with them anyway.

I changed 'no, I stay' into 'yes, I join'.

When we were in a club somewhere in Finand, that choice resulted in an argument between me and my girlfriend. An argument that later resulted in, end of relationship. In other words, if I decided to stay at her niece's apartment, what was my decision in the FIRST PLACE, she still would be my girlfriend as we speak. And yes it's true, I swear it on my grave. That SIMPLE choice, altered my present and ultimately my future. Especially because our wedding was already set. Date of our wedding if I decided to 'stay'? That would be July, 12th 2011. -_-

Me being a BTTF fan, makes me begging for a time machine right now! :D

But of course, this world is not all about me. What if YOU could change the past?


  • edited May 2011
    If I could change things from my past, I'd have to change a lot of things. :P
    But then again, I like Max Payne's thoughts:
    "There are no choices. Nothing but a straight line. The illusion comes afterwards, when you ask "Why me?" and "What if?". When you look back and see the branches, like a pruned bonsai tree, or forked lightning. If you had done something differently, it wouldn't be you, it would be someone else looking back, asking a different set of questions."
  • edited May 2011
    Well thats not really true. If one argument ended your relationship it would have happened eventually. It comes down to a timing thing. Love doesn't last, no matter how hard you might try to deny it. :(
  • edited May 2011
    I would have stopped the Back to the Future game from ever being made.
  • edited May 2011
    I would have stopped the Back to the Future game from ever being made.
    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?! Why? Without the game being made, these forums would never exist! Therefore you couldn't have posted this topic, resulting in a paradox of continuum-shattering proportions!
  • edited May 2011
    zelda42293 wrote: »
    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?! Why? Without the game being made, these forums would never exist! Therefore you couldn't have posted this topic, resulting in a paradox of continuum-shattering proportions!
    If I destroy the universe, I also get rid of the game.

    Worth it.

    Also, tons of times Doc and Marty wipe out their reason for going back in the first place, so it's unlikely that a reality-rending paradox would be the result.
  • edited May 2011
    Well thats not really true. If one argument ended your relationship it would have happened eventually. It comes down to a timing thing. Love doesn't last, no matter how hard you might try to deny it. :(

    Yeah that is probably true, but still..
  • edited May 2011
    If I destroy the universe, I also get rid of the game. Worth it.
    Seriously why do you even come here anymore...

    And uregobland that really sucks.
    If it still means that much to you now, Im guessing you tryed an honest apology?
    If you tryed that, and I hope I dont offend you with this, and that didnt help and its just over one arguement, maybe you are better off.
    It probably would have happened sooner or later anyway. :(

    As for what I would change. Well Im not sure Im comfortable talking about that on a public forum.
    Let's just say even if it isnt exactly the same, I can relate to Marty's situation in the original timeline very well...
  • edited May 2011
    Seriously why do you even come here anymore...

    And uregobland that really sucks.
    If it still means that much to you now, Im guessing you tryed an honest apology?
    If you tryed that, and I hope I dont offend you with this, and that didnt help and its just over one arguement, maybe you are better off.
    It probably would have happened sooner or later anyway. :(

    As for what I would change. Well Im not sure Im comfortable talking about that on a public forum.
    Let's just say even if it isnt exactly the same, I can relate to Marty's situation in the original timeline very well...

    Thanks. I am better off and I will get over it! But the reason I put in on a public forum, is not to feel sorry for myself. I just find it interesting that one simple choice can seriously alter ones future. I know it sounds crazy, but that was really the case.. And because we talking about time travel here, I thought it would fit. :cool:
  • edited May 2011
    uregobland wrote: »
    I just find it interesting that one simple choice can seriously alter ones future.

    That's certainly true, and often kind of creepy.
    After I saw Back to the Future I also got curious about how my parents met.
    And apparently I could endanger my own existance just by distracting my dad for a moment and making him loose a bowling match.
    Yep. If he hadnt won, he wouldnt have been the one paying the drinks, he wouldnt have had a drink with my mum, and they wouldnt have ended up doing... you know what later.
    They wouldnt have ended up together and I wouldnt have been born, which would suck. :p

    Now please excuse me while I get some brain bleech...
  • edited May 2011
    Maybe , maybe not. It's a proven fact that you can change your present, and there for your future which may be the direction of too similar paths. You can salvage many situations. How often does some one screw up, or is challenged, could give up and doesn't?
  • edited May 2011
    Now please excuse me while I get some brain bleech...

    Lol, here you are!

    Maybe , maybe not. It's a proven fact that you can change your present, and there for your future which may be the direction of too similar paths. You can salvage many situations. How often does some one screw up, or is challenged, could give up and doesn't?

    I wish I could go back in time! Not to save my relationship but to proof it! :D
  • edited May 2011
    To be honest I think you gave up too easily, it doesn't make sense.

    You have a relationship, ready for marriage, and one little fight doesn't seem like a equal force, or any where never as a vast comprehensive force to end such a relationship..

    Maybe there was more to talk about than just the fight, one fight...There had to be more to this than just one fight.

    Or the one fight had to be over dramatized.
  • edited May 2011
    I would have stopped the Back to the Future game from ever being made.

    I'm curious: what exactly would be your plan to achieve that?
  • edited May 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    To be honest I think you gave up too easily, it doesn't make sense.

    You have a relationship, ready for marriage, and one little fight doesn't seem like a equal force, or any where never as a vast comprehensive force to end such a relationship..

    Maybe there was more to talk about than just the fight, one fight...There had to be more to this than just one fight.

    Or the one fight had to be over dramatized.

    I understand what you're saying, but you just have to take my word for it. Don't want to get any more personal about my life. But I can say that she was the one who gave up too easily. Not me.

    But enough about ME already!! :)
  • edited May 2011
    uregobland wrote: »
    I understand what you're saying, but you just have to take my word for it. Don't want to get any more personal about my life. But I can say that she was the one who gave up too easily. Not me.

    But enough about ME already!! :)

    Whatever you wish. I felt bad for even bringing it up, and bad that I'm still curious about it. What is done is what is done, as people choose to move on. It's no place for me to interfere, I suppose is one way to look at it. I'm sorry I got into it.

    Just ignore it.

    Back to the topic!
  • edited May 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    Whatever you wish. I felt bad for even bringing it up, and bad that I'm still curious about it. What is done is what is done, as people choose to move on. It's no place for me to interfere, I suppose is one way to look at it. I'm sorry I got into it.

    Just ignore it.

    Back to the topic!

    Hahaha, no need to be sorry! Besides, I started it. ;)
  • edited May 2011
    I would be a more passionate Christian.
  • edited May 2011
    I'm sorry to hear about your break up.

    *insert inspirational speech about 'her not being worth it', 'there's lots of fish in the sea', 'you're better than her' and/or 'if it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be' here*

    Or watch this video.

    (Hopefully you smiled/laughed at the above comment and/or video; otherwise I'll feel like an insensitive prick)

    On topic, while I think using the time machine for personal gain is tempting, I'm going to have to decline. As said by another member, the choices I made in the past directly contribute to my present state. If I corrected all my mistakes, that wouldn't be 'me'.

    If we're talking about using the machine to prevent a disaster, I'd be a little more inclined to take advantage of the space-time continuum.
  • edited May 2011
    I would have stopped the Back to the Future game from ever being made.

    I believe you're referring to the NES game by LJN. ;)
  • edited May 2011
    (Hopefully you smiled/laughed at the above comment and/or video; otherwise I'll feel like an insensitive prick)

    Are you kidding me?!

    LMAO! That was brilliant! And so true, so true.. Thanks for your inspirational speech Martin! :D
  • edited May 2011
    uregobland wrote: »
    LMAO! That was brilliant! And so true, so true.. Thanks for your inspirational speech Martin! :D

    Really? I can't believe I actually made someone laugh.

    I seem to have a way with words. I don't know what it is but I always seem to know exactly what to say in any given situation. *looks nonchalant* It's a curse, really...
  • edited May 2011
    Honestly, if Doc Brown pulled into my driveway RIGHT NOW and offered me the keys to the time machine, I would take it. I'd go back to last week with the newspapers of the past few days and tell my friend that if she went to that party Friday night, by Saturday morning she would be dead. It may sound selfish, and maybe in a few years, I'll believe that myself. But right this moment? She didn't deserve to die that way and not so young. She had far too much potential. :(
  • edited May 2011
    Honestly, if Doc Brown pulled into my driveway RIGHT NOW and offered me the keys to the time machine, I would take it. I'd go back to last week with the newspapers of the past few days and tell my friend that if she went to that party Friday night, by Saturday morning she would be dead. It may sound selfish, and maybe in a few years, I'll believe that myself. But right this moment? She didn't deserve to die that way and not so young. She had far too much potential. :(

    That doesn't sound selfish at all!
  • edited May 2011
    Omg Shadowknight, that is very sad. I'm very sorry to hear about your friend.. :(

    And of course you're absolutely not selfish! Wish you all the strength you need..
  • edited May 2011
    I would create an infinite loop untill I obtain technology that can get rid of the greed of the world (free energy, no money system, teleporters,...etc)...
    Or just make sure that the timeline goes towards a good scenario.
  • edited May 2011
    If I could change things from my past, I'd have to change a lot of things. :P
    But then again, I like Max Payne's thoughts:

    "There are no choices. Nothing but a straight line. The illusion comes afterwards, when you ask "Why me?" and "What if?". When you look back and see the branches, like a pruned bonsai tree, or forked lightning. If you had done something differently, it wouldn't be you, it would be someone else looking back, asking a different set of questions."

    I love this phrase from Max Payne. Gives you to think.
  • edited May 2011
    It may sound selfish, and maybe in a few years, I'll believe that myself. But right this moment? She didn't deserve to die that way and not so young. She had far too much potential. :(

    Stop right there. You are not selfish in the slightest.

    I am so sorry for your loss. You have my deepest condolences.
  • edited May 2011
    That doesn't sound selfish at all!
    uregobland wrote: »
    Omg Shadowknight, that is very sad. I'm very sorry to hear about your friend.. :(

    And of course you're absolutely not selfish! Wish you all the strength you need..
    Stop right there. You are not selfish in the slightest.

    I am so sorry for your loss. You have my deepest condolences.

    Thanks guys.
  • edited May 2011
    I'd go back in time and court all those girls who wanted me...why I turned them down/
  • edited May 2011
    I would have gotten Charlie Sheen into politics.
    I want to see what happens.
  • edited May 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I would have gotten Charlie Sheen into politics.
    I want to see what happens.

    You mean besides the world imploding?
  • edited May 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I would have gotten Charlie Sheen into politics.
    I want to see what happens.

    I thought that's what happened in BttF2?


    And I just read up on the rest of the thread, and I'm so sorry for your loss Shadowknight1. :(
  • edited May 2011
    You mean besides the world imploding?

    No slacker! Then we are all bi-winning! Duh! ;)
  • edited May 2011
    I'd probably go into the future and buy some kind of sports statistics book so I could return to the present and place a couple of bets.
  • edited May 2011
    uregobland wrote: »
    No slacker! Then we are all bi-winning! Duh! ;)

    Only those on a drug called Charlie Sheen are bi-winning. The only problem is that it’s not available because if you try it once, you will die; your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.
  • edited May 2011
    I have a similar story....

    It was Dec. 31st, 2007 (New Year's Eve) and I was at a large house (apartment) party. I'd been drinking a fair bit and having a good time....but there was a girl at the party that had feelings for me that I didn't share. As midnight approached, I was actively trying to avoid her. I left the apartment and went out into the hallway/stairwell.

    I wanted to seem 'busy' so that I wouldn't like weird, so I pulled out my trusty cell-phone and looked for someone to call....I don't know why exactly, but I decided to call a girl I hadn't spoken to in three years. She'd left the country to study abroad and we lost touch. I had a crush on her (which is why she was still in my phone). That phone call lead to us (eventually) getting married.

    Had I not gone to that party,
    Had there not been a creepy girl trying to make out with me,
    Had I not had my cell phone,
    Had I not decided to randomly call a girl I hadn't spoken too in three years

    I almost certainly wouldn't be married to my (current) wife.
  • edited May 2011
    That's truly a remarkable chain of events, Rob. Stories like that really make you wonder if there is such a thing as fate...
  • edited May 2011
    RobDude wrote: »
    I have a similar story....

    It was Dec. 31st, 2007 (New Year's Eve) and I was at a large house (apartment) party. I'd been drinking a fair bit and having a good time....but there was a girl at the party that had feelings for me that I didn't share. As midnight approached, I was actively trying to avoid her. I left the apartment and went out into the hallway/stairwell.

    I wanted to seem 'busy' so that I wouldn't like weird, so I pulled out my trusty cell-phone and looked for someone to call....I don't know why exactly, but I decided to call a girl I hadn't spoken to in three years. She'd left the country to study abroad and we lost touch. I had a crush on her (which is why she was still in my phone). That phone call lead to us (eventually) getting married.

    Had I not gone to that party,
    Had there not been a creepy girl trying to make out with me,
    Had I not had my cell phone,
    Had I not decided to randomly call a girl I hadn't spoken too in three years

    I almost certainly wouldn't be married to my (current) wife.

    The only difference is your story has a happy ending! ;) Amazing story, thanks for sharing.
  • edited May 2011
    I wouldn't change anything. Well, not on purpose, anyway. Because rewriting any facet of the past would effectively remove my reason for going back to change said thing, resulting in a paradox. And paradox's are only fun when they don't result in the end of the universe.
  • edited May 2011
    If I could go back in time, I wold go back to before the beginning of the universe and replace Mr. Featherly with an egg Mr. Featherly had laid in the future.

    Then I would use TTG's present sales figures and posts from this forum to go back and convince TTG to make BTTF a game for gamers instead of a game for noobs who couldn't find their own rear end with two hands and a persistently annoying hint system.
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